“No…you’re not…Yul-”“Pleas Don’t say anything about that…” Yuri bit he terjemahan - “No…you’re not…Yul-”“Pleas Don’t say anything about that…” Yuri bit he Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“No…you’re not…Yul-”“Pleas Don’t sa

“No…you’re not…Yul-”
“Pleas Don’t say anything about that…” Yuri bit her
tongue to suppress her sobs. “I
know…I’m just a game to you… you’re
testing yourself that you can get
anyone in just seconds of your
rapturing fingers…I know the reason
why you played me because I was
hard to get…you looked at me as a
challenge to you…am I right??”
Yoona didn’t answer. That part was
true… But as her games go on with
Yuri…Yoona felt different.
“Answer me…” Yuri said.
“Yes, but it’s not what you think…”
Yoona protested.
“You admit it yourself too… Yoona do
you know how much it hurts that in
10 minutes…you keep on telling me
10 minutes…I feel like a low life girl
who doesn’t have dignity in herself… I
maybe slow but it’s because since
birth I was never in a relationship
with anyone else…I want my firsts to
be beautiful…my first kiss…my first
date…my first moments…But no…my
first kiss was with you, and it’s so
messed up. It’s not how I wanted.”
Yuri’s eyes were again red and sore.
“Yoona…I’m tired of crying every
single moment that I have with you,
after seeing you or talking to you, I
always end up crying…Dammit Yoona,
I love you but it’s not how I wanted it
to be…Love is not supposed to be
this way…”
“Yuri…I love you too…”
“No, Yoona…you don’t know the
meaning of love…” Yuri said. “I’ve
tried my best to fix you, thinking
maybe I could make you change…but
yeah…hell did I think of that??? I’m
being ambitious. To think that we are
girls…I swallowed my pride about
that…I’m straight…I used to be but I
stepped on it for you…”
“Yuri….I’m sorry, what have I done…I
promise if you give me a chance, I’ll
fix this…”
Yuri shook her head. “No…Yoong…it’s
too late to fix everything…everything
is so messed up, I’m tired, I’ve
reached my limits…I don’t want this
kind of messed up relationship, I
can’t accept this…”
Yoona suddenly hugged Yuri. “No…
Please…give me another chance I
promise to fix things up…I won’t
mess it up this time.”
Yuri stood frozen. She didn’t respond
to Yoona’s hug. Simply because
she’s made up her mind. She’s done.
Finish. “Yoona…” Yuri said. “I’m
sorry…Maybe I’m not for you…”
“Unnie…Please…” It was the first time
Yoona called Yuri unnie.
“I’m sorry…” Yuri said as she breaks
off her hug. “Let’s just be friends…
pretend like nothing happened…it’s
for the best…let’s go to bed…it’s
getting late…night…” Yuri closed the
door and Yoona has nothing else to
do but sobbed. Finally Yoona realized
how stupid she was…She had it all…
she had everything when she finally
wanted and now…her chance just
slipped off like that. It’s over…
If you think YoonYul are the ones
who are having some dramatic
scenes well…not really… Krystal and
Sulli didn’t attend the dance but
instead Sulli went out that evening.
She was walking along a park near
their school. She was alone and she
was still wearing her red dress. How
can a beautiful lady such as her be
walking alone in the middle of the
night? Sulli sighed as she sat over
the swing and think things over.
Why am I even suffering like this??
Psshh…I’m a cheer dancer for
goodness sake… I should be the one
who makes people suffer…I’m on top
of the hierarchy chain gawd… Sulli
tilted her head as she slowly swings
herself. I just wish she’ll be more
nicer to me…I know she’s a nice
person…Like Tiffany unnie said…
Should I be patient? But…It’s been so
long now and I’m treated badly…my
pride’s stepped on…she bosses me
around…aish…but I love her…it’s an
enough reason for me to stay…but
what am I martyr?? Aish…
Minutes have passed and suddenly…
Sulli touched her forehead… “Rain….”
Little amount of rain drops showered
until it became heavy and Sulli was
now soaking wet. Just like the rain
her eyes started to tear up, she cried
and joined the raining clouds. She
didn’t want to cry but it was a perfect
moment for her to do so.
“Let it rain….I deserve to be punished
for being stupid…” Suddenly Sulli got
surprised the rain stopped dripping
onto her head but it was still raining.
She looked up and there was a yellow
umbrella above her. “What are you
doing here?” Sulli said.
“Tsk…Look at you you’re all wet...”
The girl who was wearing a white
dress suddenly wrapped a huge
blanket around Sulli. “Come on…let’s
go back to school before you get
sick…” She vigorously wiped Sulli’s
face with the blanket using her free
“I’m sick already…sick of being
tortured by you…sick of being stupid
for you…Soojung…I also have
feelings…” Well yeah…Sulli is Yuri’s
cousin alright, Does being tortured by
love run in their genes???
