Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Setelah saya yakin saya tidak akan memecah dan pergi semua redneck di pantat ketika aku melihatnya, aku keluar dari saya Ford Focus dan menarik di pinggiran saya denim celana pendek, kemudian menyesuaikan lembut dan mengalir krim lengan panjang blus yang pasti sudah lebih dari celana pendek saya jika saya tidak berada di depan itu ke dalamnya.Saya sandal jepit bergema dari trotoar karena saya melintasi parkir, menggenggam tali tas saya dengan cara yang berarti saya bisa sayap hal ini di sekitar seperti senjata mematikan.Ketika saya mendekati pintu masuk, saya secara atas bahu saya dan mengeluarkan napas rendah. Jendela persegi di pintu adalah bersih, tetapi retak. Cat putih dan merah yang dulu menjadi begitu bersemangat dan eye-catching adalah mengelupas seperti seseorang telah memercikkan asam di seluruh dinding. Jendela besar, berwarna hitam dan dengan tanda terbuka yang mencolok, juga retak di sudut, membentuk celah kecil jaring laba-laba di seluruh pusat kaca.Jika luar tampak seperti ini..."Oh Tuhan." Jadi saya tidak ingin melakukannya.Pandangan saya melayang kembali ke jendela persegi gelap di pintu, dan mata biru saya melihat cara terlalu lebar dan wajah saya terlalu pucat dalam refleksi, yang juga membuat bekas luka superhot menebang pipi kiri saya, dimulai tepat di bawah sudut mata saya ke sudut bibir saya, lebih terlihat.Saya telah beruntung. Itulah apa dokter dan petugas pemadam kebakaran dan semua orang di dunia yang memiliki pendapat yang telah dinyatakan. Kurang dari satu inci tinggi, aku akan kehilangan mata kiri saya.Tapi berdiri dimana aku sekarang, aku tidak merasa sangat beruntung. Sebenarnya, aku cukup yakin keberuntungan wanita adalah seorang jalang coldhearted yang diperlukan untuk mati.Mengatakan pada diriku sendiri aku bisa melakukan ini, aku meraih pegangan kasar dan menarik membuka pintu. Dan aku segera tersandung berhenti canggung hanya di dalam bar, kehilangan salah saya sandal jepit seperti bau akrab bir, parfum murah, dan goreng makanan dicuci lebih dari saya.Rumah.WakakakDitutup tanganku yang bebas ke dalam kepalan tangan. Bar ini bukanlah rumah saya. Atau seharusnya tidak menjadi rumah bagi saya. Tidak peduli bahwa saya telah menghabiskan hampir setiap hari setelah SMA bersembunyi di salah satu kamar belakang di sini atau bahwa aku menyelinap ke lantai utama untuk menonton ibu karena ini adalah satu-satunya tempat di mana ia tersenyum. Mungkin karena dia biasanya mabuk ketika ia masih di sini, tapi apa pun.Hal ini tampak sama. Seperti itulah.Persegi dan tinggi meja bundar dengan puncak kasar dan usang. Kursi bar dengan punggung dan kursi tinggi. Dentang bola bilyar gertakan dari satu sama lain yang menarik perhatian saya ke belakang bar, luar mengangkat lantai dansa yang kosong, untuk meja biliar.A jukebox in the corner played some kind of tear-in-my-beer country music as a middle-aged woman I’d never seen before barreled out of the Dutch doors across from the dance floor. Her bright blond hair, obviously not natural, was piled atop her head. A pen was shoved behind one ear. Dressed in blue jeans and a white T-shirt, she looked like a customer, but then again, Mona’s had never been a uniform-wearing kind of bar. She carried two red baskets stacked high with fried chicken wings as she sashayed over to one of the booths lining the wall near the jukebox.Balled-up napkins were under tables and there were patches of the floor that looked sticky. Other sections looked like they simply needed to be replaced. With the dim bar lighting, I knew I wasn’t even seeing half of it.Mona’s looked like a woman who’d been ridden hard and left out to dry. It wasn’t dirty, but more like almost clean. As if someone desperately tried to stay on top of the losing battle and was doing the best they could.Which could not be Mom. She had never been into cleaning, but she used to be better. There were distant, blurry memories of her being better.Since I was standing at the door long enough to look like an idiot, and as I scanned the floor, I didn’t see Mom, I decided it would be a good idea to, I don’t know, move. I took a step forward, then realized I’d left one of my flip-flops by the door.“Damnit.” I turned, dipping my chin as I wiggled my toes back into the shoe.“You look like you could use a drink.”I twisted toward the sound of a surprisingly deep male voice, a voice so deep and smooth, it rolled over my skin like I’d been draped in satin. I started to point out that, duh, since I was standing in a bar, I probably did look like I needed a drink, but the snappy words died on my tongue as I faced the horseshoe-shaped bar.At first, the guy behind the bar seemed to have straightened, as if he was drawing back. It was a strange reaction. In this low lighting and the way I was standing, there was no way he saw the scar, but then I got a real good look at him, and I wasn’t paying attention to that anymore.Oh my, my, my . . .There was a man behind the bar, the kind of guy I would not ever in the history of ever expect to see behind Mona’s bar.Whoa, hot-bartender alert to the