5ContentsPublisher’s Foreword 10Introduction 171.They did not benefit  terjemahan - 5ContentsPublisher’s Foreword 10Introduction 171.They did not benefit  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

5ContentsPublisher’s Foreword 10Int

Publisher’s Foreword 10
Introduction 17
They did not benefit 19
What are we going to learn? 22
Why do we search for skills? 24
Improve yourself 28
Do not cry over spilt milk 32
Be unique 35
Who is the most beloved to you? 39
Enjoy the skills 48
With the poor 52
With women 55
With children... 61
With slaves and servants 66
With adversaries 69
With animals 78
A hundred ways to win people’s hearts 82
Purify your intention for the sake of Allah 86
Use the right flavour 91
Choose the right topics 108
Be kind at the first meeting 117
People are like the minerals of the earth 124
Mu’awiyah’s hair 139
The keys to hearts 145
Taking one’s psychologicalcondition... 148
Be concerned about others 154
Show them that you want the best... 170
Remember names 176
Be observant and complimentary 179
Only pass comment on what is good 187
Do not interfere in matters that... 191
How to deal with a meddlesome person 196
Do not criticise! 199
Do not be dictatorial 207
Hold the stick from the middle 215
Make it easy to rectify a fault 225
The other opinion 237
Respond to mistreatment with kindness 244
Convince him of his error so he may.... 254
Do not criticise me! End of story? 262
Verify the fault before criticising 276
Whip me gently! 281
Run away from problems! 285
Admit your faults and do not be arrogant... 294
The keys to mistakes... 300
Untie the bundle 309
Self torture 316
Problems with no solutions 323
Do not kill yourself by grief 325
Be content with what Allah has apportioned... 329
Be a mountain 337
Do not curse him because he drinks alcohol! 342
If what you desire does not happen,.... 344
We can disagree and still be brothers! 347
Gentleness only beautifies 352
Between the living and the dead 363
Make your tongue sweet 377
Be concise and do not argue 385
Do not care about what people say 389
Smile and keep smiling 392
The red lines 396
Keeping a secret 401
Fulfilling people’s needs 409
Do not burden yourself with what you.... 413
Who kicked the cat? 419
Humbleness 428
To worship in secret 431
Take them out of the ditch 439
Looking after one’s appearance 442
Honesty 446
Bravery 450
Steadiness on principles 453
Temptations 458
Forgiving others 462
Generosity 472
Restraining oneself from harming others 482
Do not gain enemies 487
The tongue is king 489
Control your tongue 497
The key 502
The emotional bank balance 510
The magician 515
Help by your speech if you cannot do so... 524
Supplications 534
Patching up 549
Look with both eyes 554
The art of listening 559
The art of discussion 565
Block the escape routes of the detractors 572
Wait and do not interrupt! 576
Charity before consultation 580
It is not important to always be successful 589
Be brave and start from now! 591
Publisher’s Foreword
It so happened that in the year 2007, I was in the city of the

. It has been my old habit that whenever I travel to
a city, I always make it a point to visit all its bookstores. When
it comes to books, the city of Madinah is in its own league. In
the bookstores of Madinah, one is bound to come across all
the newly published literature

and shopping for books is, of
course, my favourite pastime. The staff who work at most of the
bookstores near the Prophet’s Mosque know me on a personal
basis, as a large number of Darussalam’s publications are available
at these stores.
One day, when I was visiting one of these bookstores, I looked
at the shelves and noticed a book called, ‘
Enjoy Your Life
’. Just as
I was about to pick it up, Abu ‘Abdullah greeted me, hugged me,
and asked, ‘When did you arrive? How long are you here for?’
Meanwhile, I reached out for the book... Abu ‘Abdullah, who is
originally from Yemen, has been involved in the book market for
a long time. He is one of the many Darussalam distributors. He
noticed the book in my hand and said, ‘This book is excellent.
If you were to publish its translation, it would be considered a
valuable addition to the international Islamic book collection.’
He continued as he held my hand, ‘This book has made a record
number of sales.’
Some time later, in my hotel room, I began reading the book.
As I continued reading, I became more and more captivated by
it. There is no doubt that the subject of the book itself was the
thing that most interested me.
Solutions to all the problems of the Muslim nation are present
in the life of Allah’s Messenger