“No Sulli…you’re not stupid…Come
on, hunny…let’s go…” Krystal said
with endearment as she touched and
held Sulli’s hand. “How can someone
beautiful as you look like this
tonight…” Krystal mumbled loud
enough so make Sulli hear. “Sulli…I’m
sorry if I’ve treated you badly…I’m
sorry if I’ve been such a jerk to step
on you…I hope I’m not too late to fix
us… Am I?”
Sulli just stared at the girl. “It would
be a lie if I said no…”
“I’m really sorry, sweetie…” Krystal
said as she hugs Sulli who was still
sitting on the swing. “I promise to
treat you well and treat you better…
but please be patient with me…I may
ignore you or be a snob to you at
times…but pls. don’t give up on me…”
“Again it would be a lie to say no…”
Sulli sighed. “I’m really stupid huh??”
“No…well… yes…” Krystal joked.
Sulli frowned.
“But you’re MY pabo…Thank you…I
promise to try my best…” Krystal said
as she cups Sulli’s face with her free
“You should not try… do it. Do more
than try…”
“I will…” Krystal smiled. Then she
kissed Sulli’s nose. “Thank you,
baby…” Then she hugged her again.
“Let’s go…” She helped Sulli up.
It was the first time they started to
call each other with endearments and
both of them just went with the flow,
they didn’t whine or rejected the
endearment acknowledgements and
instead both of them decided to call
each other such names. They didn’t
talk about it or agreed to it but it just
came out from their feelings and out
of their mouths, and so they went
with the movement of their
unexplainable relationship. They
knew they were best friend but they
felt like they are more than being best
friends, they don’t want to be frank
about how they feel but it doesn’t
matter to them whatever it is that
they feel as long as their together and
nothing else could separates them.
They know they love each other but it
stresses them if they sort out their
feelings for they were in the middle of
being best friends and being lovers.
So they didn’t mind what type of love
they feel as long as there’s love. It’s
“How did you know I was here?” Sulli
asked as she held on to the fluffy
blanket around her.
“I just felt it…I don’t know…I just
know you’re around here somewhere,
I’ve been looking all over for you for
like hours now…” Krystal said, she
was holding the yellow umbrella.
“You know…I like rain…” Krystal
finally said. “I’m like Jessica… we
love rain…than sun…” She smiled as
she opens her palm and reached out
to the open space. “It’s cold…it’s
wet…it’s nice than feeling hot and
scorched. Rain makes me feel cozy,
and cozy to me is how I feel safe,
peace, and serenity…”
“Really??” Sulli asked. "What are we??
A Korean Drama series??"
“No no...but seriously...I have a lot of
wonderful memories in rain… my mom
also loves rain…we used to walk
when it rains, along with my sister
Jessica” Krystal smiled. “And now…
I’m having another wonderful memory
under the rain because I’m walking
beside someone special to me…”
Sulli suddenly smiled. She blushed.
“I really promise to do my best Sulli…
but please be patient with me…”
“I will…even if it takes me forever…”
“Thanks by the way…for teaching us
earlier…” Jessica chuckled as she
drops by the food table that was by
the way empty and foodless. “You’ll
be a great chef…” Jessica blurted.
Tiffany was standing beside Jessica
and all she could feel was endless
jealousy starting from the beginning
of the dance. Seung-ri was also out
of place like Tiffany.
Heechul smiled. “Thank you…”
“And thank you for the cake last
time…it was totally beautiful…”
Jessica said. “My friends saw it
haha…you were good…”
Tiffany smiled and nodded. “Yes…It
was beautiful…” Tiffany was so
jealous because she remembered the
cake was totally drawn by just using
cocoa dust. It was incredible…and
sweet…and heart moving…and heart
pounding…and heart melting. ERGH!
Tiffany thought.
“Thank you for becoming my
Jessica smiled. The ice princess
totally melted. “It would be my honor
anyway…Thank you…”
“I’m sorry if I couldn’t give anything
memorable for you tonight.”
