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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Okay then. Let's give it a try, Saaya?" Bossungrinned towards Saaya that melts her heartinstantly.Later..."Uhhmm.. You sure this is going to work?" Acertain tsundere girl approach them slightly withthe queen dress. "You look perfect." Himeko'seyes gleamed. "Yeah, sure.. Now let's get goin'with that script!" Bossun commanded. "Momoka!Let's start!" Himeko called her."Hai, hai. Coming!" She approached them runningwith a script on her hand. "Okay, should we startnow?" Momoka asked the boss. Bossun justnodded. "Hmm.. Once upon a time, there was aqueen that wanted to be called the mostbeautiful woman in the kingdom. But, there'sthis one girl that is so beautiful that no onecould compare to her." Momoka smiled."Oh, magical mirror. Who's the most beautifulwoman in this kingdom?" Saaya acted like aPRO."STOP! STOP STOP STOP!" Bossun stopped her."What now?" Himeko and Switch both face-palmed. "That was absolutely PERFECT! It'smagnificent!" He throw his hands in the air. "SAYWHAT?!" Saaya bulged her eyes out. "You are aPRO! It's decided then, Saaya will be the queen!"Bossun grabbed a random pencil and scribbleddown the script, changing Saaya as the queen."Wait a minute! So if Saaya's the queen, who'sgonna be the princess then?" Himeko asked withcuriosity.' Well, since there's no one else in this group..Himeko will be the princess then. That meansI'm going to kiss her! ', Bossun answered herwhile blushing a bit ,"Hmm.. Well it will be-""ME!"A sudden happy voice chirped. "Wha-? Who'sthat?" Switch glanced around the room. "It'sme!" suddenly the wall crumbled, revealing a twinbraided mangaka unbelievably BREAKING in tothe room through a THICK WALL. "Eeehh?Roman?" All of them shouted in unison, eyeswere really wide. Yep, that girl is SaotomeRoman, the always-breaking-in-no-matter-whatgirl."Eheheh.." She just giggled like an innocent littlegirl. "Roman? What are you doing here?" Saayaasked her, face still surprised."The wall.." the trio sket members pointed at thenow holed crumbling wall, with a priceless faceand sweat drop. "How could you possibly gethere?!" Himeko shouted. "Through a wall too!"Bossun continued her sentence. "Eheheh.. Well,that's my ability!" She just twirled there happily,proud of her amazing ABILITY.' She called that an ABILITY!?' The trio had theirmouth wide opened."Ssoo.. I will be the princess, okay? Sincethere's no one wants. So, I will take this scriptand get going!" She took the script and wasgoing to run but, "Hold it! You have to provethat you are capable enough to be the princesscus' I don't want to lose." Bossun crossed hisarms."O-oh.. Yeah.. Okay then! I'm gonna go change!"Then she grabbed the cloth and ran towards thechanging room.XXXXXXXXX (Time skip until rehearsal is done )"Man.. That was pain in the neck!" Bossunwalked at a street with Switch and Himeko,cracking his neck. "Yeah yeah, whatever.."Himeko carelessly commented."Well, at least she is capable of being theprincess." Switch typed."Sure sure.. " Bossun and Himeko said in unison,yawning.XXXXXXX At Himeko's home XXXXXHimeko's POVAfter we parted ways, I walked lazily towards thegate. I opened it and went to the doorknob toget inside. It's already kinda dark and chilly outhere, "I'm home!""Welcome home, sweety!" My mom came to thedoor with an apron."Yeah, sure mom.. And don't come out if you'rewearing an apron, neighbours would probablysee you and laugh at you.." I couldn't care lessbut what if that happens."Yeah whatever.. Where's Switch and Bossun?You usually bring them here.." Why is she soexcited about them coming here?"I don't care and I do not used to bring themhere.. " I walked passed my mother and wentupstairs. "Hey, watch your mouth, young lady!Don't you dare ignore me, come back here! Hey!"I heard her but I ignore her. It's too damnannoying hearing her chatter.I opened my room door and plopped on my bed.' Why isn't he pick me instead of Roman? I couldtoo act like a princess! That damn guy!'XXXXXXX At Saaya's XXXXXSaaya's POVI opened the doorknob and get inside. "What areyou doing and where have you been until thislate?" A certain somebody asked me. I slammedthe door close and hear him flinch. "None of yourbusiness, now leave me." I went to my room butmy bro stopped me."What's with you? Suddenly act like this." Heasked with concern, "Or somebody's hurtingyou? I'll make sure they're gonna pay!" His voicelowered."No, nothing.. Just tired that's all." I entered myroom and looked at the window.XXXXXXXX The next day XXXXXXXXXXNormal POVJust a normal morning with normal activities.Himeko eating her new flavored pelorin, Bossunmaking a cat origami and Switch playing datingSim. It was a quiet room until, "Yabasu! Help meSket-dan!" A girl with 3 shapped mouthslamming the door open."Oh! Yabasawa-san, what's up?" Himeko satbeside her while slurping her tea. "Well, I had acousin named Karin. Her birthday's tommorow,she said she wanted a princess cosplay for herbirthday. I want to make her happy but I can'tbe a princess for her." Yabasawa sighed andfrowned."Okay, we got it. So what do you want us todo?" Bossun asked now facing her."Well, since you guys are my closest friends.. Iwanted to ask.. What if Himeko-chan being theprincess? It will be very helpful.." The big girlfiddled with her fingers."SAY WHAT?" Himeko and Bossun shouted soloudly.
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