evaluated. A number of instrumental methods has been thus developed th terjemahan - evaluated. A number of instrumental methods has been thus developed th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

evaluated. A number of instrumental

evaluated. A number of instrumental methods has been thus developed that successfully estimates the texture parameters of cooked pasta. In this study, GF spaghetti texture was detected by using both a compression test, a more conventional test for the measurement of pasta firmness, and a creep test, a novelty in the sector.

a) Compression test

From this test, Young’s Modulus, a parameter related to the hardness perceived during the chewing cycle as molars compress the samples (Hatcher et al., 2008), and adhesiveness were calcu- lated as functions of cooking time. As expected, Young’s Modulus decreased during cooking (Fig. 3): the kinetics were faster until approximately the OCT, while the softening was lower during the subsequent overcooking. Something similar was seen for pasta weight increase (x 3.1), which slowed down after the first few minutes of cooking. During the entire cooking period, the majority of the samples had a Young’s Modulus higher than that of S, indi- cating a tougher structure. At the OCT, Young’s Modulus varied
from a minimum of 0.266 0.010 N/mm2 to a maximum of
0.392 0.015 N/mm2, indicating a certain variability among the textural properties of the different commercial brands. Generally,
the GF samples at their respective OCTs were harder than S (0.304 0.002 N/mm2), with the exception of CS3, R3 and CS1 (characterized by a high water retention capability) that resulted
significantly (P < 0.05) softer (0.266 0.010 N/mm2,
0.268 0.009 N/mm2 and 0.280 0.006 N/mm2, respectively). A
significant correlation (r ¼ 0.7481; P < 0.05) was found between
Young’s Modulus and GF pasta weight increase, both evaluated at

the OCT. Adhesiveness, another important texture parameter, was evaluated from the negative area of the compression curve of spaghetti drained from the cooking water and rested for 1.5 min, without washing the samples and taking care not to touch the pasta surface before compression. The majority of the samples, after a few minutes of cooking, were unexpectedly characterized by very high adhesiveness values (Fig. 3). In particular, after 4 min cooking, the surface of these samples exhibited a poorly defined contour when investigated by Image Analysis (data not reported), probably due to soluble substances diffused from the core of the product to its surface (Cappa, 2008). Continuing the cooking, the solubilised material diffused from the pasta surface into the cooking water, determining a decrease in the stickiness of the samples and an increase of the solids loss into the cooking water. For this reason, for all the samples (even for those characterized by low stickiness values), the adhesiveness was higher in the first few minutes of cooking than at their OCT. Rice spaghetti (R1, R2, R4) and corn starch based spaghetti (CS1, CS3) were characterized by high stickiness values; on the contrary, R3 (obtained from wet milling flour adopting the oriental technological process), C3 and M2 were very similar to S, in terms of adhesive characteristics.

b) Creep test

In order to have a more in depth description of GF pasta texture after cooking, a creep test was performed on spaghetti cooked at their OCT. In a creep test, a constant stress (s) is instantaneously applied to the sample at time t0 and removed at time t1, and the
corresponding strain (g) is measured as a function of time. The
sample rapidly deforms, imposing a strain that increases as

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
dievaluasi. Sejumlah metode instrumental telah justru dikembangkan yang berhasil memperkirakan parameter tekstur pasta dimasak. Dalam studi ini, GF spaghetti tekstur terdeteksi dengan menggunakan kompresi tes, tes yang lebih konvensional untuk pengukuran pasta firmness, dan tes creep, kebaruan dalam sektor

) kompresi pengujian

dari tes ini, Young's Modulus, parameter yang berhubungan dengan kekerasan yang dirasakan selama mengunyah siklus seperti geraham kompres sampel (Hatcher et al., 2008), dan kelengketan adalah calcu-laranangan dan saksi sebagai fungsi dari waktu memasak. Seperti yang diharapkan, Young's Modulus menurun selama memasak (Fig. 3): kinetika lebih cepat sampai sekitar Oktober, sedangkan pelunakan adalah lebih rendah selama overcooking berikutnya. Sesuatu yang sama terlihat untuk pasta berat peningkatan (x 3.1), yang memperlambat setelah posisi beberapa menit memasak. Selama periode memasak seluruh, sebagian besar sampel memiliki Young's Modulus lebih tinggi dari S, indi-cating struktur yang ketat. Pada Oktober, Young's Modulus beragam
dari minimal 0.266 0.010 N/mm2 maksimum
0.392 0,015 N/mm2, menunjukkan variabilitas tertentu di antara sifat-sifat tekstur merek komersial yang berbeda. Umumnya,
GF sampel di OCTs mereka masing-masing yang lebih sulit daripada S (0. 002 0.304 N/mm2), dengan pengecualian CS3, R3 dan CS1 (ditandai dengan kemampuan retensi air tinggi) yang mengakibatkan
significantly (P < 0,05) lembut (0.266 0.010 N/mm2,
0.268 0.009 N/mm2 dan 0.280 0.006 N/mm2, masing-masing). A
significant korelasi (r ¼ 0.7481; P < 0,05) ditemukan antara
Young's Modulus dan GF pasta berat meningkat, keduanya dievaluasi di

