Wang Jian ex­claims: „Orig­i­nally the orig­i­nal ram­ble elder brothe terjemahan - Wang Jian ex­claims: „Orig­i­nally the orig­i­nal ram­ble elder brothe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wang Jian ex­claims: „Orig­i­nally

Wang Jian ex­claims: „Orig­i­nally the orig­i­nal ram­ble elder brother has thought far de­pend­ing, I thought that was Fang Geque, Q Sword also not nec­es­sar­ily has the ram­ble elder brother to think far Chi­nese war zone CBN to fight the on­line their place in front of ram­ble Elder Brother”
I laugh: „Um, after 2018 Eve, my am­bi­tion above Q Sword and Jian Feng Han, at least, I will again not have cared about a time PK vic­tory or de­feat, whose place also will not care about CBN to fight the on­line to be higher again, I must have, is ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally the achieve­ment of world!”
Yue Qing Qian chuckle: „Eve? What the ram­ble elder brother was re­ceives cer­tainly to stim­u­late, Sis­ter Cang Tong, you said what quickly that late he did ex­pe­ri­ence? I re­mem­ber that the Eve ram­ble elder brother is you crosses to­gether”
„?” Lin Xi­aowu badly said with a smile: „Cer­tainly had many sto­ries?”
Gets up in vain also grins to smile: „That must cer­tainly per­haps also had the bloody in­ci­dents!”
Lin Wan Er af­firmed that blush­ing over the face, had not spo­ken.
I hold the vol­ume to say with a smile: „Your this group of fel­lows, the group teams leader, held flag Wei not to do, my com­plete lu?”
„guild­mas­ter mil­i­tary might, se­ries rivers and lakes!”
Also chat­ted a meet­ing in the guild with every­body, en­cour­ag­ing them to make the duty in the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den camp, strives for some mer­i­to­ri­ous val­ues, the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice and Tian Ling Em­pire are gen­eral, later can also ar­rive at Tian Ling Em­pire to hold an of­fice, at pre­sent many play­ers seeped the camp of NPC army, for ex­am­ple Sim­ple and Jian Feng Han, said good­bye are also tears, Drunken Spear et al. are the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, but Fang Geque, Ye to come, Mu Xuan, hun­dred li (0.5km), if wind et al. have also joined the flame dragon reg­i­ment, what had to do Ying Tuan to con­trol, has also. Long, hun­dred hus­band's long ranks pace back and forth, the player not only can be the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer, si­mul­ta­ne­ously is guild­mas­ter and group of teams leader player guild and oth­ers, in the NPC eye, we are the reg­i­men­tal com­man­der of com­mis­sion army corps, ac­tu­ally is also the re­la­tions of mu­tual use.
Soon, ar­rives in the palace guard bat­tal­ion, the be con­tin­u­ous sev­eral li (0.5km) every­where are the tents, in the tent is rows of makeshift beds on the ground, but Tian Ling Em­pire is the rain for­est re­gion, the rain is moist, is on the floor to be easy to be af­fected with damp for a long time to fall ill, there­fore I sug­gested that Han Yuan fells the trees man­u­fac­ture bunk, and is two bunks, big saved the space, en­abling a tent to live in hun­dred peo­ple, now turned has been able to live in 200 peo­ple, was makes one to con­tribute for the ex­pan­sion of ar­ma­ments.
In the bat­tal­ions, Long Xing pro­gresses to come, said: „Com­mands, the dock has been con­struct­ing, morn­ing time, one group of dragon Long Jun's war­ship dis­tant has waited and seen us, but was erected by us in the hot crag ar­tillery of ashore fright­en­ing off.”
I nod: „Con­tin­ues to try hard!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool is rais­ing the long-bar­relled gun, frowns say­ing: „Sir, do you think? Dragon Long Jun is one group of water rob­bers, they ap­pear and dis­ap­pear in the mil­i­tary god river bank for a long time in­def­i­nitely, we over­see the man­u­fac­ture of the speed of war­ship to be too slow, more than ten war­ships from the start are not only able to con­tend with their about hun­dred war­ships di­rectly!”
I said: „Yes, is un­able to con­tend.”
Long Xing­dao: „Com­mands, how can we ex­ter­mi­nate this group of dragon Long Jun?”
Xiao Li is also puz­zling, said: „Too was re­ally dif­fi­cult to com­mand that as­suredly, is it pos­si­ble that had the idea? If there is, do not hide the truth from our group of wait­ers?”
