An interesting tax credit incentive which operates in Costa Rica is kn terjemahan - An interesting tax credit incentive which operates in Costa Rica is kn Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

An interesting tax credit incentive

An interesting tax credit incentive which operates in Costa Rica is known as the transferable
reforestation tax credit. Land owners who chose to keep their land under forestry (or plant native species) receive a tax credit (i.e., they can deduct part of the costs from their taxes). This scheme benefits in particular, big, wealthy land holders who pay a significant amount of tax. To enable small land holders to share in the benefit of the scheme, the government introduced a transferable tax credit system: small-holders who keep their land under forestry earn tax credit which they can sell to wealthy taxpayers with high taxes to offset. The annual nature of both the credit and the investment (maintenance of land under forest) makes this tax credit scheme more effective than those discussed earlier. Yet a differential land use tax could have achieved the same result more directly.
Such a differential land use tax has been operating in Germany for several years. Land uses are
classified in a number of categories ranging from most environmentally beneficial (e.g., natural forest) to most environmentally destructive (e.g., industrial site). A charge is imposed on the land owner when he changes land use from a higher to a lower class. The more steps involved in environmental downgrading the greater the charge (charge X number of steps). For example, the charge for downgrading from forestry to an industrial site is far greater than from agricultural to residential use.The effect of this differential land use tax is to internalize the environmental costs of forest conversion and land use change. A similar system has been proposed for Thailand that involves a system of land use taxes and subsidies depending on the corresponding externalities (see Panayotou 1991). A number of countries use tax credits and subsidies as industrial relocation incentives to induce polluting industries to move out of urban centers where the impact of pollution is high (due to exposure of large population, limited ventilation, overburdened assimilative capacity, etc.) to less populated areas or industrial zones. Such credits and subsidies are justified by the high cost of relocation, the freeing of high-value land for more productive uses (e.g., residential or commercial),
and economies of scale in pollution control which come from consolidating similar industries within industrial estates. Turkey, for example, offers a 40% tax deduction on investment during the two years of industrial estate construction. (Small and medium size tanneries receive a 7% rebate on investment.) As a temporary incentive for relocation, the tax credit has some merits but if maintained for a long time it will become a subsidy for polluting industries, increasing pollution, and draining the government budget.
Environmental taxes, if properly structured, can become a major thrust of fiscal policy reforms.
Conventional taxation throughout the world taxes work, income, savings, and value added and leaves untaxed (even subsidizes) leisure and consumption, resource depletion, and pollution. The implied reduced incentives for work, savings, investment, and conservation and the increased incentives for leisure, consumption, resource depletion, and environmental degradation result in less growth and more environmental degradation than would have been the case had incentives been the reverse.
A reform of the fiscal system that would reduce conventional taxes and replace them with
environmental taxes, so as to leave the total tax burden unchanged, would bring the economy closer to sustainable development by stimulating economic growth and resource conservation and
discouraging resource depletion and environmental pollution. This is clear to see since the existing fiscal system of taxing social benefits introduces market distortion, while a reformed system that taxes social costs would remove market distortions and mitigate market failures. A fiscal reform, which is by design revenue neutral, could not generate additional revenue but it would save government expenditures on environmental regulation and pollution abatement and, in the long run, increase the tax base and hence tax revenues without increasing the tax burden.
While an overnight shift from “taxes on value” to “taxes on vice” is unlikely and potentially disruptive, a gradual shift towards environmental taxes would be a move in the right direction. For example,income taxes could be reduced and the lost tax revenues replaced by taxes on gasoline, chemicals, and other polluting products. Of course, it would be more efficient to tax pollutants (SO 2 , CO 2 ) directly rather than polluting products (fossil fuels), but tax setting and collecting would be more complex and costly, especially in developing countries with limited administrative and technical capability.
