Jodha with sorrow and guilt with tears in her eyes said

Jodha with sorrow and guilt with te

Jodha with sorrow and guilt with tears in her eyes said "Shenshah, I took a pledge in front of Mata that I will cut your head and bring to her feet for dishonoring her respect. And look at my destiny, I am so helpless, for the same person I am putting sindoor in my maang for his long life."

Jalal looked at her with deep guilt "Jodha; please take me to the temple."

Without any word Jodha and Jalal reached to temple... Jalal with respect; took off his shoes, crown and sword, gave it to Abdul and went inside to the temple. Jodha got surprised with his action. They both were alone in the temple (due to safety, no one else was allowed in the temple when royal people are inside). Jodha did prayer and Aarti with melodious sound...

After that Jalal went near the Mata's Murti and apologies for his immorality and sin. He bow down for his mistake and promise that he will always respect all other religion and requested for forgiveness on behalf of Jodha for not keeping her promise... Priest was watching Jalal's guilt and apology, he came to him and said you have pour your heart out to have put your ego on side and bow down to her... you have fulfilled Jodha's pledge, and gave his blessing to Jalal. Seeing this big change in Jalal, tears rolled down from Jodha's eyes. Jodha could feel change in Jalal... when they got married, he was arrogant and egoistic king... little by little his heart was opening toward humanity. They both got blessing from priest for long and happy marriage life. Jodha looked at Jalal with content look and without any communication Jalal knew how happy Jodha was feeling. After confession to devi mata Jalal also felt relived and happy.

They both reach at the palace and Moti came running said while panting "Surya and his sister Lilavati with her husband Raja Sangram singh is here and dharam and his sister should come here any time. Jodha got so happy with eagerness she asked Moti "where are they?"

"They all are in big hall with Raja Bharmal."

Jodha excitedly started to walk fast towards palace. Jalal watched Jodha's keenness... Jodha almost ran and reached to the main hall and hugged Lilavati...Both of them wished each other for their wedding. Lila introduce to Sangram Singh,

Jodha realized in excitement she forgot about Jalal; looked back Jalal was watching Jodha... Jodha called him "Shenshan, can you please come inside, I would like to introduce to my best childhood friends.

Jodha introduce to Jalal with Lila and Sangram then She introduced Surya...Jalal got pretty impressed with his look and personality, he indeed looked royal, and attractive.

"I have heard a lot about you Surya VadanJi..." Jalal said in cynical tone

Surya casually replied "please call me Surya only... I also heard a lot about you..." he added with sarcasm "Shenshah, so finally you came to take Jodha back to Agra."

Jalal got annoyed with his attitude... he replied with same tone "Of course Surya! How can I leave her here alone...?"

Surya arrogantly replied "Shenshah, you are mistaken, she is not alone here, she has many close friend and her family. I am sure, she is feeling more lonely in Agra than here" then angrily he added "What took you so long?"

Seeing his concerned and his possessiveness towards Jodha, Jalal got angrily replied "Sounds like you are worried for your friend a lot."

Surya looked at Jodha with deep care in his eyes then proudly replied "Yes! I can't see tear in Jodha's eyes."

Jalal felt like killing Surya for a second...

Jodha realized between Jalal and Surya...temperature ran high. Before go any further wrong...Jodha came in between and said "I think it's time for lunch, let's eat then we have whole day to chat.

Surya deeply gaze Jodha asked her softly "Jodha, how are you doing?"

Jodha smiled and replied "Much better after seeing you all." Jalal got little annoyed with her answer... while they were going towards lunch room, Dharma and Kanika entered the hall... Jodha greeted them and introduced to Jalal.

Kanika looked at Jodha with jealousy and said bitterly "You are lucky Jodha, to have a husband like Jalal who is not only extremely handsome, good looking but King of kings, Shenshah a Hindustan and you are a queen of hind...Congratulation..." Her eyes were on drooling over Jalal and his strong personality... Jodha got annoyed the way she praised Jalal and the way she was drooling over him...she replied bitterly "Yes Kanika, I am very much lucky to have husband like him who has 500 queens and 5000 concubine and can still marry again...with taunting she added "You have a chance!!!" Jodha never liked Kanika, they always clash...

