Brushes!”A ray is cen­tered on the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment shoots up to terjemahan - Brushes!”A ray is cen­tered on the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment shoots up to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Brushes!”A ray is cen­tered on the

A ray is cen­tered on the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment shoots up to the sky des­per­ately, shock-wave surg­ing sur­round­ings, I and Frost were also swept across, the open­ing eye that we go all out, dis­cov­ered fi­nally Luo Lin's body started to straighten up, as if de­spaired the stature that cured him to be dam­aged fast, the in­jury of chest by the naked eye may and speed was heal­ing.
„Luo Lin king ob­tained the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment to de­spair! Luo Lin king ob­tained the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment to de­spair!” Su Ke holds up the tom­a­hawk to cheer said.
One group of Dragon’s den armed sol­diers were also roar­ing: „Luo Lin king long live! Luo Lin king long live!”
How­ever at this mo­ment, Ling Han ac­tu­ally cor­ners of the mouth raise, the smile that sends out dis­dain­ing, said: „A dead dog, even if ob­tained des­per­ately, how? The great strength of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, lies in per­son who grasps mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, why can a per­son of body of Sword Saint con­trol des­per­ate this han­dle ul­ti­mate mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? The mis­for­tune that ha, lets the fa­ther asked for ad­vice des­per­ate fierce, how?”
The ray clears, Luo Lin is rais­ing des­per­ate, sta­tic stand­ing in the ruins, gains ground slowly, said: „If you hope!”
The crushed stone spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, Luo Lin jumped to fire into Ling Han sud­denly, both hands has gripped the sword hilt, one time flew high di­vid­ing that oc­cu­pied a com­mand­ing po­si­tion to cut out­ra­geously!
Ling Han has not spo­ken, both hands raise the sickle, comes to square to keep off the des­per­ate at­tack with the han­dle of sickle!
The deaf­en­ing sound con­veys, an en­tire rock ground di­rect dis­in­te­gra­tion falls, the spot that two han­dle god sol­diers col­lide had the erup­tion of en­ergy storm, trim rock di­rect evap­o­ra­tion!
Is built on above a bowl-shaped scoop chan­nel hang­ingly, Ling Han retro­ceded dozens me­ters, the cor­ners of the mouth raise: „It looks like also the good ap­pear­ance, but only this strength words, must die!”
The arm shiv­ers slightly, the ice fi­nally started coldly earnestly, hell Fu Wen were re­volv­ing around the arm, in ad­di­tion held above the mis­for­tune, his com­plex­ion be­came fiercer, both hands raised the sickle, quack said with a smile: „Come, lives off one's par­ents ‚frost night elegy’!”
The blood red color rushed the sickle, Ling Han the body as if trans­formed greatly, the sickle plun­dered spa­tially, „brushed” at­tacked con­sec­u­tively for three at­tacks to Luo Lin, but Luo Lin did not have the means that can only to come to square to keep off des­per­ately!
„Clang clang clang”
The flame soars to the heav­ens, the en­tire moun­tain as if must dis­in­te­grate gen­er­ally, the cy­clone dances in the air, after set­tling down, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Ling Han al­ready Ao Li in air­borne, but Luo Lin dis­tressed hold­ing up sword falls into among the de­tri­tuses, the cor­ners of the mouth blood cross­flow, after all the strength of both sides dis­parately is quite once again big, even if were Luo Lin ob­tains des­per­ately as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally been able to de­feat the op­po­site party.
Ling Han the cor­ners of the mouth are hav­ing con­temp­tu­ous happy ex­pres­sion: „Did Luo Lin, you see? Even if there is mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, I can grind you as be­fore with ease, in the final analy­sis, your this type of trash does not match the use to de­spair, come, gives me des­per­ately, I can con­sider to be­stow your en­tire corpse!”
Luo Lin grips tightly the long sword: „Has a dream!”
„This is you courts death!”
