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Spesiasi Versus fenotipik plastisitas di Barnacles karang menghuni:Pengamatan Darwin dalam konteks ekologiO. Mokady,1Y. Loya,2Y. Achituv,3E. Geffen,1D. Graur,2S. Rozenblatt,4I. Brickner2,31Institut Riset pelestarian alam, George S. Wise Fakultas 69978 Life Sciences, Universitas Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel2Departemen Zoologi, George S. Wise Fakultas 69978 Life Sciences, Universitas Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel3Fakultas Ilmu kehidupan, Universitas Bar Ilan, Ramat Gan 52900, Israel4Departemen Mikrobiologi molekuler dan bioteknologi, Fakultas George S. Wise Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University,Tel Aviv 69978, IsraelMenerima: 18 Januari 1999 / diterima: 9 Mei 1999Abstrak. Spesiasi dan plastisitas fenotipik adalah duaekstrim mode strategis memungkinkan takson yang diberikan untuk mengisi ceruk ekologi yang luas. Salah satu organismemodel gagasan Darwin yang dirangsang spesiasiadalah Cirripedia (teritip), yang ia berdedikasibesar monografi. Dalam beberapa kasus, termasuk coralinhabiting barnacle genera Savignium dan Cantellius(sebelumnya PyrgomaandCreusia, masing-masing), Darwinditugaskan barnacle spesimen morfologi "varietas" (sebagai lawan dari spesies) dalam genus. Meskipun telah subjek penyelidikan taksonomi dan revisi sejak, pentingnya varietas ini memilikinever been examined with respect to host-associated speciation processes. Here we provide evidence from molecular (12S mt rDNA sequences) and micromorphological (SEM) studies, suggesting that these closely relatedbarnacle genera utilize opposite strategies for populatinga suite of live-coral substrates.Cantelliusdemonstrates arelatively low genetic variability, despite inhabiting awide range of corals. The speciesC. pallidusalone wasfound on three coral families, belonging to distincthigher-order classification units. In contrast,Savigniumbarnacles exhibit large between- and within-speciesvariations with respect to both micromorphology andDNA sequences, withS. dentatum“varieties” clusteringphylogenetically according to their coral host species (allof which are members of a single family). Thus, whereasSavignium seems to have undergone intense hostassociated speciation over a relatively narrow taxonomicrange of hosts, Cantelliusshows phenotypic plasticityover a much larger range. This dichotomy correlates withdifferences in life-history parameters between these barnacle taxa, including host-infestation characteristics, reproductive strategies, and larval trophic type.Key words: Phylogenetic reconstruction — Speciation — Phenotypic plasticity — Pyrgomatine barnacles—Cantellius — Savignium— 12S mt rDNAIntroductionThe high level of diversity among coral reef invertebrates and its potential for improving our understandingof the evolutionary mechanisms governing speciationprocesses have attracted considerable attention in recentyears (e.g., Romano and Palumbi 1996). Advancedmethodologies, including high-resolution morphologicaltechniques [e.g., scanning electron microscopy (SEM)studies] and molecular tools, enable identification ofcomplexes of sibling species (Knowlton et al. 1992; VanVeghel and Bak 1993; Knowlton 1993) for readdressingecological and evolutionary questions (Knowlton andJackson 1994). Correspondence to:O. Mokady:e-mail:mokady@post.tau.ac.ilJ Mol Evol (1999) 49:367–375©Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1999Here we examine coral-inhabiting barnacles (subfamily Pyrgomatinae) belonging to two genera (SavigniumandCantellius). Obligate coral symbionts in this groupare said to have become markedly specialized for livingwithin a continuously growing substratum, such as livingcoral colonies, in both morphological and growth characteristics (Ross and Newman 1973; Young and Christoffersen 1984).In barnacles, which reproduce by internal fertilization,adaptations for epizoic life that promote larval hostspecificity will form a reproductive barrier. Reproductiveisolation, in turn, will lead to speciation (Templeton1989). Alternatively, adaptations which do not promotehost specificity will probably lead to some degree ofphenotypic plasticity, in response to variations amongthe coral hosts. Savignium,reported to be specific tocoral suborders (Ross and Newman 1973) and genera(Ogawa and Matsuzaki 1992), is considered to demonstrate a higher degree of host specificity thanCantellius.These two pyrgomatine barnacles were therefore chosenas model systems for contrasting speciation and phenotypic plasticity.Coral-inhabiting barnacles were reported to exhibitsubstantial phenotypic plasticity by Darwin (1854) andnumerous times since. Darwin’s assignment of the threeSavignium dentatum“varieties” is embedded in the current taxonomy of barnacles, which is considered a wellfounded one. A number of studies have subsequentlyassigned barnacles to these “varieties,” with no attemptto interpret the observed