Information literacy skillsSkills required to be information literate  terjemahan - Information literacy skillsSkills required to be information literate  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Information literacy skillsSkills r

Information literacy skills
Skills required to be information literate require an understanding of: A need for information The resources available How to find information The need to evaluate results How to work with or exploit results Ethics and responsibility of use How to communicate or share your findings How to manage your findings
A need for information
Recognising that information is needed; understanding why information is needed, what (and how much; what kind of ) information is required, as well as any associated constraints (e.g. time, format, currency, access); recognising that information is available in a wide range of formats in various geographical and virtual locations. The ability to articulate a question and so develop a focus for research is an important skill.
Note: Information may be available on paper, digitally, through other media such as broadcast or film, or from a colleague or friend. It may or may not be conveniently close to hand and easily accessible, and quantifying your need and making a decision about the use of an information source may be tempered by the ease and speed with which an answer can be obtained.
Understanding availability
Be able to identify what resources are available for exploitation, where they are, how to access them, the merits of individual resource types, and when it is appropriate to use them.
Note: As suggested, this requires an understanding of types of resource (paper-based, electronic/ digital, human etc) and when to use each; what are the merits of individual resources types; what are the differences between them.
A journal article may be available in print, as a part of an e-journal or as a record in a database of full-text articles Not all search engines offer the same facilities A company website, a market research report, or the website of a national statistical organisation may offer differing views
Access channels to information resources may vary according to who or where you are e.g. for an 8 year old child, availability is subject to having to go through various gatekeepers such as their parents’ views or willingness to buy books, the library’s filtering policy, access to a computer at home or at their friend’s etc. Whether the exact same information sources can be reached by different children depends on the lost channels available to them. Any resources may be subject to cultural, political, industrial, national or other bias. Newspapers and news sites, lobby groups, religious groups/ sects.
Understanding how to find information
An ability to search appropriate resources effectively and identify relevant information.
Note: Strategies need to be tailored to the resource being used, so as to get the best results from that resource. Users need to respond to search results - possibly because there are too many – and know when to stop searching. An information literate person would also understand that, in addition to purposive searching, information can be acquired by browsing, scanning and monitoring information sources.
Examples Searching across several resources Using back-of-book indexes Using abstracting and indexing journals Scanning RSS and news feeds Participating in e-mail, discussion lists, Bulletin boards, etc Using hypertext, URL’s, bookmarks, etc. Understanding and using Boolean logic Understanding and using truncation Understanding and using fielded data De-duplicating search results Understanding and using relevance and relevance-ranked searching
Understand the need to evaluate results
Be able to evaluate information for its authenticity, accuracy, currency, value and bias. Also, be able to evaluate the means by which the results were obtained in order to ensure that your approach did not produce misleading or incomplete results.
Note: This is not just whether the resources appear to answer the question, but whether it is intrinsically trustworthy.
Use prior knowledge of author, editor, series, publisher
Examine: Relevance to problem/question/task in hand Appropriateness of style for users Availability of index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, multimedia, etc Authenticity and origin Authority (ownership, reputation, coverage, scope) Bias or point of view Error rate/accuracy Purpose/audience Currency/timeliness Consistency Design (output, presentation and arrangement) Organisation/navigation (ease of use) Access and use (documentation, accessibility, comparison with other sources)
Understand how to work with or exploit results
Analyse and work with the information to provide accurate, presentable research results, or to develop new knowledge and understanding.
