Yes, we should Because it is better to kill one person than kill many  terjemahan - Yes, we should Because it is better to kill one person than kill many  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yes, we should Because it is better

Yes, we should Because it is better to kill one person than kill many people. When the drug dealers sell and give a drug to many people, it is same like that drug dealer try to kill those people, because drug can kill us. Drug dealers can make so many victims. So, I think we should give a death penalty to drug dealers.
Drug dealers are the slime of existence Drug dealers know what they are peddling to others. It is poison that they are selling. They do not care how their customers get their money, they only want to make that fast buck. Their customers rob, steal and burgle to get the money for their next fix. They do this to their partners, their parents, their siblings and strangers, desecrating their privacy and their ideal that their home is their castle. Drug dealers cut their product in various ways from talcum powder to cement to rat poison to goodness knows what. Just so that they can make more money buy creating the illusion that they have more product to dispense to their victims. Dealers should get off their lazy, arrogant backsides and get a real job. Earn a living for a change and desist from creating more victims who slowly die from their poisons. How much sympathy would a person get who recklessly releases sarin gas or mustard gas or any other toxic substance? None I guarantee! So why should so-called educated people sympathise with dealers in poison who only do so to line their pockets for a flash car or a great mansion. Yes I know that most low level dealers do it only to pay for their own habits of poison ingestion, but why should that be an excuse for them to repeat the process and create goodness knows how many more victims? DRUGS are POISONS!! Nothing more. Nothing less. And the dealers, traders in these poisons do not deserve any-one's sympathy. Dealing is only a quick way to earn a buck and get rich quick. They think that because they are Australian that the government will expend millions of Australia's tax dollars trying to get them off. And they are correct!!! Because our leaders think that by doing so they are appealing to the majority of voters. Dealers deserve NO such assistance or aid. If they commit their crime overseas then they know darn well that they are bound by the laws, penalties and the justice system of the country/countries they are visiting. You get a passport and the drugs warning. You get into an air[port and you are greeted with the drug warnings. Hey! You roll the dice. You get hammered! No-one ever made a continued living from rolling the dice. There is no room for dealers on this earth that the rest of humanity work hard to improve. Bleeding Hearts! Shutup and go away!

