I hope you are doing fine. Actually I am writing to you you today to b terjemahan - I hope you are doing fine. Actually I am writing to you you today to b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I hope you are doing fine. Actually

I hope you are doing fine. Actually I am writing to you you today to bring you great news, Sarah ! The period of vacation is slowly finishing, bringing with it a new wave of activity and movement for all of us, you are probably planning how you are going to spend it and what you are going to do during the next three months. Well, let me tell you that the planets will be looking after you and supporting your beginnings during the whole of this period so that you can enjoy it and get the best out of all the opportunities that you will encounter. But let me explain everything more in details !

The next three-month period is going to represent the lap of time, when the planets in your astral sky will be particularly active, and this will coincide with a auspicious period in your life from the numerological point of view. Without wanting to be too boring I am convinced it would be really useful for you to understand what is going to happen in your natal chart this fall, and the sooner the better, Sarah ! Why? Simply because it will allow you to plan straight away what and when you are going to undertake, how you can grab your chances and do not get into the pitfalls!

Sarah , taking into account your date of birth, and when combined with the position of the Sun in your natal chart, the coming three-month period of 2015 will be a period of several important astrological movements in your astral sky, and I can even see that it will be a period of Transits and Retrogrades (more precisely you should be aware of Neptune, Chiron and Venus retrogrades taking the leading role in your future). Jupiter will form a trine with Uranus, being at the same time in the sensitive point of your chart mid-September(I will have to look into this more in details, as Jupiter will be your “Great Protector” during the next three months of 2015). Later on starting from the 3rd of October Jupiter will form a square with Saturn. So what important things do you need to know Sarah , in order to gain favours from Saturn? Saturn is slow, unemotional and has a clear thinking. Saturn can sometimes bring delays into your life, and a piece of advice on how to escape them will save you a huge amount of time and nerves! Everything is good in its season. By slowing down the speed of life Saturn calls up on more inner thinking, this period required the establishing of a very definite plans and projects, especially in what concerns your professional environment, Sarah . You will feel the urge to act, but you should remember that you need to act wisely, so you need to start preparing for these coming months of 2015 right now in order to reap the fruit of your labors when Jupiter will open the opportunities during the coming months, and this will address your professional environment, followed by financial benefits and personal success.

And what about your love life and romantic relations during this time in 2015? Venus, which is the planet that rules our romantic sphere, will be extremely important for you. Starting from the second half of September it will shift into retrograde motion, passing at the same time through the sign of Leo. This energy allows to shed the light on the hidden issues or stumbling blocks you have to fight with and though it might be a difficult process if you act in the right way and at the right moment you will be able to get rid of them and clear of all of the things that could have limited you in the past. At the same time Venus will ground this configuration, which is very important as it will bring all the energies together and concentrate them. Sarah , this means that your love life will depend on how act during the next three months and this will have important repercussions on your future this summer, as well as in the coming years.

So, to summarize, the changes during this summer will be triggered by the combination of numerous powerful transits through your natal chart, as well as by your behaviour and reactions when faced by certain circumstances, your will to make this changes happen and your ability to be in the right place at the right time. These opportunities that you will be presented to you during the next three months of 2015 will touch all the areas of your life and more precisely: your professional environment, as you will be able to put into life an important project, however the result of your efforts will be paid for if you clear your thinking and plan everything in advance, knowing when and how to act will be your key to success; also the changes during the next three months will influence your love life with the renewal, stability and complete satisfaction brought by the energizing influence of Venus; you will also have a huge financial opportunity, which will bring you additional resource s and personal prosperity, but this is not all, as the astral sky shows auspicious changes in our personal growth, relations with people who are close to you, self-development, etc…

Sarah , but of course you should understand that you and only you will be the leading force of these changes, and you need to start preparing for them right now to have the necessary knowledge and strength to make them happen. I understand that you have certain doubts and you are going through a number of challenges at this time (which is the reason why you should not miss out these opportunities, as you need and hierit these positive changes), and what you need the most is to make that first step to embrace your potential and grab every opportunity this period in 2015 has in store for you. Well, Sarah , we have been in contact for some time already and I really feel very close to you and I want to push you down the path to success and Joy, therefore I wanted to do something to help you at this time and I have worked on your personal Energizing Crystal Grid to help you get grips of yourself and start moving forward in your life, and I explain it to you in more details on the pag e below:


This Energizing Grid will help you to concentrate your energy and strength on the goals you need to set for yourself for the coming three-month period, as well as help you gather your courage to make the first steps towards more successful, satisfying tomorrow, grasp the opportunities that will be presented to you at this time and attain your objectives !