Note: To understand, compare, combine, annotate, and apply (use) the information found. Recognise and understand a possible need for further information searching. Examples Use of appropriate software (spreadsheet / database / statistical / reference management / etc)
Understand ethics and responsibility of use
Know why information should be use
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kemampuan keaksaraan informasiKeterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi informasi melek memerlukan pemahaman tentang: A perlu untuk informasi sumber daya yang tersedia bagaimana mencari informasi kebutuhan untuk mengevaluasi hasil bagaimana bekerja dengan atau mengeksploitasi hasil etika dan tanggung-jawab penggunaan cara berkomunikasi atau berbagi temuan bagaimana mengelola temuan AndaKebutuhan untuk informasiMengakui bahwa informasi yang diperlukan; memahami mengapa informasi yang diperlukan, apa (dan berapa banyak; apa jenis dari) informasi diperlukan, sebagai baik sebagai setiap kendala yang terkait (misalnya waktu, format, mata uang, akses); mengakui bahwa informasi tersedia dalam berbagai macam format di berbagai lokasi geografis dan virtual. Kemampuan untuk mengartikulasikan pertanyaan dan kemudian mengembangkan fokus penelitian adalah keahlian yang penting.Catatan: Informasi yang mungkin tersedia pada kertas, digital, melalui media lain seperti siaran atau film, atau dari rekan kerja atau teman. Ini mungkin atau mungkin tidak nyaman dekat dengan tangan dan mudah diakses, dan mengukur kebutuhan Anda dan membuat keputusan mengenai penggunaan sumber informasi mungkin marah oleh kemudahan dan kecepatan yang jawaban yang dapat diperoleh.Pemahaman ketersediaanDapat mengidentifikasi sumber daya apa tersedia untuk eksploitasi, di mana mereka berada, cara untuk mengaksesnya, manfaat dari jenis sumber individu, dan saat yang tepat untuk menggunakannya.Catatan: Seperti yang disarankan, ini memerlukan pemahaman tentang jenis sumber daya (berbasis kertas, elektronik / digital, manusia dll) dan ketika menggunakan masing-masing; Apa Apakah manfaat jenis sumber daya individu; Apakah perbedaan antara mereka.Contoh2Artikel jurnal mungkin tersedia di media cetak, sebagai bagian dari jurnal atau sebagai catatan dalam database teks lengkap artikel tidak semua search engine menawarkan fasilitas A perusahaan website yang sama, sebuah laporan riset pasar, atau situs web organisasi Statistik Nasional dapat menawarkan pandangan yang berbedaAkses saluran untuk sumber informasi dapat bervariasi menurut who atau mana Anda misalnya untuk anak berusia 8 tahun, ketersediaan diatur harus melalui berbagai penunggu seperti pandangan orang tua mereka atau kesediaan untuk membeli buku, Perpustakaan penyaringan kebijakan, akses ke komputer di rumah atau di teman mereka dll. Apakah sumber informasi yang tepat sama dapat dicapai dengan anak yang berbeda tergantung pada saluran hilang yang tersedia bagi mereka. Sumber daya dapat dikenakan nasional budaya, politik, industri, atau bias lainnya. Surat Kabar dan berita situs, kelompok-kelompok lobi, kelompok agama / sekte.Memahami bagaimana untuk menemukan informasiKemampuan untuk mencari sumber daya yang tepat secara efektif dan mengidentifikasi informasi yang relevan.Note: Strategies need to be tailored to the resource being used, so as to get the best results from that resource. Users need to respond to search results - possibly because there are too many – and know when to stop searching. An information literate person would also understand that, in addition to purposive searching, information can be acquired by browsing, scanning and monitoring information sources.Examples Searching across several resources Using back-of-book indexes Using abstracting and indexing journals Scanning RSS and news feeds Participating in e-mail, discussion lists, Bulletin boards, etc Using hypertext, URL’s, bookmarks, etc. Understanding and using Boolean logic Understanding and using truncation Understanding and using fielded data De-duplicating search results Understanding and using relevance and relevance-ranked searchingUnderstand the need to evaluate resultsBe able to evaluate information for its authenticity, accuracy, currency, value and bias. Also, be able to evaluate the means by which the results were obtained in order to ensure that your approach did not produce misleading or incomplete results.Note: This is not just whether the resources appear to answer the question, but whether it is intrinsically trustworthy.3ExamplesUse prior knowledge of author, editor, series, publisherExamine: Relevance to problem/question/task in hand Appropriateness of style for users Availability of index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, multimedia, etc Authenticity and origin Authority (ownership, reputation, coverage, scope) Bias or point of view Error rate/accuracy Purpose/audience Currency/timeliness Consistency Design (output, presentation and arrangement) Organisation/navigation (ease of use) Access and use (documentation, accessibility, comparison with other sources)Understand how to work with or exploit resultsAnalyse and work with the information to provide accurate, presentable research results, or to develop new knowledge and understanding.Note: To understand, compare, combine, annotate, and apply (use) the information found. Recognise and understand a possible need for further information searching. Examples Use of appropriate software (spreadsheet / database / statistical / reference management / etc)Understand ethics and responsibility of useKnow why information should be use
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