Then, for Miss Smith to be able to reach John in a significant way, it terjemahan - Then, for Miss Smith to be able to reach John in a significant way, it Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Then, for Miss Smith to be able to

Then, for Miss Smith to be able to reach John in a significant way, it is imperative that there be some intersection of John’s life space with hers and with the life spaces of other children in the room.
To repeat, the principal functional parts of a life space are the person and his psychological environment, and a life space is always surrounded by a foreign hull. The foreign hull of a person’s life space is the complex of all nonpsychological factors surrounding a life space. It is constituted of physical and social factors that, at the time, are not subject to the person’s psychological interaction but that may, at some future time, become aspects of his psychological field.
Since the content of a foreign hull has physical-social but not psychological reality, its physical and social conditions limit the variety of a person’s possible life spaces. Anything that appears to be in a person’s physical environment, but of which the person is completely oblivious, is in the foreign hull of his life space. However, if he (she) interacts with that thing in any way, either positively or negatively, it no longer is in his foreign hull but in his life space proper. Thus, a person can never experience any aspect of his own foreign hull; when he (she) experiences a part of his previous foreign hull, it is no longer an aspect of his foreign hull, but belongs to his life space proper.
As succeeding nonpsychological physical and social environments or foreign hulls are outside their respective psychological environments, they can have no immediate effect upon a person’s intelligent behavior. However, through a person’s interaction with the environment, parts of a present foreign hull can be transformed into goals, barriers, and other psychological factors of succeeding life spaces. They then are no longer a part of the foreign hull. Factors so transformed become parts of either psychological persons or environments. Thus, what a moment before constituted only a part of the foreign hull may at a succeeding moment be a central part of either the person or his psychological environment. The boundaries of both one’s person and psychological environment and of their various regions are highly permeable.
Since each person’s perceptual environment is unique, obviously two persons may appear to be in the same location in space and time (or as nearly so as possible) and yet have very different psychological environments. Furthermore, the behaviors of two equally intelligent persons who are confronted with the same “objective facts” may differ drastically because each is different in his purposes and experiential background. Whenever a person has a new experience, he (she) changes his environment and will never again be able to recapture the old environment in its identical form. The cognitive-field meaning of environment suggests why in a particular family one son may become a minister and another turn to crime; their interpretations of their world differ radically, even though to an outsider their social and physical environments would appear quite similar. “Situations (environments) . . . influence our behaviors by affecting such person variables as how we encode the situation, the outcomes we expect, their subjective value for us, and our ability to generate response patterns.”

Is an Organism Considered Person or Environment? In a relativistic sense, an individual’s biological organism is an aspect of both his person and psychological environment. A person usually closely identifies his biological organism with himself; he (she) is concerned with taking care of it. But the person also sees his organism in another light as an important aspect of his environment; it is part of that with which that person most learn to live. A child’s or youth’s being crippled or abnormal in physical size or proportions may color everything he (she) says or does. A 12-year-old girl who reaches the adolescent growth spurt early and becomes head and shoulders taller than any other student in her class may consider her physical stature a critical aspect of her psychological environment; she must live with what she “makes of” her physical stature.
We may illustrate the relation of a biological organism to a person in two different ways. The organism may be considered a boundary region of a person, which mediates between the person and his environment by providing cognitive and manipulative abilities, or the functions of the organism may be pictured as a factor common to both a psychological person and his psychological environment.
The basic formula of cognitive-field psychology is that psychological, as contrasted with physical, behavior is a function of a person and his psychological environment—B = f (P,E). The pivotal concepts—life space, topology, vector, person, and psychological environment—and the constructs that are auxiliary to the basic formula are illustrated in Figure 8.1, page 192. The auxiliary concepts are defined in the following glossary.

What Are Some Key Auxiliary Concepts of Field Psychology?
Foreign hull of life space Complex of all nonpsychological facts that surround a life space. That part of a person’s physical and social environment that, at a particular juncture, is not included in his psychological environment. Consists of physical and social raw materials. Both provides and limits behavioral possibilities.
Regions Psychologically significant conditions, places, things, and activities defined functionally as parts of a life space. They have positive and negative valences.
Valences (environment-centered) Positive or negative environmental facts. Properties that regions of a life space have when an individual is either drawn toward them or repelled away from them. A region that possesses a positive valence is one of such nature that forces correlated with the valence of that region tend psychologically to move the person in the direction of that region. A negative valence means that forces tend to move the person away from that region.
