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Cruise ship captain's heated conversation with coast guard (full transcript)
Capt. Francesco Schettino resists Italian coast guard's order to reboard
Jan 17, 2012 1:30 PM ET
The Associated Press
Here is a translation of the transcript of the conversation between Capt. Francesco Schettino, commander of the grounded Costa Concordia, and Capt. Gregorio De Falco of the Italian coast guard in Livorno. Schettino is speaking from a lifeboat, after his ship ran aground Friday night and began to list.

De Falco: "This is De Falco speaking from Livorno. Am I speaking with the commander?"

Schettino: "Yes. Good evening, Cmdr. De Falco."

De Falco: "Please tell me your name."

Schettino: "I'm Cmdr. Schettino, commander."

De Falco: "Schettino? Listen Schettino. There are people trapped on board. Now you go with your boat under the prow on the starboard side. There is a pilot ladder. You will climb that ladder and go on board. You go on board and then you will tell me how many people there are. Is that clear? I'm recording this conversation, Cmdr. Schettino..."

Schettino: "Commander, let me tell you one thing..."

De Falco: "Speak up! Put your hand in front of the microphone and speak more loudly, is that clear?"

Schettino: "In this moment, the boat is tipping..."

De Falco: "I understand that, listen, there are people that are coming down the pilot ladder of the prow. You go up that pilot ladder, get on that ship and tell me how many people are still on board. And what they need. Is that clear? You need to tell me if there are children, women or people in need of assistance. And tell me the exact number of each of these categories. Is that clear? Listen Schettino, that you saved yourself from the sea, but I am going to... I'm going to make sure you get in trouble. ...I am going to make you pay for this. Go on board, (expletive)!"

Schettino: "Commander, please..."

De Falco: "No, please. You now get up and go on board. They are telling me that on board there are still..."

Schettino: "I am here with the rescue boats, I am here, I am not going anywhere, I am here..."

De Falco: "What are you doing, commander?"

Schettino: "I am here to co-ordinate the rescue..."

De Falco: "What are you co-ordinating there? Go on board! Coordinate the rescue from aboard the ship. Are you refusing?"

Schettino: "No, I am not refusing."

De Falco: "Are you refusing to go aboard commander? Can you tell me the reason why you are not going?"

Schettino: "I am not going because the other lifeboat is stopped."

De Falco: "You go aboard. It is an order. Don't make any more excuses. You have declared 'abandon ship.' Now I am in charge. You go on board! Is that clear? Do you hear me? Go, and call me when you are aboard. My air rescue crew is there."

Schettino: "Where are your rescuers?"

De Falco: "My air rescue is on the prow. Go. There are already bodies, Schettino."

Schettino: "How many bodies are there?"

De Falco: "I don't know. I have heard of one. You are the one who has to tell me how many there are. Christ."

Schettino: "But do you realize it is dark and here we can't see anything..."

De Falco: "And so what? You want to go home, Schettino? It is dark and you want to go home? Get on that prow of the boat using the pilot ladder and tell me what can be done, how many people there are and what their needs are. Now!"

Schettino: "...I am with my second in command."

De Falco: "So both of you go up then ... You and your second go on board now. Is that clear?"

Schettino: "Commander, I want to go on board, but it is simply that the other boat here ... there are other rescuers. It has stopped and is waiting..."

De Falco: "It has been an hour that you have been telling me the same thing. Now, go on board. Go on board! And then tell me immediately how many people there are there."

Schettino: "OK, commander"

De Falco: "Go, immediately!"

The audio was first made available on the website of Corriere della Sera, and the Italian coast guard confirmed its authenticity Tuesday to The Associated Press.

The audio was first made available on the website of Corriere
© The Associated Press, 2012The Canadian Press