Jalal looked at Jodha with infuriated look...

Jalal noticed while eating, Surya frequently gazing at Jodha and tried to interacting with her. His all attention was toward Jodha only... Jodha cheerfully said to all "I am so glad you all came, we will have so much fun."

Jodha and Jalal both noticed, Kanika was persistently staring at Jalal. Jodha got irritated with that...

Jodha really annoyed Jalal since morning with many things... to take revenge from Jodha, Jalal started to flirt with Kanika. Jalal gave deep stare at Kanika and showed lot interest in her and asked "Kanika, tell me do you like Holi..."

Kanika with her princessy attitude Oh no not at all ...I hate Holi... it's so massy...?"

Jalal with smirk said to all "I am also glad you all are here, we will have lot of fun... this is the first time I will celebrate Holi."

Kanika with changing her color replied "Oh sure Shenshah, you will have fun with us." Jodha started to get jealous with Kanika...and her attitude toward Jalal... irritably she said " But just said you don't play Holi, it's so massy."

To tease Jodha; Jalal said "But this time you will play holi with us right Kanika?

Kanika excitedly replied "Oh sure Shenshah, anything for you!!!"

Jodha gave annoy look at Jalal. Jalal smirk back at her...

Finally their lunch finish... They all decided to rest for a while and get back together in hour.

Jodha with casual tone said "Shenshan, Why don't you take rest also?" Jalal replied with smile "I really had sound sleep yesterday after many weeks; I am not at all tired, I will finish some important work with Abdul" then Jalal left. Everyone else left with Jalal other than Lilavati.

Jodha and Lila were very close from beginning... they shared ever single secret of their life...Lila said Jodha It's been long time we have not talk... if you not tired we can go out for walk

Lilavati and Jodha went outside to walk around and sit on a bench. This bench was located outside of the hall. Jalal was sitting on a sofa waiting for Abdul, he heard Jodha's voice from window...he saw Jodha and Liavati sitting outside talking to each other... he could hear their conversation clearly.

Jodha cheerfully asked "Lila, are you happy...? How is your hubby and his family? And I want to know every detail about your first night...? Jalal smirk hearing about first night... Lila excitedly replied... "Oh Jodha, I am so desperate to tell you everything... I am so so happy... I can't explain in the words... I feel I am the luckiest person on the earth... he loves me a lot, he cares about me and my in-laws are also very loving and caring, I visit every Sunday to Jaipur, Jodha; do you know he loves me so much, he has promise me that he will never marry again. He treats me so special... before I desire something he knows... he can hear my unsaid words... Jodha I never knew to fall in love is this beautiful... you know when I requested him that I wanted to come here to see you, without any questions, he dropped his important work and agreed to come with me.

Jodha contently replied "Lila, I am so happy my dear friend found her love of her life... Lila but you are so nice and caring anyone will fall in love with you."