Needs (person-centered) States of a person that, if they exist in relation to a goal, have a part in determining behavior toward that goal. Correspond to a tension system of the inner-personal region of a person. Needs develop through one’s interaction with one’s environment.
Abilities (person-centered) Cognitive abilities constitute a person’s capacity to know his environment. Manipulative abilities constitute a person’s capacity to affect his environment.
Tension Very closely related to, and descriptive of, psychological needs. The state of one system relative to the state of surrounding systems. Release of tension may be achieved through either reaching a goal or restructuring the life space. The release of tension corresponds to the satisfaction of a need.
Goal A region of a life space toward, or away from, which a person is psychologically drawn.
Barrier Dynamic part of an environment that resist motion through it. That which stands in the way of a person reaching a goal.
Force Immediate determinant of the locomotions of a person. The tendency to act in a certain direction. Its properties are strength, direction, and point of application. It is represented by a vector. The strength of a force is related to, but not identical with, the strength of a valence. The combination of forces acting at the same point at a given time is a resultant force.
Cognitive structure An environment and a person, as known by the person. Synonyms are generalized insight or understanding.

What Is Behavior?
In cognitive-field psychology the term behavior, when used, is interpreted quite differently from the way that behaviorists commonly define it. The latter, in harmony with their interpretation of psychology as a study of the relationships of biological organisms and their physical and social environments, think of behavior as some kind and degree measurable, and publicly observable, muscular or glandular movement. The movement may be only incipient or covert or it may be overt; nevertheless, the statement that it is behavior means that it is physical movement. Where adequate devices available, it could be observed and measured. Cognitive-field psychologists do not accept this definition of behavior. For them, psychological behavior involves purpose and intelligence; hence, it is not equated one to one with physical movement. Furthermore, it is not directly observable but must be inferred through study of observable actions.
In speaking of behavior, cognitive-field psychologists imply psychological locomotion but not necessary any sort of psychological movement. One may “come closer” to another person, yet exhibit no physical evidence of locomotion. Behavior takes space in a live space, rather than in observable place. Psychological behavior is more or less verbal and symbolic and may be equated with experience. Every specific instance of behavior must be viewed as the result of interaction of several pertinent features of a concrete situation. Then, broadly defined, behavior means any change in a life space that is subject to psychological laws. Thus, behavior may be a change of the relative location of a person and his environment, a cognitive reorganization of the person’s environment, or a restructuring of the person. It also includes any change in valence of any part of a person’s life space. More specifically, psychological behavior may be (1) an overt purposive act, (2) an attitudinal shift, (3) a change in the preceived value of an object or activity, or (4) a new relationship being established between two or more events.
Psychological behavior and locomotion are analogous concepts. Behavior describes the simultaneous functional changes within a life space of an individual. Locomotion refers to the relative positions of respective regions of a person’s temporally continuous life spaces. When we concentrate
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Then, for Miss Smith to be able to reach John in a significant way, it is imperative that there be some intersection of John’s life space with hers and with the life spaces of other children in the room. To repeat, the principal functional parts of a life space are the person and his psychological environment, and a life space is always surrounded by a foreign hull. The foreign hull of a person’s life space is the complex of all nonpsychological factors surrounding a life space. It is constituted of physical and social factors that, at the time, are not subject to the person’s psychological interaction but that may, at some future time, become aspects of his psychological field. Since the content of a foreign hull has physical-social but not psychological reality, its physical and social conditions limit the variety of a person’s possible life spaces. Anything that appears to be in a person’s physical environment, but of which the person is completely oblivious, is in the foreign hull of his life space. However, if he (she) interacts with that thing in any way, either positively or negatively, it no longer is in his foreign hull but in his life space proper. Thus, a person can never experience any aspect of his own foreign hull; when he (she) experiences a part of his previous foreign hull, it is no longer an aspect of his foreign hull, but belongs to his life space proper. As succeeding nonpsychological physical