. His life is certainly an example
for us to follow and a model for us to refer to at all times. No
matter what problem arises in our lives, if we look to the Proph
et’s Seerah for a solution, we will surely find it.What makes this
book outstanding is that it deals with our social problems in light
of the Prophetic lifestyle. The work is filled with incidents from
the Seerah, Islamic history, and the author’s own experiences.
By reading this book and implementing it practically, all of us can
make our lives more enjoyable and more tranquil.
This book includes remedies for despondency and numer
ous tips on how to keep worries and stress at bay. The author of
this book, Dr. Muhammad bin ‘Abd ar-Rahman al-‘Arifi is a well
known scholar and lecturer from Saudi Arabia. His audiences are
left mesmerised during his lectures as he has such a unique way
of speaking that even us, the non-Arabs, are enchanted by his
words. A visit to any of the Islamic audiocassette shops in this
land gives proof to the popularity of this talented lecturer, and a
single hearing of any of his lectures guarantees addiction!
When I returned to Riyadh from Madinah, I requested one of
our Egyptian Darussalam associates, Muhammad Shakir Qadhi,
to establish contact with Dr. Al-‘Arifi and to request permission
for the translation of his book. After a few days, we managed to
establish contact with Dr. Al-‘Arifi. Fortunately, for us, he was
already familiar with Darussalam. As he said himself, most of the
books he takes on his international travels are of Darussalam
publications. It is always easier to work towards an agreement
if there is preceding familiarity. We invited Dr. Al-‘Arifi over to
Darussalam’s headquarters for a visit, and he gladly accepted the
invitation. Thus, we had the pleasure of his company.
I found him to be just as handsome and immaculate as are
his works and lectures. He has a unique and charming charac
ter and a very humble personality. I know from my experience
with people in the Islamic world, that the more famous and well
respected a person becomes, the more modest and noble is his
behaviour. Dr. Al-‘Arifi signed the contract with Darussalam and
then excused himself, saying he was in a hurry and that he would
return soon to discuss further details.
After a couple of weeks or so, as I was travelling once again to
Madinah, I coincidently noticed Dr. Al-‘Arifi seated on the same
plane. As the seat besides him was empty, we had the opportu
nity to sit together and familiarise ourselves with each other
even more. We spoke at length and felt closer to one another. A
few days later, he returned to Darussalam and gave us a number
of new suggestions. We introduced him to some of our projects,
and it was then decided that Darussalam would translate his
books into various languages.
He explained how his book, ‘Enjoy Your Life’ is in reality a
summary of his entire life experience. He spent a considerable
amount of time authoring this book. There is no doubt that he
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
5ContentsPublisher’s Foreword 10Introduction 171.They did not benefit 192.What are we going to learn? 223.Why do we search for skills? 244.Improve yourself 285.Do not cry over spilt milk 326.Be unique 357.Who is the most beloved to you? 398.Enjoy the skills 489.With the poor 5210.With women 5511.With children... 6112.With slaves and servants 6613.With adversaries 69614.With animals 7815.A hundred ways to win people’s hearts 8216.Purify your intention for the sake of Allah 8617.Use the right flavour 9118.Choose the right topics 10819.Be kind at the first meeting 11720.People are like the minerals of the earth 12421.Mu’awiyah’s hair 13922.The keys to hearts 14523.Taking one’s psychologicalcondition... 14824.Be concerned about others 15425.Show them that you want the best... 17026.Remember names 17627.Be observant and complimentary 17928.Only pass comment on what is good 18729.Do not interfere in matters that... 19130.How to deal with a meddlesome person 19631.Do not criticise! 19932.Do not be dictatorial 20733.Hold the stick from the middle 215734.Make it easy to rectify a fault 22535.The other opinion 23736.Respond to mistreatment with kindness 24437.Convince him of his error so he may.... 25438.Do not criticise me! End of story? 26239.Verify the fault before criticising 27640.Whip me gently! 28141.Run away from problems! 28542.Admit your faults and do not be arrogant... 29443.The keys to mistakes... 30044.Untie the bundle 30945.Self torture 31646.Problems with no solutions 32347.Do not kill yourself by grief 32548.Be content with what Allah has apportioned... 32949.Be a mountain 33750.Do not curse him because he drinks alcohol! 34251.If what you desire does not happen,.... 34452.We can disagree and still be brothers! 