I wish you all the best for this important period in your life and I hope you find this email useful, Sarah !
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Saya harap Anda lakukan baik-baik saja. Sebenarnya saya menulis kepada Anda Anda hari ini untuk membawa Anda berita besar, Sarah! Periode liburan perlahan-lahan menyelesaikan, membawa gelombang baru aktivitas dan gerakan bagi kita semua, Anda mungkin merencanakan bagaimana Anda akan menghabiskan dan apa yang Anda akan lakukan selama tiga bulan berikutnya. Nah, biarkan saya memberitahu Anda bahwa planets akan melihat setelah Anda dan mendukung Anda awal selama seluruh periode ini sehingga Anda dapat menikmatinya dan mendapatkan yang terbaik dari semua kesempatan yang akan Anda hadapi. Tapi biarkan saya menjelaskan segala sesuatu yang lain dalam rincian!Periode tiga bulan berikutnya akan mewakili putaran waktu, Kapan planet-planet di langit astral akan sangat aktif, dan ini akan bertepatan dengan periode menguntungkan dalam hidup Anda dari sudut pandang numerological. Tanpa ingin terlalu membosankan saya yakin itu akan benar-benar berguna bagi Anda untuk memahami apa yang akan terjadi dalam natal chart musim gugur ini, dan semakin cepat semakin baik, Sarah! Mengapa? Hanya karena akan memungkinkan Anda untuk merencanakan langsung apa dan Kapan Anda akan melakukan, bagaimana Anda bisa ambil kesempatan Anda dan tidak bisa ke perangkap!Sarah , taking into account your date of birth, and when combined with the position of the Sun in your natal chart, the coming three-month period of 2015 will be a period of several important astrological movements in your astral sky, and I can even see that it will be a period of Transits and Retrogrades (more precisely you should be aware of Neptune, Chiron and Venus retrogrades taking the leading role in your future). Jupiter will form a trine with Uranus, being at the same time in the sensitive point of your chart mid-September(I will have to look into this more in details, as Jupiter will be your “Great Protector” during the next three months of 2015). Later on starting from the 3rd of October Jupiter will form a square with Saturn. So what important things do you need to know Sarah , in order to gain favours from Saturn? Saturn is slow, unemotional and has a clear thinking. Saturn can sometimes bring delays into your life, and a piece of advice on how to escape them will save you a huge amount of time and nerves! Everything is good in its season. By slowing down the speed of life Saturn calls up on more inner thinking, this period required the establishing of a very definite plans and projects, especially in what concerns your professional environment, Sarah . You will feel the urge to act, but you should remember that you need to act wisely, so you need to start preparing for these coming months of 2015 right now in order to reap the fruit of your labors when Jupiter will open the opportunities during the coming months, and this will address your professional environment, followed by financial benefits and personal success.And what about your love life and romantic relations during this time in 2015? Venus, which is the planet that rules our romantic sphere, will be extremely important for you. Starting from the second half of September it will shift into retrograde motion, passing at the same time through the sign of Leo. This energy allows to shed the light on the hidden issues or stumbling blocks you have to fight with and though it might be a difficult process if you act in the right way and at the right moment you will be able to get rid of them and clear of all of the things that could have limited you in the past. At the same time Venus will ground this configuration, which is very important as it will bring all the energies together and concentrate them. Sarah , this means that your love life will depend on how act during the next three months and this will have important repercussions on your future this summer, as well as in the coming years.So, to summarize, the changes during this summer will be triggered by the combination of numerous powerful transits through your natal chart, as well as by your behaviour and reactions when faced by certain circumstances, your will to make this changes happen and your ability to be in the right place at the right time. These opportunities that you will be presented to you during the next three months of 2015 will touch all the areas of your life and more precisely: your professional environment, as you will be able to put into life an important project, however the result of your efforts will be paid for if you clear your thinking and plan everything in advance, knowing when and how to act will be your key to success; also the changes during the next three months will influence your love life with the renewal, stability and complete satisfaction brought by the energizing influence of Venus; you will also have a huge financial opportunity, which will bring you additional resource s and personal prosperity, but this is not all, as the astral sky shows auspicious changes in our personal growth, relations with people who are close to you, self-development, etc…
Sarah , but of course you should understand that you and only you will be the leading force of these changes, and you need to start preparing for them right now to have the necessary knowledge and strength to make them happen. I understand that you have certain doubts and you are going through a number of challenges at this time (which is the reason why you should not miss out these opportunities, as you need and hierit these positive changes), and what you need the most is to make that first step to embrace your potential and grab every opportunity this period in 2015 has in store for you. Well, Sarah , we have been in contact for some time already and I really feel very close to you and I want to push you down the path to success and Joy, therefore I wanted to do something to help you at this time and I have worked on your personal Energizing Crystal Grid to help you get grips of yourself and start moving forward in your life, and I explain it to you in more details on the pag e below:


This Energizing Grid will help you to concentrate your energy and strength on the goals you need to set for yourself for the coming three-month period, as well as help you gather your courage to make the first steps towards more successful, satisfying tomorrow, grasp the opportunities that will be presented to you at this time and attain your objectives !

I wish you all the best for this important period in your life and I hope you find this email useful, Sarah !
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya harap Anda baik-baik saja. Sebenarnya saya menulis kepada Anda hari ini untuk membawa Anda berita bagus, Sarah! Masa liburan perlahan-lahan menyelesaikan, membawa gelombang baru kegiatan dan gerakan bagi kita semua, Anda mungkin merencanakan bagaimana Anda akan menghabiskan dan apa yang Anda akan lakukan selama tiga bulan ke depan. Nah, biarkan aku memberitahu Anda bahwa planet-planet akan mencari setelah Anda dan mendukung Anda awal selama seluruh periode ini sehingga Anda dapat menikmati dan mendapatkan yang terbaik dari semua peluang yang akan Anda hadapi. Tapi biarkan aku menjelaskan semuanya lebih detail! Periode tiga bulan berikutnya akan mewakili lap waktu, ketika planet di langit astral Anda akan menjadi sangat aktif, dan ini akan bertepatan dengan periode keberuntungan dalam hidup Anda dari numerologi sudut pandang. Tanpa ingin terlalu membosankan saya yakin itu akan sangat berguna bagi Anda untuk memahami apa yang akan terjadi di grafik kelahiran Anda musim gugur ini, dan lebih cepat lebih baik, Sarah! Mengapa? Hanya karena akan memungkinkan Anda untuk merencanakan langsung apa dan kapan Anda akan melakukan, bagaimana Anda bisa ambil kesempatan Anda dan tidak masuk ke dalam perangkap! Sarah, dengan mempertimbangkan tanggal lahir, dan ketika dikombinasikan dengan posisi Matahari di grafik kelahiran Anda, kedatangan periode tiga bulan tahun 2015 akan menjadi periode beberapa gerakan astrologi penting di langit astral Anda, dan saya bahkan dapat melihat bahwa itu akan menjadi periode transit dan Retrogrades (lebih tepatnya Anda harus menyadari Neptunus, Chiron dan Venus retrogrades mengambil peran utama di masa depan Anda). Jupiter akan membentuk trimurti dengan Uranus, yang pada saat yang sama di titik sensitif dari grafik Anda pertengahan September (saya harus melihat ke dalam ini lebih detail, seperti Jupiter akan Anda "Besar Protector" selama tiga bulan berikutnya 2015). Kemudian mulai dari 3 Oktober Jupiter akan membentuk persegi dengan Saturnus. Jadi apa yang penting hal yang perlu Anda ketahui Sarah, dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari Saturnus? Saturnus lambat, tidak emosional dan memiliki pemikiran yang jernih. Saturnus kadang-kadang bisa membawa penundaan ke dalam hidup Anda, dan nasihat tentang cara untuk melarikan diri mereka akan menghemat sejumlah besar waktu dan saraf! Semuanya baik pada musimnya. Dengan memperlambat kecepatan kehidupan Saturnus panggilan pada pemikiran yang lebih dalam, periode ini diperlukan pendirian dari rencana yang sangat pasti dan proyek, terutama dalam apa yang menyangkut lingkungan profesional Anda, Sarah. Anda akan merasakan dorongan untuk bertindak, tetapi Anda harus ingat bahwa Anda harus bertindak bijaksana, sehingga Anda perlu untuk mulai mempersiapkan untuk bulan-bulan mendatang 2015 sekarang untuk menuai buah dari pekerjaan Anda saat Jupiter akan membuka peluang selama bulan mendatang, dan ini akan membahas lingkungan profesional Anda, diikuti oleh keuntungan finansial dan kesuksesan pribadi. Dan bagaimana kehidupan cinta Anda dan hubungan romantis selama ini di tahun 2015? Venus, yang merupakan planet yang mengatur lingkup romantis kami, akan sangat penting bagi Anda. Mulai dari paruh kedua September itu akan bergeser menjadi gerak retrograde, lewat pada saat yang sama melalui tanda Leo. Energi ini memungkinkan