Lila warily asked "Jodha, how is your life. I know probably it is difficult for you to adjust in Agra but I saw in Shenshah's eyes, he does care about you."
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jodha dengan kesedihan dan rasa bersalah dengan air mata di matanya berkata "Shenshah, aku mengambil sumpah di depan Mata bahwa saya akan memotong kepala Anda dan membawa kakinya untuk mempelajari menghormati nya. Dan lihatlah takdirku, aku begitu tak berdaya, untuk orang yang sama aku meletakkan sindoor di maang saya untuk hidupnya panjang."Jalal menatapnya dengan rasa bersalah dalam "Jodha; Harap membawa saya ke Bait Suci."Tanpa kata Jodha dan Jalal dicapai candi... Jalal dengan hormat; melepas Sepatu, mahkota, dan pedang nya, memberikannya kepada Abdul dan masuk ke Bait Allah. Jodha mendapat terkejut dengan tindakannya. Mereka berdua berada sendirian di Bait Suci (karena keselamatan, tidak seorangpun diizinkan di dalam Bait ketika kerajaan orang dalam). Jodha melakukan doa dan Aarti dengan suara merdu...Setelah itu Jalal pergi dekat Mata Murti dan minta maaf untuk tidak bermoral dan dosa. Ia sujud untuk kesalahan dan janji bahwa ia akan selalu menghormati semua agama lain dan meminta pengampunan atas nama Jodha untuk tidak menjaga janjinya... Imam menonton Jalal's rasa bersalah dan permintaan maaf, ia datang kepadanya dan berkata Anda telah menuangkan hati Anda keluar untuk mata... Anda telah menempatkan ego Anda di sisi dan busur ke her... Anda telah memenuhi janji Jodha's, dan memberikan berkatnya kepada Jalal. Melihat perubahan besar Jalal, air mata telah digulung ke bawah dari Jodha's mata. Jodha bisa merasakan perubahan Jalal... ketika mereka menikah, dia adalah sombong dan egois raja... sedikit demi sedikit hatinya membuka terhadap kemanusiaan. Keduanya mendapat berkat dari pendeta untuk kehidupan perkawinan yang panjang dan bahagia. Jodha memandang Jalal dengan tampilan konten dan tanpa komunikasi Jalal tahu betapa bahagianya Jodha adalah perasaan. Setelah pengakuan untuk devi mata Jalal juga merasa mengenang kembali dan bahagia.Mereka berdua mencapai di istana dan Moti datang berlari berkata sambil terengah-engah "Surya dan adiknya Lilavati dengan nya suami Raja Sangram singh adalah di sini dan dharam dan kakaknya harus datang ke sini setiap saat. Jodha mendapat begitu bahagia dengan keinginan dia bertanya Moti "mana yang mereka?""Mereka semua berada di aula besar dengan Raja Bharmal."Jodha penuh semangat mulai berjalan cepat menuju istana. Jalal menyaksikan Jodha's keenness... Jodha hampir berlari dan sampai ke ruang utama dan memeluk Lilavati...Mereka berdua menginginkan satu sama lain untuk pernikahan mereka. Lila memperkenalkan Sangram Singh,Jodha diwujudkan dalam kegembiraan ia lupa tentang Jalal; menoleh ke belakang Jalal menonton Jodha... Jodha memanggilnya "Shenshan, dapat Anda silakan datang di dalam, saya ingin memperkenalkan kepada teman-teman masa kanak-kanak terbaik.Jodha memperkenalkan Jalal dengan Lila dan Sangram kemudian dia memperkenalkan Surya...Jalal mendapat cukup terkesan dengan tampilan dan kepribadian, ia memang tampak royal, dan menarik."Saya telah mendengar banyak tentang Anda Surya VadanJi..." Jalal mengatakan dalam nada sinisSurya santai menjawab "Hubungi saya Surya hanya... Saya juga mendengar banyak tentang Anda..."tambahnya dengan sarkasme"Shenshah, jadi akhirnya Anda datang untuk mengambil Jodha kembali ke Agra."Jalal merasa terganggu dengan sikap... dia menjawab dengan nada yang sama "yang tentu saja Surya! Bagaimana saya bisa meninggalkan dia di sini sendirian...?"Surya angkuh menjawab "Shenshah, Anda keliru, dia tidak sendirian di sini, ia memiliki banyak teman dekat dan keluarganya. Saya yakin, dia merasa lebih kesepian di Agra dari sini"kemudian dengan marah Dia menambahkan"Apa yang membuatmu begitu lama?"Melihat nya prihatin dan nya posesif terhadap Jodha, Jalal mendapat marah menjawab "kedengarannya seperti Anda khawatir untuk teman Anda banyak."Surya memandang Jodha dengan hati-hati mendalam di matanya kemudian bangga menjawab Ya! Aku tidak bisa melihat air mata di mata Jodha's. "Jalal merasa seperti membunuh Surya untuk kedua...Jodha menyadari antara Jalal dan Surya... berlari suhu yang tinggi. Sebelum pergi salah apapun lebih lanjut...Jodha datang di antara dan berkata "saya pikir sudah waktunya untuk makan siang, mari makan maka kita memiliki seluruh hari untuk chatting.Surya sangat menatap Jodha memintanya lembut "Jodha, bagaimana Anda lakukan?"Jodha tersenyum dan menjawab "Jauh lebih baik setelah melihat kalian semua." Jalal mendapat sedikit kesal dengan jawabannya... sementara mereka akan menuju ruang makan siang, Dharma dan Kanika memasuki aula... Jodha menyapa mereka