This touches on very complex medical knowledge. En, very complex, so I terjemahan - This touches on very complex medical knowledge. En, very complex, so I Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This touches on very complex medica

This touches on very complex medical knowledge. En, very complex, so I don’t really want to talk about it. Also, I bet that even if I did explain, you wouldn’t be able to understand,” Xiao Che vaguely replied. His forehead almost breaking out into cold sweat… He originally believed that the earlier words coupled with the acupuncture treatment had already succeeded in convincing Xia Qingyue. He didn’t expect that she would suspiciously ask about it, and straight about the crux of the matter to boot… That was because there wasn’t the slightest bit of relationship between the the speed of cultivation, and the cold air and meridians.

Fortunately, Xia Qingyue didn’t continue her line of questioning. Right when Xiao Che finished wrapping everything up, she spoke again: “ These things, where did you learn them from? From your acupuncture technique just now, you definitely have the qualifications to join those huge medical schools! If you really have the ability to do what you just said, then not to mention this small Floating Cloud City, all of Blue Wind Empire would know your name. How could you remain unknown, and instead have this reputation as a cripple?”

Join those medical schools? Xiao Che curled his lips in disdain. He then turned around and serenely stated: “These things were all taught to me by my master.”

“Your… master?” Xiao Qingyue’s moon like brows twitched. She had never heard of Xiao Che having any kind of master.

“My master was a great medical saint. His entire life was spent using his knowledge to help people, and he saved countless dying and injured people. I met him when I was very young. He taught me the four ways of medical diagnosis, how to use the needle, and the principles of pharmacology and toxicology. He taught me that under heaven, there was a countless number of medicines and poisons, pests and herbs. I am his only successor. His kindness to me was as heavy as a mountain, impossible to repay in this lifetime… That is why I know some medical techniques. As for the rest, you shouldn’t ask too much. Also, don’t tell any outsiders that I practice medicine. Even my grandfather and little aunt are unaware. Aside from myself, you’re the only other person who knows.”
(TL: four ways of medical diagnosis = look, smell, ask, and cut)

As he thought about his dead master, Xiao Che could not stop his face from showing a sad and nostalgic expression. This was his most sincere emotion, without a shred of falsehood or artifice. This sincere emotion also affected Xia Qingyue, who, with complete conviction in Xiao Che’s words, gently said: “For you to be this young and yet have such shocking skill in acupuncture, it seems that your master definitely is a great doctor.”

“He was the world’s greatest doctor, without peer!” Xiao Che firmly said.

Xiao Che’s appearance caused Xia Qingyue’s inner doubt to unconsciously lessen by a bit. After hesitating for a bit, she finally made her up mind: “… Then, you are sure that what you said about letting me permanently cultivate thirty percent faster… is true?”

“Since I said it, then I wouldn’t disgrace my master’s name as a doctor. En? You wouldn’t be… thinking about trying it?” Xiao Che turned around and looked at her with a face full of astonishment.

Xia Qingyue let out a small sigh of relief, glancing over: “You’re sure you only need to see the back.”

Xiao Che’s eyes lit up and his face moved closer. He smilingly said: “If you really want to show everything, then that’s okay too…”

Xia Qingyue’s eyebrows drooped and her red sleeves unfurled. A sudden gust of cold wind assaulted Xiao Che’s entire body, causing him to shiver. She walked towards the bed, faintly saying: “Let’s start. Let me see if your medical techniques are as miraculous as you say… However, if you get any ideas, I definitely won’t forgive you.”

Xiao Che gave a wily smile: “You could kill me with a slap. Even if I had ideas I wouldn’t dare try.”

The box of silver needles and jar of crimson sunflower juice that had just been put away were once again brought out. Afterwards, he walked to the bedside and said with a solemn face to the Xia Qingyue already sitting on top the bed: “Undress!”

It was a pure word but when shouted by Xiao Che, it gave an impression of an evil tyrant forcing himself upon an innocent woman.

