At noon the wind­ing, bring­ing Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month to eat terjemahan - At noon the wind­ing, bring­ing Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month to eat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At noon the wind­ing, bring­ing Lin

At noon the wind­ing, bring­ing Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month to eat the hot pot, 2 : 00 pm re­turn to the dwelling, the prepa­ra­tion gets on­line.
Ap­pears in every book city, „drop”, a news came from Yue Qing Qian, and news about reg­i­ment sys­tem: „Ram­ble elder brother, Lin­hai city di­rec­tion had some sounds, one crowd was known as ‚hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier’ the NPC army fiercely at­tacks the dark blue navy of Lin­hai city to guard in the sta­tion out­side city, has hit for one hour, the peo­ple in Lin­hai city think is the con­ven­tional reg­i­ment sys­tem fights, but af­ter­ward dis­cov­ered that the 7 W mil­i­tary strength of dark blue navy al­most wiped out half, this time was to come, now, the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier is at­tack­ing the city gate of Lin­hai city, in the Lin­hai city ma­jor­ity was the In­dian play­ers, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink to order all peo­ple to go out of town to seek asy­lum, what­ever the fire lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier at­tacked a city!”
I in great sur­prise, hur­ried road: „Is de­ter­mi­na­tion hot lion com­mis­sion army corps at­tacks the Lin­hai city? Who is the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of lead?”
„Called xing fire 177 level god level BOSS!”
„Also is re­ally”
I stand in every book city, makes a fist, angry, was say­ing, the xing fire and cloud use me not to hate to aban­don the weak­ness that Xia Ye and other group of palace guards alone de­part float­ingly, un­ex­pect­edly took ad­van­tage that the night dis­patches troops to ar­rive in the Lin­hai city across the ice hot wilder­ness, was this must seize the Lin­hai city? And, I cal­cu­late that clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink will try to find the so­lu­tion re­ally cap­tures a city, has not ac­tu­ally thought that she will strike to me at this time fa­tally.
Once the Lin­hai city were hit by hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier, that was equal to that city of the dere­lic­tion, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink to lead sev­eral mil­lion In­dian play­ers to counter-at­tack at this time, per­haps the Lin­hai city must be­long to the In­dian war zone in the true sense.
Every­body takes ad­van­tage good!
Does not dare to go to think any­thing again, I said in guild chan­nel hur­riedly: „Wan Er, ac­cu­mu­la­tion melt god cav­alry, the prepa­ra­tion trans­mits im­me­di­ately to­gether goes to the Lin­hai city, [Zhan Long] all, can go to many peo­ple to go to many peo­ple!”
Lin Wan Er has not asked the rea­son from the start, im­me­di­ately called the player.
Does not wait for their col­lec­tion to be un­even, I raised the but­ter­fly di­rectly a trans­mis­sion trans­mis­sion from every book city to go to the Lin­hai city, „brush­ing” a ray flashed through, ac­tu­ally saw that nearby the city gate trans­mit­ted an in­ter­mit­tent ar­tillery sound, the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier seized the Long Jing ar­tillery of dark blue navy, with Long Jing ar­tillery bomb­ing city gate, this Lin­hai city was al­ways being truly con­trols by, now is boo­ing, in the city has not de­fended the in­stru­ment, how pos­si­bly to re­sist the mighty force of hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier.
On the city main road, a bare­ness player, the dis­tant place hoof­beat speeds away to come, im­pres­sively is heavy cav­alry of one crowd of dark blue navies, front line is not oth­ers, that was called the mar­shal of fine gold dragon, at this time his which a lit­tle mar­shal some were calm, a face said with amaze­ment: „Damn, the mean xing fire sneak at­tacks the Lin­hai city while us un­ex­pect­edly un­pre­pared, I must tear to shreds them!”