“Psshhh….What you taught us earlier
is memorable…” Jessica said
Heechul smiled. Then there was an
awkward silence.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"No.... Anda tidak... Yul-""Pleas tidak mengatakan apa-apa tentang itu..." Yuri menggigitlidah untuk menekan Isak tangis nya. "Sayatahu... Aku hanya permainan Anda... kaupengujian diri sendiri bahwa Anda bisa mendapatkansiapa pun di hanya beberapa detik dari Andaperistiwa pengangkatan jari... Aku tahu alasanMengapa Anda bermain saya karena sayasulit untuk mendapatkan... Anda memandang saya sebagaitantangan untuk Anda... aku benar?? "Yoona tidak menjawab. Bagian itubenar... Tetapi seperti permainan dia pergi denganYuri... Yoona merasa berbeda."Jawaban saya..." Yuri berkata."Ya, tapi itu bukan apa yang Anda pikirkan..."Yoona memprotes."Anda mengakui itu sendiri juga... Yoona doAnda tahu bagaimana hal itu menyakiti bahwa dalam10 menit... Anda terus mengatakan padaku10 menit dari... Aku merasa seperti seorang gadis hidup rendahyang tidak memiliki martabat dalam dirinya... Sayamungkin lambat tapi karena sejakKelahiran yang aku tidak pernah dalam sebuah hubungandengan orang lain... Saya ingin pengalaman pertama saya untukmenjadi cantik... pertama saya mencium... pertama sayatanggal... pertama saya saat... Tapi no.... sayaciuman pertama adalah dengan Anda, dan begitukacau. Hal ini tidak bagaimana aku ingin."Yuri mata itu merah dan sakit."Yoona... Aku bosan menangis setiapsatu saat yang saya miliki dengan Anda,setelah melihat Anda atau berbicara kepada Anda, sayaselalu berakhir menangis... Sialan Yoona,Aku mencintaimu tapi itu tidak bagaimana saya ingin ituuntuk menjadi... Cinta tidak seharusnyacara ini...""Yuri... I love you terlalu... ""Tidak, Yoona... Anda tidak tahumakna cinta..." Yuri berkata. "Aku sudahmencoba sebaik untuk Perbaiki Anda, berpikirmungkin aku bisa membuat Anda berubah... tapiYa... neraka aku berpikir itu??? Sayayang ambisius. Untuk berpikir bahwa kitagadis... Aku menelan kesombongan saya tentangyang... Aku lurus... Aku dulu tapi akumelangkah di atasnya untuk Anda...""Yuri... aku minta maaf, apa yang telah saya lakukan... Sayajanji jika Anda memberi saya kesempatan, saya akanPerbaiki ini..."Yuri menggelengkan kepalanya. "No.... Suwadi... ini adalahterlambat untuk memperbaiki segalanya... segalanyaJadi kacau, aku lelah, sayamencapai batas saya... Saya tidak ingin inijenis kacau hubungan, sayatidak dapat menerima ini..."Yoona tiba-tiba memeluk Yuri. "No....Tolong beri saya yang lain kesempatan saya...berjanji untuk memperbaiki hal-hal... Aku tidak akanmengacaukan itu saat ini."Yuri berdiri beku. Dia tidak meresponuntuk pelukan Yoona's. Hanya karenaDia dibuat pikirannya. Ia telah selesai.Selesai. "Yoona..." Yuri berkata. "SayaMaaf... Mungkin aku tidak untuk Anda...""Unnie... Silahkan..." Ini adalah pertama kalinyaYoona disebut Yuri unnie."Saya minta maaf..." Yuri berkata seperti dia istirahatoff nya pelukan. "Mari kita hanya menjadi teman-teman...berpura-pura seperti tidak ada yang terjadi... memilikiuntuk yang terbaik... mari kita pergi ke tempat tidur... itusemakin larut... malam... " Yuri ditutuppintu dan Yoona tiada lain untuklakukan tetapi menangis. Akhirnya Yoona menyadaribetapa bodohnya dia adalah... Dia punya itu semua...Dia punya segalanya ketika dia akhirnyaingin dan sekarang... dia hanya kesempatanmenyelinap pergi seperti itu. Ini atas...Jika Anda berpikir YoonYul adalah orang-orangyang mengalami beberapa dramatisadegan Yah... tidak benar-benar... Krystal danSulli didn’t attend the dance butinstead Sulli went out that evening.She was walking along a park neartheir school. She was alone and shewas still wearing her red dress. Howcan a beautiful lady such as her bewalking alone in the middle of thenight? Sulli sighed as she sat overthe swing and think things over.Why am I even suffering like this??Psshh…I’m a cheer dancer forgoodness sake… I should be the onewho makes people suffer…I’m on topof the hierarchy chain gawd… Sullitilted her head as she slowly swingsherself. I just wish she’ll be morenicer to me…I know she’s a niceperson…Like Tiffany unnie said…Should I be patient? But…It’s been solong now and I’m treated badly…mypride’s stepped on…she bosses mearound…aish…but I love her…it’s anenough reason for me to stay…butwhat am I martyr?? Aish…Minutes have passed and suddenly…*PLOCK!*Sulli touched her forehead… “Rain….”Little amount of rain drops showereduntil it became heavy and Sulli wasnow soaking wet. Just like the rainher eyes started to tear up, she criedand joined the raining clouds. Shedidn’t want to cry but it was a perfectmoment for her to do so.