16 Internal audit16.1 PrincipleAn internal audit is a tool which is de terjemahan - 16 Internal audit16.1 PrincipleAn internal audit is a tool which is de Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

16 Internal audit16.1 PrincipleAn i

16 Internal audit
16.1 Principle
An internal audit is a tool which is designed to monitor the implementation and the status of these cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices and, if necessary, to propose corrective actions.
16.2 Approach
16.2.1 Specially designated competent personnel should conduct internal audits in an independent and detailed manner, regularly or on demand.
16.2.2 All observations made during the internal audit should be evaluated and shared with appropriate management.
16.3 Follow-up
Internal audit follow-up should confirm the satisfactory completion or implementation of corrective action.
17 Documentation
17.1 Principle
17.1.1 Each company should establish, design, install and maintain its own system of documentation that is appropriate to its organizational structure and to the type of products. An electronic system can be used to
prepare and manage documents.
17.1.2 Documentation is an integral part of Good Manufacturing Practices. Therefore, the objective of documentation is to describe activities defined in these guidelines in order to relate the history of these activities and to prevent risks of interpretation, loss of information, confusion or errors inherent to verbal communication.
17.2 Type of document
17.2.1 Documents should be composed of constituents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, protocols, reports, methods, and records appropriate to the activities covered by these guidelines.
17.2.2 Documents can be hard-copy papers or electronic data processing records.
17.3 Writing, approval and distribution
17.3.1 Documents should be defined and describe, with appropriate detail, the operations to be carried out, precautions to be taken and measures to be applied in all activities connected with these guidelines.
17.3.2 The title, nature and purpose of documents should be stated.
17.3.3 Documents should be:
a) written in a legible and comprehensive way;
b) approved, signed and dated by authorized persons before being used;
c) prepared, updated, withdrawn, distributed, classified;
d) referenced to ensure that obsolete documents are not used;
e) accessible to appropriate personnel;
f) removed from the job area and destroyed if they are out-dated.
17.3.4 Records which require the entry of handwritten data should:
a) indicate what is to be entered;
b) be written legibly with permanent ink;
c) be signed and dated;
d) be corrected, if needed, leaving the original entry still readable; where appropriate, the reason for the correction should be recorded.
17.4 Revision
Documents should be updated, when necessary, and the revision number indicated.
The reason for each revision should be retained.
17.5 Archiving
17.5.1 Only original documents should be archived and only controlled copies should be used.
17.5.2 The duration of archiving original documents should be defined according to applicable legislation and regulations.
17.5.3 The storage of original documents should be properly secured.
17.5.4 Documents may be archived as either electronic or hard-copies and their legibility should be ensured.
17.5.5 Backup data should be stored at a separate and secure location at regular intervals.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
16 Internal audit16.1 PrincipleAn internal audit is a tool which is designed to monitor the implementation and the status of these cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices and, if necessary, to propose corrective actions.16.2 Approach16.2.1 Specially designated competent personnel should conduct internal audits in an independent and detailed manner, regularly or on demand.16.2.2 All observations made during the internal audit should be evaluated and shared with appropriate management.16.3 Follow-upInternal audit follow-up should confirm the satisfactory completion or implementation of corrective action.17 Documentation17.1 Principle17.1.1 Each company should establish, design, install and maintain its own system of documentation that is appropriate to its organizational structure and to the type of products. An electronic system can be used toprepare and manage documents.17.1.2 Documentation is an integral part of Good Manufacturing Practices. Therefore, the objective of documentation is to describe activities defined in these guidelines in order to relate the history of these activities and to prevent risks of interpretation, loss of information, confusion or errors inherent to verbal communication.17.2 Type of document17.2.1 Documents should be composed of constituents such as procedures, instructions, specifications, protocols, reports, methods, and records appropriate to the activities covered by these guidelines.17.2.2 Documents can be hard-copy papers or electronic data processing records.