differences ecologically (e.g.,Hiro 1935; Foster 1980; Soong and Chang 1983).Barnacle taxonomy, fundamentally established over acentury ago by Darwin (1854), has only recently beenreevaluated with the aid of molecular tools (e.g., VanSyoc 1995). In the current study we use molecular data(12S mt rDNA sequences), in conjunction with SEMobservations, to test for indications of speciation withinacknowledged species (sibling species). We use the datato reexamine some of the ecological conclusions thathave traditionally been drawn upon the currently accepted taxonomy and correlate the findings with severalknown life-history characteristics of these barnacles.Materials and MethodsAnimal Collection and SEM ObservationsFragments of coral colonies inhabited by barnacles were observedinsituand collected at a depth of 1–30 m near the northern tip of the Gulfof Eilat, Red Sea, Israel. Twelve species of scleractinian corals and onehydrocoral (Millepora dichotoma), hosting six currently recognizedspecies of barnacles (fourSavigniumand twoCantelliusspecies) weresampled (see Table 1 for a complete list of hosts and symbionts).Barnacle shells were carefully removed from the coral and the softparts and calcareous parts (i.e., shell plates and valves) were separatedfor identification and description (Brickner 1994). Shells and valves ofcoral-inhabiting barnacles were dehydrated in an alcohol series andcoated with gold–palladium. Specimens thus prepared were examinedby SEM (JEOL-840).In addition, we collected two species of rock-inhabiting barnacles,Tetraclita squamosaand Balanus amphitrite,from nearby intertidalrocks, to serve as outgroups for the molecular analysis.DNA Preparation, Amplification, and SequencingTo extract total cellular DNA, the whole soft tissue of individual barnacles was homogenized in lysis buffer (10 mMTris–HCl pH 8.0, 100mMNaCl, 20 mMEDTA, 0.5% lauryl sarcosine). The lysate wasdigested for1hbyproteinase K (25–50mg/ml) at 55°C and extractedwith phenol:chloroform (1:1). Nucleic acids were precipitated overnight with 0.1 vol of 3Msodium acetate and 2 vol of 100% ethanol, at−20°C. The pelleted nucleic acids were washed in 100% ethanol, dried,and resuspended in 100mlH2O.The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to amplify afragment of the 12S subunit of the mitochondrial rDNA using theTable 1. Red Sea coral-inhabiting and free-living barnacles examined in this study and their typical substratesBarnacle species SubstrateSavignium dentatum Cyphastrea chalcidicumFavites abditaFavia favusPlatygyra lamellinaSavignium elongatum Echinopora gemmaceaSavignium crenatum Acanthastrea echinataPlatygyra lamellinaSavignium milleporum Millepora dichotomaCantellius pallidus Cyphastrea chalcidicumMontipora erythraeaPavona cactusCantellius arcuatus Porites lobataPocillopora damicornisTetraclita squamosa Intertidal rock (free living)Balanus amphitrite Intertidal rock (free living)>Fig. 1. Partial sequence of the 12S mt rDNA from coral-inhabitingbarnacles and free-living barnacles (EMBL accession numbersX78234–X78254). The substrate inhabited by each barnacle species isindicated in parentheses. Each sequence represents an individual barnacle, collected from a separate coral colony or intertidal rock, exceptfor the sequences of S. milleporumandS. dentatum(Fav) I, each ofwhich represents two identical sequences obtained from two individuals from separate colonies. A dotin a sequence indicates that thenucleotide in this position is the same as in theC. pallidus (Cyp)sequence. Stem coding regions are indicatedabovethe sequences, andthe numbers (32–48) correspond to the numbering used by Hickson etal. (1996). Complementary sequences assumed to form a stem aremarked by the same number (e.g., 32 and 328).Asterisksdenote positions for which full complementarity is observed between stemforming sequences. The “A” at position 31 and the “T” at position 327(underlined)correspond to positions 1160 and 1468 in the human sequence (Anderson et al. 1981), respectively.Aca, Acanthastrea echinata; Cyp, Cyphastrea chalcidicum; Ech, Echinopora gemmacea; Fav,Favia favus; Fat, Favites abdita; Mil, Millepora dichotoma; Mon,Montipora erythraea; Pav, Pavona varians; Pla, Platygyra lamellina;Poc, Pocillopora damicornis; Por, Porites lobata.368369primer set of Kocher et al. (1989) as modified by Mokady et al. (1994):58-GAAACCAGGATTAGATACCC and 58-TTTCCCGCGAGCGACGGGCG. The reaction buffer consisted of 10 mMTris–HCl (pH9.0), 50 mMKCl, 0.1% Triton X-100, and 3.5 mMMgCl2. Fifty-fivepicomoles of each primer was added for each reaction, along with 2.5U of Taq DNA polymerase (Promega, Madison, WI), a 300mMconcentration of each dNTP, and 1ml of template DNA solution in a totalvolume of 100ml. The PCR cycle consisted of 2 min of denaturationat 92°C, 2 min of annealing at 54°C, and 3 min of elongation at 72°C.This cycle was repeated 29 times, with a final cycle in whi
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