dan diperkenalkan ke Jalal.Kanika melihat Jodha dengan kecemburuan dan berkata pahit "Anda beruntung Jodha, mempunyai suami seperti Jalal yang tidak hanya sangat tampan, tampan tetapi Raja segala raja, Shenshah Hindustan dan Anda adalah ratu hind...Selamat..." Matanya berada di drooling atas Jalal dan kepribadiannya yang kuat... Jodha merasa terganggu dengan cara yang ia memuji Jalal dan cara dia drooling atas dia... dia menjawab pahit "Kanika ya, aku sangat beruntung memiliki suami seperti dia yang memiliki 500 Ratu dan selir 5000 dan masih bisa menikah lagi... dengan mengejek Dia menambahkan"Anda punya kesempatan!" Jodha tidak pernah menyukai Kanika, mereka selalu berbenturan...Jalal memandang Jodha dengan marah melihat...Jalal melihat sambil makan, Surya sering menatap Jodha dan mencoba untuk berinteraksi dengannya. Semua perhatian adalah menuju Jodha hanya... Jodha riang berkata kepada semua "Aku senang kalian semua datang, kita akan memiliki menyenangkan begitu banyak."Jodha dan Jalal memperhatikan, Kanika terus-menerus menatap Jalal. Jodha mendapat kesal dengan itu...Jodha benar-benar terganggu Jalal sejak pagi dengan banyak hal... untuk membalas dendam dari Jodha, Jalal mulai bermain-main dengan Kanika. Jalal memberikan mendalam menatap pada Kanika dan menunjukkan banyak minat dengannya dan ditanyakan "Kanika, katakan padaku Apakah Anda suka Holi..."Kanika dengan sikap princessy Oh tidak sama sekali...Aku benci Holi... memang begitu massy...? "Jalal dengan seringai katakan kepada semua "Saya juga senang Anda semua di sini, kita akan memiliki banyak bersenang-senang... ini adalah pertama kalinya saya akan merayakan Holi."Kanika dengan mengubah warna menjawab "Oh yakin Shenshah, Anda akan memiliki menyenangkan dengan kami." Jodha mulai mendapatkan cemburu dengan Kanika... dan sikapnya terhadap Jalal... kesal dia berkata "tetapi hanya berkata Anda tidak bermain Holi, itu begitu massy."Menggoda Jodha; Jalal mengatakan "tapi kali ini Anda akan bermain holi dengan kami Kanika kanan?Kanika penuh semangat menjawab "Oh yakin Shenshah, apa pun untuk Anda!"Jodha memberikan mengganggu Lihatlah Jalal. Jalal seringai kembali di dia...Akhirnya selesai makan siang mereka... Mereka semua memutuskan untuk istirahat sejenak dan mendapatkan kembali bersama-sama dalam jam.Jodha dengan nada santai berkata "Shenshan, kenapa tidak Anda mengambil istirahat juga?" Jalal menjawab dengan senyum "saya benar-benar memiliki suara tidur kemarin setelah berminggu-minggu; Aku sama sekali tidak lelah, aku akan menyelesaikan beberapa pekerjaan penting dengan Abdul"kemudian meninggalkan Jalal. Orang lain pergi dengan Jalal selain Lilavati.Jodha dan Lila berada sangat dekat dari awal... mereka berbagi pernah satu rahasia kehidupan mereka...Lila mengatakan Jodha itu sudah lama kita telah tidak berbicara... jika Anda tidak lelah kita bisa pergi untuk berjalanLilavati dan Jodha pergi keluar untuk berjalan-jalan dan duduk di bangku. Bangku ini berada di luar aula. Jalal duduk di sofa menunggu Abdul, ia mendengar Jodha's suara dari jendela... ia melihat Jodha dan Liavati duduk di luar berbicara satu sama lain... dia bisa mendengar percakapan mereka dengan jelas.Jodha cheerfully asked "Lila, are you happy...? How is your hubby and his family? And I want to know every detail about your first night...? Jalal smirk hearing about first night... Lila excitedly replied... "Oh Jodha, I am so desperate to tell you everything... I am so so happy... I can't explain in the words... I feel I am the luckiest person on the earth... he loves me a lot, he cares about me and my in-laws are also very loving and caring, I visit every Sunday to Jaipur, Jodha; do you know he loves me so much, he has promise me that he will never marry again. He treats me so special... before I desire something he knows... he can hear my unsaid words... Jodha I never knew to fall in love is this beautiful... you know when I requested him that I wanted to come here to see you, without any questions, he dropped his important work and agreed to come with me.Jodha contently replied "Lila, I am so happy my dear friend found her love of her life... Lila but you are so nice and caring anyone will fall in love with you."Lila warily asked "Jodha, how is your life. I know probably it is difficult for you to adjust in Agra but I saw in Shenshah's eyes, he does care about you."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jodha with sorrow and guilt with tears in her eyes said "Shenshah, I took a pledge in front of Mata that I will cut your head and bring to her feet for dishonoring her respect. And look at my destiny, I am so helpless, for the same person I am putting sindoor in my maang for his long life."