Just said that two Long Jing ar­tillery be­hind ex­ploded in him, ex­ploded torn to pieces one group of heavy cav­al­ries, the stump resid­ual limb broke in the body a Yorozuo long to raise the long blade to stand up, the tears fell, shouted loudly: „Com­mands the Sir, we could not re­sist, they at­tack us to be sta­tioned in the bat­tal­ion out­side city while the night, has won all our Long Jing
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At noon the wind­ing, bring­ing Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month to eat the hot pot, 2 : 00 pm re­turn to the dwelling, the prepa­ra­tion gets on­line.„Brushes!”Ap­pears in every book city, „drop”, a news came from Yue Qing Qian, and news about reg­i­ment sys­tem: „Ram­ble elder brother, Lin­hai city di­rec­tion had some sounds, one crowd was known as ‚hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier’ the NPC army fiercely at­tacks the dark blue navy of Lin­hai city to guard in the sta­tion out­side city, has hit for one hour, the peo­ple in Lin­hai city think is the con­ven­tional reg­i­ment sys­tem fights, but af­ter­ward dis­cov­ered that the 7 W mil­i­tary strength of dark blue navy al­most wiped out half, this time was to come, now, the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier is at­tack­ing the city gate of Lin­hai city, in the Lin­hai city ma­jor­ity was the In­dian play­ers, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink to order all peo­ple to go out of town to seek asy­lum, what­ever the fire lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier at­tacked a city!”„?!”I in great sur­prise, hur­ried road: „Is de­ter­mi­na­tion hot lion com­mis­sion army corps at­tacks the Lin­hai city? Who is the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of lead?”„Called xing fire 177 level god level BOSS!”„Also is re­ally”I stand in every book city, makes a fist, angry, was say­ing, the xing fire and cloud use me not to hate to aban­don the weak­ness that Xia Ye and other group of palace guards alone de­part float­ingly, un­ex­pect­edly took ad­van­tage that the night dis­patches troops to ar­rive in the Lin­hai city across the ice hot wilder­ness, was this must seize the Lin­hai city? And, I cal­cu­late that clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink will try to find the so­lu­tion re­ally cap­tures a city, has not ac­tu­ally thought that she will strike to me at this time fa­tally.Once the Lin­hai city were hit by hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier, that was equal to that city of the dere­lic­tion, the clear pupil de­vel­oped black ink to lead sev­eral mil­lion In­dian play­ers to counter-at­tack at this time, per­haps the Lin­hai city must be­long to the In­dian war zone in the true sense.Every­body takes ad­van­tage good!Does not dare to go to think any­thing again, I said in guild chan­nel hur­riedly: „Wan Er, ac­cu­mu­la­tion melt god cav­alry, the prepa­ra­tion trans­mits im­me­di­ately to­gether goes to the Lin­hai city, [Zhan Long] all, can go to many peo­ple to go to many peo­ple!”„Um!”Lin Wan Er has not asked the rea­son from the start, im­me­di­ately called the player.Does not wait for their col­lec­tion to be un­even, I raised the but­ter­fly di­rectly a trans­mis­sion trans­mis­sion from every book city to go to the Lin­hai city, „brush­ing” a ray flashed through, ac­tu­ally saw that nearby the city gate trans­mit­ted an in­ter­mit­tent ar­tillery sound, the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier seized the Long Jing ar­tillery of dark blue navy, with Long Jing ar­tillery bomb­ing city gate, this Lin­hai city was al­ways being truly con­trols by, now is boo­ing, in the city has not de­fended the in­stru­ment, how pos­si­bly to re­sist the mighty force of hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier.On the city main road, a bare­ness player, the dis­tant place hoof­beat speeds away to come, im­pres­sively is heavy cav­alry of one crowd of dark blue navies, front line is not oth­ers, that was called the mar­shal of fine gold dragon, at this time his which a lit­tle mar­shal some were calm, a face said with amaze­ment: „Damn, the mean xing fire sneak at­tacks the Lin­hai city while us un­ex­pect­edly un­pre­pared, I must tear to shreds them!”Just said that two Long Jing ar­tillery be­hind ex­ploded in him, ex­ploded torn to pieces one group of heavy cav­al­ries, the stump resid­ual limb broke in the body a Yorozuo long to raise the long blade to stand up, the tears fell, shouted loudly: „Com­mands the Sir, we could not re­sist, they at­tack us to be sta­tioned in the bat­tal­ion out­side city while the night, has won all our Long Jing
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada tengah hari yang berkelok-kelok, membawa Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan untuk makan hot pot, 2:. 12:00 kembali ke tempat tinggal, persiapan mendapat secara online
"! Brushes"
Muncul di setiap kota buku, "drop", berita datang dari Yue Qing Qian, dan berita tentang sistem resimen: "mengoceh kakak, Linhai arah kota telah beberapa suara, satu orang dikenal sebagai, singa panas tentara bayaran 'tentara NPC sengit menyerang biru gelap kota Linhai untuk menjaga di stasiun luar kota, telah memukul selama satu jam, orang-orang di kota Linhai pikir adalah perkelahian sistem resimen konvensional, tapi setelah itu menemukan bahwa 7 kekuatan militer W dari biru gelap hampir menyapu bersih setengah, kali ini adalah untuk datang, saat ini, hot singa tentara bayaran tentara menyerang gerbang kota kota Linhai, di sebagian kota Linhai itu pemain India, pupil jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam untuk memesan semua orang untuk pergi ke luar kota untuk mencari suaka, apapun singa api tentara bayaran menyerang kota "!
