30100:24:04,284 --> 00:24:06,275I'll admit that to you.30200:24:07,454 terjemahan - 30100:24:04,284 --> 00:24:06,275I'll admit that to you.30200:24:07,454 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

30100:24:04,284 --> 00:24:06,275I'l

00:24:04,284 --> 00:24:06,275
I'll admit that to you.

00:24:07,454 --> 00:24:10,116
But if you start thinking
the worst will happen...

00:24:11,124 --> 00:24:12,955
...somehow it always does.

00:24:20,900 --> 00:24:22,060
What'd you find out?

00:24:22,302 --> 00:24:25,465
I'll tell you in the car.
Let's go pick up Amy.

00:24:25,805 --> 00:24:27,830
Is Dad going to be all right?

00:24:28,308 --> 00:24:31,277
Yeah, Dad's going to be fine.
You go with Mom.

00:24:31,811 --> 00:24:33,642
I'll be home in a little while.

00:24:39,586 --> 00:24:41,076
What did Blackburn tell you?

00:24:41,421 --> 00:24:44,822
He said they think they're
holding him for ransom or something.

00:24:45,258 --> 00:24:48,659
Can you nose around your dad's office,
see what they want from him?

00:24:48,995 --> 00:24:52,158
I was just there. Everybody in
Intelligence is scrambling.

00:24:52,499 --> 00:24:55,195
They're keeping a lid on this.
Nobody's talking.

00:24:55,402 --> 00:24:56,391
Come on, Milo.

00:24:57,837 --> 00:25:01,000
All right.
I'll see what else I can find out.

00:25:01,241 --> 00:25:02,538
Thanks a lot.

00:25:05,845 --> 00:25:08,006
Is there anything we can do?

00:25:08,348 --> 00:25:09,679
No, nothing.

00:25:10,016 --> 00:25:11,984
Guess you won't feel like going tonight?

00:25:12,352 --> 00:25:13,819
I didn't at first, but...

00:25:14,020 --> 00:25:17,183
...it's better than sitting home
going crazy over this.

00:25:17,424 --> 00:25:18,448
Listen, Doug...

00:25:19,025 --> 00:25:22,859
...everything will work out.
They won't mess with us.

00:25:23,196 --> 00:25:25,596
The Air Force will kick ass if they do.

00:25:25,865 --> 00:25:27,196
Like in Iran.

00:25:27,634 --> 00:25:30,364
That was different.
Mr. Peanut was in charge then.

00:25:30,703 --> 00:25:35,037
Now we got a President who don't take
shit from gimpy countries.

00:25:35,375 --> 00:25:38,003
Why do you think they call him
Ronnie Ray Gun?

00:25:38,711 --> 00:25:39,575
I almost forgot.

00:25:39,879 --> 00:25:41,369
I got some boutonnieres.

00:25:44,050 --> 00:25:46,541
This smells so good.
Take a whiff.

00:25:47,387 --> 00:25:48,581
Go ahead.

00:26:11,578 --> 00:26:14,741
You are allowed
a statement on your behalf.

00:26:15,081 --> 00:26:17,072
This court is a fraud.

00:26:17,917 --> 00:26:21,114
At no time did I violate
your territorial airspace.

00:26:21,488 --> 00:26:25,254
At no time did we engage in any
intelligence-gathering operation.

00:26:25,758 --> 00:26:28,420
This trial is a blatant
violation of international law.

00:26:34,934 --> 00:26:38,426
The American naiveté
never ceases to amaze me.

00:26:39,772 --> 00:26:44,266
We make the laws in this country.
We are not subject to your...

00:26:44,511 --> 00:26:47,002
...ridiculous Western alliances.

00:26:47,447 --> 00:26:49,438
I am a pilot myself.

00:26:49,782 --> 00:26:52,774
And when in flight,
I am always aware...

00:26:53,119 --> 00:26:55,781
...of my exact position.

00:26:56,456 --> 00:27:01,120
I have no doubt
you were quite clear about yours.

00:27:01,661 --> 00:27:06,462
Your country has been warned
time and time again!

00:27:08,968 --> 00:27:11,869
Yet your leaders choose
to make light of our demands.

00:27:12,305 --> 00:27:14,136
Reparation is our due...

00:27:14,474 --> 00:27:16,339
...and we shall have our due.

00:28:01,854 --> 00:28:03,845
They didn't ask for anything?

