Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Police: the defendant, dr Dewa Ayu Sasiary Prawani (defendant I), Dr. are Handry Simanjuntak (the defendant), and Dr. Hendy Siagian (Defendant) on 10 April 2010, at 22: 00: 00. It is housed in the operating room of General Hospital Prof. Dr. R. D Kandouw Malalayang Manado city. The defendants have done the demise of the demise of the causing forgetfulness of others namely Siska Makatey. Committed the defendant in the following way:That the defendant as doctors carry out operations Cito Secsio Sesaria against Makatey, Siska victims the defendant was negligent in dealing with the victims at the time were still alive and the time of execution of the operation against the self sacrifices occur air emboli enter into the right heart Chambers that inhibit the blood went into the lungs so that the heart function failure occurred. Based on these investigations, found evidence of the following:1. A letter of pernyatan has been treated 2. The operating Report 3. The report's observation that labor Siska Makatey 4. Klinical Patway 5. the final Diagnosis 6. special measures agreement Letter 7. main Anamnesis Siska Makatey 8. midwifery Anamnesis Siska MakateyVisum et Repertum 9.
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