To be useful in fiber transmission applications an LED must have a high terjemahan - To be useful in fiber transmission applications an LED must have a high Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To be useful in fiber transmission a

To be useful in fiber transmission applications an LED must have a high radiance output. a fast emission response time, and a high quantum eficiency. its radiance (or brightness) is a measure in watts of the optical power radiated into a unit solid angle per unit area of the emitting surface. High radiances are necessary to couple sufliciently high optical power levels into a fiber. as shown in detail in Chap. 5. The emission response time is the time delay between the application of a current pulse and the onset of optical emission. As we discuss in Secs. 4.2.4 and 4.3.5, this time delay is the factor limiting the bandwidth with which the source can be modulated directly by varying the injected current. The quantum efficiency is related to the fraction of injected electron-hole pairs that recombine radiatively. This is defined and described in detail in Sec. 4.2.3.

To achieve a high radiance and a high quantum elficiency, the LED structure must provide a means of confining the charge carriers and the stimulated optical emission to the active region of the pn junction where radiative recombination takes place. Carrier confinement is used to achieve a high level of radiative recomhination in the active region of the device, which yields a high quantum efficiency. Optical confinement is of importance for Preventing absorption of the emitted radiation by the material surrounding the Pn junction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
To be useful in fiber transmission applications an LED must have a high radiance output. a fast emission response time, and a high quantum eficiency. its radiance (or brightness) is a measure in watts of the optical power radiated into a unit solid angle per unit area of the emitting surface. High radiances are necessary to couple sufliciently high optical power levels into a fiber. as shown in detail in Chap. 5. The emission response time is the time delay between the application of a current pulse and the onset of optical emission. As we discuss in Secs. 4.2.4 and 4.3.5, this time delay is the factor limiting the bandwidth with which the source can be modulated directly by varying the injected current. The quantum efficiency is related to the fraction of injected electron-hole pairs that recombine radiatively. This is defined and described in detail in Sec. 4.2.3.To achieve a high radiance and a high quantum elficiency, the LED structure must provide a means of confining the charge carriers and the stimulated optical emission to the active region of the pn junction where radiative recombination takes place. Carrier confinement is used to achieve a high level of radiative recomhination in the active region of the device, which yields a high quantum efficiency. Optical confinement is of importance for Preventing absorption of the emitted radiation by the material surrounding the Pn junction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Untuk menjadi berguna dalam aplikasi transmisi fi ber LED harus memiliki output cahaya tinggi. waktu respon yang cepat emisi, dan efisiensi kuantum yang tinggi. cahaya (atau kecerahan) adalah ukuran dalam watt dari daya optik terpancar ke unit sudut padat per satuan luas permukaan memancarkan. Radiances tinggi diperlukan untuk beberapa su fl iciently tinggi tingkat daya optik ke dalam fi ber. seperti yang ditunjukkan secara rinci dalam Bab. 5. Waktu respon emisi adalah waktu tunda antara penerapan pulsa saat ini dan timbulnya emisi optik. Seperti yang kita bahas dalam detik. 4.2.4 dan 4.3.5, kali ini delay adalah faktor pembatas bandwidth dengan yang sumbernya dapat diatur langsung oleh memvariasikan arus disuntikkan. Efisiensi kuantum berhubungan dengan fraksi disuntikkan pasangan elektron-lubang yang bergabung kembali radiatively. Hal ini didefinisikan dan dijelaskan secara rinci dalam Sec. 4.2.3. Untuk mencapai cahaya tinggi dan kuantum tinggi el defisiensi, struktur LED harus menyediakan sarana con fi ning pembawa muatan dan emisi optik dirangsang untuk daerah aktif dari persimpangan pn mana rekombinasi radiasi terjadi. Pembawa con fi nement digunakan untuk mencapai tingkat tinggi recomhination radiasi di daerah aktif dari perangkat, yang menghasilkan tinggi kuantum e fi siensi. Optical con fi nement sangat penting untuk Mencegah penyerapan radiasi yang dipancarkan oleh bahan sekitar persimpangan Pn.

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