00:28:04,190 --> 00:28:07,353
They didn't. I was right
outside my dad's office.
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Bahasa Indonesia
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
30100:24:04,284 --> 00:24:06,275I'll admit that to you.30200:24:07,454 --> 00:24:10,116But if you start thinkingthe worst will happen...30300:24:11,124 --> 00:24:12,955...somehow it always does.30400:24:20,900 --> 00:24:22,060What'd you find out?30500:24:22,302 --> 00:24:25,465I'll tell you in the car.Let's go pick up Amy.30600:24:25,805 --> 00:24:27,830Is Dad going to be all right?30700:24:28,308 --> 00:24:31,277Yeah, Dad's going to be fine.You go with Mom.30800:24:31,811 --> 00:24:33,642I'll be home in a little while.30900:24:39,586 --> 00:24:41,076What did Blackburn tell you?31000:24:41,421 --> 00:24:44,822He said they think they'reholding him for ransom or something.31100:24:45,258 --> 00:24:48,659Can you nose around your dad's office,see what they want from him?31200:24:48,995 --> 00:24:52,158I was just there. Everybody inIntelligence is scrambling.31300:24:52,499 --> 00:24:55,195They're keeping a lid on this.Nobody's talking.31400:24:55,402 --> 00:24:56,391Come on, Milo.31500:24:57,837 --> 00:25:01,000All right.I'll see what else I can find out.31600:25:01,241 --> 00:25:02,538Thanks a lot.31700:25:05,845 --> 00:25:08,006Is there anything we can do?31800:25:08,348 --> 00:25:09,679No, nothing.31900:25:10,016 --> 00:25:11,984Guess you won't feel like going tonight?32000:25:12,352 --> 00:25:13,819I didn't at first, but...32100:25:14,020 --> 00:25:17,183...it's better than sitting homegoing crazy over this.32200:25:17,424 --> 00:25:18,448Listen, Doug...32300:25:19,025 --> 00:25:22,859...everything will work out.They won't mess with us.32400:25:23,196 --> 00:25:25,596The Air Force will kick ass if they do.32500:25:25,865 --> 00:25:27,196Like in Iran.32600:25:27,634 --> 00:25:30,364That was different.Mr. Peanut was in charge then.32700:25:30,703 --> 00:25:35,037Now we got a President who don't takeshit from gimpy countries.32800:25:35,375 --> 00:25:38,003Why do you think they call himRonnie Ray Gun?32900:25:38,711 --> 00:25:39,575I almost forgot.33000:25:39,879 --> 00:25:41,369I got some boutonnieres.33100:25:44,050 --> 00:25:46,541This smells so good.Take a whiff.33200:25:47,387 --> 00:25:48,581Go ahead.33300:26:11,578 --> 00:26:14,741You are alloweda statement on your behalf.33400:26:15,081 --> 00:26:17,072This court is a fraud.33500:26:17,917 --> 00:26:21,114At no time did I violateyour territorial airspace.33600:26:21,488 --> 00:26:25,254At no time did we engage in anyintelligence-gathering operation.33700:26:25,758 --> 00:26:28,420This trial is a blatantviolation of international law.33800:26:34,934 --> 00:26:38,426The American naiveténever ceases to amaze me.33900:26:39,772 --> 00:26:44,266We make the laws in this country.We are not subject to your...34000:26:44,511 --> 00:26:47,002...ridiculous Western alliances.34100:26:47,447 --> 00:26:49,438I am a pilot myself.34200:26:49,782 --> 00:26:52,774And when in flight,I am always aware...34300:26:53,119 --> 00:26:55,781...of my exact position.34400:26:56,456 --> 00:27:01,120I have no doubtyou were quite clear about yours.34500:27:01,661 --> 00:27:06,462Your country has been warnedtime and time again!34600:27:08,968 --> 00:27:11,869Yet your leaders chooseto make light of our demands.34700:27:12,305 --> 00:27:14,136Reparation is our due...34800:27:14,474 --> 00:27:16,339...and we shall have our due.34900:28:01,854 --> 00:28:03,845They didn't ask for anything?35000:28:04,190 --> 00:28:07,353They didn't. I was rightoutside my dad's office.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 24: 04.284 -> 00: 24: 06.275
