About after 20 min­utes, above west­ern school ground has al­most been terjemahan - About after 20 min­utes, above west­ern school ground has al­most been Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

About after 20 min­utes, above west

About after 20 min­utes, above west­ern school ground has al­most been fully oc­cu­pied, 5000 palace guards line up in for­ma­tion above the school ground, in ad­di­tion 1000 + human, demon and bar­bar­ian fe­male un­tidy stand­ing in stage around, there are much is even send­ing out sobs in a low voice, but nearby sergeant shouts at „shuts up, the cry­ing fa­ther has chopped you again”, there­fore, these fe­males launched in salvos the sound the guts not to have, be­cause they know, these palace guard ju­niors sim­ply not one­self, when the human looked that there­fore real will begin to kill peo­ple.
I stand in stage above, the hand presses the sword hilt, Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Rot­ter and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers stands in me be­hind, they are the mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are long, every­one con­trols 1000 peo­ple of armies, the for­ma­tion under stage is di­vided into 5, the for­ma­tion that also con­trols on the South Ko­rean deep pool and Xiao Li two mil­i­tary of­fi­cers is the mil­i­tary dis­ci­pline is neat, other three said in­di­vid­u­ally was the for­ma­tion, some even also slop­pily dressed, a doing fac­tion of aris­to­crat sol­diers.
„Gen­eral, you pro­fane the fe­males to con­vene these, ac­tu­ally for what?” The wheat flour such as aris­to­crat mil­i­tary of­fi­cer Rot­ter of jade raises the sword to ask in con­ster­na­tion.
I sneer: „In the Tian Ling Em­pire mil­i­tary dis­ci­pline hasn't per­mit­ted to raise fe­male in the camp?”
„Has, has ac­tu­ally”
Rot­ter sticks out chest, right­eous smiles, said: „Some of we also un­writ­ten stip­u­la­tions, as long as cap­tures other coun­try city, can ob­tain the spoils of war belt to join the army, these fe­males then have much are we at­tack the wild tribe ob­tained, there­fore can only be our spoils of war, more­over this is also the con­sis­tent tra­di­tion of palace guard, with­out the woman, we will go to war will then be in­ca­pable, the gen­eral you also will be a man, should un­der­stand this point?”
I get angry darkly, going all out is con­strain­ing the spunk, said: „Vi­o­lated the armed forces law to vi­o­late, where so many un­writ­ten stip­u­la­tions, hasn't the iron rule like the moun­tain, such sim­ple truth un­der­stood?”
Nearby, Han Yuan also said: „Raises the fe­male in the camp, this is a tom­my­rot, said that any­thing will not have the woman then to go to war to be in­ca­pable, in my opin­ion, after hav­ing the woman, you will turn into one flock of soft foot crabs!”
Rot­ter is angry, the hand is point­ing at Han Yuannu: „Han full beard, what thing you are, why do you ges­tic­u­late to fa­ther? Don't for­get, you are out­castes, if not for in the fight ren­ders mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice by luck, you can crawl to the po­si­tion that Ying Tuan con­trols? I knew, in your this out­castes pocket does not have the gold coin, has prob­a­bly not bumped the woman, hasn't tasted the taste of woman? Good, Sir is happy today, then de­liv­ers 1-2 fe­males to break a meat­less fast to you, now sat­is­fied?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool com­plex­ion be­comes flushed, angry road: „Puts P, these fe­male gen­er­als have never bumped, my Han Yuan joins the palace guard is in order to guards the em­pire glory, what for is can per­form good deeds in the fight, the achieve­ment hero cause, your this clos­ing right up against fa­ther's sta­tus does not enter the palace guard then be­comes the con­trol, goes to war then the good-for-noth­ing of fraught with un­cer­tainty!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
About after 20 min­utes, above west­ern school ground has al­most been fully oc­cu­pied, 5000 palace guards line up in for­ma­tion above the school ground, in ad­di­tion 1000 + human, demon and bar­bar­ian fe­male un­tidy stand­ing in stage around, there are much is even send­ing out sobs in a low voice, but nearby sergeant shouts at „shuts up, the cry­ing fa­ther has chopped you again”, there­fore, these fe­males launched in salvos the sound the guts not to have, be­cause they know, these palace guard ju­niors sim­ply not one­self, when the human looked that there­fore real will begin to kill peo­ple.I stand in stage above, the hand presses the sword hilt, Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Rot­ter and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers stands in me be­hind, they are the mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are long, every­one con­trols 1000 peo­ple of armies, the for­ma­tion under stage is di­vided into 5, the for­ma­tion that also con­trols on the South Ko­rean deep pool and Xiao Li two mil­i­tary of­fi­cers is the mil­i­tary dis­ci­pline is neat, other three said in­di­vid­u­ally was the for­ma­tion, some even also slop­pily dressed, a doing fac­tion of aris­to­crat sol­diers.„Gen­eral, you pro­fane the fe­males to con­vene these, ac­tu­ally for what?” The wheat flour such as aris­to­crat mil­i­tary of­fi­cer Rot­ter of jade raises the sword to ask in con­ster­na­tion.I sneer: „In the Tian Ling Em­pire mil­i­tary dis­ci­pline hasn't per­mit­ted to raise fe­male in the camp?”
„Has, has ac­tu­ally”
Rot­ter sticks out chest, right­eous smiles, said: „Some of we also un­writ­ten stip­u­la­tions, as long as cap­tures other coun­try city, can ob­tain the spoils of war belt to join the army, these fe­males then have much are we at­tack the wild tribe ob­tained, there­fore can only be our spoils of war, more­over this is also the con­sis­tent tra­di­tion of palace guard, with­out the woman, we will go to war will then be in­ca­pable, the gen­eral you also will be a man, should un­der­stand this point?”