34753.Gentleness only beautifies 352854.Between the living and the dead 36355.Make your tongue sweet 37756.Be concise and do not argue 38557.Do not care about what people say 38958.Smile and keep smiling 39259.The red lines 39660.Keeping a secret 40161.Fulfilling people’s needs 40962.Do not burden yourself with what you.... 41363.Who kicked the cat? 41964.Humbleness 42865.To worship in secret 43166.Take them out of the ditch 43967.Looking after one’s appearance 44268.Honesty 44669.Bravery 45070.Steadiness on principles 45371.Temptations 45872.Forgiving others 46273.Generosity 472974.Restraining oneself from harming others 48275.Do not gain enemies 48776.The tongue is king 48977.Control your tongue 49778.The key 50279.The emotional bank balance 51080.The magician 51581.Help by your speech if you cannot do so... 52482.Supplications 53483.Patching up 54984.Look with both eyes 55485.The art of listening 55986.The art of discussion 56587.Block the escape routes of the detractors 57288.Wait and do not interrupt! 57689.Charity before consultation 58090.It is not important to always be successful 58991.Be brave and start from now! 59110Publisher’s ForewordIt so happened that in the year 2007, I was in the city of theProphet. It has been my old habit that whenever I travel toa city, I always make it a point to visit all its bookstores. Whenit comes to books, the city of Madinah is in its own league. Inthe bookstores of Madinah, one is bound to come across allthe newly published literature−and shopping for books is, ofcourse, my favourite pastime. The staff who work at most of thebookstores near the Prophet’s Mosque know me on a personalbasis, as a large number of Darussalam’s publications are availableat these stores.One day, when I was visiting one of these bookstores, I lookedat the shelves and noticed a book called, ‘Enjoy Your Life’. Just asI was about to pick it up, Abu ‘Abdullah greeted me, hugged me,and asked, ‘When did you arrive? How long are you here for?’Meanwhile, I reached out for the book... Abu ‘Abdullah, who isoriginally from Yemen, has been involved in the book market fora long time. He is one of the many Darussalam distributors. Henoticed the book in my hand and said, ‘This book is excellent.If you were to publish its translation, it would be considered avaluable addition to the international Islamic book collection.’He continued as he held my hand, ‘This book has made a record11number of sales.’Some time later, in my hotel room, I began reading the book.As I continued reading, I became more and more captivated byit. There is no doubt that the subject of the book itself was thething that most interested me.Solutions to all the problems of the Muslim nation are presentin the life of Allah’s Messenger. His life is certainly an examplefor us to follow and a model for us to refer to at all times. Nomatter what problem arises in our lives, if we look to the Proph-et’s Seerah for a solution, we will surely find it.What makes thisbook outstanding is that it deals with our social problems in lightof the Prophetic lifestyle. The work is filled with incidents fromthe Seerah, Islamic history, and the author’s own experiences.By reading this book and implementing it practically, all of us canmake our lives more enjoyable and more tranquil.This book includes remedies for despondency and numer-ous tips on how to keep worries and stress at bay. The author ofthis book, Dr. Muhammad bin ‘Abd ar-Rahman al-‘Arifi is a wellknown scholar and lecturer from Saudi Arabia. His audiences areleft mesmerised during his lectures as he has such a unique wayof speaking that even us, the non-Arabs, are enchanted by hiswords. A visit to any of the Islamic audiocassette shops in thisland gives proof to the popularity of this talented lecturer, and asingle hearing of any of his lectures guarantees addiction!When I returned to Riyadh from Madinah, I requested one ofour Egyptian Darussalam associates, Muhammad Shakir Qadhi,to establish contact with Dr. Al-‘Arifi and to request permission12for the translation of his book. After a few days, we managed toestablish contact with Dr. Al-‘Arifi. Fortunately, for us, he wasalready familiar with Darussalam. As he said himself, most of thebooks he takes on his international travels are of Darussalampublications. It is always easier to work towards an agreementif there is preceding familiarity. We invited Dr. Al-‘Arifi over toDarussalam’s headquarters for a visit, and he gladly accepted theinvitation. Thus, we had the pleasure of his company.I found him to be just as handsome and immaculate as arehis works and lectures. He has a unique and charming charac-ter and a very humble personality. I know from my experiencewith people in the Islamic world, that the more famous and wellrespected a person becomes, the more modest and noble is hisbehaviour. Dr. Al-‘Arifi signed the contract with Darussalam andthen excused himself, saying he was in a hurry and that he wouldreturn soon to discuss further details.After a couple of weeks or so, as I was travelling once again toMadinah, I coincidently noticed Dr. Al-‘Arifi seated on the sameplane. As the seat besides him was empty, we had the opportu-nity to sit together and familiarise ourselves with each othereven more. We spoke at length and felt closer to one another. Afew days later, he returned to Darussalam and gave us a numberof new suggestions. We introduced him to some of our projects,and it was then decided that Darussalam would translate hisbooks into various languages.He explained how his book, ‘Enjoy Your Life’ is in reality asummary of his entire life experience. He spent a considerableamount of time authoring this book. There is no doubt that he
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