Saya akan mengakui bahwa untuk Anda. 302 00: 24: 07.454 -> 00: 24: 10.116 Tapi jika Anda mulai berpikir yang terburuk akan terjadi ... 303 00 : 24: 11.124 -> 00: 24: 12.955 ... entah bagaimana selalu begitu. 304 00: 24: 20.900 -> 00: 24: 22.060 Apa yang Anda cari tahu? 305 00: 24: 22.302 -> 00: 24: 25.465 saya akan memberitahu Anda di dalam mobil. Mari kita pergi mengambil Amy. 306 00: 24: 25.805 -> 00: 24: 27.830 Apakah Ayah akan baik-baik saja? 307 00: 24: 28.308 - > 00: 24: 31.277 Ya, Dad akan baik-baik saja. Anda pergi dengan Mom. 308 00: 24: 31.811 -> 00: 24: 33.642 . aku akan pulang sebentar 309 00: 24: 39.586 - -> 00: 24: 41.076 Apa yang Blackburn memberitahu Anda? 310 00: 24: 41.421 -> 00: 24: 44.822 Dia mengatakan mereka pikir mereka menahannya untuk tebusan atau sesuatu. 311 00: 24: 45.258 -> 00: 24: 48.659 Bisa hidung di sekitar kantor ayahmu, melihat apa yang mereka inginkan dari dia? 312 00: 24: 48.995 -> 00: 24: 52.158 saya hanya ada. Semua orang di Intelijen berebut. 313 00: 24: 52.499 -> 00: 24: 55.195 Mereka menjaga tutup pada ini. Tak ada yang berbicara. 314 00: 24: 55.402 -> 00: 24: 56.391 Ayo, Milo . 315 00: 24: 57.837 -> 00: 25: 01.000 Baiklah. aku akan melihat apa lagi yang bisa saya cari tahu. 316 00: 25: 01.241 -> 00: 25: 02.538 . Terima kasih banyak 317 00: 25: 05.845 -> 00: 25: 08.006 Apakah ada yang bisa kita lakukan? 318 00: 25: 08.348 -> 00: 25: 09.679 Tidak, tidak ada. 319 00: 25: 10.016 -> 00: 25: 11.984 kira Anda tidak akan merasa seperti pergi malam ini? 320 00: 25: 12.352 -> 00: 25: 13.819 saya tidak pada awalnya, tapi ... 321 00: 25: 14.020 -> 00: 25: 17.183 . ..it lebih baik daripada duduk rumah gila selama ini. 322 00: 25: 17.424 -> 00: 25: 18.448 Dengar, Doug ... 323 00: 25: 19.025 -> 00: 25: 22.859 ... semuanya akan bekerja. mereka tidak akan main-main dengan kami. 324 00: 25: 23.196 -> 00: 25: 25.596 Angkatan Udara akan menendang pantat jika mereka lakukan. 325 00: 25: 25.865 -> 00: 25: 27.196 seperti di Iran. 326 00: 25: 27.634 -> 00: 25: 30.364 . Itu berbeda Mr. Kacang bertanggung jawab kemudian. 327 00: 25: 30.703 -> 00: 25: 35.037 Sekarang kita punya Presiden yang tidak mengambil kotoran dari negara gimpy. 328 00: 25: 35.375 -> 00: 25: 38.003 Mengapa apakah Anda pikir mereka memanggilnya Ronnie Ray Gun? 329 00: 25: 38.711 -> 00: 25: 39.575 saya hampir lupa. 330 00: 25: 39.879 -> 00: 25: 41.369 . saya punya beberapa korsase 331 00: 25: 44.050 -> 00: 25: 46.541 ini bau begitu baik. Ambil obat tersebut. 332 00: 25: 47.387 -> 00: 25: 48.581 Go depan. 333 00: 26: 11.578 -> 00:26: 14.741 Anda diperbolehkan pernyataan atas nama Anda. 334 00: 26: 15.081 -> 00: 26: 17.072 pengadilan ini adalah penipuan. 335 00: 26: 17.917 -> 00: 26: 21.114 Tidak pernah ada waktu saya melanggar wilayah udara teritorial Anda. 336 00: 26: 21.488 -> 00: 26: 25.254 Tidak pernah ada waktu kita terlibat dalam operasi pengumpulan-intelijen. 337 00: 26: 25.758 -> 00: 26: 28.420 percobaan ini adalah terang-terangan pelanggaran hukum internasional. 338 00: 26: 34.934 -> 00: 26: 38.426 The kenaifan Amerika tidak pernah berhenti membuat saya takjub. 339 00: 26: 39.772 -> 00: 26: 44.266 Kami membuat undang-undang di negara ini. Kami tidak dikenakan Anda ... 340 00: 26: 44.511 -> 00: 26: 47.002 ... konyol aliansi Barat. 341 00: 26: 47.447 -> 00: 26: 49.438 saya pilot sendiri. 342 00: 26: 49.782 -> 00: 26: 52.774 Dan ketika dalam penerbangan, saya selalu sadar ... 343 00: 26: 53.119 -> 00: 26: 55.781 . ... dari posisi yang tepat saya 344 00 : 26: 56.456 -> 00: 27: 01.120 saya tidak ragu Anda cukup jelas tentang Anda. 345 00: 27: 01.661 -> 00: 27: 06.462 negara Anda telah diperingatkan ! waktu dan waktu lagi 346 00: 27: 08.968 -> 00: 27: 11.869 Namun pemimpin Anda memilih untuk membuat terang tuntutan kami. 347 00: 27: 12.305 -> 00: 27: 14.136 Reparasi adalah kami karena ... 348 00: 27: 14.474 - -> 00: 27: 16.339 ... dan kita harus kami karena. 349 00: 28: 01.854 -> 00: 28: 03.845 Mereka tidak meminta apa-apa? 350 00: 28: 04.190 -> 00: 28: 07.353 Mereka tidak. Aku benar luar kantor ayah saya.

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