and social environments or foreign hulls are outside their respective psychological environments, they can have no immediate effect upon a person’s intelligent behavior. However, through a person’s interaction with the environment, parts of a present foreign hull can be transformed into goals, barriers, and other psychological factors of succeeding life spaces. They then are no longer a part of the foreign hull. Factors so transformed become parts of either psychological persons or environments. Thus, what a moment before constituted only a part of the foreign hull may at a succeeding moment be a central part of either the person or his psychological environment. The boundaries of both one’s person and psychological environment and of their various regions are highly permeable. Since each person’s perceptual environment is unique, obviously two persons may appear to be in the same location in space and time (or as nearly so as possible) and yet have very different psychological environments. Furthermore, the behaviors of two equally intelligent persons who are confronted with the same “objective facts” may differ drastically because each is different in his purposes and experiential background. Whenever a person has a new experience, he (she) changes his environment and will never again be able to recapture the old environment in its identical form. The cognitive-field meaning of environment suggests why in a particular family one son may become a minister and another turn to crime; their interpretations of their world differ radically, even though to an outsider their social and physical environments would appear quite similar. “Situations (environments) . . . influence our behaviors by affecting such person variables as how we encode the situation, the outcomes we expect, their subjective value for us, and our ability to generate response patterns.”Is an Organism Considered Person or Environment? In a relativistic sense, an individual’s biological organism is an aspect of both his person and psychological environment. A person usually closely identifies his biological organism with himself; he (she) is concerned with taking care of it. But the person also sees his organism in another light as an important aspect of his environment; it is part of that with which that person most learn to live. A child’s or youth’s being crippled or abnormal in physical size or proportions may color everything he (she) says or does. A 12-year-old girl who reaches the adolescent growth spurt early and becomes head and shoulders taller than any other student in her class may consider her physical stature a critical aspect of her psychological environment; she must live with what she “makes of” her physical stature. We may illustrate the relation of a biological organism to a person in two different ways. The organism may be considered a boundary region of a person, which mediates between the person and his environment by providing cognitive and manipulative abilities, or the functions of the organism may be pictured as a factor common to both a psychological person and his psychological environment. The basic formula of cognitive-field psychology is that psychological, as contrasted with physical, behavior is a function of a person and his psychological environment—B = f (P,E). The pivotal concepts—life space, topology, vector, person, and psychological environment—and the constructs that are auxiliary to the basic formula are illustrated in Figure 8.1, page 192. The auxiliary concepts are defined in the following glossary.What Are Some Key Auxiliary Concepts of Field Psychology?Foreign hull of life space Complex of all nonpsychological facts that surround a life space. That part of a person’s physical and social environment that, at a particular juncture, is not included in his psychological environment. Consists of physical and social raw materials. Both provides and limits behavioral possibilities. Regions Psychologically significant conditions, places, things, and activities defined functionally as parts of a life space. They have positive and negative valences. Valences (environment-centered) Positive or negative environmental facts. Properties that regions of a life space have when an individual is either drawn toward them or repelled away from them. A region that possesses a positive valence is one of such nature that forces correlated with the valence of that region tend psychologically to move the person in the direction of that region. A negative valence means that forces tend to move the person away from that region. Needs (person-centered) States of a person that, if they exist in relation to a goal, have a part in determining behavior toward that goal. Correspond to a tension system of the inner-personal region of a person. Needs develop through one’s interaction with one’s environment. Abilities (person-centered) Cognitive abilities constitute a person’s capacity to know his environment. Manipulative abilities constitute a person’s capacity to affect his environment. Tension Very closely related to, and descriptive of, psychological needs. The state of one system relative to the state of surrounding systems. Release of tension may be achieved through either reaching a goal or restructuring the life space. The release of tension corresponds to the satisfaction of a