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yes, we should Because it is better to kill one person than kill many people. When the drug dealers sell and give a drug to many people, it is same like that drug dealer try to kill those people, because drug can kill us. Drug dealers can make so many victims. So, I think we should give a death penalty to drug dealers.Drug dealers are the slime of existence Drug dealers know what they are peddling to others. It is poison that they are selling. They do not care how their customers get their money, they only want to make that fast buck. Their customers rob, steal and burgle to get the money for their next fix. They do this to their partners, their parents, their siblings and strangers, desecrating their privacy and their ideal that their home is their castle. Drug dealers cut their product in various ways from talcum powder to cement to rat poison to goodness knows what. Just so that they can make more money buy creating the illusion that they have more product to dispense to their victims. Dealers should get off their lazy, arrogant backsides and get a real job. Earn a living for a change and desist from creating more victims who slowly die from their poisons. How much sympathy would a person get who recklessly releases sarin gas or mustard gas or any other toxic substance? None I guarantee! So why should so-called educated people sympathise with dealers in poison who only do so to line their pockets for a flash car or a great mansion. Yes I know that most low level dealers do it only to pay for their own habits of poison ingestion, but why should that be an excuse for them to repeat the process and create goodness knows how many more victims? DRUGS are POISONS!! Nothing more. Nothing less. And the dealers, traders in these poisons do not deserve any-one's sympathy. Dealing is only a quick way to earn a buck and get rich quick. They think that because they are Australian that the government will expend millions of Australia's tax dollars trying to get them off. And they are correct!!! Because our leaders think that by doing so they are appealing to the majority of voters. Dealers deserve NO such assistance or aid. If they commit their crime overseas then they know darn well that they are bound by the laws, penalties and the justice system of the country/countries they are visiting. You get a passport and the drugs warning. You get into an air[port and you are greeted with the drug warnings. Hey! You roll the dice. You get hammered! No-one ever made a continued living from rolling the dice. There is no room for dealers on this earth that the rest of humanity work hard to improve. Bleeding Hearts! Shutup and go away!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ya, kita harus Karena itu lebih baik untuk membunuh satu orang dari membunuh banyak orang. Ketika pengedar narkoba menjual dan memberikan obat untuk banyak orang, itu adalah sama seperti itu pengedar narkoba mencoba untuk membunuh orang-orang, karena obat dapat membunuh kita. Pengedar narkoba dapat membuat begitu banyak korban. Jadi, saya pikir kita harus memberikan hukuman mati kepada pengedar narkoba.
Pengedar narkoba adalah lendir dari keberadaan pengedar narkoba tahu apa yang mereka menjajakan kepada orang lain. Ini adalah racun yang mereka jual. Mereka tidak peduli bagaimana pelanggan mereka mendapatkan uang mereka, mereka hanya ingin membuat uang cepat. Pelanggan mereka merampok, mencuri dan merampok untuk mendapatkan uang untuk memperbaiki mereka berikutnya. Mereka melakukan ini untuk pasangan mereka, orang tua mereka, saudara dan orang asing mereka, menodai privasi mereka dan ideal mereka bahwa rumah mereka adalah istana mereka. Pengedar narkoba memotong produk mereka dalam berbagai cara dari bedak untuk semen untuk tikus racun untuk kebaikan tahu apa. Hanya agar mereka dapat membuat lebih banyak uang membeli menciptakan ilusi bahwa mereka memiliki lebih banyak produk untuk membuang korban mereka. Dealer harus turun malas, pantat arogan dan mendapatkan pekerjaan nyata. Mencari nafkah untuk perubahan dan berhenti dari menciptakan lebih banyak korban yang mati pelan-pelan dari racun mereka. Berapa banyak simpati akan seseorang mendapatkan yang sembarangan melepaskan gas sarin atau gas mustard atau zat-zat beracun lainnya? Tak satu pun saya jamin! Mengapa harus disebut begitu-begitu orang-orang berpendidikan bersimpati dengan dealer di racun yang hanya melakukannya untuk kantong-kantong mereka untuk mobil flash atau rumah besar. Ya saya tahu bahwa kebanyakan dealer tingkat rendah melakukannya hanya untuk membayar kebiasaan mereka sendiri racun konsumsi, tetapi mengapa yang harus menjadi alasan bagi mereka untuk mengulang proses dan membuat entah berapa banyak lagi korban? NARKOBA adalah RACUN !! Tidak ada lagi. Tidak kurang. Dan dealer, pedagang di racun ini tidak layak simpati-satu. Berurusan hanya cara cepat untuk mendapatkan uang dan mendapatkan cepat kaya. Mereka berpikir bahwa karena mereka Australia bahwa pemerintah akan mengeluarkan jutaan dolar pajak Australia berusaha untuk mendapatkan mereka. Dan mereka benar !!! Karena para pemimpin kita berpikir bahwa dengan berbuat demikian mereka menarik bagi mayoritas pemilih. Dealer pantas NO bantuan atau bantuan tersebut. Jika mereka melakukan kejahatan mereka di luar negeri maka mereka tahu betul bahwa mereka terikat oleh hukum, denda dan sistem peradilan negara negara / mereka mengunjungi. Anda mendapatkan paspor dan obat peringatan. Anda masuk ke udara [pelabuhan dan Anda akan disambut dengan peringatan obat. Hei! Anda melempar dadu. Anda mendapatkan dipalu! Tidak ada yang pernah membuat hidup terus dari rolling dadu. Tidak ada ruang untuk dealer di bumi ini yang sisa pekerjaan manusia keras untuk meningkatkan. Perdarahan Hati! Shutup dan pergi!

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