I smile: „Y
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wang Jian ex­claims: „Orig­i­nally the orig­i­nal ram­ble elder brother has thought far de­pend­ing, I thought that was Fang Geque, Q Sword also not nec­es­sar­ily has the ram­ble elder brother to think far Chi­nese war zone CBN to fight the on­line their place in front of ram­ble Elder Brother”I laugh: „Um, after 2018 Eve, my am­bi­tion above Q Sword and Jian Feng Han, at least, I will again not have cared about a time PK vic­tory or de­feat, whose place also will not care about CBN to fight the on­line to be higher again, I must have, is ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally the achieve­ment of world!”Yue Qing Qian chuckle: „Eve? What the ram­ble elder brother was re­ceives cer­tainly to stim­u­late, Sis­ter Cang Tong, you said what quickly that late he did ex­pe­ri­ence? I re­mem­ber that the Eve ram­ble elder brother is you crosses to­gether”„?” Lin Xi­aowu badly said with a smile: „Cer­tainly had many sto­ries?”Gets up in vain also grins to smile: „That must cer­tainly per­haps also had the bloody in­ci­dents!”Lin Wan Er af­firmed that blush­ing over the face, had not spo­ken.I hold the vol­ume to say with a smile: „Your this group of fel­lows, the group teams leader, held flag Wei not to do, my com­plete lu?”„guild­mas­ter mil­i­tary might, se­ries rivers and lakes!”„”Also chat­ted a meet­ing in the guild with every­body, en­cour­ag­ing them to make the duty in the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den camp, strives for some mer­i­to­ri­ous val­ues, the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice and Tian Ling Em­pire are gen­eral, later can also ar­rive at Tian Ling Em­pire to hold an of­fice, at pre­sent many play­ers seeped the camp of NPC army, for ex­am­ple Sim­ple and Jian Feng Han, said good­bye are also tears, Drunken Spear et al. are the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, but Fang Geque, Ye to come, Mu Xuan, hun­dred li (0.5km), if wind et al. have also joined the flame dragon reg­i­ment, what had to do Ying Tuan to con­trol, has also. Long, hun­dred hus­band's long ranks pace back and forth, the player not only can be the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer, si­mul­ta­ne­ously is guild­mas­ter and group of teams leader player guild and oth­ers, in the NPC eye, we are the reg­i­men­tal com­man­der of com­mis­sion army corps, ac­tu­ally is also the re­la­tions of mu­tual use.Soon, ar­rives in the palace guard bat­tal­ion, the be con­tin­u­ous sev­eral li (0.5km) every­where are the tents, in the tent is rows of makeshift beds on the ground, but Tian Ling Em­pire is the rain for­est re­gion, the rain is moist, is on the floor to be easy to be af­fected with damp for a long time to fall ill, there­fore I sug­gested that Han Yuan fells the trees man­u­fac­ture bunk, and is two bunks, big saved the space, en­abling a tent to live in hun­dred peo­ple, now turned has been able to live in 200 peo­ple, was makes one to con­tribute for the ex­pan­sion of ar­ma­ments.In the bat­tal­ions, Long Xing pro­gresses to come, said: „Com­mands, the dock has been con­struct­ing, morn­ing time, one group of dragon Long Jun's war­ship dis­tant has waited and seen us, but was erected by us in the hot crag ar­tillery of ashore fright­en­ing off.”
I nod: „Con­tin­ues to try hard!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool is rais­ing the long-bar­relled gun, frowns say­ing: „Sir, do you think? Dragon Long Jun is one group of water rob­bers, they ap­pear and dis­ap­pear in the mil­i­tary god river bank for a long time in­def­i­nitely, we over­see the man­u­fac­ture of the speed of war­ship to be too slow, more than ten war­ships from the start are not only able to con­tend with their about hun­dred war­ships di­rectly!”
I said: „Yes, is un­able to con­tend.”
Long Xing­dao: „Com­mands, how can we ex­ter­mi­nate this group of dragon Long Jun?”
Xiao Li is also puz­zling, said: „Too was re­ally dif­fi­cult to com­mand that as­suredly, is it pos­si­ble that had the idea? If there is, do not hide the truth from our group of wait­ers?”
