That is the life self-destruction, that is the combustion of Cultivati terjemahan - That is the life self-destruction, that is the combustion of Cultivati Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

That is the life self-destruction,

That is the life self-destruction, that is the combustion of Cultivation, that does not hesitate to prevent Meng Hao obtains copper coin from exploding, this from the strength of exploding, lets all person look changes sufficiently, and rapidness of speed, in an instant, thunders dreadfully, this cultivator body explodes directly.
Similar to an eruption of small Sun, became dazzling only, of this day on spatial proliferates loudly, but in this flickers, the Meng Hao look is indifferent, has not withdrawn, but is the right hand lifts, toward that from exploding a fluctuation figure.
Demon Sealing, Fifth Hex!
The pro and con bans!
This bans, when Meng Hao obtained in the past, is unable to launch the true strength by his Cultivation, but now, he by the strength of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, launches once more, has been able to display strongly.
In an instant, in his front, had a giant crack of nihility, this crack just a appearance, suddenly dispersed the indescribable suction, this suction flickers, unexpectedly that cultivator from the strength of exploding, attracts completely, such as a big mouth, fierce swallowing.
All these are too quick, what quickly to all around people previous rest feeling is the deconstruction from exploding, next one flickers, actually vanishes into thin air.
When is shocked in abundance, in that copper coin all around, at this moment only remaining two people, one is Meng Hao, another is to put on the middle-aged man of black long gown.
When this middle-aged man both eyes contractions, look to Meng Hao, in the item reveals to shock with deep dreading, he has not thought that intercepting of eight people, do not have the means to make Meng Hao here speed on slow unexpectedly tiny bit, even can also with simultaneously, grasp at this moment unexpectedly to copper coin.
Two people almost simultaneously act, one grasps toward copper coin!
At this moment, in that middle-aged man eyes the ray dodges, his body presents the karma aura instantaneously, some innumerable karma lines, send out unexpectedly on the body, encirclement all around, does not move that copper coin by the body, but by the karma line, goes to that copper coin winding.
„Ji Clan ...” In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, this person is a middle-aged man, Cultivation Ancient Realm of the great circle, may because of the strangeness of Ji Clan magical powers, cause him in the same boundary, already surmounted.
„This thing, is Ji!” The karma line of this middle-aged man, covers copper coin instant, fierce when entrains, his voice is having the overbearing reverberation.
„Ji Clan nonsense!” The Meng Hao sound spreads loudly, the whole body blue light suddenly erupts, does not need waves hand, the law moves at will, the blue light on his body, disperses directly, unexpectedly has formed a green unreal blade, toward several karma lines that middle-aged man and copper coin connect, the direct blade cuts.
The rapidness of speed, in an instant, these several karma lines, had cut off loudly directly, along with cutting off, the middle-aged man spouts the blood, the body all of a sudden dispirited, Meng Hao held copper coin with amazement.
He has not gone to look , after holding, immediately brand mark spiritual sense, throws into bag of holding, when turns around, he stands in the midair, looks at that Ji Clan middle-aged man indifferently.
This middle-aged man facial color change, stubbornly is staring at Meng Hao, coldly snorted, this retreats.
„Asked you to leave!” When Meng Hao to open mouth, the body one step steps forward, toward this middle-aged man, the right hand lifts to separate spatial one figure, this figure, immediately nihility distortion, Vault of Heaven discoloration, that middle-aged man all around nihility, loudly collapsing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
That is the life self-destruction, that is the combustion of Cultivation, that does not hesitate to prevent Meng Hao obtains copper coin from exploding, this from the strength of exploding, lets all person look changes sufficiently, and rapidness of speed, in an instant, thunders dreadfully, this cultivator body explodes directly.Similar to an eruption of small Sun, became dazzling only, of this day on spatial proliferates loudly, but in this flickers, the Meng Hao look is indifferent, has not withdrawn, but is the right hand lifts, toward that from exploding a fluctuation figure.Demon Sealing, Fifth Hex!The pro and con bans!This bans, when Meng Hao obtained in the past, is unable to launch the true strength by his Cultivation, but now, he by the strength of Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, launches once more, has been able to display strongly.In an instant, in his front, had a giant crack of nihility, this crack just a appearance, suddenly dispersed the indescribable suction, this suction flickers, unexpectedly that cultivator from the strength of exploding, attracts completely, such as a big mouth, fierce swallowing.All these are too quick, what quickly to all around people previous rest feeling is the deconstruction from exploding, next one flickers, actually vanishes into thin air.When is shocked in abundance, in that copper coin all around, at this moment only remaining two people, one is Meng Hao, another is to put on the middle-aged man of black long gown.When this middle-aged man both eyes contractions, look to Meng Hao, in the item reveals to shock with deep dreading, he has not thought that intercepting of eight people, do not have the means to make Meng Hao here speed on slow unexpectedly tiny bit, even can also with simultaneously, grasp at this moment unexpectedly to copper coin.Two people almost simultaneously act, one grasps toward copper coin!At this moment, in that middle-aged man eyes the ray dodges, his body presents the karma aura instantaneously, some innumerable karma lines, send out unexpectedly on the body, encirclement all around, does not move that copper coin by the body, but by the karma line, goes to that copper coin winding.„Ji Clan ...” In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, this person is a middle-aged man, Cultivation Ancient Realm of the great circle, may because of the strangeness of Ji Clan magical powers, cause him in the same boundary, already surmounted.„This thing, is Ji!” The karma line of this middle-aged man, covers copper coin instant, fierce when entrains, his voice is having the overbearing reverberation.„Ji Clan nonsense!” The Meng Hao sound spreads loudly, the whole body blue light suddenly erupts, does not need waves hand, the law moves at will, the blue light on his body, disperses directly, unexpectedly has formed a green unreal blade, toward several karma lines that middle-aged man and copper coin connect, the direct blade cuts.The rapidness of speed, in an instant, these several karma lines, had cut off loudly directly, along with cutting off, the middle-aged man spouts the blood, the body all of a sudden dispirited, Meng Hao held copper coin with amazement.He has not gone to look , after holding, immediately brand mark spiritual sense, throws into bag of holding, when turns around, he stands in the midair, looks at that Ji Clan middle-aged man indifferently.This middle-aged man facial color change, stubbornly is staring at Meng Hao, coldly snorted, this retreats.„Asked you to leave!” When Meng Hao to open mouth, the body one step steps forward, toward this middle-aged man, the right hand lifts to separate spatial one figure, this figure, immediately nihility distortion, Vault of Heaven discoloration, that middle-aged man all around nihility, loudly collapsing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Itulah hidup penghancuran diri, yaitu pembakaran Budidaya, yang tidak ragu-ragu untuk mencegah Meng Hao memperoleh koin tembaga dari meledak, ini dari kekuatan meledak, memungkinkan semua orang melihat perubahan yang cukup, dan rapidness kecepatan, dalam instan, mengguntur amat sangat, ini meledak pembudidaya tubuh secara langsung.
