the potential to charge a premium price for its product(s), or the enh terjemahan - the potential to charge a premium price for its product(s), or the enh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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the potential to charge a premium price for its product(s), or the enhanced ability to recruit and retain high quality workers. For a CSR action to be undertaken by a company, the benefits of engaging in this activity must offset the higher costs associated with the additional resources that must presumably be allocated for the firm to achieve CSR status. Due to rising pressures for and visibility of CSR activities in the increasingly socially aware climate of developed countries, the end result has been a substantial increase in investment in such activities in all OECD nations.
Based on the profit-maximization CSR hypothesis, most academic studies of CSR have focused on a narrowly-defined business-oriented research question: do socially responsible firms achieve higher, lower, or similar levels of financial performance than comparable firms that do not meet the same CSR criteria (Griffin and Mahon, 1997, Dowell, Hart, and Yeung, 2000, McWilliams and Siegel, 2000, and Orlitzky, Schmidt, and Rynes, 2003)? Financial performance is typically defined in such studies in terms of either (short- or long-run) stock prices or accounting profitability (e.g., return on equity, return on investment, or operating profit). Such studies also tend to use the firm rather than the establishment or sector as the unit of observation for empirical analysis, both because they are advancing a “business case” for CSR and due to the ready availability of company-level financial data (e.g., accounting data from Standard and Poor’s Compustat or stock price data from the Center for Research in Security Prices).
Although the business administration perspective of this body of research justifies an exclusive focus on financial measures of performance, from an economic perspective this is unfortunate. A more salient issue in this context is the relationship between economic performance and CSR activities, where economic performance involves technological and economic relationships between output production and input demand, recognizing opportunity costs of inputs and capital accumulation. For example, economic performance may be defined as
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the potential to charge a premium price for its product(s), or the enhanced ability to recruit and retain high quality workers. For a CSR action to be undertaken by a company, the benefits of engaging in this activity must offset the higher costs associated with the additional resources that must presumably be allocated for the firm to achieve CSR status. Due to rising pressures for and visibility of CSR activities in the increasingly socially aware climate of developed countries, the end result has been a substantial increase in investment in such activities in all OECD nations.Based on the profit-maximization CSR hypothesis, most academic studies of CSR have focused on a narrowly-defined business-oriented research question: do socially responsible firms achieve higher, lower, or similar levels of financial performance than comparable firms that do not meet the same CSR criteria (Griffin and Mahon, 1997, Dowell, Hart, and Yeung, 2000, McWilliams and Siegel, 2000, and Orlitzky, Schmidt, and Rynes, 2003)? Financial performance is typically defined in such studies in terms of either (short- or long-run) stock prices or accounting profitability (e.g., return on equity, return on investment, or operating profit). Such studies also tend to use the firm rather than the establishment or sector as the unit of observation for empirical analysis, both because they are advancing a “business case” for CSR and due to the ready availability of company-level financial data (e.g., accounting data from Standard and Poor’s Compustat or stock price data from the Center for Research in Security Prices).Although the business administration perspective of this body of research justifies an exclusive focus on financial measures of performance, from an economic perspective this is unfortunate. A more salient issue in this context is the relationship between economic performance and CSR activities, where economic performance involves technological and economic relationships between output production and input demand, recognizing opportunity costs of inputs and capital accumulation. For example, economic performance may be defined as 4
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potensi untuk menetapkan harga premium untuk produk (s), atau meningkatkan kemampuan untuk merekrut dan mempertahankan pekerja berkualitas tinggi. Untuk tindakan CSR yang akan dilakukan oleh perusahaan, manfaat terlibat dalam kegiatan ini harus mengimbangi biaya yang lebih tinggi terkait dengan sumber daya tambahan yang harus mungkin dialokasikan untuk perusahaan untuk mencapai status CSR. Karena meningkatnya tekanan untuk dan visibilitas kegiatan CSR dalam iklim semakin sadar sosial negara-negara maju, hasil akhir telah terjadi peningkatan substansial dalam investasi dalam kegiatan tersebut di semua negara OECD.
Berdasarkan CSR hipotesis laba-maksimalisasi, studi akademis paling CSR telah berfokus pada pertanyaan berorientasi bisnis penelitian sempit-didefinisikan: lakukan perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab secara sosial mencapai, lebih rendah, atau tingkat yang sama lebih tinggi dari kinerja keuangan dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang sebanding yang tidak memenuhi kriteria CSR yang sama (Griffin dan Mahon, 1997, Dowell, Hart, dan Yeung, 2000, McWilliams dan Siegel, 2000, dan Orlitzky, Schmidt, dan Rynes, 2003)? Kinerja keuangan biasanya didefinisikan dalam studi tersebut dalam hal baik (pendek atau jangka panjang) harga saham atau profitabilitas akuntansi (misalnya, return on equity, return on investment, atau laba operasi). Studi tersebut juga cenderung menggunakan perusahaan daripada pembentukan atau sektor sebagai unit pengamatan untuk analisis empiris, baik karena mereka maju "kasus bisnis" untuk CSR dan karena ketersediaan siap data keuangan perusahaan-tingkat (misalnya, data akuntansi dari Standard dan Poor Compustat atau data harga saham dari Pusat Penelitian di Harga Keamanan).
Meskipun perspektif administrasi bisnis ini badan penelitian membenarkan fokus eksklusif pada ukuran finansial kinerja, dari perspektif ekonomi ini sangat disayangkan. Masalah lebih menonjol dalam konteks ini adalah hubungan antara kinerja ekonomi dan kegiatan CSR, di mana kinerja ekonomi melibatkan hubungan teknologi dan ekonomi antara produksi output dan permintaan input, mengakui biaya kesempatan input dan akumulasi modal. Sebagai contoh, kinerja ekonomi dapat didefinisikan sebagai
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