17.3 Writing, approval and distribution
17.3.1 Documents should be defined and describe, with appropriate detail, the operations to be carried out, precautions to be taken and measures to be applied in all activities connected with these guidelines.
17.3.2 The title, nature and purpose of documents should be stated.
17.3.3 Documents should be:
a) written in a legible and comprehensive way;
b) approved, signed and dated by authorized persons before being used;
c) prepared, updated, withdrawn, distributed, classified;
d) referenced to ensure that obsolete documents are not used;
e) accessible to appropriate personnel;
f) removed from the job area and destroyed if they are out-dated.
17.3.4 Records which require the entry of handwritten data should:
a) indicate what is to be entered;
b) be written legibly with permanent ink;
c) be signed and dated;
d) be corrected, if needed, leaving the original entry still readable; where appropriate, the reason for the correction should be recorded.
17.4 Revision
Documents should be updated, when necessary, and the revision number indicated.
The reason for each revision should be retained.
17.5 Archiving
17.5.1 Only original documents should be archived and only controlled copies should be used.
17.5.2 The duration of archiving original documents should be defined according to applicable legislation and regulations.
17.5.3 The storage of original documents should be properly secured.
17.5.4 Documents may be archived as either electronic or hard-copies and their legibility should be ensured.
17.5.5 Backup data should be stored at a separate and secure location at regular intervals.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
16 Audit internal
16.1 Prinsip
Sebuah audit internal adalah alat yang dirancang untuk memantau pelaksanaan dan status kosmetik Good Manufacturing Practices ini dan, jika perlu, untuk mengusulkan tindakan korektif.
16,2 Pendekatan
16.2.1 personel khusus yang ditunjuk berwenang harus melakukan audit internal secara independen dan rinci, teratur atau sesuai permintaan.
16.2.2 Semua pengamatan yang dilakukan selama audit internal harus dievaluasi dan berbagi dengan manajemen yang tepat.
16.3 Tindak lanjut
audit internal tindak lanjut harus mengkonfirmasi penyelesaian yang memuaskan atau pelaksanaan tindakan korektif .
17 Dokumentasi
17.1 Prinsip
17.1.1 Setiap perusahaan harus menetapkan, desain, menginstal dan memelihara sistem sendiri dokumentasi yang sesuai dengan struktur organisasi dan jenis produk. Sistem elektronik dapat digunakan untuk
mempersiapkan dan mengelola dokumen.
17.1.2 Dokumentasi merupakan bagian integral dari Good Manufacturing Practices. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari dokumentasi untuk menggambarkan kegiatan yang ditetapkan dalam pedoman ini untuk berhubungan sejarah kegiatan ini dan untuk mencegah risiko interpretasi, kehilangan informasi, kebingungan atau kesalahan yang melekat pada komunikasi verbal.
17.2 Jenis dokumen
17.2.1 Dokumen harus terdiri dari konstituen seperti prosedur, instruksi, spesifikasi, protokol, laporan, metode, dan catatan sesuai dengan kegiatan yang tercakup dalam pedoman ini.
17.2.2 Dokumen dapat kertas hard copy atau catatan pengolahan data elektronik.
17,3 Menulis, persetujuan dan distribusi
17.3.1 Dokumen harus didefinisikan dan menjelaskan, dengan detail yang tepat, operasi yang akan dilakukan, tindakan pencegahan yang harus diambil dan langkah-langkah untuk diterapkan dalam semua kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan panduan ini.
17.3.2 Judul, sifat dan tujuan dokumen harus dinyatakan.
17.3.3 Dokumen harus:
a) ditulis dengan cara dibaca dan komprehensif;
b) disetujui, ditandatangani dan diberi tanggal oleh orang yang berwenang sebelum digunakan;
c) disiapkan, diperbarui, ditarik, didistribusikan, diklasifikasikan;
d) direferensikan untuk memastikan bahwa dokumen usang tidak digunakan;
e) diakses personil yang tepat;
. f) dikeluarkan dari daerah kerja dan hancur jika mereka keluar-tanggal
17.3.4 Rekaman yang membutuhkan masuknya data tulisan tangan harus:
a) menunjukkan apa adalah untuk dimasukkan;
b) ditulis terbaca dengan tinta permanen;
c) harus ditandatangani dan diberi tanggal;
d) dikoreksi, jika diperlukan, meninggalkan entri asli masih dapat dibaca; dimana tepat, alasan koreksi harus dicatat.
17.4 Revisi
Dokumen harus diperbarui, bila perlu, dan nomor revisi ditunjukkan.
Alasan untuk setiap revisi harus dipertahankan.
17,5 Pengarsipan
17.5.1 Hanya dokumen asli harus diarsipkan dan hanya salinan dikendalikan harus digunakan.
17.5.2 Durasi pengarsipan dokumen asli harus didefinisikan sesuai dengan undang-undang dan peraturan yang berlaku.
17.5.3 Penyimpanan dokumen asli harus diamankan dengan benar.
17.5.4 Dokumen dapat diarsipkan sebagai baik elektronik atau keras -copies dan keterbacaan mereka harus dipastikan.
17.5.5 Data Backup harus disimpan di lokasi yang terpisah dan aman secara berkala.

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