need. Goal A region of a life space toward, or away from, which a person is psychologically drawn. Barrier Dynamic part of an environment that resist motion through it. That which stands in the way of a person reaching a goal. Force Immediate determinant of the locomotions of a person. The tendency to act in a certain direction. Its properties are strength, direction, and point of application. It is represented by a vector. The strength of a force is related to, but not identical with, the strength of a valence. The combination of forces acting at the same point at a given time is a resultant force. Cognitive structure An environment and a person, as known by the person. Synonyms are generalized insight or understanding.What Is Behavior?In cognitive-field psychology the term behavior, when used, is interpreted quite differently from the way that behaviorists commonly define it. The latter, in harmony with their interpretation of psychology as a study of the relationships of biological organisms and their physical and social environments, think of behavior as some kind and degree measurable, and publicly observable, muscular or glandular movement. The movement may be only incipient or covert or it may be overt; nevertheless, the statement that it is behavior means that it is physical movement. Where adequate devices available, it could be observed and measured. Cognitive-field psychologists do not accept this definition of behavior. For them, psychological behavior involves purpose and intelligence; hence, it is not equated one to one with physical movement. Furthermore, it is not directly observable but must be inferred through study of observable actions. In speaking of behavior, cognitive-field psychologists imply psychological locomotion but not necessary any sort of psychological movement. One may “come closer” to another person, yet exhibit no physical evidence of locomotion. Behavior takes space in a live space, rather than in observable place. Psychological behavior is more or less verbal and symbolic and may be equated with experience. Every specific instance of behavior must be viewed as the result of interaction of several pertinent features of a concrete situation. Then, broadly defined, behavior means any change in a life space that is subject to psychological laws. Thus, behavior may be a change of the relative location of a person and his environment, a cognitive reorganization of the person’s environment, or a restructuring of the person. It also includes any change in valence of any part of a person’s life space. More specifically, psychological behavior may be (1) an overt purposive act, (2) an attitudinal shift, (3) a change in the preceived value of an object or activity, or (4) a new relationship being established between two or more events. Psychological behavior and locomotion are analogous concepts. Behavior describes the simultaneous functional changes within a life space of an individual. Locomotion refers to the relative positions of respective regions of a person’s temporally continuous life spaces. When we concentrate
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kemudian, Miss Smith untuk dapat mencapai John secara signifikan, sangat penting bahwa ada beberapa persimpangan ruang Yohanes hidup dengan miliknya dan dengan ruang kehidupan anak-anak lain di dalam ruangan.
Untuk mengulang, bagian fungsional utama ruang hidup adalah orang dan lingkungan psikologis, dan ruang hidup selalu dikelilingi oleh lambung asing. Lambung asing ruang hidup seseorang adalah kompleks dari semua faktor nonpsychological sekitar ruang hidup. Hal ini merupakan faktor fisik dan sosial yang, pada saat itu, tidak tunduk pada interaksi psikologis seseorang, tetapi yang mungkin, pada beberapa waktu mendatang, menjadi aspek bidang psikologis.
Karena isi lambung asing memiliki fisik-sosial, tetapi bukan realitas psikologis, kondisi fisik dan sosial membatasi berbagai ruang kehidupan yang mungkin seseorang. Apa pun yang tampaknya berada dalam lingkungan fisik seseorang, tetapi dari mana orang tersebut benar-benar menyadari, dalam lambung asing ruang hidupnya. Namun, jika dia (dia) berinteraksi dengan hal yang dengan cara apapun, baik secara positif maupun negatif, tidak lagi dalam lambung asing, tapi dalam ruang hidupnya yang tepat. Dengan demikian, seseorang tidak pernah bisa mengalami aspek lambung asing sendiri; ketika dia (dia) mengalami bagian dari lambung asing sebelumnya, maka tidak ada lagi aspek lambung asing, tapi milik ruang hidupnya yang tepat.
Seperti berhasil lingkungan fisik dan sosial nonpsychological atau lambung asing di luar lingkungan psikologis masing-masing, mereka dapat memiliki efek langsung pada perilaku cerdas seseorang. Namun, melalui interaksi seseorang dengan lingkungan, bagian dari lambung asing ini dapat diubah menjadi gol, hambatan, dan faktor psikologis lain untuk berhasil ruang hidup. Mereka kemudian tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari lambung asing. Faktor jadi berubah menjadi bagian dari baik orang psikologis atau lingkungan. Dengan demikian, apa yang sesaat sebelum hanya merupakan bagian dari lambung asing dapat pada saat berhasil menjadi bagian sentral dari baik orang atau lingkungan psikologis. Batas-batas orang baik seseorang dan lingkungan psikologis dan berbagai daerah mereka sangat permeabel.
