Deep learning means collaborative cultures of inquiry, which alter the terjemahan - Deep learning means collaborative cultures of inquiry, which alter the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Deep learning means collaborative c

Deep learning means collaborative cultures of inquiry, which alter the culture of learning in the organization away from dysfunctional and non-relationships toward the daily development of culture that can solve difficult or adaptive problems (see especially Kegan & Lahey, 2001; Perkins, 2003). The ‘‘curriculum’’ for doing this is contained in Kegan and Lahey’s seven languages for transformation (e.g., from the language of complaint to the language of commitment), and in Perkins develop-mental leadership which represents ‘‘progressive interaction’’ which evokes the ex-change of good ideas, and fosters the cohesiveness of the group. These new ways of working involve deep changes in the culture of most organizations, and thus the training and development must be sophisticated and intense. Perkins emphasizes how difficult this is going to be. He makes the case that ‘‘regressive interaction’’ (poor knowledge exchange, and weak social cohesion) is more likely to occur be-cause it is easier than trying to create the more complex progressive cultures. Be that as it may, the solution is to develop more and more leaders who can help shape school system cultures in these directions.
Dual commitment to short-term and long-term results
Like most aspects of sustainability, things that look like they are mutually exclusive have to be brought together. It’s a pipedream to argue only for the long-term goal of organizations or society, because the shareholders and the public won’t let you get away with it, nor should they. The new reality is that governments and organizations have to show progress in relation to priorities in the short as well as long-term. Our knowledge base is such that there is no excuse for failing to design and implement strategies that get short-term results.
Of course, short-term progress can be accomplished at the expense of the mid to long-term (win the battle, lose the war), but they don’t have to be. What I am advocating is that organizations set targets and take action to obtain early results, intervene in situations of terrible performance, all the while investing in the eight sustainability capacity-building elements described in this article. Over time, the system gets stronger and fewer severe problems occur as they are pre-empted by corrective action sooner rather than later.
Shorter-term results are also necessary to build trust with the public or shareholders for longer-term investments. Barber (2004) argues that it is necessary
Create the virtuous circle where public education delivers results, the public gains confidence and is therefore willing to invest through taxation and, as a consequence, the system is able to improve further. It is for this reason that the long-term strategy requires short-term results.
Cyclical energizing
Sustain comes from the Latin word, sustineo which means ‘‘to keep up,’’ but this is misleading. Sustainability on the contrary is not linear. It is cyclical for two fundamental reasons. One has to do with energy, and the other with periodic plateauswhere additional time and ingenuity are required for the next adaptive break-through. Loehr and Schwartz’s (2003) ‘‘power of full engagement’’ argue that ‘‘energy, not time’’ is the fundamental currency of high performance. They base theirwork on four principles:
Principle 1: Full engagement requires four separate but related sources of energy:physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual; [p. 9]
Principle 2: Because energy capacity diminishes both with overuse and with underuse, we must balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal; [p. 11]
Principle 3: To build capacity, we must push beyond our normal limits, training in the same systematic way that elite athletes do; [p. 13]
Principle 4: Positive energy rituals—highly specific routines for managing en-ergy—are key to full engagement and sustained high performance. [p. 14]
If we want sustainability we need to keep an eye on energy levels (overuse and underuse). Positive collaborative cultures will help because (a) they push for greater accomplishments, and (b) they avoid the debilitating effects of negative cultures. It is not hard work that tires us out, as much as it is negative work. In any case, we need combinations of full engagement with colleagues, along with less intensive activities, which are associated with replenishment.