I smile: „Y
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Wang Jian berseru: "Awalnya kakak asli pelancongan telah berpikir jauh tergantung, saya pikir itu Fang Geque, Q Sword juga belum tentu memiliki kakak melantur berpikir zona perang jauh Cina CBN untuk melawan online tempat mereka di depan melantur Kakak "
aku tertawa:" Um, setelah 2018 Eve, ambisi saya di atas Q Pedang dan Jian Feng Han, setidaknya, saya akan lagi tidak peduli tentang kemenangan PK waktu atau kalah, yang tempat juga tidak akan peduli CBN untuk melawan online menjadi lebih tinggi lagi, aku harus memiliki, secara vertikal dan horizontal pencapaian dunia "!
Yue Qing Qian tertawa:" Hawa? Apa kakak melantur adalah menerima pasti untuk merangsang, Suster Cang Tong, Anda mengatakan apa yang cepat yang terlambat ia lakukan pengalaman? Saya ingat bahwa Hawa mengoceh kakak adalah Anda salib bersama-sama "
"? "Lin Xiaowu buruk berkata sambil tersenyum:" Tentu saja punya banyak cerita? "
Mendapat up sia-sia juga menyeringai tersenyum:" Itu tentu harus mungkin juga memiliki insiden berdarah ! "
. Lin Wan Er menegaskan bahwa memerah di wajah, tidak berbicara
saya pegang volume untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum:" Anda kelompok fellows, pemimpin tim kelompok, diadakan bendera Wei untuk tidak melakukan, lu saya "?
"militer Guildmaster mungkin, seri sungai dan danau!"
Juga mengobrol pertemuan di serikat dengan semua orang, mendorong mereka untuk membuat tugas di tanah Dragon kamp den digarap dingin, berusaha untuk beberapa nilai berjasa, tanah digarap dingin Dragon den layanan berjasa dan Tian Ling Empire bersifat umum, kemudian juga dapat tiba di Tian Ling Empire memegang kantor, saat ini banyak pemain meresap kamp tentara NPC, misalnya Sederhana dan Jian Feng Han, mengatakan selamat tinggal juga air mata, Drunken Spear et Al. adalah legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen, tapi Fang Geque, Ye datang, Mu Xuan, seratus li (0.5km), jika et angin al. juga telah bergabung dengan api naga resimen, apa yang harus dilakukan Ying Tuan untuk mengontrol, memiliki juga. Panjang, seratus suami jajaran panjang kecepatan bolak-balik, pemain tidak hanya bisa menjadi perwira militer, secara bersamaan adalah Guildmaster dan kelompok pemimpin tim pemain serikat dan lain-lain, di mata NPC, kami adalah komandan resimen komisi korps tentara, sebenarnya juga hubungan saling penggunaan.
Segera, tiba di pengawal istana batalion, yang terus menerus beberapa li (0.5km) di mana-mana adalah tenda, di tenda adalah deretan tempat tidur darurat di tanah, tapi Tian Ling Empire adalah hujan wilayah hutan, hujan lembab, adalah di lantai agar mudah terpengaruh dengan basah untuk waktu yang lama jatuh sakit, karena itu saya menyarankan bahwa Han Yuan menebang pohon-pohon memproduksi tidur, dan dua ranjang, besar disimpan ruang, . memungkinkan sebuah tenda untuk tinggal di seratus orang, sekarang berubah telah mampu tinggal di 200 orang, adalah membuat satu untuk berkontribusi untuk perluasan persenjataan
dalam batalyon, Long Xing berlangsung untuk datang, mengatakan: "Perintah, dermaga telah membangun, waktu pagi, satu kelompok kapal perang naga panjang Jun jauh telah menunggu dan melihat kita, tapi didirikan oleh kami di karang artileri panas off darat menakutkan ".
aku mengangguk:" Terus berusaha keras "!
The Korea Selatan dalam kolam adalah meningkatkan pistol laras panjang, mengerutkan kening mengatakan: "Sir, menurut Anda? Naga panjang Juni adalah salah satu kelompok perampok air, mereka muncul dan menghilang di bank dewa sungai militer untuk waktu yang lama tanpa batas waktu, kami mengawasi pembuatan kecepatan kapal perang terlalu lambat, lebih dari sepuluh kapal perang dari awal tidak hanya ! mampu bersaing dengan mereka sekitar seratus kapal perang langsung "
aku berkata:" Ya, tidak mampu untuk bersaing ".
panjang Xingdao:"? Perintah, bagaimana kita bisa membasmi kelompok ini naga panjang Juni "
Xiao Li juga membingungkan, mengatakan:" terlalu benar-benar sulit untuk perintah yang pasti, apakah mungkin yang memiliki ide? Jika ada, jangan menyembunyikan kebenaran dari kelompok kami pelayan? "
Aku tersenyum:" Y
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