The knee joint plays a very important role in human locomotion. Its st terjemahan - The knee joint plays a very important role in human locomotion. Its st Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The knee joint plays a very importa

The knee joint plays a very important role in human locomotion. Its structure and time behavior during
different types of motion show full adaptation of the knee to its required function. The knee joint is the largest
and most heavily-loaded joint of human body. The knee involves the largest bones of the human skeleton – the
tibia and femur. The patella is an important component of knee, especially in the extended position of the joint.
The lateral and medial meniscus constitutes the articular surface of the tibia bone.
Degenerative arthritis of the knee joint is the disease that affects the line cartilage of the tibia and the
femur. It causes severe pain and may require a replacement surgery of the affected knee with artificial
components. Artificial joints should satisfy certain design requirements; they should be ergonomical and
biocompatible. During activation stresses are developed at the interface of joint. This in turn dictates the
performance of the joint. The intensity of the stresses developed depends on several factors. To ensure the stress
intensity, it is important to optimize the design of prosthetic knee joint. In this regard, FEM the most powerful
numerical tool can be used to optimize the design [3]. The materials that are utilized as biomaterials assume the
essential part in long survival of knee implants. Biomaterials must fulfill the mechanical, biological, and
physical prerequisites of their expected utilization. Throughout day by day exercises knee implant may
experience mechanical forces that have a tendency to push, pull, twist or reason its parts to rub together. These
forces can result in the implant to break or wear out over the time. The mechanical properties of biomaterials
can best be depicted by its modulus of elasticity, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation to
failure. The materials are additionally subjected to numerous common chemicals inside the body. Despite the
fact that ordinary, some of these chemicals may have a tendency to corrode few materials. In order for an
implant to perform under these conditions, it must be made out of materials that can withstand these forces and
chemicals. Whether an implant is intended to replace a joint, or help to repair a fracture, a few physical and
biological qualities are critical when selecting the material for the implant.
The main objective of the paper is to develop a three dimensional solid model of prosthetic knee joint
and Studied the nature of stresses and contact pressure between the components of knee prosthesis at different
flexion angles of the knee. We studied the nature of stresses with different biomaterials with the use of finite
element analysis and find out the best suited biomaterial for knee prosthesis. Pro/Engineer 5.0 was used for solid
modeling of knee implant components. Finite element analysis of knee prosthesis using different biomaterials
was carried out in analysis software ANSYS 12.0 by applying the load at various moving conditions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The knee joint plays a very important role in human locomotion. Its structure and time behavior duringdifferent types of motion show full adaptation of the knee to its required function. The knee joint is the largestand most heavily-loaded joint of human body. The knee involves the largest bones of the human skeleton – thetibia and femur. The patella is an important component of knee, especially in the extended position of the joint.The lateral and medial meniscus constitutes the articular surface of the tibia bone. Degenerative arthritis of the knee joint is the disease that affects the line cartilage of the tibia and thefemur. It causes severe pain and may require a replacement surgery of the affected knee with artificialcomponents. Artificial joints should satisfy certain design requirements; they should be ergonomical andbiocompatible. During activation stresses are developed at the interface of joint. This in turn dictates theperformance of the joint. The intensity of the stresses developed depends on several factors. To ensure the stressintensity, it is important to optimize the design of prosthetic knee joint. In this regard, FEM the most powerfulnumerical tool can be used to optimize the design [3]. The materials that are utilized as biomaterials assume theessential part in long survival of knee implants. Biomaterials must fulfill the mechanical, biological, andphysical prerequisites of their expected utilization. Throughout day by day exercises knee implant mayexperience mechanical forces that have a tendency to push, pull, twist or reason its parts to rub together. Theseforces can result in the implant to break or wear out over the time. The mechanical properties of biomaterialscan best be depicted by its modulus of elasticity, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation tofailure. The materials are additionally subjected to numerous common chemicals inside the body. Despite thefact that ordinary, some of these chemicals may have a tendency to corrode few materials. In order for animplant to perform under these conditions, it must be made out of materials that can withstand these forces andchemicals. Whether an implant is intended to replace a joint, or help to repair a fracture, a few physical andbiological qualities are critical when selecting the material for the implant. The main objective of the paper is to develop a three dimensional solid model of prosthetic knee jointand Studied the nature of stresses and contact pressure between the components of knee prosthesis at differentflexion angles of the knee. We studied the nature of stresses with different biomaterials with the use of finiteelement analysis and find out the best suited biomaterial for knee prosthesis. Pro/Engineer 5.0 was used for solidmodeling of knee implant components. Finite element analysis of knee prosthesis using different biomaterialswas carried out in analysis software ANSYS 12.0 by applying the load at various moving conditions.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sendi lutut memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam gerak manusia. Struktur dan perilaku waktu selama
berbagai jenis gerak menunjukkan adaptasi penuh lutut fungsinya diperlukan. Sendi lutut adalah yang terbesar
dan paling banyak dimuat bersama tubuh manusia. Lutut melibatkan tulang terbesar dari kerangka manusia - yang
tibia dan femur. Patela merupakan komponen penting dari lutut, terutama di posisi diperpanjang sendi.