There is another reason why sustainability is cyclical. In many cases we have seen achievement in literacy and mathematics improve over a 5-year period, only to plateau or level off. It may be related to burnout, but this is not likely the main explanation. People are still putting in a lot of energy to maintain the same higher level performance represented by the new plateau. If people were burning out, performance would likely decline.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Deep learning means collaborative cultures of inquiry, which alter the culture of learning in the organization away from dysfunctional and non-relationships toward the daily development of culture that can solve difficult or adaptive problems (see especially Kegan & Lahey, 2001; Perkins, 2003). The ‘‘curriculum’’ for doing this is contained in Kegan and Lahey’s seven languages for transformation (e.g., from the language of complaint to the language of commitment), and in Perkins develop-mental leadership which represents ‘‘progressive interaction’’ which evokes the ex-change of good ideas, and fosters the cohesiveness of the group. These new ways of working involve deep changes in the culture of most organizations, and thus the training and development must be sophisticated and intense. Perkins emphasizes how difficult this is going to be. He makes the case that ‘‘regressive interaction’’ (poor knowledge exchange, and weak social cohesion) is more likely to occur be-cause it is easier than trying to create the more complex progressive cultures. Be that as it may, the solution is to develop more and more leaders who can help shape school system cultures in these directions.Dual commitment to short-term and long-term resultsLike most aspects of sustainability, things that look like they are mutually exclusive have to be brought together. It’s a pipedream to argue only for the long-term goal of organizations or society, because the shareholders and the public won’t let you get away with it, nor should they. The new reality is that governments and organizations have to show progress in relation to priorities in the short as well as long-term. Our knowledge base is such that there is no excuse for failing to design and implement strategies that get short-term results.Of course, short-term progress can be accomplished at the expense of the mid to long-term (win the battle, lose the war), but they don’t have to be. What I am advocating is that organizations set targets and take action to obtain early results, intervene in situations of terrible performance, all the while investing in the eight sustainability capacity-building elements described in this article. Over time, the system gets stronger and fewer severe problems occur as they are pre-empted by corrective action sooner rather than later.
Shorter-term results are also necessary to build trust with the public or shareholders for longer-term investments. Barber (2004) argues that it is necessary
Create the virtuous circle where public education delivers results, the public gains confidence and is therefore willing to invest through taxation and, as a consequence, the system is able to improve further. It is for this reason that the long-term strategy requires short-term results.
Cyclical energizing
Sustain comes from the Latin word, sustineo which means ‘‘to keep up,’’ but this is misleading. Sustainability on the contrary is not linear. It is cyclical for two fundamental reasons. One has to do with energy, and the other with periodic plateauswhere additional time and ingenuity are required for the next adaptive break-through. Loehr and Schwartz’s (2003) ‘‘power of full engagement’’ argue that ‘‘energy, not time’’ is the fundamental currency of high performance. They base theirwork on four principles:
Principle 1: Full engagement requires four separate but related sources of energy:physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual; [p. 9]
Principle 2: Because energy capacity diminishes both with overuse and with underuse, we must balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal; [p. 11]
Principle 3: To build capacity, we must push beyond our normal limits, training in the same systematic way that elite athletes do; [p. 13]
Principle 4: Positive energy rituals—highly specific routines for managing en-ergy—are key to full engagement and sustained high performance. [p. 14]
If we want sustainability we need to keep an eye on energy levels (overuse and underuse). Positive collaborative cultures will help because (a) they push for greater accomplishments, and (b) they avoid the debilitating effects of negative cultures. It is not hard work that tires us out, as much as it is negative work. In any case, we need combinations of full engagement with colleagues, along with less intensive activities, which are associated with replenishment.
There is another reason why sustainability is cyclical. In many cases we have seen achievement in literacy and mathematics improve over a 5-year period, only to plateau or level off. It may be related to burnout, but this is not likely the main explanation. People are still putting in a lot of energy to maintain the same higher level performance represented by the new plateau. If people were burning out, performance would likely decline.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam pembelajaran berarti budaya kolaboratif penyelidikan, yang mengubah budaya belajar dalam organisasi jauh dari disfungsional dan non-hubungan terhadap perkembangan harian dari budaya yang dapat memecahkan masalah yang sulit atau adaptif (lihat khususnya Kegan & Lahey, 2001; Perkins, 2003) . The '' Kurikulum '' untuk melakukan hal ini terkandung dalam Kegan dan Lahey tujuh bahasa transformasi (misalnya, dari bahasa keluhan kepada bahasa komitmen), dan Perkins mengembangkan-jiwa kepemimpinan yang mewakili '' interaksi progresif '' yang membangkitkan mantan perubahan ide yang baik, dan mendorong kekompakan kelompok. Cara-cara kerja baru melibatkan perubahan mendalam dalam budaya kebanyakan organisasi, dan dengan demikian pelatihan dan pengembangan harus canggih dan intens. Perkins menekankan betapa sulitnya ini akan menjadi. Dia membuat kasus bahwa '' interaksi regresif '' (pertukaran pengetahuan miskin, dan kohesi sosial yang lemah) adalah lebih mungkin terjadi be-penyebab lebih mudah daripada mencoba untuk menciptakan budaya progresif lebih kompleks. Jadilah bahwa mungkin, solusinya adalah untuk mengembangkan lebih banyak pemimpin yang dapat membantu budaya sistem sekolah bentuk dalam arah ini.