"?! "
aku terkejut besar, bergegas jalan:" Apakah tekad panas komisi singa serangan tentara korps kota Linhai? Siapakah perwira militer timbal? "
" Disebut xing api tingkat 177 tingkat dewa BOSS! "
" Juga benar-benar "
Aku berdiri di setiap kota buku, membuat kepalan tangan, marah, mengatakan, api xing dan awan menggunakan saya untuk tidak benci untuk meninggalkan kelemahan yang Xia Ye dan kelompok lain dari penjaga istana saja Berangkat floatingly, tiba-tiba mengambil keuntungan bahwa malam mengirimkan pasukan untuk tiba di kota Linhai melintasi padang gurun panas es, itu ini harus merebut kota Linhai? Dan, saya menghitung bahwa jelas murid mengembangkan tinta hitam akan mencoba untuk menemukan solusi yang benar-benar merebut kota, belum benar-benar berpikir bahwa dia akan menyerang dengan saya saat ini fatal.
Setelah kota Linhai terkena singa panas tentara bayaran, yang sama dengan kota melalaikan, para murid jelas dikembangkan tinta hitam untuk memimpin beberapa juta pemain India untuk serangan balik saat ini, mungkin kota Linhai harus milik zona perang India dalam arti sebenarnya.
Semua orang mengambil keuntungan baik!
Apakah tidak berani untuk pergi ke berpikir apa-apa lagi, saya mengatakan di saluran serikat buru-buru: "Wan Er, akumulasi meleleh dewa kavaleri, persiapan mentransmisikan segera bersama-sama pergi ke kota Linhai, [Zhan panjang] semua, bisa pergi ke banyak orang untuk pergi ke banyak orang! "
" Um! "
Lin Wan Er belum meminta alasan dari awal, segera disebut pemain.
tidak menunggu koleksi mereka menjadi tidak rata, saya mengangkat kupu-kupu langsung transmisi transmisi dari setiap kota buku untuk pergi ke kota Linhai, "menyikat" sinar melintas, benar-benar melihat bahwa di dekatnya gerbang kota ditransmisikan suara artileri intermiten, singa panas tentara bayaran merebut Long Jing artileri dari biru gelap, dengan Long Jing artileri pemboman kota gerbang, Linhai ini kota selalu menjadi benar-benar mengontrol oleh, sekarang mencemooh, di kota belum membela instrumen, bagaimana mungkin untuk melawan kekuatan perkasa singa panas tentara bayaran.
di kota utama jalan, pemain kemandulan, tempat yang jauh kecepatan hoofbeat pergi datang, mengesankan adalah kavaleri berat satu kerumunan angkatan laut biru gelap, garis depan tidak lain, yang disebut marshal naga emas murni, saat ini nya mana marshal sedikit ada yang tenang, wajah mengatakan dengan takjub: " Sial, mean xing api menyelinap menyerang kota Linhai sementara kita tiba-tiba tidak siap, saya harus merobek-cabik mereka! "
Hanya mengatakan bahwa dua Long Jing artileri belakang meledak dalam dirinya, meledak diterkam satu kelompok cavalries berat, tunggul ekstremitas sisa pecah di tubuh Yorozuo lama untuk menaikkan pisau panjang untuk berdiri, air mata jatuh, berteriak keras: "Perintah Sir, kami tidak bisa menolak, mereka menyerang kami ditempatkan di batalyon luar kota sementara malam, telah memenangkan semua kami Long Jing
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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