“Let it rain….I deserve to be punishedfor being stupid…” Suddenly Sulli gotsurprised the rain stopped drippingonto her head but it was still raining.She looked up and there was a yellowumbrella above her. “What are youdoing here?” Sulli said.“Tsk…Look at you you’re all wet...”The girl who was wearing a whitedress suddenly wrapped a hugeblanket around Sulli. “Come on…let’sgo back to school before you getsick…” She vigorously wiped Sulli’sface with the blanket using her freehand.“I’m sick already…sick of beingtortured by you…sick of being stupidfor you…Soojung…I also havefeelings…” Well yeah…Sulli is Yuri’scousin alright, Does being tortured bylove run in their genes???“No Sulli…you’re not stupid…Comeon, hunny…let’s go…” Krystal saidwith endearment as she touched andheld Sulli’s hand. “How can someonebeautiful as you look like thistonight…” Krystal mumbled loudenough so make Sulli hear. “Sulli…I’msorry if I’ve treated you badly…I’msorry if I’ve been such a jerk to stepon you…I hope I’m not too late to fixus… Am I?”Sulli just stared at the girl. “It wouldbe a lie if I said no…”“I’m really sorry, sweetie…” Krystalsaid as she hugs Sulli who was stillsitting on the swing. “I promise totreat you well and treat you better…but please be patient with me…I mayignore you or be a snob to you attimes…but pls. don’t give up on me…”“Again it would be a lie to say no…”Sulli sighed. “I’m really stupid huh??”“No…well… yes…” Krystal joked.Sulli frowned.“But you’re MY pabo…Thank you…Ipromise to try my best…” Krystal saidas she cups Sulli’s face with her freehand.“You should not try… do it. Do morethan try…”“I will…” Krystal smiled. Then shekissed Sulli’s nose. “Thank you,baby…” Then she hugged her again.“Let’s go…” She helped Sulli up.It was the first time they started tocall each other with endearments andboth of them just went with the flow,they didn’t whine or rejected theendearment acknowledgements andinstead both of them decided to calleach other such names. They didn’ttalk about it or agreed to it but it justcame out from their feelings and outof their mouths, and so they wentwith the movement of theirunexplainable relationship. Theyknew they were best friend but theyfelt like they are more than being bestfriends, they don’t want to be frankabout how they feel but it doesn’tmatter to them whatever it is thatthey feel as long as their together andnothing else could separates them.They know they love each other but itstresses them if they sort out theirfeelings for they were in the middle ofbeing best friends and being lovers.So they didn’t mind what type of lovethey feel as long as there’s love. It’senough.“How did you know I was here?” Sulliasked as she held on to the fluffyblanket around her.“I just felt it…I don’t know…I justknow you’re around here somewhere,I’ve been looking all over for you forlike hours now…” Krystal said, shewas holding the yellow umbrella.“You know…I like rain…” Krystalfinally said. “I’m like Jessica… welove rain…than sun…” She smiled asshe opens her palm and reached outto the open space. “It’s cold…it’swet…it’s nice than feeling hot andscorched. Rain makes me feel cozy,and cozy to me is how I feel safe,peace, and serenity…”“Really??” Sulli asked. "What are we??A Korean Drama series??"“No no...but seriously...I have a lot ofwonderful memories in rain… my momalso loves rain…we used to walkwhen it rains, along with my sisterJessica” Krystal smiled. “And now…I’m having another wonderful memoryunder the rain because I’m walkingbeside someone special to me…”Sulli suddenly smiled. She blushed.“I really promise to do my best Sulli…but please be patient with me…”“I will…even if it takes me forever…”~~~~~~~~~“Thanks by the way…for teaching usearlier…” Jessica chuckled as shedrops by the food table that was bythe way empty and foodless. “You’llbe a great chef…” Jessica blurted.Tiffany was standing beside Jessicaand all she could feel was endlessjealousy starting from the beginningof the dance. Seung-ri was also outof place like Tiffany.Heechul smiled. “Thank you…”“And thank you for the cake lasttime…it was totally beautiful…”Jessica said. “My friends saw ithaha…you were good…”
Tiffany smiled and nodded. “Yes…It
was beautiful…” Tiffany was so
jealous because she remembered the
cake was totally drawn by just using
cocoa dust. It was incredible…and
sweet…and heart moving…and heart
pounding…and heart melting. ERGH!
Tiffany thought.
“Thank you for becoming my
Jessica smiled. The ice princess
totally melted. “It would be my honor
anyway…Thank you…”
“I’m sorry if I couldn’t give anything
memorable for you tonight.”
“Psshhh….What you taught us earlier
is memorable…” Jessica said
Heechul smiled. Then there was an
awkward silence.
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