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
go backNews WorldADVERTISEMENTiCruise ship captain's heated conversation with coast guard (full transcript)Capt. Francesco Schettino resists Italian coast guard's order to reboardJan 17, 2012 1:30 PM ETThe Associated PressHere is a translation of the transcript of the conversation between Capt. Francesco Schettino, commander of the grounded Costa Concordia, and Capt. Gregorio De Falco of the Italian coast guard in Livorno. Schettino is speaking from a lifeboat, after his ship ran aground Friday night and began to list.De Falco: "This is De Falco speaking from Livorno. Am I speaking with the commander?"Schettino: "Yes. Good evening, Cmdr. De Falco."De Falco: "Please tell me your name."Schettino: "I'm Cmdr. Schettino, commander."De Falco: "Schettino? Listen Schettino. There are people trapped on board. Now you go with your boat under the prow on the starboard side. There is a pilot ladder. You will climb that ladder and go on board. You go on board and then you will tell me how many people there are. Is that clear? I'm recording this conversation, Cmdr. Schettino..."Schettino: "Commander, let me tell you one thing..."De Falco: "Speak up! Put your hand in front of the microphone and speak more loudly, is that clear?"Schettino: "In this moment, the boat is tipping..."De Falco: "I understand that, listen, there are people that are coming down the pilot ladder of the prow. You go up that pilot ladder, get on that ship and tell me how many people are still on board. And what they need. Is that clear? You need to tell me if there are children, women or people in need of assistance. And tell me the exact number of each of these categories. Is that clear? Listen Schettino, that you saved yourself from the sea, but I am going to... I'm going to make sure you get in trouble. ...I am going to make you pay for this. Go on board, (expletive)!"Schettino: "Commander, please..."De Falco: "No, please. You now get up and go on board. They are telling me that on board there are still..."Schettino: "I am here with the rescue boats, I am here, I am not going anywhere, I am here..."De Falco: "What are you doing, commander?"Schettino: "I am here to co-ordinate the rescue..."De Falco: "What are you co-ordinating there? Go on board! Coordinate the rescue from aboard the ship. Are you refusing?"Schettino: "No, I am not refusing."De Falco: "Are you refusing to go aboard commander? Can you tell me the reason why you are not going?"Schettino: "I am not going because the other lifeboat is stopped."De Falco: "You go aboard. It is an order. Don't make any more excuses. You have declared 'abandon ship.' Now I am in charge. You go on board! Is that clear? Do you hear me? Go, and call me when you are aboard. My air rescue crew is there."
Schettino: "Where are your rescuers?"

De Falco: "My air rescue is on the prow. Go. There are already bodies, Schettino."

Schettino: "How many bodies are there?"

De Falco: "I don't know. I have heard of one. You are the one who has to tell me how many there are. Christ."

Schettino: "But do you realize it is dark and here we can't see anything..."

De Falco: "And so what? You want to go home, Schettino? It is dark and you want to go home? Get on that prow of the boat using the pilot ladder and tell me what can be done, how many people there are and what their needs are. Now!"

Schettino: "...I am with my second in command."

De Falco: "So both of you go up then ... You and your second go on board now. Is that clear?"

Schettino: "Commander, I want to go on board, but it is simply that the other boat here ... there are other rescuers. It has stopped and is waiting..."

De Falco: "It has been an hour that you have been telling me the same thing. Now, go on board. Go on board! And then tell me immediately how many people there are there."

Schettino: "OK, commander"

De Falco: "Go, immediately!"

The audio was first made available on the website of Corriere della Sera, and the Italian coast guard confirmed its authenticity Tuesday to The Associated Press.

The audio was first made available on the website of Corriere
© The Associated Press, 2012The Canadian Press