When thinking about this, the inner heart of even the incorruptible, and world defiant pure lotus that was Xia Qingyue, upon hearing this word, had some kind of reaction… However, the temptation of a permanent thirty percent increase to her cultivation speed was too much to bear. So much that it’s safe to say that no profound practitioners would be able to resist! This was because if it really succeeded, it’s the same as saying that with the same talent and comprehension, the same profound arts and profound skills, and the same environment and resources, the advancement from cultivating three years would be equivalent to the opposition’s cultivation of four years! After a centur
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This touches on very complex medical knowledge. En, very complex, so I don’t really want to talk about it. Also, I bet that even if I did explain, you wouldn’t be able to understand,” Xiao Che vaguely replied. His forehead almost breaking out into cold sweat… He originally believed that the earlier words coupled with the acupuncture treatment had already succeeded in convincing Xia Qingyue. He didn’t expect that she would suspiciously ask about it, and straight about the crux of the matter to boot… That was because there wasn’t the slightest bit of relationship between the the speed of cultivation, and the cold air and meridians.Fortunately, Xia Qingyue didn’t continue her line of questioning. Right when Xiao Che finished wrapping everything up, she spoke again: “ These things, where did you learn them from? From your acupuncture technique just now, you definitely have the qualifications to join those huge medical schools! If you really have the ability to do what you just said, then not to mention this small Floating Cloud City, all of Blue Wind Empire would know your name. How could you remain unknown, and instead have this reputation as a cripple?”Join those medical schools? Xiao Che curled his lips in disdain. He then turned around and serenely stated: “These things were all taught to me by my master.”“Your… master?” Xiao Qingyue’s moon like brows twitched. She had never heard of Xiao Che having any kind of master.“My master was a great medical saint. His entire life was spent using his knowledge to help people, and he saved countless dying and injured people. I met him when I was very young. He taught me the four ways of medical diagnosis, how to use the needle, and the principles of pharmacology and toxicology. He taught me that under heaven, there was a countless number of medicines and poisons, pests and herbs. I am his only successor. His kindness to me was as heavy as a mountain, impossible to repay in this lifetime… That is why I know some medical techniques. As for the rest, you shouldn’t ask too much. Also, don’t tell any outsiders that I practice medicine. Even my grandfather and little aunt are unaware. Aside from myself, you’re the only other person who knows.”(TL: four ways of medical diagnosis = look, smell, ask, and cut)As he thought about his dead master, Xiao Che could not stop his face from showing a sad and nostalgic expression. This was his most sincere emotion, without a shred of falsehood or artifice. This sincere emotion also affected Xia Qingyue, who, with complete conviction in Xiao Che’s words, gently said: “For you to be this young and yet have such shocking skill in acupuncture, it seems that your master definitely is a great doctor.”“He was the world’s greatest doctor, without peer!” Xiao Che firmly said.Xiao Che’s appearance caused Xia Qingyue’s inner doubt to unconsciously lessen by a bit. After hesitating for a bit, she finally made her up mind: “… Then, you are sure that what you said about letting me permanently cultivate thirty percent faster… is true?”“Since I said it, then I wouldn’t disgrace my master’s name as a doctor. En? You wouldn’t be… thinking about trying it?” Xiao Che turned around and looked at her with a face full of astonishment.Xia Qingyue let out a small sigh of relief, glancing over: “You’re sure you only need to see the back.”Xiao Che’s eyes lit up and his face moved closer. He smilingly said: “If you really want to show everything, then that’s okay too…”Xia Qingyue’s eyebrows drooped and her red sleeves unfurled. A sudden gust of cold wind assaulted Xiao Che’s entire body, causing him to shiver. She walked towards the bed, faintly saying: “Let’s start. Let me see if your medical techniques are as miraculous as you say… However, if you get any ideas, I definitely won’t forgive you.”Xiao Che gave a wily smile: “You could kill me with a slap. Even if I had ideas I wouldn’t dare try.”The box of silver needles and jar of crimson sunflower juice that had just been put away were once again brought out. Afterwards, he walked to the bedside and said with a solemn face to the Xia Qingyue already sitting on top the bed: “Undress!”It was a pure word but when shouted by Xiao Che, it gave an impression of an evil tyrant forcing himself upon an innocent woman.When thinking about this, the inner heart of even the incorruptible, and world defiant pure lotus that was Xia Qingyue, upon hearing this word, had some kind of reaction… However, the temptation of a permanent thirty percent increase to her cultivation speed was too much to bear. So much that it’s safe to say that no profound practitioners would be able to resist! This was because if it really succeeded, it’s the same as saying that with the same talent and comprehension, the same profound arts and profound skills, and the same environment and resources, the advancement from cultivating three years would be equivalent to the opposition’s cultivation of four years! After a centur