Jalal looked at her with deep guilt "Jodha; please take me to the temple."

Without any word Jodha and Jalal reached to temple... Jalal with respect; took off his shoes, crown and sword, gave it to Abdul and went inside to the temple. Jodha got surprised with his action. They both were alone in the temple (due to safety, no one else was allowed in the temple when royal people are inside). Jodha did prayer and Aarti with melodious sound...

After that Jalal went near the Mata's Murti and apologies for his immorality and sin. He bow down for his mistake and promise that he will always respect all other religion and requested for forgiveness on behalf of Jodha for not keeping her promise... Priest was watching Jalal's guilt and apology, he came to him and said you have pour your heart out to have put your ego on side and bow down to her... you have fulfilled Jodha's pledge, and gave his blessing to Jalal. Seeing this big change in Jalal, tears rolled down from Jodha's eyes. Jodha could feel change in Jalal... when they got married, he was arrogant and egoistic king... little by little his heart was opening toward humanity. They both got blessing from priest for long and happy marriage life. Jodha looked at Jalal with content look and without any communication Jalal knew how happy Jodha was feeling. After confession to devi mata Jalal also felt relived and happy.

They both reach at the palace and Moti came running said while panting "Surya and his sister Lilavati with her husband Raja Sangram singh is here and dharam and his sister should come here any time. Jodha got so happy with eagerness she asked Moti "where are they?"

"They all are in big hall with Raja Bharmal."

Jodha excitedly started to walk fast towards palace. Jalal watched Jodha's keenness... Jodha almost ran and reached to the main hall and hugged Lilavati...Both of them wished each other for their wedding. Lila introduce to Sangram Singh,

Jodha realized in excitement she forgot about Jalal; looked back Jalal was watching Jodha... Jodha called him "Shenshan, can you please come inside, I would like to introduce to my best childhood friends.

Jodha introduce to Jalal with Lila and Sangram then She introduced Surya...Jalal got pretty impressed with his look and personality, he indeed looked royal, and attractive.

"I have heard a lot about you Surya VadanJi..." Jalal said in cynical tone

Surya casually replied "please call me Surya only... I also heard a lot about you..." he added with sarcasm "Shenshah, so finally you came to take Jodha back to Agra."

Jalal got annoyed with his attitude... he replied with same tone "Of course Surya! How can I leave her here alone...?"

Surya arrogantly replied "Shenshah, you are mistaken, she is not alone here, she has many close friend and her family. I am sure, she is feeling more lonely in Agra than here" then angrily he added "What took you so long?"

Seeing his concerned and his possessiveness towards Jodha, Jalal got angrily replied "Sounds like you are worried for your friend a lot."

Surya looked at Jodha with deep care in his eyes then proudly replied "Yes! I can't see tear in Jodha's eyes."

