People still collect books as valuable antiques or for a hobby, but yo terjemahan - People still collect books as valuable antiques or for a hobby, but yo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

People still collect books as valua

People still collect books as valuable antiques or for a hobby, but you get virtually all the information you need from the view screen of your home computer system. The computer is linked to a library — not a library of books but an electronic library where information on every subject is stored in computer memory banks. Having this service at your fingertips is like having a huge brand-new encyclopedia in your homes at all times. The computer can tell you anything you want to know, and the information is always the very latest available. There need be only one central library to which computers in homes, offices, schools and colleges are connected. At the library experts are constantly busy, feeding in the very latest information as they receive it. In theory one huge electronic library could serve the whole world! ( E-books have not spelled the demise of the local library in New York.
In fact, according to a new report from the Center for an Urban Future, 40.5 million people visited the city's public libraries, more than all of the city's professional sports teams and major cultural institutions combined. The report "Branches of Opportunity" looks at the changing role of the city's libraries in the digital age. It finds that while public libraries are serving more New Yorkers than ever, they are "undervalued by policymakers and face growing threats. "New York City's library system is a unique hybrid. Three organizations — the New York Public Library, along with the Brooklyn and Queens libraries— operate 206 local branches throughout the five boroughs.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
People still collect books as valuable antiques or for a hobby, but you get virtually all the information you need from the view screen of your home computer system. The computer is linked to a library — not a library of books but an electronic library where information on every subject is stored in computer memory banks. Having this service at your fingertips is like having a huge brand-new encyclopedia in your homes at all times. The computer can tell you anything you want to know, and the information is always the very latest available. There need be only one central library to which computers in homes, offices, schools and colleges are connected. At the library experts are constantly busy, feeding in the very latest information as they receive it. In theory one huge electronic library could serve the whole world! ( E-books have not spelled the demise of the local library in New York. In fact, according to a new report from the Center for an Urban Future, 40.5 million people visited the city's public libraries, more than all of the city's professional sports teams and major cultural institutions combined. The report "Branches of Opportunity" looks at the changing role of the city's libraries in the digital age. It finds that while public libraries are serving more New Yorkers than ever, they are "undervalued by policymakers and face growing threats. "New York City's library system is a unique hybrid. Three organizations — the New York Public Library, along with the Brooklyn and Queens libraries— operate 206 local branches throughout the five boroughs.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Orang-orang masih mengumpulkan buku sebagai barang antik berharga atau untuk hobi, tapi Anda mendapatkan hampir semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan dari tampilan layar sistem komputer di rumah Anda. Komputer ini terkait dengan perpustakaan - bukan perpustakaan buku tapi perpustakaan elektronik di mana informasi pada setiap subjek disimpan di bank-bank memori komputer. Setelah layanan ini di ujung jari Anda seperti memiliki ensiklopedia baru yang besar di rumah Anda setiap saat. Komputer dapat memberitahu Anda apa pun yang Anda ingin tahu, dan informasi yang selalu terbaru yang tersedia sangat. Ada perlu satu perpustakaan pusat yang komputer di rumah, kantor, sekolah dan perguruan tinggi yang terhubung. Pada ahli perpustakaan yang selalu sibuk, makan di informasi yang sangat terbaru mereka menerimanya. Dalam teori satu perpustakaan elektronik besar bisa melayani seluruh dunia! ( E-book belum dieja runtuhnya perpustakaan setempat di New York.
Bahkan, menurut sebuah laporan baru dari Pusat untuk Masa Depan Perkotaan, 40,5 juta orang mengunjungi perpustakaan kota publik, lebih dari semua tim olahraga profesional kota dan lembaga budaya utama gabungan. Laporan "Cabang-cabang Kesempatan" melihat peran perubahan perpustakaan kota di era digital. Ia menemukan bahwa sementara perpustakaan umum yang melayani lebih New York dari sebelumnya, mereka "undervalued oleh para pembuat kebijakan dan ancaman yang berkembang wajah." Sistem perpustakaan New York City adalah hibrida yang unik. Tiga organisasi - Perpustakaan Umum New York, bersama dengan Brooklyn dan Queens libraries- beroperasi 206 cabang lokal di seluruh lima borough.

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