Karena lingkungan persepsi setiap orang adalah unik, jelas dua orang mungkin tampak di lokasi yang sama dalam ruang dan waktu (atau hampir jadi mungkin) dan belum memiliki lingkungan psikologis yang sangat berbeda. Selain itu, perilaku dua orang yang sama cerdas yang dihadapkan dengan sama "fakta-fakta objektif" mungkin berbeda drastis karena masing-masing berbeda dalam tujuan dan latar belakang pengalaman. Setiap kali seseorang memiliki pengalaman baru, ia (dia) mengubah lingkungannya dan tidak akan pernah lagi bisa merebut kembali lingkungan yang lama dalam bentuk identik nya. Kognitif-bidang arti lingkungan menunjukkan mengapa dalam keluarga tertentu satu anak mungkin menjadi menteri dan giliran lain untuk kejahatan; interpretasi mereka tentang dunia mereka berbeda secara radikal, meskipun bagi orang luar lingkungan sosial dan fisik mereka akan muncul sangat mirip. "Situasi (lingkungan). . . mempengaruhi perilaku kita dengan mempengaruhi variabel orang seperti bagaimana kita mengkodekan situasi, hasil yang kita harapkan, nilai subjektif mereka untuk kita, dan kemampuan kita untuk menghasilkan pola respon. " Adalah Organisme Dianggap Orang atau Lingkungan? Dalam arti relativistik, organisme biologis seseorang merupakan aspek dari kedua orang dan lingkungan psikologis. Seseorang biasanya erat mengidentifikasi organisme biologis dengan dirinya sendiri; dia (dia) berkaitan dengan mengurus itu. Tetapi orang juga melihat organisme di cahaya lain sebagai aspek penting dari lingkungannya; itu adalah bagian dari itu dengan mana orang tersebut paling belajar untuk hidup. Seorang anak atau pemuda yang lumpuh atau abnormal dalam ukuran fisik atau proporsi dapat warna segala sesuatu (dia) katakan atau lakukan. Seorang gadis 12 tahun yang mencapai percepatan pertumbuhan remaja awal dan menjadi kepala dan bahu lebih tinggi daripada siswa lainnya di kelasnya dapat mempertimbangkan bertubuh fisiknya aspek penting dari lingkungan psikologisnya; dia harus hidup dengan apa yang dia "membuat dari" perawakan fisik nya. Kita mungkin menggambarkan hubungan organisme biologis untuk seseorang dalam dua cara yang berbeda. Organisme dapat dianggap sebagai batas wilayah dari seseorang, yang menengahi antara orang dan lingkungannya dengan menyediakan kemampuan kognitif dan manipulatif, atau fungsi organisme dapat digambarkan sebagai faktor umum untuk kedua orang psikologis dan lingkungan psikologisnya. Rumus dasar psikologi kognitif-lapangan yang psikologis, sebagai kontras dengan fisik, perilaku merupakan fungsi dari seseorang dan itu psikologis lingkungan B = f (P, E). Ruang penting konsep-hidup, topologi, vektor, orang, dan lingkungan-dan psikologis konstruksi yang tambahan untuk rumus dasar diilustrasikan dalam Gambar 8.1, halaman 192. Konsep tambahan didefinisikan dalam istilah berikut. What Are Beberapa Key Konsep Auxiliary Field Psikologi? lambung Asing ruang hidup Kompleks semua fakta nonpsychological yang mengelilingi ruang hidup. Itu bagian dari lingkungan fisik dan sosial seseorang yang, pada titik tertentu, tidak termasuk dalam lingkungan psikologis. Terdiri dari bahan baku fisik dan sosial. Keduanya menyediakan dan membatasi kemungkinan perilaku. Daerah psikologis kondisi yang signifikan, tempat, benda, dan aktivitas didefinisikan secara fungsional sebagai bagian dari ruang hidup. Mereka memiliki valensi positif dan negatif. valensi (lingkungan yang berpusat) positif atau negatif fakta lingkungan. Properti yang daerah ruang hidup memiliki ketika seorang individu baik ditarik ke arah mereka atau ditolak jauh dari mereka. Sebuah wilayah yang memiliki valensi positif adalah salah satu dari sifat tersebut bahwa pasukan berkorelasi dengan valensi daerah yang cenderung psikologis untuk memindahkan orang ke arah wilayah itu. Sebuah valensi negatif berarti bahwa pasukan cenderung bergerak orang menjauh dari daerah itu. Kebutuhan (-orang