I get angry darkly, going all out is con­strain­ing the spunk, said: „Vi­o­lated the armed forces law to vi­o­late, where so many un­writ­ten stip­u­la­tions, hasn't the iron rule like the moun­tain, such sim­ple truth un­der­stood?”
Nearby, Han Yuan also said: „Raises the fe­male in the camp, this is a tom­my­rot, said that any­thing will not have the woman then to go to war to be in­ca­pable, in my opin­ion, after hav­ing the woman, you will turn into one flock of soft foot crabs!”
Rot­ter is angry, the hand is point­ing at Han Yuannu: „Han full beard, what thing you are, why do you ges­tic­u­late to fa­ther? Don't for­get, you are out­castes, if not for in the fight ren­ders mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice by luck, you can crawl to the po­si­tion that Ying Tuan con­trols? I knew, in your this out­castes pocket does not have the gold coin, has prob­a­bly not bumped the woman, hasn't tasted the taste of woman? Good, Sir is happy today, then de­liv­ers 1-2 fe­males to break a meat­less fast to you, now sat­is­fied?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool com­plex­ion be­comes flushed, angry road: „Puts P, these fe­male gen­er­als have never bumped, my Han Yuan joins the palace guard is in order to guards the em­pire glory, what for is can per­form good deeds in the fight, the achieve­ment hero cause, your this clos­ing right up against fa­ther's sta­tus does not enter the palace guard then be­comes the con­trol, goes to war then the good-for-noth­ing of fraught with un­cer­tainty!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tentang setelah 20 menit, di atas tanah sekolah Barat hampir diduduki sepenuhnya, 5000 penjaga istana berbaris dalam formasi di atas tanah sekolah, selain 1.000 + manusia, setan dan barbar perempuan berantakan berdiri di panggung sekitar, ada banyak yang bahkan mengirimkan isak tangis dengan suara rendah, tapi dekat sersan berteriak "menutup up, ayah menangis telah cincang lagi", oleh karena itu, perempuan ini diluncurkan pada salvos suara keberanian untuk tidak memiliki, karena mereka tahu, junior pengawal istana ini hanya tidak diri sendiri , ketika manusia tampak bahwa oleh karena itu nyata akan mulai membunuh orang.
aku berdiri di panggung di atas, tangan menekan gagang pedang, Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Rotter dan perwira militer lainnya berdiri di aku di belakang, mereka adalah banyak orang panjang, semua orang mengontrol 1000 orang dari tentara, pembentukan dalam tahap dibagi menjadi 5, formasi yang juga mengontrol di Korea Selatan dalam kolam dan Xiao Li dua perwira militer adalah disiplin militer rapi, tiga lainnya mengatakan secara individual adalah formasi, beberapa bahkan juga sembarangan berpakaian, faksi melakukan tentara bangsawan.
"Jenderal, Anda profan betina untuk mengadakan ini, sebenarnya untuk apa?" tepung terigu seperti perwira militer bangsawan Rotter dari batu giok menimbulkan pedang untuk bertanya dalam ketakutan.
aku mencibir : "dalam disiplin militer Tian Ling Empire belum diizinkan untuk menaikkan perempuan di kamp?"
"Apakah, telah benar-benar"
Rotter menonjol dada, senyum yang benar, mengatakan: "Beberapa kami juga ketentuan yang tidak tertulis, asalkan menangkap lainnya kota negara, dapat memperoleh rampasan sabuk perang untuk bergabung dengan tentara, perempuan ini kemudian memiliki banyak yang kita menyerang suku liar yang diperoleh, karena itu hanya bisa rampasan kita perang, apalagi ini juga merupakan tradisi yang konsisten dari pengawal istana, tanpa ? wanita, kita akan pergi berperang maka akan mampu, yang umum Anda juga akan menjadi seorang pria, harus memahami hal ini "
saya marah muram, akan keluar semua yang menghambat keberanian itu, mengatakan:" melanggar hukum angkatan bersenjata untuk melanggar ?, di mana begitu banyak ketentuan yang tidak tertulis, tidak aturan besi seperti gunung, kebenaran yang sederhana seperti dipahami "
Terdekat, Han Yuan juga mengatakan:" meningkatkan perempuan di kamp, ​​ini adalah omong kosong, kata bahwa apa pun tidak akan memiliki wanita kemudian pergi berperang untuk menjadi mampu, menurut pendapat saya, setelah wanita itu, Anda akan berubah menjadi satu kawanan kepiting kaki lembut "!
Rotter marah, tangan yang menunjuk Han Yuannu:" Han janggut penuh, apa hal Anda, mengapa Anda menggerakkan tangan untuk ayah? Jangan lupa, Anda terbuang, jika tidak untuk dalam perjuangan menjadikan layanan berjasa oleh keberuntungan, Anda bisa merangkak ke posisi yang Ying Tuan mengontrol? Aku tahu, di Anda saku terbuang ini tidak memiliki koin emas, mungkin belum bertemu wanita, belum mencicipi rasa wanita? Baik, Sir senang hari ini, kemudian memberikan 1-2 betina untuk istirahat tanpa daging cepat untuk Anda, sekarang puas "?
Kolam renang dalam kulit Korea Selatan menjadi memerah, marah jalan:" Menempatkan P, rute jenderal perempuan tidak pernah bertemu, saya Han yuan bergabung pengawal istana adalah untuk penjaga kemuliaan kerajaan, apa adalah dapat melakukan perbuatan baik di laga, penyebab prestasi pahlawan, Anda penutupan ini tepat terhadap Status ayah tidak masuk pengawal istana kemudian menjadi kontrol, pergi perang maka baik-untuk-apa-apa dari penuh dengan ketidakpastian! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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