Mirip dengan letusan Sun kecil, menjadi menyilaukan saja, hari ini pada berproliferasi spasial keras, tapi dalam hal ini berkedip, yang Meng Hao tampilan acuh tak acuh, tidak ditarik, tetapi adalah tangan kanan lift, menuju yang meledak sosok fluktuasi.
Iblis Sealing, Fifth Hex!
pro dan kontra larangan!
ini melarang, ketika Meng Hao diperoleh di masa lalu, tidak mampu untuk memulai benar kekuatan oleh Budidaya, tapi sekarang, dia oleh kekuatan Surga Crown Dao Immortal, meluncurkan sekali lagi, telah mampu menampilkan kuat.
dalam sekejap, di depannya, memiliki celah raksasa nihility, retak ini hanya penampilan, tiba-tiba membubarkan hisap yang tak terlukiskan, hisap ini film , tiba-tiba yang kultivator dari kekuatan meledak, menarik sekali, seperti mulut besar, menelan sengit.
semua ini terlalu cepat, apa yang cepat ke seluruh orang sebelumnya sisanya perasaan adalah dekonstruksi dari meledak, berikutnya berkedip, sebenarnya lenyap ke udara tipis.
Ketika terkejut dalam kelimpahan, dalam koin tembaga di sekitar, saat ini hanya tersisa dua orang, satu Meng Hao, yang lain adalah untuk menempatkan pada pria paruh baya dari gaun panjang hitam.
Ketika seorang pria paruh baya ini kedua mata kontraksi, melihat ke Meng Hao, di item mengungkapkan shock dengan takut yang mendalam, dia tidak berpikir bahwa mencegat dari delapan orang, tidak memiliki sarana untuk membuat Meng Hao sini kecepatan pada lambat sedikit tiba-tiba kecil, bahkan bisa juga dengan secara bersamaan, pegang saat ini tiba-tiba koin tembaga.
Dua orang hampir bersamaan bertindak, salah menangkap arah koin tembaga!
pada saat ini, di mata pria setengah baya yang dodges ray, tubuhnya menyajikan aura karma instan, beberapa baris karma tak terhitung , mengirimkan tiba-tiba pada tubuh, pengepungan di sekitar, tidak bergerak yang koin tembaga oleh tubuh, tapi oleh garis karma, pergi ke bahwa koin tembaga berliku.
"Ji Clan ..." di mata Meng Hao niat membunuh dodges, orang ini adalah seorang pria setengah baya, Budidaya Realm Kuno dari lingkaran besar, mungkin karena keanehan Ji Clan kekuatan magis, menyebabkan dia di batas yang sama, sudah diatasi.
"hal ini, adalah Ji!" karma The garis pria paruh baya ini, meliputi tembaga koin instan, entrains sengit saat, suaranya adalah memiliki gema sombong.
"Ji Clan omong kosong!" The Meng Hao suara menyebar keras, seluruh tubuh cahaya biru tiba-tiba meletus, tidak perlu gelombang tangan, hukum bergerak di akan, lampu biru di tubuhnya, menyebar secara langsung, tanpa diduga telah membentuk pisau nyata hijau, menuju beberapa baris karma yang pria paruh baya dan koin tembaga menghubungkan, pemotongan pisau langsung.
The rapidness kecepatan, dalam sekejap, ini beberapa baris karma, dipotong keras langsung, bersama dengan memotong, pria setengah baya menyembur-nyemburkan darah, tubuh semua dari putus asa tiba-tiba, Meng Hao diadakan koin tembaga dengan takjub.
Dia tidak pergi ke terlihat, setelah memegang, segera merek menandai rasa spiritual, melempar ke dalam tas dari holding, ketika berbalik, ia berdiri di udara, terlihat pada saat itu Ji Clan pria paruh baya acuh tak acuh.
ini pria paruh baya perubahan warna wajah, keras kepala menatap di Meng Hao, dingin mendengus, ini mundur.
"Ditanyakan Anda untuk meninggalkan!" Ketika Meng Hao membuka mulut, tubuh satu langkah langkah maju, ke arah pria paruh baya ini, tangan kanan lift untuk memisahkan ruang satu angka, angka ini , distorsi segera nihility, Vault of Heaven perubahan warna, yang pria paruh baya di seluruh nihility, keras runtuh.
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