OCT. kelengketan, parameter penting tekstur lain, dievaluasi dari daerah negatif kurva kompresi spaghetti ditiriskan dari air memasak dan beristirahat selama 1,5 menit, tanpa pencucian sampel dan merawat tidak untuk menyentuh permukaan pasta sebelum kompresi. Sebagian besar sampel, setelah beberapa menit memasak, tiba-tiba ditandai oleh nilai-nilai sangat tinggi kelengketan (Fig. 3). Secara khusus, setelah 4 menit memasak, permukaan sampel ini dipamerkan kontur defined buruk ketika diselidiki oleh analisis gambar (data tidak dilaporkan), mungkin karena zat yang larut disebarkan dari inti dari produk ke permukaan (Cappa, 2008). Terus memasak, bahan solubilised menyebar dari permukaan pasta ke air memasak, menentukan penurunan kekakuan dari sampel dan peningkatan kehilangan padatan ke dalam air memasak. Untuk alasan ini, untuk semua sampel (bahkan bagi mereka yang ditandai oleh kekakuan rendah nilai), kelengketan lebih tinggi dalam posisi adalah beberapa menit memasak daripada spageti OCT. beras (R1, R2, R4) dan pati jagung berbasis spaghetti (CS1, CS3) ditandai oleh kekakuan tinggi nilai; Sebaliknya, R3 (Diperoleh dari basah penggilingan flour mengadopsi proses teknologi oriental), C3 dan M2 ini sangat mirip dengan S, dalam hal perekat karakteristik.

b) tes Creep

untuk memiliki yang lebih mendalam Deskripsi GF pasta tekstur setelah memasak, merayap tes dilakukan pada spaghetti dimasak pada OCT mereka. Dalam tes creep, tegangan konstan (s) seketika diterapkan pada sampel di t0 waktu dan dihapus pada waktu t1, dan
sesuai ketegangan (g) diukur sebagai fungsi dari waktu.
Sampel dengan cepat deforms, memaksakan beban yang meningkat sebagai

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
evaluated. A number of instrumental methods has been thus developed that successfully estimates the texture parameters of cooked pasta. In this study, GF spaghetti texture was detected by using both a compression test, a more conventional test for the measurement of pasta firmness, and a creep test, a novelty in the sector.

a) Compression test

From this test, Young’s Modulus, a parameter related to the hardness perceived during the chewing cycle as molars compress the samples (Hatcher et al., 2008), and adhesiveness were calcu- lated as functions of cooking time. As expected, Young’s Modulus decreased during cooking (Fig. 3): the kinetics were faster until approximately the OCT, while the softening was lower during the subsequent overcooking. Something similar was seen for pasta weight increase (x 3.1), which slowed down after the first few minutes of cooking. During the entire cooking period, the majority of the samples had a Young’s Modulus higher than that of S, indi- cating a tougher structure. At the OCT, Young’s Modulus varied
from a minimum of 0.266 0.010 N/mm2 to a maximum of
0.392 0.015 N/mm2, indicating a certain variability among the textural properties of the different commercial brands. Generally,
the GF samples at their respective OCTs were harder than S (0.304 0.002 N/mm2), with the exception of CS3, R3 and CS1 (characterized by a high water retention capability) that resulted
significantly (P < 0.05) softer (0.266 0.010 N/mm2,
0.268 0.009 N/mm2 and 0.280 0.006 N/mm2, respectively). A
significant correlation (r ¼ 0.7481; P < 0.05) was found between
Young’s Modulus and GF pasta weight increase, both evaluated at

the OCT. Adhesiveness, another important texture parameter, was evaluated from the negative area of the compression curve of spaghetti drained from the cooking water and rested for 1.5 min, without washing the samples and taking care not to touch the pasta surface before compression. The majority of the samples, after a few minutes of cooking, were unexpectedly characterized by very high adhesiveness values (Fig. 3). In particular, after 4 min cooking, the surface of these samples exhibited a poorly defined contour when investigated by Image Analysis (data not reported), probably due to soluble substances diffused from the core of the product to its surface (Cappa, 2008). Continuing the cooking, the solubilised material diffused from the pasta surface into the cooking water, determining a decrease in the stickiness of the samples and an increase of the solids loss into the cooking water. For this reason, for all the samples (even for those characterized by low stickiness values), the adhesiveness was higher in the first few minutes of cooking than at their OCT. Rice spaghetti (R1, R2, R4) and corn starch based spaghetti (CS1, CS3) were characterized by high stickiness values; on the contrary, R3 (obtained from wet milling flour adopting the oriental technological process), C3 and M2 were very similar to S, in terms of adhesive characteristics.

b) Creep test

In order to have a more in depth description of GF pasta texture after cooking, a creep test was performed on spaghetti cooked at their OCT. In a creep test, a constant stress (s) is instantaneously applied to the sample at time t0 and removed at time t1, and the
corresponding strain (g) is measured as a function of time. The
sample rapidly deforms, imposing a strain that increases as

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