yang berpusat) Serikat seseorang yang, jika mereka ada dalam kaitannya dengan tujuan, memiliki bagian dalam menentukan perilaku ke arah tujuan itu. Sesuai dengan sistem ketegangan di wilayah bagian-pribadi seseorang. Kebutuhan berkembang melalui interaksi seseorang dengan lingkungannya. Kemampuan Kognitif kemampuan (-orang yang berpusat) merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk mengetahui lingkungannya. Kemampuan manipulatif merupakan kapasitas seseorang untuk mempengaruhi lingkungannya. Ketegangan terkait Sangat erat dengan, dan deskriptif, kebutuhan psikologis. Keadaan satu sistem relatif terhadap keadaan sistem sekitarnya. Pelepasan ketegangan dapat dicapai melalui baik mencapai tujuan atau restrukturisasi ruang hidup. Pelepasan ketegangan sesuai dengan kepuasan kebutuhan. Tujuan Sebuah wilayah ruang hidup ke arah atau menjauh dari, mana seseorang secara psikologis ditarik. Barrier Dinamis bagian dari lingkungan yang menolak gerakan melalui itu. Itu yang berdiri di jalan orang mencapai tujuan. Angkatan penentu Segera dari locomotions seseorang. Kecenderungan untuk bertindak dalam arah tertentu. Sifat-sifatnya yang kuat, arah, dan titik aplikasi. Hal ini diwakili oleh vektor. Kekuatan gaya adalah terkait dengan, tetapi tidak identik dengan, kekuatan valensi. Kombinasi gaya yang bekerja pada titik yang sama pada waktu tertentu adalah gaya resultan. Struktur Kognitif Lingkungan dan seseorang, seperti yang diketahui oleh orang. Sinonim yang umum wawasan atau pemahaman. Apa Perilaku? Dalam psikologi kognitif-bidang perilaku jangka, bila digunakan, ditafsirkan cukup berbeda dari cara behavioris umum mendefinisikannya. Yang terakhir, selaras dengan interpretasi mereka psikologi sebagai studi tentang hubungan organisme biologis dan lingkungan fisik dan sosial mereka, memikirkan perilaku sebagai beberapa jenis dan derajat terukur, dan dapat diamati publik, otot atau kelenjar gerakan. Gerakan ini mungkin hanya baru mulai atau rahasia atau mungkin terbuka; Namun demikian, pernyataan bahwa itu adalah perilaku berarti bahwa itu adalah gerakan fisik. Dimana perangkat yang memadai tersedia, dapat diamati dan diukur. Psikolog kognitif-bidang tidak menerima definisi perilaku. Bagi mereka, perilaku psikologis melibatkan tujuan dan intelijen; karenanya, tidak disamakan 1-1 dengan gerakan fisik. Selain itu, tidak secara langsung diamati tetapi harus disimpulkan melalui studi tindakan diamati. Dalam berbicara perilaku, psikolog kognitif-bidang menyiratkan penggerak psikologis tetapi tidak perlu apapun gerakan psikologis. Seseorang mungkin "mendekati" kepada orang lain, namun tidak menunjukkan bukti fisik penggerak. Perilaku mengambil ruang dalam ruang hidup, bukan di tempat diamati. Perilaku psikologis lebih atau kurang verbal dan simbolik dan dapat disamakan dengan pengalaman. Setiap contoh spesifik dari perilaku harus dilihat sebagai hasil interaksi dari beberapa fitur yang bersangkutan dari situasi konkret. Kemudian, didefinisikan secara luas, perilaku berarti setiap perubahan dalam ruang hidup yang tunduk pada hukum psikologis. Dengan demikian, perilaku mungkin perubahan lokasi relatif seseorang dan lingkungannya, reorganisasi kognitif lingkungan seseorang, atau restrukturisasi orang. Hal ini juga termasuk perubahan dalam valensi setiap bagian ruang kehidupan seseorang. Lebih khusus, perilaku psikologis mungkin (1) tindakan purposive terang-terangan, (2) pergeseran sikap, (3) perubahan nilai preceived suatu benda atau kegiatan, atau (4) hubungan baru yang dibentuk antara dua atau lebih peristiwa. perilaku psikologis dan penggerak adalah konsep analog. Perilaku menjelaskan perubahan fungsional simultan dalam ruang kehidupan seseorang. Penggerak mengacu pada posisi relatif daerahnya masing-ruang kehidupan temporal kontinyu seseorang. Ketika kita berkonsentrasi

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