Conservative campaign managers seized on this dissent, and the dramati terjemahan - Conservative campaign managers seized on this dissent, and the dramati Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Conservative campaign managers seiz

Conservative campaign managers seized on this dissent, and the dramatic,
menacing imagery which Short used to express it, to design a series of ads
highlighting the allegedly sinister, manipulative nature of New Labour. The
infamous ‘demon eyes’ poster, depicting Tony Blair literally as the devil, was
the most spectacular example of a campaign which tried to convince the
electorate that professional political communication was only marginally
more acceptable in a democratic society than devil worship. It failed,
however, in so far as it had no discernible impact on public opinion and
voting intentions, and did not prevent the landslide Labour victory of May
The Tories also tried to exploit Labour’s relatively pro-European policy
with a poster ad depicting Tony Blair sitting, puppet-like, on the knee of the
then German chancellor Helmut Kohl (Figure 6.3). This too failed to
resonate with the British people, and succeeded merely in generating negative
publicity for the Conservatives, who stood accused of xenophobia and
political immaturity. Both the ‘demon eyes’ and ‘Blair as Kohl’s puppet’
campaigns showed that the political environment was no longer one in
which crude Labour-bashing messages could find a receptive audience
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Conservative campaign managers seized on this dissent, and the dramatic,
menacing imagery which Short used to express it, to design a series of ads
highlighting the allegedly sinister, manipulative nature of New Labour. The
infamous ‘demon eyes’ poster, depicting Tony Blair literally as the devil, was
the most spectacular example of a campaign which tried to convince the
electorate that professional political communication was only marginally
more acceptable in a democratic society than devil worship. It failed,
however, in so far as it had no discernible impact on public opinion and
voting intentions, and did not prevent the landslide Labour victory of May
The Tories also tried to exploit Labour’s relatively pro-European policy
with a poster ad depicting Tony Blair sitting, puppet-like, on the knee of the
then German chancellor Helmut Kohl (Figure 6.3). This too failed to
resonate with the British people, and succeeded merely in generating negative
publicity for the Conservatives, who stood accused of xenophobia and
political immaturity. Both the ‘demon eyes’ and ‘Blair as Kohl’s puppet’
campaigns showed that the political environment was no longer one in
which crude Labour-bashing messages could find a receptive audience
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Manajer kampanye konservatif disita pada perbedaan pendapat ini, dan dramatis,
citra mengancam yang pendek digunakan untuk mengungkapkannya, untuk merancang serangkaian iklan
menyoroti, sifat manipulatif diduga jahat Buruh Baru. The
terkenal 'mata iblis' poster, menggambarkan Tony Blair secara harfiah sebagai iblis, adalah
contoh paling spektakuler dari kampanye yang mencoba untuk meyakinkan
pemilih bahwa komunikasi politik profesional hanya sedikit
lebih dapat diterima dalam masyarakat demokratis daripada pemujaan setan. Ia gagal,
namun, sejauh itu tidak ada dampak yang bisa dilihat pada pendapat dan publik
voting niat, dan tidak mencegah kemenangan Partai Buruh telak Mei
The Tories juga mencoba untuk mengeksploitasi kebijakan yang relatif pro-Eropa Buruh
dengan iklan poster yang menggambarkan Tony Blair duduk, seperti boneka, di lutut dari
kanselir Jerman Helmut Kohl kemudian (Gambar 6.3). Hal ini juga gagal untuk
beresonansi dengan orang-orang Inggris, dan berhasil hanya dalam menghasilkan negatif
publisitas untuk Konservatif, yang berdiri dituduh xenofobia dan
ketidakdewasaan politik. Baik 'mata setan' dan 'Blair sebagai Kohl boneka'
kampanye menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan politik tidak lagi satu
yang mentah Buruh-bashing pesan bisa menemukan penonton menerima
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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