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IKLAN i Cruise percakapan dipanaskan kapten kapal dengan penjaga pantai (transkrip penuh) Capt. Francesco Schettino menolak perintah Italia pantai penjaga untuk reboard Jan 17, 2012 1:30 ET The Associated Press Berikut adalah terjemahan dari transkrip pembicaraan antara Capt. Francesco Schettino, komandan didasarkan Costa Concordia, dan Capt. Gregorio De Falco dari penjaga pantai Italia di Livorno. Schettino berbicara dari sekoci, setelah kapalnya kandas Jumat malam dan mulai daftar. De Falco: "Ini adalah De Falco berbicara dari Livorno Apakah saya berbicara dengan komandan.?" Schettino: "Ya Selamat malam, Cmdr De.. . Falco " De Falco: "Tolong beritahu saya nama Anda". Schettino: "Saya Cmdr Schettino, komandan".. De Falco: "Schettino Dengar Schettino Ada orang terjebak di papan Sekarang Anda pergi dengan perahu Anda di bawah?.. haluan di sisi kanan. Ada tangga percontohan. Anda akan menaiki tangga itu dan pergi di kapal. Anda pergi di papan dan kemudian Anda akan memberitahu saya berapa banyak orang di sana. Apakah itu jelas? Aku merekam pembicaraan ini, . Cmdr Schettino ... " Schettino: "Komandan, biarkan aku memberitahu Anda satu hal ..." De Falco: "Bicaralah Letakkan tangan Anda di depan mikrofon dan berbicara lebih keras, adalah bahwa jelas"!? Schettino: " Pada saat ini, perahu adalah tip ... " De Falco: ". Saya mengerti bahwa, mendengarkan, ada orang-orang yang turun pilot tangga haluan Anda naik itu tangga percontohan, naik kapal itu dan memberitahu saya berapa banyak orang yang masih di atas kapal. Dan apa yang mereka butuhkan. Apakah itu jelas? Anda perlu memberitahu saya jika ada anak-anak, perempuan atau orang-orang yang membutuhkan bantuan. Dan katakan jumlah pasti dari masing-masing kategori tersebut. Apakah itu jelas? Dengar Schettino, yang Anda simpan sendiri dari laut, tapi saya akan ... aku akan memastikan Anda mendapatkan dalam kesulitan. ... Saya akan membuat Anda membayar untuk ini. Pergi di kapal, (sumpah serapah) "! Schettino: "Komandan, silakan ..." De Falco: "Tidak, silakan. Sekarang Anda bangun dan pergi di papan. Mereka mengatakan bahwa di papan masih ada ... " Schettino: "Saya di sini dengan perahu penyelamat, saya di sini, saya tidak akan kemana-mana, saya di sini ..." De Falco: "Apa yang kamu lakukan , komandan "? Schettino: "Saya di sini untuk mengkoordinasikan penyelamatan ..." De Falco: "Apa yang Anda mengkoordinasikan sana? Pergi di papan! Mengkoordinasikan penyelamatan dari kapal. Apakah Anda menolak "? Schettino: "Tidak, saya tidak menolak". De Falco: "Apakah Anda menolak untuk pergi naik komandan? Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya alasan mengapa Anda tidak akan "? Schettino: "Saya tidak pergi karena sekoci lainnya dihentikan". De Falco: "Anda pergi kapal. Ini adalah perintah. Jangan membuat alasan lagi. Anda telah menyatakan 'meninggalkan kapal. " Sekarang saya jawab. Anda pergi di papan! Apakah itu jelas? Kau dengar aku? Pergi, dan menelepon saya ketika Anda berada di atas kapal. Saya awak penyelamatan udara di sana ". Schettino: "Di mana penyelamat Anda?" De Falco: "My penyelamatan udara di haluan. Pergi. Sudah ada badan, Schettino ". Schettino: "Berapa banyak mayat yang ada"? De Falco: "Saya tidak tahu. Aku telah mendengar dari satu. Anda adalah orang yang harus memberitahu saya berapa banyak ada. Kristus ". Schettino: "Tapi apakah Anda menyadari itu gelap dan di sini kita tidak bisa melihat apa-apa ..." De Falco: "Dan jadi apa? Anda ingin pulang, Schettino? Ini gelap dan Anda ingin pulang? Mendapatkan itu haluan perahu menggunakan tangga pilot dan memberitahu saya apa yang bisa dilakukan, berapa banyak orang di sana dan apa kebutuhan mereka. Sekarang "! Schettino: "... Saya dengan kedua saya di perintah." De Falco: "Jadi kalian berdua naik maka ... Anda dan pergi kedua di papan sekarang. Apakah itu jelas? " Schettino: "Komandan, saya ingin pergi di kapal, tapi itu hanya bahwa perahu lain di sini ... ada penyelamat lain. Hal ini telah berhenti dan menunggu ... " De Falco: "Sudah satu jam bahwa Anda telah mengatakan hal yang sama. Sekarang, pergi di kapal. Pergi di papan! Dan kemudian memberitahu saya segera berapa banyak orang di sana ada ". Schettino: "OK, komandan" De Falco: "! Pergi, segera" audio pertama kali dibuat tersedia di situs Corriere della Sera, dan penjaga pantai Italia dikonfirmasi nya keaslian Selasa untuk The Associated Press. audio pertama kali dibuat tersedia di situs Corriere © The Associated Press, 2012The Canadian Press Bagikan cerita ini Link Terkait 5 kapal pesiar yang berakhir dengan bencana Ponsel ServicesContact KamiBantuan Persyaratan kamiPersyaratan penggunaanPrivasi Copyright © CBC 2014

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