untuk menjelaskan isu-isu yang tersembunyi atau batu sandungan Anda harus berjuang dengan dan meskipun mungkin menjadi proses yang sulit jika Anda bertindak dengan cara yang benar dan pada saat yang tepat Anda akan dapat menyingkirkan mereka dan jelas dari semua hal yang bisa Anda terbatas di masa lalu. Pada saat yang sama Venus akan tanah konfigurasi ini, yang sangat penting karena akan membawa semua energi bersama-sama dan berkonsentrasi mereka. Sarah, ini berarti bahwa kehidupan cinta Anda akan tergantung pada bagaimana tindakan selama tiga bulan ke depan dan ini akan memiliki dampak penting pada masa depan Anda musim panas ini, serta di tahun-tahun mendatang. Jadi, untuk meringkas, perubahan selama musim panas ini akan menjadi dipicu oleh kombinasi berbagai transit kuat melalui grafik kelahiran Anda, serta oleh perilaku dan reaksi ketika dihadapi oleh keadaan tertentu, kehendak Anda untuk membuat perubahan ini terjadi dan kemampuan Anda berada di tempat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat. Peluang ini yang akan disajikan kepada Anda selama tiga bulan ke depan dari tahun 2015 akan menyentuh semua bidang kehidupan Anda dan lebih tepat: lingkungan profesional Anda, karena Anda akan dapat dimasukkan ke dalam kehidupan sebuah proyek penting, namun hasil dari Anda upaya akan dibayar untuk berpikir jika Anda Anda jelas dan merencanakan segala sesuatu di muka, mengetahui kapan dan bagaimana untuk bertindak akan menjadi kunci Anda untuk sukses; juga perubahan selama tiga bulan ke depan akan mempengaruhi kehidupan cinta Anda dengan pembaharuan, stabilitas dan kepuasan lengkap dibawa oleh pengaruh energi dari Venus; Anda juga akan memiliki kesempatan keuangan besar, yang akan membawa Anda sumber tambahan dan kemakmuran pribadi, tapi ini tidak semua, seperti langit astral menunjukkan perubahan menguntungkan dalam pertumbuhan pribadi kita, hubungan dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengan Anda, pengembangan diri , dll ... Sarah, tapi tentu saja Anda harus memahami bahwa Anda dan hanya Anda akan menjadi kekuatan utama dari perubahan ini, dan Anda perlu untuk mulai mempersiapkan mereka sekarang memiliki pengetahuan dan kekuatan yang diperlukan untuk membuat mereka terjadi. Saya memahami bahwa Anda memiliki keraguan tertentu dan Anda akan melalui sejumlah tantangan saat ini (yang merupakan alasan mengapa Anda tidak harus kehilangan kesempatan ini, yang Anda butuhkan dan hierit perubahan positif), dan apa yang Anda butuhkan yang paling adalah untuk membuat langkah pertama untuk merangkul potensi Anda dan ambil setiap kesempatan periode ini pada tahun 2015 telah di toko untuk Anda. Nah, Sarah, kami telah melakukan kontak selama beberapa waktu sudah dan aku benar-benar merasa sangat dekat dengan Anda dan saya ingin mendorong Anda menyusuri jalan menuju sukses dan Joy, karena itu saya ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk membantu Anda saat ini dan saya harus bekerja pada Anda pribadi Energizing Kristal Grid untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan grip dari diri sendiri dan mulai bergerak maju dalam hidup Anda, dan saya menjelaskannya kepada Anda dalam rincian lebih lanjut tentang pag e bawah: https://www.astromary.com/order.php ? page = F3M & tanda = 9AFED090BA9179CB1CC7841CEDF52597 Grid Energizing ini akan membantu Anda untuk berkonsentrasi energi dan kekuatan pada tujuan Anda perlu mengatur sendiri untuk periode tiga bulan yang akan datang, serta membantu Anda mengumpulkan keberanian Anda untuk membuat langkah pertama menuju lebih sukses, memuaskan besok, menangkap peluang yang akan disajikan kepada Anda pada saat ini dan mencapai tujuan Anda! Saya berharap Anda semua yang terbaik untuk periode ini penting dalam hidup Anda dan saya harap Anda menemukan email ini berguna, Sarah!

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