The meniskus lateral dan medial merupakan permukaan artikular tulang tibia.
Arthritis degeneratif sendi lutut adalah penyakit yang mempengaruhi tulang rawan garis tibia dan yang
femur. Hal ini menyebabkan sakit parah dan mungkin memerlukan operasi penggantian lutut yang terkena dengan buatan
komponen. Sendi buatan harus memenuhi persyaratan desain tertentu; mereka harus ergonomis dan
biokompatibel. Selama aktivasi tekanan dikembangkan pada antarmuka sendi. Hal ini pada gilirannya menentukan
kinerja sendi. Intensitas tekanan dikembangkan tergantung pada beberapa faktor. Untuk memastikan stres
intensitas, penting untuk mengoptimalkan desain sendi lutut buatan. Dalam hal ini, FEM yang paling kuat
alat numerik dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan desain [3]. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan sebagai biomaterial menganggap
bagian penting dalam kelangsungan hidup panjang implan lutut. Biomaterial harus memenuhi mekanik, biologi, dan
prasyarat fisik pemanfaatan diharapkan mereka. Sepanjang hari demi hari implan latihan lutut mungkin
mengalami kekuatan mekanik yang memiliki kecenderungan untuk mendorong, menarik, memutar atau alasan bagian-bagiannya untuk menggosok bersama-sama. Ini
pasukan dapat mengakibatkan implan untuk istirahat atau aus dari waktu ke waktu. Sifat mekanik biomaterial
terbaik dapat digambarkan oleh modulus elastisitas, kekuatan luluh, kekuatan tarik utama dan perpanjangan untuk
kegagalan. Bahan-bahan tersebut tambahan dikenakan berbagai bahan kimia umum di dalam tubuh. Meskipun
fakta bahwa biasa, beberapa bahan kimia ini mungkin memiliki kecenderungan untuk menimbulkan korosi beberapa bahan. Dalam rangka untuk
implan untuk tampil di bawah kondisi ini, itu harus terbuat dari bahan yang dapat menahan kekuatan-kekuatan ini dan
bahan kimia. Apakah implan dimaksudkan untuk menggantikan sendi, atau membantu untuk memperbaiki patah tulang, fisik dan beberapa
kualitas biologis sangat penting ketika memilih bahan untuk implan.
Tujuan utama dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model solid tiga dimensi lutut palsu sendi
dan Belajar sifat tekanan dan tekanan kontak antara komponen prosthesis lutut di berbagai
fleksi sudut lutut. Kami mempelajari sifat tekanan dengan biomaterial yang berbeda dengan penggunaan yang terbatas
analisis elemen dan mencari tahu yang terbaik biomaterial cocok untuk prostesis lutut. Pro / Engineer 5.0 digunakan untuk solid
modeling komponen implan lutut. Analisis elemen hingga prostesis lutut menggunakan biomaterial yang berbeda
dilakukan dalam analisis software ANSYS 12.0 dengan menerapkan beban pada berbagai kondisi bergerak.
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