Differential taxation of products and services (differential VAT), according to its environmental externalities has been used with some success in Western Europe and it holds even greater promise in developing countries undergoing their formative years of industrial development2. True, product taxes tend to be regressive, but so are most conventional taxes; care must be taken in the design of such taxes so that the overall tax burden is progressive rather than regressive.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Insentif kredit pajak menarik yang beroperasi di Kosta Rika dikenal sebagai dipindahtangankankredit pajak reboisasi. Pemilik tanah yang memilih untuk menjaga tanah mereka di bawah Kehutanan (atau tumbuhan asli) menerima kredit pajak (yaitu, mereka dapat memotong bagian dari biaya dari pajak). Skema ini khususnya, manfaat pemegang tanah besar, kaya yang membayar jumlah pajak yang signifikan. Untuk mengaktifkan pemegang tanah kecil untuk berbagi dalam keuntungan dari skema, pemerintah memperkenalkan sistem kredit pajak dipindahtangankan: kecil-pemegang yang menjaga tanah mereka di bawah Kehutanan memperoleh kredit pajak yang mereka dapat menjual kepada pembayar pajak kaya dengan pajak tinggi untuk mengimbangi. Sifat tahunan kredit dan investasi (pemeliharaan tanah di bawah hutan) membuat skema kredit pajak ini lebih efektif daripada dibahas sebelumnya. Namun tanah diferensial digunakan pajak dapat mencapai hasil yang sama lebih langsung.Pajak tanah diferensial digunakan telah beroperasi di Jerman selama beberapa tahun. Tanah yang menggunakandiklasifikasikan dalam sejumlah kategori mulai dari yang paling ramah lingkungan menguntungkan (misalnya, hutan alam) untuk paling merusak lingkungan (misalnya, industri situs). Biaya yang dikenakan pada pemilik tanah ketika ia perubahan penggunaan tanah dari yang lebih tinggi untuk kelas bawah. Langkah-langkah lain yang terlibat dalam lingkungan merendahkan semakin besar biaya (biaya X jumlah langkah). Sebagai contoh, biaya untuk merendahkan dari Kehutanan untuk sebuah industri situs jauh lebih besar daripada dari pertanian ke penggunaan perumahan.Efek ini menggunakan diferensial PBB adalah menginternalisasi biaya lingkungan konversi hutan dan tanah perubahan penggunaan. Sistem serupa telah diusulkan untuk Thailand yang melibatkan sistem pajak penggunaan tanah dan subsidi tergantung pada eksternalitas sesuai (Lihat Panayotou 1991). Sejumlah negara menggunakan kredit pajak dan subsidi sebagai industri relokasi insentif untuk menginduksi polusi industri untuk bergerak keluar dari pusat-pusat perkotaan yang mana dampak polusi tinggi (karena eksposur besar penduduk, terbatas ventilasi, terbebani kapasitas assimilative, dll) untuk kurang penduduknya daerah atau kawasan industri. Kredit dan subsidi tersebut dibenarkan oleh tingginya biaya relokasi, membebaskan tanah bernilai tinggi untuk kegunaan lebih produktif (misalnya, perumahan atau komersial),dan skala ekonomi dalam pengendalian pencemaran yang berasal dari mengkonsolidasikan industri serupa dalam industri. Turki, misalnya, menawarkan pengurangan 40% pajak atas investasi selama dua tahun industri konstruksi. (Ukuran kecil dan menengah tanneries menerima rebate 7% pada investasi.) Sebagai insentif yang sementara untuk relokasi, kredit pajak memiliki beberapa manfaat tetapi jika dipelihara untuk waktu yang lama akan menjadi subsidi untuk industri berpolusi, meningkatkan polusi dan menguras anggaran pemerintah.Pajak lingkungan, jika benar terstruktur, dapat menjadi dorongan besar reformasi kebijakan fiskal.Konvensional perpajakan seluruh dunia pajak pekerjaan, pendapatan, tabungan, dan nilai tambah dan daun tidak (bahkan mensubsidi) rekreasi dan konsumsi, penipisan sumber daya, dan polusi. Tersirat mengurangi insentif bagi pekerjaan, tabungan, investasi, dan konservasi dan peningkatan insentif untuk rekreasi, konsumsi, penipisan sumber daya, dan degradasi lingkungan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan kurang dan degradasi lingkungan yang lebih daripada akan menjadi kasus telah insentif sebaliknya. Reformasi sistem fiskal yang akan mengurangi pajak konvensional dan menggantinya denganPajak lingkungan, biarkan beban pajak total tidak berubah, akan membawa perkembangan ekonomi lebih dekat ke berkelanjutan dengan merangsang konservasi sumber daya dan pertumbuhan ekonomi danmengecilkan penipisan sumber daya dan pencemaran lingkungan. Hal ini jelas untuk melihat karena sistem fiskal yang ada pajak manfaat sosial memperkenalkan pasar distorsi, sementara sistem reformasi bahwa biaya sosial pajak akan menghapus distorsi pasar dan mengurangi kegagalan pasar. Reformasi fiskal, yang oleh pendapatan desain netral, tidak bisa menghasilkan pendapatan tambahan, tetapi itu akan menghemat pengeluaran pemerintah pada penataan lingkungan dan pengurangan polusi dan, dalam jangka panjang, meningkatkan basis pajak dan karenanya pajak pendapatan tanpa meningkatkan beban pajak.Sementara pergeseran semalam dari "pajak pada nilai" untuk "pajak di wakil" tidak mungkin dan berpotensi mengganggu, perubahan bertahap menuju lingkungan pajak akan bergerak dalam arah yang benar. Sebagai contoh, pajak penghasilan dapat dikurangi dan pendapatan pajak hilang digantikan oleh pajak bensin, bahan kimia, dan produk lainnya mencemari. Tentu saja, itu akan menjadi lebih efisien untuk pajak polutan (jadi 2, CO 2) langsung daripada mencemari Produk (bahan bakar fosil), tetapi pengaturan pajak dan mengumpulkan akan menjadi lebih kompleks dan mahal, terutama di negara-negara berkembang dengan kemampuan administratif dan teknis yang terbatas.Diferensial perpajakan produk dan layanan (diferensial PPN), menurut eksternalitas lingkungan yang telah digunakan dengan beberapa keberhasilan di Eropa Barat dan memegang janji yang lebih besar di negara-negara berkembang yang menjalani mereka tahun formatif industri development2. Benar, pajak produk cenderung menjadi Pasal, tapi begitu juga paling konvensional pajak; perawatan harus diambil dalam desain pajak tersebut sehingga beban pajak secara keseluruhan progresif daripada Pasal.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
