The flight home was uneventful. Like before, we flew on a private jet. terjemahan - The flight home was uneventful. Like before, we flew on a private jet. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The flight home was uneventful. Lik

The flight home was uneventful. Like before, we flew on a private jet. Miles held my hand silently through the takeoff and landing but spent the rest of the flight buried in emails and paperwork on his laptop. I curled up beside him and tried to concentrate on a novel I’d been reading for what felt like months, but unable to really get into the plot. I mostly just stared out the window at the heavy clouds that followed us from Massachusetts to Texas.
The house felt different when we walked through the door. Smaller, but cozier than I remembered. More like home than it had felt the entire four months I’d spent alone there. I called my aunts while Miles took our luggage upstairs, happier than words could express to hear their familiar voices. And I texted Lisa. I guess I just needed to check in with the people I loved, to reconnect in the wake of these long, dark days.
I’m not much of a cook, but I can open a can like no one else. I warmed up some soup and made toast, taking a tray up to the master bedroom for Miles. The door was open, and he was sitting on the end of his bed staring at a photograph when I tapped on the doorjamb.
“You need to eat.”
“So do you.” He dropped the photo face down on the bed and came toward me, slipping the tray out of my hands. “Let’s go downstairs and eat at a table like normal people.”
I led the way, and we settled in the kitchen in a small nook by the bay windows that overlooked the front drive. The soup was salty, but it was better than anything else I could have thrown together. We ate in silence for a few minutes. Then he cleared his throat—even as he continued to stare out the windows.
“Thank you for what you did for my father.”
“I was just trying to help.”
“And you did. You got him settled in a way I couldn’t.”
“I’m sorry for what he said to you. He was just grieving.”
“I know. But he wasn’t completely wrong.”
Miles picked up a piece of toast, but he just shredded it between his fingers. I watched, trying to be patient. I didn’t want to force him into telling me something he didn’t want to share. Yet, I so desperately wanted to know what he meant that I was afraid to frighten him out of saying it, too.
“I did run away. I abandoned my family at a time when I really shouldn’t have. And when I found out my mom was sick, I should have gone back. But I screwed up and I was afraid of facing the consequences of that.”
“Whatever you did, it couldn’t have been that bad.”
“It’s not so much what I did. It’s what I refused to do.”
I studied him, trying to read between the lines, trying to figure out what he was talking about. But I couldn’t begin to guess.
“Thank you,” he said.
“You already thanked me.”
“No. Thank you for going there with me. For staying when everything fell apart. For being at the funeral today. It couldn’t have been easy for you.”
“Where else would I go?”
He looked at me, his jaw loosening, as though he wanted to say something. But he seemed to change his mind. Instead, he reached across the table and squeezed my hand lightly. Then he stood and walked out of the room.
I washed the dishes, feeling disconcerted. Part of me wanted to run upstairs and demand he talk to me some more. That he tell me what was really going on with him. But another part of me felt like I should just pack my bags and go back to my aunts’, that my time with him was over, like I was overstaying my welcome. I didn’t know what my role was supposed to be in all this. I needed him to tell me, to explain what was going on here, what he wanted from me, and how much I was supposed to ask of him. Because, at the end of the day, this was a marriage of convenience. When we were alone—despite that almost magical night five days ago—we were still basically strangers perpetuating a fraud on everyone around us.
But then, why did I want to hold him in my arms and make his pain disappear? Why did I want to make promises to him that I had no place making?
I went up to bed a little while later. He’d laid my bags on my bed so I wouldn’t have to lift the heavy things myself. Very considerate.
I unpacked, tossing my dirty things in the wash and rehanging what wasn’t wrinkled beyond repair. Then I showered and curled up in bed, wondering if he was asleep or if he was watching television as I’d discovered he was apt to do when sleep wouldn’t come.
Sharing a room had introduced me to a lot of little quirks about Miles’ personality that I realized I actually kind of liked. The way he almost obsessively folded his clothes when he took them off, the way he brushed his teeth up and down inside of side to side, the little noises he made when he was sleeping, and the scent of his soap and his cologne overwhelming the room after his shower.
It was stupid, really. But I’d gotten used to all those little things these past few days. The room suddenly seemed very empty without him in it.
