and needs of life undergo change, these agreements and codes may be mo terjemahan - and needs of life undergo change, these agreements and codes may be mo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

and needs of life undergo change, t

and needs of life undergo change, these agreements and codes may be modified or changed.
Third, there is a development or evolution of morals, just as there is of social life and institutions in general. Throughout the history of human society, moral standards have varied, from the primitive customs followed by the partly conscious early man to the carefully reasoned theories of life of the more mature modern man. Moral practices and standards depend on the stage of social development, on the general level of intelligence, and on the knowledge available at the time. Even today we find men living at all the stages of moral development: there are primitive survivals existing side by side with more advanced ethical standards. Morality grows out of life itself and is an attempt to discover and live the good life—which is the healthy, the happy, the socially useful, and the rich or fully developed life.
Fourth, the field of morality is coextensive with life itself; it is not some separate area or sphere of life. A moral problem is not just a moral problem; it is also a personal, social, economic, political, or international problem.

Two Unsatisfactory Approaches

THE MORAL confusion of our time has been increased by two quite different approaches to the problems of morality. The first is the age-old tendency of men to hold blindly to some belief or line of conduct and to appeal to some authority for its support. The second and more recent tendency is represented by those who claim that morality'is subjective and that there are no reliable moral standards which all men need to follow. The ethical relativists regard morality as a matter of personal opinion.

Reliance on authority has been widespread in human history. The authoritarian has been almost entirely in control in the past, and even. today most people think that right conduct means obedience to some. Established authority. For some persons it is a matter of habit and inertia; they are glad to let others do the thinking or deciding for them, and they do not want-to bear the responsibility. Others want the assurance of certainty that comes when they invest some accredited authority with finality and infallibility.

The authorities which have been followed are .many and varied. They include custom and tradition, a moral code, a creedal statement, a church or other institution, a sacred literature or some portion of it, natural law, the commands of the state or of some divinely Ordained rulers, and the word of
some individual who is vested with authority.
In the chapter on “The Sources of Knowledge," we saw that much of our knowledge is gained through the testimony ofothets or upon authority, and
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
and needs of life undergo change, these agreements and codes may be modified or changed.Third, there is a development or evolution of morals, just as there is of social life and institutions in general. Throughout the history of human society, moral standards have varied, from the primitive customs followed by the partly conscious early man to the carefully reasoned theories of life of the more mature modern man. Moral practices and standards depend on the stage of social development, on the general level of intelligence, and on the knowledge available at the time. Even today we find men living at all the stages of moral development: there are primitive survivals existing side by side with more advanced ethical standards. Morality grows out of life itself and is an attempt to discover and live the good life—which is the healthy, the happy, the socially useful, and the rich or fully developed life.Fourth, the field of morality is coextensive with life itself; it is not some separate area or sphere of life. A moral problem is not just a moral problem; it is also a personal, social, economic, political, or international problem.Two Unsatisfactory ApproachesTHE MORAL confusion of our time has been increased by two quite different approaches to the problems of morality. The first is the age-old tendency of men to hold blindly to some belief or line of conduct and to appeal to some authority for its support. The second and more recent tendency is represented by those who claim that morality'is subjective and that there are no reliable moral standards which all men need to follow. The ethical relativists regard morality as a matter of personal opinion.THE APPEAL T0 AUTHORITYReliance on authority has been widespread in human history. The authoritarian has been almost entirely in control in the past, and even. today most people think that right conduct means obedience to some. Established authority. For some persons it is a matter of habit and inertia; they are glad to let others do the thinking or deciding for them, and they do not want-to bear the responsibility. Others want the assurance of certainty that comes when they invest some accredited authority with finality and infallibility.The authorities which have been followed are .many and varied. They include custom and tradition, a moral code, a creedal statement, a church or other institution, a sacred literature or some portion of it, natural law, the commands of the state or of some divinely Ordained rulers, and the word ofsome individual who is vested with authority. In the chapter on “The Sources of Knowledge," we saw that much of our knowledge is gained through the testimony ofothets or upon authority, and
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dan kebutuhan hidup mengalami perubahan, perjanjian ini dan kode dapat dimodifikasi atau diubah.
Ketiga, ada perkembangan atau evolusi moral, hanya karena ada kehidupan sosial dan lembaga pada umumnya. Sepanjang sejarah masyarakat manusia, standar moral bervariasi, dari kebiasaan primitif diikuti oleh manusia purba sadar sebagian untuk teori hati-hati beralasan dari kehidupan manusia modern lebih matang. Praktek moral dan standar tergantung pada tahap perkembangan sosial, pada tingkat umum intelijen, dan pada pengetahuan yang tersedia pada saat itu. Bahkan hari ini kita fi pria nd hidup pada semua tahap perkembangan moral: ada kelangsungan hidup primitif berdampingan yang ada dengan standar etika yang lebih maju. Moralitas tumbuh dari kehidupan itu sendiri dan merupakan upaya untuk menemukan dan menjalani kehidupan-yang baik adalah sehat, bahagia, manfaat sosial, dan kehidupan yang kaya atau dikembangkan sepenuhnya.
Keempat, lapangan moralitas adalah coextensive dengan kehidupan itu sendiri; tidak beberapa daerah yang terpisah atau bidang kehidupan. Masalah moral tidak hanya masalah moral; itu juga merupakan masalah pribadi, sosial, ekonomi, politik, maupun internasional. Dua Pendekatan memuaskan THE kebingungan MORAL waktu kita telah meningkat dua pendekatan yang sangat berbeda dengan masalah moralitas. Yang pertama adalah kecenderungan kuno dari laki-laki untuk memegang membabi buta ke beberapa keyakinan atau jalur perilaku dan untuk menarik beberapa otoritas untuk dukungannya. Kecenderungan kedua dan yang lebih baru diwakili oleh mereka yang mengklaim bahwa morality'is subjektif dan bahwa tidak ada standar moral yang handal yang semua orang harus mengikuti. The relativisme etis menganggap moralitas sebagai masalah pendapat pribadi. THE SERUAN T0 AUTHORITY Ketergantungan pada otoritas telah tersebar luas dalam sejarah manusia. Otoriter telah hampir seluruhnya dalam kendali di masa lalu, dan bahkan. hari ini kebanyakan orang berpikir bahwa perilaku yang benar berarti ketaatan kepada beberapa. Didirikan otoritas. Untuk beberapa orang itu adalah masalah kebiasaan dan inersia; mereka senang untuk membiarkan orang lain melakukan pemikiran atau memutuskan untuk mereka, dan mereka tidak ingin-untuk menanggung tanggung jawab. Lain ingin jaminan kepastian yang datang ketika mereka berinvestasi beberapa otoritas terakreditasi dengan fi nality dan kesempurnaan. Pihak berwenang yang telah diikuti adalah .Banyak dan bervariasi. Mereka termasuk adat dan tradisi, kode moral, pernyataan pengakuan iman, gereja atau lembaga lain, sastra suci atau beberapa bagian dari itu, hukum alam, perintah negara atau beberapa penguasa ilahi Ditahbiskan, dan firman beberapa individu yang memiliki wewenang. Dalam bab "The Sumber Pengetahuan," kami melihat bahwa banyak pengetahuan kita diperoleh melalui ofothets kesaksian atau pada otoritas, dan

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