An interesting tax credit incentive which operates in Costa Rica is known as the transferable
reforestation tax credit. Land owners who chose to keep their land under forestry (or plant native species) receive a tax credit (i.e., they can deduct part of the costs from their taxes). This scheme benefits in particular, big, wealthy land holders who pay a significant amount of tax. To enable small land holders to share in the benefit of the scheme, the government introduced a transferable tax credit system: small-holders who keep their land under forestry earn tax credit which they can sell to wealthy taxpayers with high taxes to offset. The annual nature of both the credit and the investment (maintenance of land under forest) makes this tax credit scheme more effective than those discussed earlier. Yet a differential land use tax could have achieved the same result more directly.
Such a differential land use tax has been operating in Germany for several years. Land uses are
classified in a number of categories ranging from most environmentally beneficial (e.g., natural forest) to most environmentally destructive (e.g., industrial site). A charge is imposed on the land owner when he changes land use from a higher to a lower class. The more steps involved in environmental downgrading the greater the charge (charge X number of steps). For example, the charge for downgrading from forestry to an industrial site is far greater than from agricultural to residential use.The effect of this differential land use tax is to internalize the environmental costs of forest conversion and land use change. A similar system has been proposed for Thailand that involves a system of land use taxes and subsidies depending on the corresponding externalities (see Panayotou 1991). A number of countries use tax credits and subsidies as industrial relocation incentives to induce polluting industries to move out of urban centers where the impact of pollution is high (due to exposure of large population, limited ventilation, overburdened assimilative capacity, etc.) to less populated areas or industrial zones. Such credits and subsidies are justified by the high cost of relocation, the freeing of high-value land for more productive uses (e.g., residential or commercial),
and economies of scale in pollution control which come from consolidating similar industries within industrial estates. Turkey, for example, offers a 40% tax deduction on investment during the two years of industrial estate construction. (Small and medium size tanneries receive a 7% rebate on investment.) As a temporary incentive for relocation, the tax credit has some merits but if maintained for a long time it will become a subsidy for polluting industries, increasing pollution, and draining the government budget.
Environmental taxes, if properly structured, can become a major thrust of fiscal policy reforms.
Conventional taxation throughout the world taxes work, income, savings, and value added and leaves untaxed (even subsidizes) leisure and consumption, resource depletion, and pollution. The implied reduced incentives for work, savings, investment, and conservation and the increased incentives for leisure, consumption, resource depletion, and environmental degradation result in less growth and more environmental degradation than would have been the case had incentives been the reverse.
A reform of the fiscal system that would reduce conventional taxes and replace them with
environmental taxes, so as to leave the total tax burden unchanged, would bring the economy closer to sustainable development by stimulating economic growth and resource conservation and
discouraging resource depletion and environmental pollution. This is clear to see since the existing fiscal system of taxing social benefits introduces market distortion, while a reformed system that taxes social costs would remove market distortions and mitigate market failures. A fiscal reform, which is by design revenue neutral, could not generate additional revenue but it would save government expenditures on environmental regulation and pollution abatement and, in the long run, increase the tax base and hence tax revenues without increasing the tax burden.
While an overnight shift from “taxes on value” to “taxes on vice” is unlikely and potentially disruptive, a gradual shift towards environmental taxes would be a move in the right direction. For example,income taxes could be reduced and the lost tax revenues replaced by taxes on gasoline, chemicals, and other polluting products. Of course, it would be more efficient to tax pollutants (SO 2 , CO 2 ) directly rather than polluting products (fossil fuels), but tax setting and collecting would be more complex and costly, especially in developing countries with limited administrative and technical capability.
Differential taxation of products and services (differential VAT), according to its environmental externalities has been used with some success in Western Europe and it holds even greater promise in developing countries undergoing their formative years of industrial development2. True, product taxes tend to be regressive, but so are most conventional taxes; care must be taken in the design of such taxes so that the overall tax burden is progressive rather than regressive.
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