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ini menyentuh pengetahuan medis yang sangat kompleks. En, sangat kompleks, jadi saya tidak benar-benar ingin berbicara tentang hal itu. Juga, saya bertaruh bahwa bahkan jika saya jelaskan, Anda tidak akan dapat memahami, "Xiao Che samar-samar menjawab. Dahinya hampir melanggar keluar ke keringat dingin ... Dia awalnya percaya bahwa kata-kata sebelumnya ditambah dengan pengobatan akupunktur telah berhasil meyakinkan Xia Qingyue. Dia tidak berharap bahwa ia curiga akan bertanya tentang hal itu, dan langsung mengenai inti dari materi untuk boot ... Itu karena tidak ada sedikit pun hubungan antara kecepatan budidaya, dan udara dingin dan meridian. Untungnya, Xia Qingyue tidak melanjutkan garis nya pertanyaan. Tepat ketika Xiao Che selesai membungkus semuanya, dia berbicara lagi: "Hal-hal ini, di mana kau belajar mereka dari? Dari teknik akupunktur Anda sekarang, Anda pasti memiliki kualifikasi untuk bergabung sekolah-sekolah medis besar! Jika Anda benar-benar memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan apa yang Anda katakan, maka tidak menyebutkan kecil ini Mengambang Cloud City, semua Blue Wind Empire akan tahu nama Anda. Bagaimana Anda bisa tetap tidak diketahui, dan sebagai gantinya memiliki reputasi ini sebagai cacat? "Bergabung sekolah-sekolah medis? Xiao Che meringkuk bibirnya di jijik. Dia kemudian berbalik dan tenang menyatakan: "Hal-hal ini semua diajarkan kepada saya oleh tuanku." "Anda ... master" bulan Xiao Qingyue ini seperti alis berkedut?. Dia belum pernah mendengar tentang Xiao Che memiliki jenis tuan. "Master saya adalah seorang santo medis yang besar. Seluruh hidupnya dihabiskan menggunakan pengetahuannya untuk membantu orang, dan ia menyelamatkan sekarat tak terhitung jumlahnya dan orang terluka. Aku bertemu dengannya ketika saya masih sangat muda. Dia mengajari saya empat cara diagnosis medis, bagaimana menggunakan jarum, dan prinsip-prinsip farmakologi dan toksikologi. Dia mengajarkan saya bahwa di bawah langit, ada sejumlah tak terhitung obat-obatan dan racun, hama dan herbal. Saya hanya penggantinya. Kebaikannya kepada saya adalah berat seperti gunung, tidak mungkin untuk membayar dalam hidup ini ... Itu sebabnya saya tahu beberapa teknik medis. Adapun sisanya, Anda tidak harus meminta terlalu banyak. Juga, jangan katakan apapun luar yang saya praktek kedokteran. Bahkan kakek saya dan sedikit bibi tidak menyadari. Selain dari diriku sendiri, kau satu-satunya orang yang tahu ". (TL: empat cara diagnosis medis = melihat, bau, bertanya, dan memotong) Saat ia berpikir tentang master yang sudah meninggal, Xiao Che tidak bisa berhenti wajahnya dari menunjukkan ekspresi sedih dan nostalgia. Ini adalah emosi yang paling tulus, tanpa sedikit pun kepalsuan atau kecerdasan. Emosi yang tulus ini juga mempengaruhi Xia Qingyue, yang, dengan keyakinan lengkap dalam kata-kata Xiao Che, lembut berkata: ". Bagi Anda untuk menjadi ini muda dan belum memiliki keterampilan yang mengejutkan seperti di akupunktur, tampaknya tuanmu pasti adalah dokter hebat" " Dia adalah dokter terhebat di dunia, tanpa rekan! "tegas kata Xiao Che. penampilan Xiao Che disebabkan keraguan dalam Xia Qingyue untuk sadar mengurangi oleh sedikit. Setelah ragu-ragu untuk sedikit, dia akhirnya membuatnya memutuskan: "? ... Kemudian, Anda yakin bahwa apa yang Anda katakan tentang membiarkan saya secara permanen menumbuhkan tiga puluh persen lebih cepat ... benar" "Karena saya mengatakan itu, maka saya tidak akan mempermalukan saya Nama master sebagai dokter. En? Anda tidak akan ... berpikir tentang mencoba "Xiao Che berbalik dan menatapnya dengan wajah penuh keheranan.? Xia Qingyue mendesah kecil lega, melirik:" Kau yakin Anda hanya perlu melihat kembali. "Mata Xiao Che menyala dan wajahnya mendekat. Dia tersenyum berkata: "Jika Anda benar-benar ingin menunjukkan segala sesuatu, maka tidak apa-apa terlalu ..." alis Xia Qingyue terkulai dan lengan merahnya membentangkan. Embusan angin tiba-tiba dingin menyerang seluruh tubuh Xiao Che, menyebabkan dia menggigil. Dia berjalan menuju tempat tidur, samar-samar mengatakan: "Mari kita mulai. Biarkan saya melihat apakah teknik medis Anda adalah sebagai ajaib seperti yang Anda katakan ... Namun, jika Anda mendapatkan ide, saya pasti tidak akan memaafkanmu ". Xiao Che tersenyum licik:" Anda bisa membunuh saya dengan tamparan. Bahkan jika saya punya ide-ide saya tidak akan berani mencoba. "Kotak jarum perak dan stoples merah jus bunga matahari yang baru saja menyingkirkan sekali lagi dibawa keluar. Setelah itu, ia berjalan ke samping tempat tidur dan berkata dengan wajah serius ke Xia Qingyue sudah duduk di atas tempat tidur: "! Undress" Itu adalah kata murni tetapi ketika berteriak oleh Xiao Che, itu memberi kesan tiran jahat memaksa dirinya pada seorang wanita yang tidak bersalah. Ketika berpikir tentang hal ini, jantung batin bahkan tidak fana, dan lotus murni menantang dunia yang Xia Qingyue, setelah mendengar kata ini, memiliki semacam reaksi ... Namun, godaan dari kenaikan tiga puluh persen permanen kecepatan kultivasinya terlalu berat untuk ditanggung. Begitu banyak sehingga aman untuk mengatakan bahwa tidak ada praktisi yang mendalam akan mampu untuk melawan! Hal ini karena jika itu benar-benar berhasil, itu sama dengan mengatakan bahwa dengan bakat yang sama dan pemahaman, seni yang mendalam yang sama dan keterampilan yang mendalam, dan lingkungan yang sama dan sumber daya, kemajuan dari budidaya tiga tahun akan setara dengan budidaya oposisi dari empat tahun! Setelah centur sebuah

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