Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Hampir secara instant, dalam Meng Hao bahwa ia mendekati mengungkapkan cahaya terang, tubuh satu langkah maju, mengambil Lift tangan kanan, dalam tubuh bereaksi kuno Yuan, letusan yang komprehensif, bergemuruh kepalan tangan.... Kematian Tuhan!Kepalan tangan bergemuruh, dunia warna, angin dan awan rewinds, seluruh beralih spouts darah sepenuhnya, punggung atas dalam kelimpahan, konstruksi yang tak terhitung langsung menjadi terbang abu, ilah-matahari dari tempat yang jauh, sangat redup di saat ini, Tuhan kematian, pembunuhan ini.Pemuda muda mengirimkan deru sedih dan melengking, antara tangannya gelombang, di belakang raung kalajengking, dengan Meng Hao di sini setelah pindah, bang getar langit, distorsi nihility, pengamat tidak terlihat tiba-tiba dengan jelas.Sampai ini distorsi setelah pemulihan Batal, kalajengking runtuh di udara secara langsung, dijawab sudut mulut meluap darah, tubuh dengan cepat retret, tapi Meng Hao di sini, berdiri di udara, seluruh tubuh memaksakan cara mengerikan, nya semua sekitar, tidak lagi adalah 24 lampu jiwa, tapi kiri tiga sekali lagi!Telah mencapai, 27!!"Keempat Gunung De Cang, telah memulai 29 jiwa lampu, orang ini... Lampu jiwa orang ini, saat ini 27, melihat penampilannya, jelas juga memiliki kekuatan yang cukup! ""Sialan, adalah saya telah membuat kesalahan, saya tidak akan menggangu, memaksa dia, ini adalah sama dengan bahwa saya sedang membantu dia menyalakan lampu jiwa sama!" Perubahan warna wajah dijawab, tubuh kecepatan jauh retret.In Meng Hao reveals bright glow, he has licked the lip, he also felt, in the battle of this young lad, oneself turned on the soul lamp, as if smooth many ...Although does not know is any reason, and wants to come other people when own the condition of present, perhaps will not have similar one, but at present this opportunity difficulty, Meng Hao, since cannot think through, does not pay attention simply, the body in a flash, directly soars the young lad to pursue.„Damn, your act, has killed all people of that old woman as well as its side!” The young lad facial color changes, he dreaded to Meng Hao that what may be more is depressed, this indirect helping one another, is he how , regardless of being unable to accept.At this moment his words, all around Sect cultivator of these invasions, hesitate immediately, but Seventh Mountain and Sea Men in Black, then does not have any hesitation, immediately departs, toward grandmother et al., goes rapidly.Compared with them, grandmother and other everybody counted too few, radically possibly is not the match, at this moment, in the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, fierce bellows.„You dare!” His voice such as epoch-making Heavenly lightning, when roaring, his right hand wields, immediately in his hand presented the massive black air/Qi, this black air/Qi flickered tumbles, changed to a black big hand, directly soared these Men in Black instant.These Men in Black in the midair, immediately directly are still deterred by the Meng Hao sound, including some bleed profusely from the head immediately, the body is unbending, was broken Nascent Divinity unexpectedly directly, as for other people, has not waited to restore, the big hand that the black gasification makes sweeps away.The place visited, these Men in Black send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, the body naked eye obvious, rapidly withers decayed.„Curse, is the strength of curse!”„Is our Seventh Mountain and Sea the strength of curse, how he will display ... Not ...”When the pitiful yell spreads, around Grandma Meng Hao all the Men in Black of invading one's territory, completely became black liquid, integrates the ground, all person holding breath tones that this, looks , before particularly that several Men in Black at the point of death , the words that said that let all people of hearing, heart fierce reacted.„Seventh Mountain and Sea ...”
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