Even as that thought crossed my mind, a soft tap came on the door. I crawled out of bed and opened the door a crack,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The flight home was uneventful. Like before, we flew on a private jet. Miles held my hand silently through the takeoff and landing but spent the rest of the flight buried in emails and paperwork on his laptop. I curled up beside him and tried to concentrate on a novel I’d been reading for what felt like months, but unable to really get into the plot. I mostly just stared out the window at the heavy clouds that followed us from Massachusetts to Texas.The house felt different when we walked through the door. Smaller, but cozier than I remembered. More like home than it had felt the entire four months I’d spent alone there. I called my aunts while Miles took our luggage upstairs, happier than words could express to hear their familiar voices. And I texted Lisa. I guess I just needed to check in with the people I loved, to reconnect in the wake of these long, dark days.I’m not much of a cook, but I can open a can like no one else. I warmed up some soup and made toast, taking a tray up to the master bedroom for Miles. The door was open, and he was sitting on the end of his bed staring at a photograph when I tapped on the doorjamb.“You need to eat.”“So do you.” He dropped the photo face down on the bed and came toward me, slipping the tray out of my hands. “Let’s go downstairs and eat at a table like normal people.”I led the way, and we settled in the kitchen in a small nook by the bay windows that overlooked the front drive. The soup was salty, but it was better than anything else I could have thrown together. We ate in silence for a few minutes. Then he cleared his throat—even as he continued to stare out the windows.“Thank you for what you did for my father.”“I was just trying to help.”“And you did. You got him settled in a way I couldn’t.”“I’m sorry for what he said to you. He was just grieving.”“I know. But he wasn’t completely wrong.”Miles picked up a piece of toast, but he just shredded it between his fingers. I watched, trying to be patient. I didn’t want to force him into telling me something he didn’t want to share. Yet, I so desperately wanted to know what he meant that I was afraid to frighten him out of saying it, too.“I did run away. I abandoned my family at a time when I really shouldn’t have. And when I found out my mom was sick, I should have gone back. But I screwed up and I was afraid of facing the consequences of that.”“Whatever you did, it couldn’t have been that bad.”“It’s not so much what I did. It’s what I refused to do.”I studied him, trying to read between the lines, trying to figure out what he was talking about. But I couldn’t begin to guess.“Thank you,” he said.“You already thanked me.”“No. Thank you for going there with me. For staying when everything fell apart. For being at the funeral today. It couldn’t have been easy for you.”“Where else would I go?”He looked at me, his jaw loosening, as though he wanted to say something. But he seemed to change his mind. Instead, he reached across the table and squeezed my hand lightly. Then he stood and walked out of the room.I washed the dishes, feeling disconcerted. Part of me wanted to run upstairs and demand he talk to me some more. That he tell me what was really going on with him. But another part of me felt like I should just pack my bags and go back to my aunts’, that my time with him was over, like I was overstaying my welcome. I didn’t know what my role was supposed to be in all this. I needed him to tell me, to explain what was going on here, what he wanted from me, and how much I was supposed to ask of him. Because, at the end of the day, this was a marriage of convenience. When we were alone—despite that almost magical night five days ago—we were still basically strangers perpetuating a fraud on everyone around us.But then, why did I want to hold him in my arms and make his pain disappear? Why did I want to make promises to him that I had no place making?I went up to bed a little while later. He’d laid my bags on my bed so I wouldn’t have to lift the heavy things myself. Very considerate.I unpacked, tossing my dirty things in the wash and rehanging what wasn’t wrinkled beyond repair. Then I showered and curled up in bed, wondering if he was asleep or if he was watching television as I’d discovered he was apt to do when sleep wouldn’t come.Sharing a room had introduced me to a lot of little quirks about Miles’ personality that I realized I actually kind of liked. The way he almost obsessively folded his clothes when he took them off, the way he brushed his teeth up and down inside of side to side, the little noises he made when he was sleeping, and the scent of his soap and his cologne overwhelming the room after his shower.It was stupid, really. But I’d gotten used to all those little things these past few days. The room suddenly seemed very empty without him in it.Even as that thought crossed my mind, a soft tap came on the door. I crawled out of bed and opened the door a crack,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penerbangan pulang itu lancar. Seperti sebelumnya, kami terbang dengan jet pribadi. Miles memegang tangan saya diam-diam melalui lepas landas dan mendarat tetapi menghabiskan sisa penerbangan dimakamkan di email dan dokumen di laptop-nya. Aku meringkuk di sampingnya dan mencoba untuk berkonsentrasi pada novel saya telah membaca untuk apa merasa seperti bulan, tetapi tidak dapat benar-benar masuk ke dalam plot. Aku kebanyakan hanya memandang ke luar jendela pada awan tebal yang mengikuti kami dari Massachusetts ke Texas.
Rumah terasa berbeda ketika kami berjalan melalui pintu. Lebih kecil, tapi cozier dari yang kuingat. Lebih seperti rumah daripada merasa seluruh empat bulan aku menghabiskan sendirian di sana. Aku menelepon bibi saya sementara Miles mengambil barang-barang kami di lantai atas, lebih bahagia daripada kata yang bisa mengungkapkan mendengar suara yang mereka kenal. Dan saya mengirim sms Lisa. Saya kira saya hanya perlu memeriksa dengan orang yang saya cintai, untuk menyambung kembali setelah ini panjang, hari-hari gelap.
Aku tidak banyak dari seorang juru masak, tapi aku bisa membuka bisa seperti tidak ada orang lain. Aku menghangat beberapa sup dan membuat roti, mengambil nampan hingga kamar tidur utama untuk Miles. Pintu terbuka, dan ia duduk di ujung tempat tidurnya menatap sebuah foto ketika saya mengetuk pintu tersebut.
"Anda perlu makan."
"Jadi kau." Dia menjatuhkan wajah foto di atas tempat tidur dan datang ke arahku, tergelincir baki keluar dari tangan saya. "Mari kita pergi ke bawah dan makan di meja seperti orang normal."
