The Key Elements of Classroom ManagementFigure 9.2Sample Elementary Sc terjemahan - The Key Elements of Classroom ManagementFigure 9.2Sample Elementary Sc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Key Elements of Classroom Manag

The Key Elements of Classroom Management
Figure 9.2
Sample Elementary School Behavior Plan
Be polite and helpful
Learning as much as we can
Belonging to a caring and cooperative classroom
If needed, handled privately between the student and teacher
Figure 9.3 offers a possible example for secondary students.
Figure 9.3
Sample Secondary School Behavior Plan
Do only those things that allow you and others to learn
Be an expert in economics, chemistry, literature, etc. Participate in a learning community
Individual Intervention Plan
You may have one or two students who simply are not responding to any of the strategies you have tried—either to prevent misbehavior or to intervene with demands or consequences when it has already occurred. These students need indi¬vidual, systematic, and focused assistance and support as they work to change their behavior. It is time for the individual plan, designed specifically for the needs of the particular student. The principles are still the same—you want the student to develop responsibility and self-control. But, the pressure to do so may need to be more focused and intensified.
Principles of an Intervention Plan
In his article, “Educating Teachers About Managing Classrooms and Students,” Jere Brophy outlines the following principles of an intervention plan (1988):
• Minimize power struggles by talking with the student in private.
• Be sure the student is aware of the behavior and understands why it is not appropriate.
• Be sure the systematic intervention hierarchy has been followed.
• Get the student to accept responsibility and commit to change.
• Provide any needed modeling or instruction.
• Work with the student to develop a mutually agreeable plan to solve the problem.
• Concentrate on developing desirable behavior rather than controlling misbehavior.
• Project positive expectations, attributions, and social labels.
• If consequences are necessary, the emphasis should be on pressuring to change, not exacting retribution.
Sample Intervention Plan
An individual plan is just that—individual. There is no formula, but Figure 9.4 shows what a plan looks like. You will see the principles identified above embed¬ded within it. This sample plan is for a student who has been repeatedly calling out instead of raising his or her hand, but the elements of the plan can be general¬ized to many behaviors.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Elemen kunci pengelolaan kelas
mencari 9.2
sampel sekolah dasar perilaku rencana
bersikap sopan dan berguna
belajar sebanyak yang kita bisa
milik kelas peduli dan koperasi
jika diperlukan, ditangani secara pribadi antara siswa dan guru
angka 9.3 menawarkan sebuah contoh yang mungkin untuk siswa sekolah menengah.
mencari 9.3
sampel sekolah menengah perilaku rencana
Apakah hanya hal-hal yang memungkinkan Anda dan orang lain untuk belajar
menjadi seorang ahli dalam ekonomi, kimia, sastra, dll. Berpartisipasi dalam komunitas belajar
individu intervensi rencana
Anda mungkin memiliki satu atau dua mahasiswa yang hanya tidak merespons ke salah satu strategi Anda telah mencoba — baik untuk mencegah kenakalan atau untuk campur tangan dengan tuntutan atau konsekuensi ketika itu telah terjadi. Siswa-siswa ini memerlukan indi¬vidual, sistematis, dan fokus bantuan dan dukungan karena mereka bekerja untuk mengubah perilaku mereka. Saatnya untuk masing-masing rencana, dirancang khusus untuk kebutuhan mahasiswa tertentu. Prinsip-prinsip yang masih sama-Anda ingin siswa untuk mengembangkan tanggung jawab dan kendali diri. Tetapi, tekanan untuk melakukannya mungkin perlu lebih terfokus dan diintensifkan.
Prinsip-prinsip dari rencana intervensi
dalam artikelnya, "Mendidik guru tentang mengelola kelas dan mahasiswa," Jere Brophy menguraikan prinsip-prinsip berikut rencana intervensi (1988):
• Minimalkan perebutan kekuasaan dengan berbicara dengan siswa pribadi.
• Pastikan siswa menyadari perilaku dan memahami mengapa hal ini tidak tepat.
• Pastikan hirarki sistematis intervensi telah diikuti.
• mendapatkan siswa untuk menerima tanggung jawab dan berkomitmen untuk perubahan.
• menyediakan setiap pemodelan diperlukan atau instruksi.
• bekerja dengan siswa untuk mengembangkan rencana yang disetujui untuk memecahkan masalah.
• berkonsentrasi pada pengembangan perilaku yang diinginkan daripada mengendalikan kenakalan.
• proyek harapan positif, atribusi, dan sosial label.
• jika konsekuensi diperlukan, penekanan harus menekan untuk mengubah, tidak menuntut retribusi.
rencana intervensi sampel
masing-masing rencana adalah hanya bahwa — individu. Tidak ada rumus, tapi 9.4 gambar menunjukkan apa yang tampak seperti rencana. Anda akan melihat prinsip-prinsip yang diidentifikasi above embed¬ded di dalamnya. Rencana sampel ini adalah untuk seorang mahasiswa yang telah berulang kali memanggil daripada mengangkat tangannya, tetapi unsur-unsur dari rencana dapat general¬ized untuk banyak perilaku.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Key Elements of Classroom Management
Figure 9.2
Sample Elementary School Behavior Plan
Be polite and helpful
Learning as much as we can
Belonging to a caring and cooperative classroom
If needed, handled privately between the student and teacher
Figure 9.3 offers a possible example for secondary students.
Figure 9.3
Sample Secondary School Behavior Plan
Do only those things that allow you and others to learn
Be an expert in economics, chemistry, literature, etc. Participate in a learning community
Individual Intervention Plan
You may have one or two students who simply are not responding to any of the strategies you have tried—either to prevent misbehavior or to intervene with demands or consequences when it has already occurred. These students need indi¬vidual, systematic, and focused assistance and support as they work to change their behavior. It is time for the individual plan, designed specifically for the needs of the particular student. The principles are still the same—you want the student to develop responsibility and self-control. But, the pressure to do so may need to be more focused and intensified.
Principles of an Intervention Plan
In his article, “Educating Teachers About Managing Classrooms and Students,” Jere Brophy outlines the following principles of an intervention plan (1988):
• Minimize power struggles by talking with the student in private.
• Be sure the student is aware of the behavior and understands why it is not appropriate.
• Be sure the systematic intervention hierarchy has been followed.
• Get the student to accept responsibility and commit to change.
• Provide any needed modeling or instruction.
• Work with the student to develop a mutually agreeable plan to solve the problem.
• Concentrate on developing desirable behavior rather than controlling misbehavior.
• Project positive expectations, attributions, and social labels.
• If consequences are necessary, the emphasis should be on pressuring to change, not exacting retribution.
Sample Intervention Plan
An individual plan is just that—individual. There is no formula, but Figure 9.4 shows what a plan looks like. You will see the principles identified above embed¬ded within it. This sample plan is for a student who has been repeatedly calling out instead of raising his or her hand, but the elements of the plan can be general¬ized to many behaviors.

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