max.Goodness, he was gorgeous, stunning in the way Jase Winstead was, maybe even more so, because I couldn’t quite remember seeing someone who looked as good as he did in real life, and I was only seeing Hot Bartender Dude from the waist up.He had brown hair that looked like a rich, warm color under the brighter lights of the bar area. It was cut close to the skull on the sides and a little longer on the top. Wavy, it was styled back off his forehead in an artfully messy look, showing off his broad and high cheekbones. His skin was tan, hinting at some kind of foreign and exotic ancestry. With a strong and sculpted jaw that could cut rock, he could be the poster boy for shaving ads. Under a straight nose that had a slight hook in it were the fullest, most downright sinful, pair of lips I’d ever seen on a guy.Good lawd, I could stare at those lips for hours, like way beyond the acceptable time limit and right into creeperville, population Calla. I forced my gaze back up.His brows appeared to be naturally arched over the corners of his eyes, which drew the attention right to his eyes.Brown eyes.Brown eyes that were currently slowly and casually drifting over me in a way that felt like a warm caress. My lips parted on an inhale.He was wearing a worn gray shirt that clung to broad shoulders and an unbelievably defined chest. I mean, I could actually see the cut of his chest through the shirt. Holy crap, who knew that was even possible? From what I could see down to where the bar top cut him off was an equally hard, and probably equally dazzling, stomach.If this dude went to Shepherd, he would’ve dethroned Jase for lieutenant of the Hot Guy Brigade. And the sigh associated with Hot Bartender Dude would most definitely be felt around the world and in the lady parts.Probably in some boy parts, too.
Those delicious lips curved up on one side. Yep, he even had a panty-dropping hot smile. “You okay, honey?”
He used the term honey like it was natural to him. Not cheesy or slimy, but a sexy endearment that had my belly warming.
And I was staring at him like an idiot.
“Yeah.” I found my voice to say one word, and it had croaked out of me. God, I wanted to body-slam myself through the floor as heat zinged across my cheeks.
That sexy half grin tipped up a notch as he extended an arm, curling his fingers back toward him. “Why don’t you come over here and have a seat?”
My feet moved forward without any brain involvement because, seriously, who didn’t respond when Hot Bartender Dude wiggled long fingers at you like that? I found my butt planted in a bar stool with a ripped and slightly uncomfortable cushion.
Dear God in Heaven, up close like this, he was truly a masculine masterpiece of mouthwatering hotness.
That half grin didn’t fade as he placed his palms on the edge of the bar top. “What’s your poison?”
I blinked at him, real slow like, and all I could think about was why in the hell was he working in this dump? He could be in magazines, or on the TV, or at least working at the steak house down the street.
Hot Bartender Dude tilted his head to the side as his grin spread to the other corner of that freaking mouth. “Honey . . . ?”
I resisted the urge to plop my elbows on the bar top and stare up at him, even though I was already halfway to doing that. “Yes?”
He chuckled softly as he leaned in, and I mean, waaay in. Within a second, he was all up in my personal space, his mouth mere inches from mine, and his biceps flexed, stretching the worn material of his shirt.
Oh my golly gee, I hoped his shirt just ripped up the sides and fell right off.
“What would you like to drink?” he asked.
What I would like was to watch his mouth move some more. “Um . . .” My brain emptied.
He arched a brow as his gaze tracked from my mouth to my eyes. “Do I need to card you?”
That snapped me out of my hot-inducing stupor. “No. Not at all. I’m twenty-one.”
“You sure?”
Heat infused my face again. “I swear.”
“Pinky swear?”
My gaze dipped to his now-extended hand and to his pinky. “Seriously?”
A dimple started to form in his right cheek as his grin turned into a smile. Holy crapola, if he had a set of dimples, I was so in trouble. “Do I look like I’m not serious?”
He looked like he was up to absolutely no good as I stared at him. There was a downright mischievous glimmer to his warm, cocoa eyes. My lips started to twitch, and then I reached up and wrapped my pinky around his much larger one.
“Pinky swear,” I said, thinking that was one hell of a way to verify age.
That grin of his was downright delicious. “Ah, a girl who’ll pinky swear is after my own heart.”
Yeah, I had no clue how to respond to that.
Instead of letting go as I pulled my hand away, he slipped his fingers around my wrist in a gentle, but firm, hold. As my eyes started to pop out of my head, he somehow got closer, and he smelled . . . good. A mixture of spice and soap that went straight to my before-mentioned lady parts.
My phone went off in my purse, blaring “Brown Eyed Girl.” As I dug around for it, Hot Bartender Dude laughed.
“Van Morrison?” he asked.
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