Komitmen ganda untuk jangka pendek dan jangka panjang hasil
Seperti kebanyakan aspek keberlanjutan, hal-hal yang terlihat seperti mereka saling eksklusif harus dibawa bersama-sama. Ini adalah pipedream untuk berdebat hanya untuk tujuan jangka panjang dari organisasi atau masyarakat, karena pemegang saham dan publik tidak akan membiarkan Anda pergi dengan itu, juga tidak boleh mereka. Realitas baru adalah bahwa pemerintah dan organisasi harus menunjukkan kemajuan dalam kaitannya dengan prioritas dalam jangka pendek serta jangka panjang. Dasar pengetahuan kita sehingga tidak ada alasan untuk gagal untuk merancang dan menerapkan strategi yang mendapatkan hasil jangka pendek.
Tentu saja, kemajuan jangka pendek dapat dicapai dengan mengorbankan pertengahan untuk jangka panjang (memenangkan pertempuran, kehilangan perang), tetapi mereka tidak harus. Apa yang saya menganjurkan adalah bahwa organisasi menetapkan target dan mengambil tindakan untuk mendapatkan hasil awal, campur tangan dalam situasi kinerja buruk, sambil berinvestasi dalam delapan elemen kapasitas keberlanjutan dijelaskan dalam artikel ini. Seiring waktu, sistem menjadi lebih kuat dan lebih sedikit masalah berat terjadi karena mereka diantisipasi oleh tindakan korektif cepat daripada nanti.
Hasil jangka pendek juga diperlukan untuk membangun kepercayaan dengan publik atau pemegang saham untuk investasi jangka panjang. Barber (2004) berpendapat bahwa perlu
Buat lingkaran berbudi luhur di mana pendidikan publik memberikan hasil, kepercayaan keuntungan masyarakat dan karena itu bersedia untuk berinvestasi melalui perpajakan dan, sebagai akibatnya, sistem ini mampu meningkatkan lebih lanjut. Hal ini untuk alasan ini bahwa strategi jangka panjang membutuhkan hasil jangka pendek.
Siklus energi
Sustain berasal dari kata Latin, sustineo yang berarti '' untuk menjaga, '' tapi ini menyesatkan. Keberlanjutan sebaliknya tidak linear. Ini adalah siklus karena dua alasan mendasar. Yang harus dilakukan dengan energi, dan yang lainnya dengan plateauswhere periodik waktu tambahan dan kecerdikan yang diperlukan untuk adaptif terobosan berikutnya. Loehr dan Schwartz (2003) '' kekuatan keterlibatan penuh '' berpendapat bahwa '' energi, bukan waktu '' adalah mata uang dasar kinerja tinggi. Mereka mendasarkan theirwork pada empat prinsip:
Prinsip 1: Keterlibatan penuh membutuhkan empat sumber terpisah namun berhubungan energi: fisik, emosional, mental, dan spiritual; [p. 9]
Prinsip 2: Karena kapasitas energi berkurang baik dengan berlebihan dan dengan sedikit digunakan, kita harus menyeimbangkan pengeluaran energi dengan pembaharuan energi berselang; [p. 11]
Prinsip 3: Untuk membangun kapasitas, kita harus mendorong melampaui batas normal kita, pelatihan dalam cara sistematis yang sama yang dilakukan para atlet elite; [p. 13]
Prinsip 4: Positif ritual-energi yang sangat rutinitas tertentu untuk mengelola en-ergy-adalah kunci untuk keterlibatan penuh dan berkelanjutan kinerja tinggi. [p. 14]
Jika kita ingin keberlanjutan kita perlu mengawasi tingkat energi (berlebihan dan sedikit digunakan). Budaya kolaboratif positif akan membantu karena (a) mereka mendorong prestasi yang lebih besar, dan (b) mereka menghindari efek melemahkan budaya negatif. Hal ini tidak kerja keras bahwa ban kami keluar, sebanyak itu adalah pekerjaan negatif. Dalam kasus apapun, kita perlu kombinasi dari keterlibatan penuh dengan rekan-rekan, bersama dengan kegiatan intensif kurang, yang terkait dengan pengisian.
Ada alasan lain mengapa keberlanjutan siklus. Dalam banyak kasus kita telah melihat prestasi dalam literasi dan matematika meningkatkan selama periode 5 tahun, hanya untuk dataran tinggi atau tingkat off. Ini mungkin berhubungan dengan kelelahan, tapi ini tidak mungkin penjelasan utama. Orang-orang masih meletakkan di banyak energi untuk mempertahankan tingkat kinerja yang sama yang lebih tinggi diwakili oleh dataran tinggi baru. Jika orang-orang terbakar, kinerja kemungkinan akan menurun.
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