Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Disposisi Meng Hao, kata yang tidak menyenangkan untuk mendengar, adalah najis, nya [mengatakan / cara] sangat nyaman, adalah tidak fettered, tidak meletakkan di ketidaknyamanan besar, saat ini menarik berulang kali, tapi seberang partai tidak hanya belum menerima tangan, bukan niat pembunuh lebih kuat."Menjangkau untuk halaman setelah mengambil satu inci!" Tenggelam warna wajah Meng Hao, tidak lagi menarik, tapi satu langkah langkah maju, gemuruh datang ke skala ini, menerima formulir pemeriksaan pada tubuh-Nya.Segera dentang dentang suara menyebar segera, di menjadi terkejut dari semua di sekeliling dunia Tuhan kesembilan laut banyak murid, mereka melihat segera, ketika sisik inilah, tiba-tiba dengan Meng Hao tubuh bergerak, tidak mampu melukai Meng Hao sedikit, bahkan ada banyak, runtuhnya yang secara langsung akan membuka sebaliknya terguncang rusak.Di mata Meng Hao dingin cahaya berkedip, keluar tiga langkah, keluar dari badai ini langsung, depan nya, pedang yang jatuh sembilan ikan, tiba-tiba pendekatan, tetapi mendekati Meng Hao instan, mengangkat tangan kanan Meng Hao, menuju palm langsung depan menurut nihility.Pedang yang sembilan, sengit menggigil."Pergi!" meng Hao untuk membuka mulut, karakter, telah membentuk sembilan gemuruh perlahan-lahan, menyebabkan pedang kejatuhan itu sembilan ikan, segera rewinds, mengaum meledak.An unsurpassed imposing manner, on Meng Hao, rises suddenly, that middle-aged man facial color changes, the corners of the mouth overflow blood, by the imposing manner impact of Meng Hao, cannot help but withdrawn several steps, may actually clench teeth, when again waves hand, when Meng Hao coldly snorted, the right hand lifts, the Blood Demon head condenses loudly, although Cultivation was suppressed, can Meng Hao intrepid in Immortal Realm, waves, the Blood Demon head face upwards a roar, raises roars, is makes this all around many cultivator within the body blood shiver, resembles to want the exsomatize uncontrolled.The Blood Demon head is fierce, suddenly departs, directly soars the middle-aged man to go, the male facial color again changes, whole person retreats, a life and death crisis, arrives rapidly instant, he has an intense premonition, if draws back was slow, surely death.But his speed, is inferior to the Blood Demon head obviously, this head whooshes fiercely, when overtakes shortly, this middle-aged man look is sad and shrill, in the eye the hatred, suddenly whooshes.„Your also not act!”All around these Monster Cultivator, dozens take a step to go out immediately, Cultivation erupts, shells the Blood Demon head.Has many, at this moment roars, directly soars Meng Hao to come, over a hundred Monster Cultivator, simultaneously act, the murderous intention fills the air fully unexpectedly, in this Ninth Sea God World, immediately in the entrance region, is similar to the riot.The Ninth Sea God World non- Monster Cultivator disciple, the facial color changes, some goes forward to prevent immediately.Meng Hao has smiled on the contrary, in the smiling face is having the murderous intention, does not track down the reason simply, since this middle-aged man must kill itself, that ... Is simpler, instead kills is!Also considers ... In this Ninth Sea God World, sets up the prestige!In Meng Hao the cold glow dodges, the body suddenly in a flash, in the hand Lightning Cauldron instant appears forward, the electric light walks randomly, bang, side Monster Cultivator with that middle-aged man has changed the position impressively.When behind thunders is dreadful, Meng Hao appears before that middle-aged man, this man is surprised, will call out in alarm, the Meng Hao right hand suddenly a figure, the direct point turns toward male forehead.Pointed out that the malignant influences are dreadful, refer, if falls, this middle-aged man destroy both body and soul, must die without doubt.„Dissolute!!” At this moment, has the sound to bring Anger, transmits from the distant place.The Meng Hao look is usual, if has not heard, in instance that this sound spreads, direct on forehead of this middle-aged man, bang ... This male whole body fierce reacted, meridians is torn to pieces, the body suddenly explodes, Meng Hao waves, the blood fog scatters in all directions, does not fall slightly, this turns around, looks is always near it person.„You were say me to be dissolute, said that he was dissolute?” When Meng Hao turns head, cold sound to open mouth.( To be continued.( Lwxs520.))...
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