Saya memimpin jalan, dan kami menetap di dapur di sudut kecil dengan jendela-jendela yang diabaikan drive depan. Sup adalah asin, tapi itu lebih baik daripada apa pun yang saya bisa dilemparkan bersama-sama. Kami makan dalam diam selama beberapa menit. Kemudian dia berdehem-bahkan sambil terus menatap keluar jendela.
"Terima kasih untuk apa yang Anda lakukan untuk ayah saya."
"Saya hanya mencoba untuk membantu."
"Dan Anda lakukan. Anda punya dia menetap di cara saya tidak bisa. "
" Aku minta maaf atas apa yang dia katakan kepada Anda. Dia hanya berduka. "
" Aku tahu. Tapi ia tidak benar-benar salah. "
Miles mengambil sepotong roti panggang, tapi dia hanya robek di antara jari-jarinya. Saya menyaksikan, berusaha untuk bersabar. Aku tidak ingin memaksa dia ke mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak ingin berbagi. Namun, saya jadi sangat ingin tahu apa maksudnya bahwa aku takut untuk menakut-nakuti dia keluar dari mengatakan itu, juga.
"Aku lari. Saya meninggalkan keluarga saya pada saat saya benar-benar tidak seharusnya. Dan ketika saya menemukan ibu saya sakit, saya harus pergi kembali. Tapi aku mengacaukan dan aku takut menghadapi konsekuensi dari itu. "
" Apa pun yang Anda lakukan, itu tidak mungkin seburuk itu. "
" Ini tidak begitu banyak apa yang saya lakukan. Itu yang saya menolak untuk melakukan. "
Saya belajar, berusaha untuk membaca yang tersirat, mencoba untuk mencari tahu apa yang ia bicarakan. Tapi aku tidak bisa mulai menebak.
"Terima kasih," katanya.
"Anda sudah berterima kasih kepada saya."
"Tidak. Terima kasih untuk pergi ke sana dengan saya. Untuk tinggal ketika semuanya berantakan. Untuk berada di pemakaman hari ini. Itu tidak mungkin mudah bagi Anda. "
" Di mana lagi saya akan pergi? "
Dia menatapku, melonggarkan rahang, seolah-olah ia ingin mengatakan sesuatu. Tapi ia tampaknya berubah pikiran. Sebaliknya, ia mengulurkan tangan dan meremas tanganku ringan. Lalu ia berdiri dan berjalan keluar dari ruangan.
Aku mencuci piring, merasa bingung. Sebagian dari diriku ingin lari ke atas dan menuntut dia berbicara dengan saya lagi. Bahwa dia memberitahu saya apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dengan dia. Tapi bagian lain dari diriku merasa seperti aku harus mengepak tas saya dan kembali ke bibi saya ', bahwa waktu saya dengan dia selesai, seperti aku tinggal terlalu lama saya. Aku tidak tahu apa peran saya seharusnya dalam semua ini. Aku butuh dia untuk memberitahu saya, untuk menjelaskan apa yang terjadi di sini, apa yang ia inginkan dari saya, dan betapa aku seharusnya meminta dia. Karena, pada akhir hari, ini adalah perkawinan kenyamanan. Ketika kami hanya berdua-meskipun malam itu hampir magis lima hari yang lalu-kita yang masih pada dasarnya orang asing mengabadikan penipuan pada setiap orang di sekitar kita.
Tapi kemudian, mengapa saya ingin terus dia dalam pelukanku dan membuat rasa sakitnya hilang? Mengapa saya ingin membuat janji kepadanya bahwa saya tidak punya pembuatan tempat?
Aku pergi tidur beberapa saat kemudian. Ia meletakkan tas saya di tempat tidur saya jadi saya tidak perlu mengangkat benda yang berat sendiri. Sangat perhatian.
Aku membongkar, melemparkan hal-hal kotor saya di cuci dan rehanging apa yang tidak kusut diperbaiki. Lalu aku mandi dan meringkuk di tempat tidur, bertanya-tanya apakah dia tidur atau jika ia sedang menonton televisi seperti yang saya telah menemukan dia cenderung dilakukan ketika tidur tidak akan datang.
Berbagi kamar telah memperkenalkan saya pada banyak kebiasaan kecil sekitar kepribadian Miles 'bahwa saya menyadari bahwa saya benar-benar jenis menyukai. Cara dia hampir obsesif melipat pakaiannya saat ia mengambil mereka pergi, cara dia menggosok gigi atas dan ke bawah dalam sisi ke sisi, suara-suara kecil yang dibuat ketika ia sedang tidur, dan aroma sabun dan cologne nya melanda ruangan setelah mandi.
Itu bodoh, benar-benar. Tapi aku terbiasa dengan semua hal-hal kecil beberapa hari terakhir ini. Ruangan tiba-tiba tampak sangat kosong tanpa dia di dalamnya.
Bahkan saat pikiran itu terlintas dalam pikiran saya, tekan lembut datang di pintu. Aku merangkak keluar dari tempat tidur dan membuka pintu sedikit,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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