Hello My Darling, I don’t know how to start to extend my greetings to  terjemahan - Hello My Darling, I don’t know how to start to extend my greetings to  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hello My Darling, I don’t know how

Hello My Darling,
I don’t know how to start to extend my greetings to you but all I know that creator have bring us together have something important for us in future, I really appreciate all your love, kind and effort you are making towards me and I pray that God will bless you and guard you for me. I appreciate the way you are handling this transfer of my money to your country pending my arrival to meet with you to start a new life.
I can see what the Bank is demanding before they will transfer the money into your account. The only problem we have now is the power of attorney and Affidavit of claim, the bank  say that the document we be will be issued by a lawyer here in Senegal.
Presently, I have my late father's death certificate and the Deposit Certificate issued to my late father by the  Bank , which is presently with me now. After going through your mail, I discussed it with Rve Milk, because he is the only one that i told about it and he gave me the contact of this lawyer that work for UN REFUGEE here in Senegal, Barrister Dr Adeboya Katke, So I want you to contact the lawyer, telling him that you are my foreign partner, that you need his services to prepare a power of attorney and Affidavit of oath, that will enable you transfer of the sum of $ 5.5  Million U.S Dollar, from Bank on behalf of me due to my refugee status.
The lawyer contact information are as follows:
Barrister Dr Adeboya Katke.
No. 9 Cheik Anta Diop Av.
Dakar Senegal.
Email ; dradeboyakatkelawyer@live.com
Email ; dradeboyakatkelawyer@live.com
Telephone:    + 221-765 906 211
I will be waiting to hear from you after you have contact the lawyer, Meanwhile i don't have any money with me here to scan those two documents Deposit Certificate and Death Certificate of my father i have those two documents with me.
Thank you, my love for everything. I pray to God everyday to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.
Always and Forever Jovita
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hello My Darling, I don’t know how to start to extend my greetings to you but all I know that creator have bring us together have something important for us in future, I really appreciate all your love, kind and effort you are making towards me and I pray that God will bless you and guard you for me. I appreciate the way you are handling this transfer of my money to your country pending my arrival to meet with you to start a new life. I can see what the Bank is demanding before they will transfer the money into your account. The only problem we have now is the power of attorney and Affidavit of claim, the bank say that the document we be will be issued by a lawyer here in Senegal. Presently, I have my late father's death certificate and the Deposit Certificate issued to my late father by the Bank , which is presently with me now. After going through your mail, I discussed it with Rve Milk, because he is the only one that i told about it and he gave me the contact of this lawyer that work for UN REFUGEE here in Senegal, Barrister Dr Adeboya Katke, So I want you to contact the lawyer, telling him that you are my foreign partner, that you need his services to prepare a power of attorney and Affidavit of oath, that will enable you transfer of the sum of $ 5.5 Million U.S Dollar, from Bank on behalf of me due to my refugee status. The lawyer contact information are as follows: Barrister Dr Adeboya Katke.No. 9 Cheik Anta Diop Av.Dakar Senegal.Email; dradeboyakatkelawyer@Live.comEmail; dradeboyakatkelawyer@Live.comTelepon: + 221-765 906 211 Aku akan menunggu untuk mendengar dari Anda setelah Anda memiliki kontak pengacara, sementara aku tidak punya uang dengan saya di sini untuk memindai dokumen-dokumen tersebut dua sertifikat deposito dan sertifikat kematian ayahku bersamaku dua dokumen tersebut.Terima kasih, cinta saya untuk segalanya. Aku berdoa kepada Allah setiap hari supaya ia memberkati kamu dengan segala sesuatu yang Anda layak. Aku akan mencintaimu sampai akhir zaman. Selalu dan selamanya Jovita
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hello My Darling, aku tidak tahu bagaimana memulai untuk memperpanjang salam saya kepada Anda, tapi semua saya tahu bahwa pencipta telah membawa kita bersama-sama memiliki sesuatu yang penting bagi kita di masa depan, saya benar-benar menghargai semua cinta Anda, jenis dan usaha Anda membuat arah saya dan saya berdoa agar Tuhan memberkati Anda dan menjaga Anda untuk saya. Saya menghargai cara Anda menangani transfer ini uang saya ke negara Anda menunggu kedatangan saya untuk bertemu dengan Anda untuk memulai hidup baru. Saya bisa melihat apa yang Bank menuntut sebelum mereka akan mentransfer uang ke rekening Anda. Satu-satunya masalah yang kita miliki sekarang adalah kuasa dan Affidavit klaim, bank mengatakan bahwa dokumen kita menjadi akan dikeluarkan oleh seorang pengacara di Senegal. Saat ini, saya memiliki sertifikat kematian almarhum ayah saya dan Sertifikat Deposito dikeluarkan untuk saya almarhum ayah oleh Bank, yang saat ini dengan saya sekarang. Setelah melalui email Anda, saya membahas dengan Susu RVE, karena ia adalah satu-satunya yang saya diberitahu tentang hal itu dan dia memberi saya kontak pengacara ini yang bekerja untuk PBB PENGUNGSI di Senegal, Barrister Dr Adeboya Katke, Jadi saya ingin Anda untuk menghubungi pengacara, mengatakan kepadanya bahwa Anda adalah mitra asing saya, bahwa Anda membutuhkan jasanya untuk mempersiapkan surat kuasa dan Affidavit sumpah, yang akan memungkinkan Anda transfer jumlah sebesar $ 5,5 Juta Dollar AS, dari Bank atas nama . saya karena status pengungsi saya di informasi kontak pengacara adalah sebagai berikut: . Barrister Dr Adeboya Katke No. 9 Cheik Anta Diop Av. Dakar Senegal. Email; dradeboyakatkelawyer@live.com Email; dradeboyakatkelawyer@live.com Telepon: + 221-765 906 211 Aku akan menunggu untuk mendengar dari Anda setelah Anda memiliki menghubungi pengacara, Sementara saya tidak punya uang dengan saya di sini untuk memindai dua dokumen Deposit Sertifikat dan Kematian Sertifikat Ayah saya memiliki dua dokumen dengan saya. Terima kasih, cinta saya untuk semuanya. Saya berdoa kepada Tuhan setiap hari untuk memberkati Anda dengan segala sesuatu yang Anda pantas. Aku akan mencintaimu sampai akhir waktu. Selalu dan Selamanya Jovita






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