Jalal felt like killing Surya for a second...

Jodha realized between Jalal and Surya...temperature ran high. Before go any further wrong...Jodha came in between and said "I think it's time for lunch, let's eat then we have whole day to chat.

Surya deeply gaze Jodha asked her softly "Jodha, how are you doing?"

Jodha smiled and replied "Much better after seeing you all." Jalal got little annoyed with her answer... while they were going towards lunch room, Dharma and Kanika entered the hall... Jodha greeted them and introduced to Jalal.

Kanika looked at Jodha with jealousy and said bitterly "You are lucky Jodha, to have a husband like Jalal who is not only extremely handsome, good looking but King of kings, Shenshah a Hindustan and you are a queen of hind...Congratulation..." Her eyes were on drooling over Jalal and his strong personality... Jodha got annoyed the way she praised Jalal and the way she was drooling over him...she replied bitterly "Yes Kanika, I am very much lucky to have husband like him who has 500 queens and 5000 concubine and can still marry again...with taunting she added "You have a chance!!!" Jodha never liked Kanika, they always clash...

Jalal looked at Jodha with infuriated look...

Jalal noticed while eating, Surya frequently gazing at Jodha and tried to interacting with her. His all attention was toward Jodha only... Jodha cheerfully said to all "I am so glad you all came, we will have so much fun."

Jodha and Jalal both noticed, Kanika was persistently staring at Jalal. Jodha got irritated with that...

Jodha really annoyed Jalal since morning with many things... to take revenge from Jodha, Jalal started to flirt with Kanika. Jalal gave deep stare at Kanika and showed lot interest in her and asked "Kanika, tell me do you like Holi..."

Kanika with her princessy attitude Oh no not at all ...I hate Holi... it's so massy...?"

Jalal with smirk said to all "I am also glad you all are here, we will have lot of fun... this is the first time I will celebrate Holi."

Kanika with changing her color replied "Oh sure Shenshah, you will have fun with us." Jodha started to get jealous with Kanika...and her attitude toward Jalal... irritably she said " But just said you don't play Holi, it's so massy."

To tease Jodha; Jalal said "But this time you will play holi with us right Kanika?

Kanika excitedly replied "Oh sure Shenshah, anything for you!!!"

Jodha gave annoy look at Jalal. Jalal smirk back at her...

Finally their lunch finish... They all decided to rest for a while and get back together in hour.

Jodha with casual tone said "Shenshan, Why don't you take rest also?" Jalal replied with smile "I really had sound sleep yesterday after many weeks; I am not at all tired, I will finish some important work with Abdul" then Jalal left. Everyone else left with Jalal other than Lilavati.

Jodha and Lila were very close from beginning... they shared ever single secret of their life...Lila said Jodha It's been long time we have not talk... if you not tired we can go out for walk

Lilavati and Jodha went outside to walk around and sit on a bench. This bench was located outside of the hall. Jalal was sitting on a sofa waiting for Abdul, he heard Jodha's voice from window...he saw Jodha and Liavati sitting outside talking to each other... he could hear their conversation clearly.

Jodha cheerfully asked "Lila, are you happy...? How is your hubby and his family? And I want to know every detail about your first night...? Jalal smirk hearing about first night... Lila excitedly replied... "Oh Jodha, I am so desperate to tell you everything... I am so so happy... I can't explain in the words... I feel I am the luckiest person on the earth... he loves me a lot, he cares about me and my in-laws are also very loving and caring, I visit every Sunday to Jaipur, Jodha; do you know he loves me so much, he has promise me that he will never marry again. He treats me so special... before I desire something he knows... he can hear my unsaid words... Jodha I never knew to fall in love is this beautiful... you know when I requested him that I wanted to come here to see you, without any questions, he dropped his important work and agreed to come with me.

Jodha contently replied "Lila, I am so happy my dear friend found her love of her life... Lila but you are so nice and caring anyone will fall in love with you."

Lila warily asked "Jodha, how is your life. I know probably it is difficult for you to adjust in Agra but I saw in Shenshah's eyes, he does care about you."
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