European eels continue eastward in the North Atlantic Current, but the terjemahan - European eels continue eastward in the North Atlantic Current, but the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

European eels continue eastward in

European eels continue eastward in the North Atlantic Current, but the time it
takes for them to reach the European estuaries has not been definitively determined.
Schmidt (1922) estimated this period to be about 2.5 years, but Boëtius and Harding
(1985) concluded that it may be possible for European eel larvae to grow to a size
appropriate for metamorphosis in a little more than a year. Schmidt’s estimate
was influenced by larvae of intermediate size that can be found in the mid-Atlantic
at any time of year. It seems probable that a proportion of the larvae traveling in
the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current find themselves in return flows directed
toward the mid-Atlantic (see Fig. 8.08). Here the feeding conditions are poor and
their growth is retarded. In fact, they may never reach the shores of Europe. The
successful colonists of European rivers may be those eels that traveled in the main
stream and completed the journey in a little more than a year.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
European eels continue eastward in the North Atlantic Current, but the time ittakes for them to reach the European estuaries has not been definitively determined.Schmidt (1922) estimated this period to be about 2.5 years, but Boëtius and Harding(1985) concluded that it may be possible for European eel larvae to grow to a sizeappropriate for metamorphosis in a little more than a year. Schmidt’s estimatewas influenced by larvae of intermediate size that can be found in the mid-Atlanticat any time of year. It seems probable that a proportion of the larvae traveling inthe Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current find themselves in return flows directedtoward the mid-Atlantic (see Fig. 8.08). Here the feeding conditions are poor andtheir growth is retarded. In fact, they may never reach the shores of Europe. Thesuccessful colonists of European rivers may be those eels that traveled in the mainstream and completed the journey in a little more than a year.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Belut Eropa terus ke arah timur di Atlantik Utara sekarang, tapi waktu yang
dibutuhkan bagi mereka untuk mencapai muara Eropa belum definitif ditentukan.
Schmidt (1922) memperkirakan periode ini menjadi sekitar 2,5 tahun, tapi Boëtius dan Harding
(1985) menyimpulkan bahwa dimungkinkan untuk larva belut Eropa tumbuh ke ukuran
yang sesuai untuk metamorfosis dalam sedikit lebih dari satu tahun. Perkiraan Schmidt
dipengaruhi oleh larva ukuran menengah yang dapat ditemukan pada pertengahan-Atlantik
pada setiap saat sepanjang tahun. Tampaknya mungkin bahwa sebagian dari perjalanan larva di
Gulf Stream dan Atlantik Utara sekarang menemukan diri mereka dalam kembali arus diarahkan
menuju Atlantik (lihat Gambar. 8.08). Berikut kondisi makan yang buruk dan
pertumbuhan mereka terhambat. Bahkan, mereka mungkin tidak pernah mencapai pantai Eropa. The
penjajah berhasil sungai Eropa mungkin mereka belut yang melakukan perjalanan dalam utama
aliran dan menyelesaikan perjalanan dalam sedikit lebih dari satu tahun.
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