After Shower he was back to his mission again. Jodha was testing his p terjemahan - After Shower he was back to his mission again. Jodha was testing his p Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After Shower he was back to his mis

After Shower he was back to his mission again. Jodha was testing his patience with her silence. He wanted to break her silence anyhow. He ordered Jodha to cook breakfast for him and her. Jodha hadn't done prayer yet so as per her daily routine she cannot eat. She made Prasad for Kanah and breakfast for Jalal.

Jalal knew that she will not eat without doing prayer. He wanted her to say something... refuse to eat... he knew Jodha will not eat without Krishna's prayer, he said in commending tone to serve food for both and she did as he ordered.

Wickedly he ordered "Jodha begum, Eat your food." he knew now she will say something but Jodha was still quiet, she was in big dilemma, on one side her parents and other side Krishna, she didn't know what to do and who to choose. She was shivering, her heart was bleeding from inside. Tears were flooding out constantly with her silence. It was suffocating for her, she felt like he was cutting her heart with a sharp knife in to little pieces.

She finally gave him a vulnerable and helpless look with her silence. She took a little piece from the plate to eat. Jalal could see enormous pain and tears on her face. She felt like she was about to drink poison. Suddenly she felt extremely weak...she couldn't move her hand, finally with all her strength she took her hand near her mouth and was almost about to put the bite in her mouth when suddenly Jalal held her hand and requested her to stop... his eyes were filled with her pain.

He said in defeated tone "Jodha begum, go finish prayer first and then come back."

She looked at him for a few seconds without any expression. It took her a few seconds to come out of the shock. She swiftly got up and ran out of the room and cried out loud bitterly in a corner...she was completely shattered and broken...she felt like she died a thousand times in the minute.

Jalal was looking at her from his window. At last, finally his heart melted and tears pricked out from his eyes. Jalal knew that if she would have eaten without prayer...she would have died right in front of him. This was an extreme punishment for Jodha. He was feeling her pain. Her purity and love for Lord Krishna and her parents was so divine. He murmured "Kash, aap humse bhi aese hi mohabbat karti." (I wish you would have loved me like this.)

PRECAP: Jodha and jalal spend their entire day and night together, love is in air.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Setelah mandi ia adalah kembali ke misi-nya lagi. Jodha pengujian kesabarannya dengan keheningan. Dia ingin memecahkan keheningan bagaimanapun. Ia memerintahkan Jodha untuk memasak sarapan untuknya dan dia. Jodha belum selesai doa sehingga sesuai rutinitas sehari-hari dia tidak bisa makan. Dia membuat Prasad untuk Kanah dan sarapan untuk Jalal.Jalal tahu bahwa dia tidak akan makan tanpa melakukan doa. Dia ingin dia berkata sesuatu... menolak untuk makan... dia tahu Jodha tidak akan makan tanpa Kresna doa, katanya dalam mengomentari nada untuk melayani makanan untuk kedua dan dia melakukan seperti ia memerintahkan.Jahat dia memerintahkan "Jodha begum, makan makanan Anda." ia tahu sekarang dia akan mengatakan sesuatu tapi Jodha masih sepi, ia berada dalam dilema besar, di satu sisi orangtuanya dan Kresna sisi lain, dia tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan dan yang untuk memilih. Dia gemetar, hatinya perdarahan dari di dalam. Air mata yang banjir terus-menerus dengan keheningan. Itu adalah mencekik untuknya, dia merasa seperti dia sedang memotong hatinya dengan pisau tajam di untuk potongan-potongan kecil.Dia akhirnya memberikan tampilan yang rentan dan tidak berdaya dengan keheningan. Dia mengambil sepotong kecil dari piring makan. Jalal bisa melihat besar penderitaan dan air mata di wajahnya. Dia merasa seperti dia hendak minum racun. Tiba-tiba dia merasa sangat lemah... dia tidak bisa menggerakkan tangannya, akhirnya dengan semua kekuatannya dia memegang tangannya di mulutnya dan hampir sekitar untuk menempatkan gigitan di mulutnya ketika tiba-tiba Jalal memegang tangannya dan meminta dia untuk berhenti... matanya penuh dengan rasa sakit.He said in defeated tone "Jodha begum, go finish prayer first and then come back."She looked at him for a few seconds without any expression. It took her a few seconds to come out of the shock. She swiftly got up and ran out of the room and cried out loud bitterly in a corner...she was completely shattered and broken...she felt like she died a thousand times in the minute.Jalal was looking at her from his window. At last, finally his heart melted and tears pricked out from his eyes. Jalal knew that if she would have eaten without prayer...she would have died right in front of him. This was an extreme punishment for Jodha. He was feeling her pain. Her purity and love for Lord Krishna and her parents was so divine. He murmured "Kash, aap humse bhi aese hi mohabbat karti." (I wish you would have loved me like this.)PRECAP: Jodha and jalal spend their entire day and night together, love is in air.
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