The ice raises the arm coldly, death strengths gath­ered in the palm, was one time throws the at­tack sud­denly, im­me­di­ately „bang” a Luo Lin was cov­ered by the cy­clonic storm, whole body armor inches (2.54 cm) were cut to pieces, painful not being able to bear ex­uded the mis­er­able howl­ing sound, but has not let loose as be­fore grabs the des­per­ate
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Brushes!”A ray is cen­tered on the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment shoots up to the sky des­per­ately, shock-wave surg­ing sur­round­ings, I and Frost were also swept across, the open­ing eye that we go all out, dis­cov­ered fi­nally Luo Lin's body started to straighten up, as if de­spaired the stature that cured him to be dam­aged fast, the in­jury of chest by the naked eye may and speed was heal­ing.„Luo Lin king ob­tained the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment to de­spair! Luo Lin king ob­tained the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment to de­spair!” Su Ke holds up the tom­a­hawk to cheer said.One group of Dragon’s den armed sol­diers were also roar­ing: „Luo Lin king long live! Luo Lin king long live!”How­ever at this mo­ment, Ling Han ac­tu­ally cor­ners of the mouth raise, the smile that sends out dis­dain­ing, said: „A dead dog, even if ob­tained des­per­ately, how? The great strength of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, lies in per­son who grasps mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, why can a per­son of body of Sword Saint con­trol des­per­ate this han­dle ul­ti­mate mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? The mis­for­tune that ha, lets the fa­ther asked for ad­vice des­per­ate fierce, how?”The ray clears, Luo Lin is rais­ing des­per­ate, sta­tic stand­ing in the ruins, gains ground slowly, said: „If you hope!”„!”The crushed stone spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, Luo Lin jumped to fire into Ling Han sud­denly, both hands has gripped the sword hilt, one time flew high di­vid­ing that oc­cu­pied a com­mand­ing po­si­tion to cut out­ra­geously!Ling Han has not spo­ken, both hands raise the sickle, comes to square to keep off the des­per­ate at­tack with the han­dle of sickle!„Bang!”The deaf­en­ing sound con­veys, an en­tire rock ground di­rect dis­in­te­gra­tion falls, the spot that two han­dle god sol­diers col­lide had the erup­tion of en­ergy storm, trim rock di­rect evap­o­ra­tion!Is built on above a bowl-shaped scoop chan­nel hang­ingly, Ling Han retro­ceded dozens me­ters, the cor­ners of the mouth raise: „It looks like also the good ap­pear­ance, but only this strength words, must die!”The arm shiv­ers slightly, the ice fi­nally started coldly earnestly, hell Fu Wen were re­volv­ing around the arm, in ad­di­tion held above the mis­for­tune, his com­plex­ion be­came fiercer, both hands raised the sickle, quack said with a smile: „Come, lives off one's par­ents ‚frost night elegy’!”„Hong!”The blood red color rushed the sickle, Ling Han the body as if trans­formed greatly, the sickle plun­dered spa­tially, „brushed” at­tacked con­sec­u­tively for three at­tacks to Luo Lin, but Luo Lin did not have the means that can only to come to square to keep off des­per­ately!„Clang clang clang”
The flame soars to the heav­ens, the en­tire moun­tain as if must dis­in­te­grate gen­er­ally, the cy­clone dances in the air, after set­tling down, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Ling Han al­ready Ao Li in air­borne, but Luo Lin dis­tressed hold­ing up sword falls into among the de­tri­tuses, the cor­ners of the mouth blood cross­flow, after all the strength of both sides dis­parately is quite once again big, even if were Luo Lin ob­tains des­per­ately as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally been able to de­feat the op­po­site party.
Ling Han the cor­ners of the mouth are hav­ing con­temp­tu­ous happy ex­pres­sion: „Did Luo Lin, you see? Even if there is mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, I can grind you as be­fore with ease, in the final analy­sis, your this type of trash does not match the use to de­spair, come, gives me des­per­ately, I can con­sider to be­stow your en­tire corpse!”
Luo Lin grips tightly the long sword: „Has a dream!”
„This is you courts death!”
The ice raises the arm coldly, death strengths gath­ered in the palm, was one time throws the at­tack sud­denly, im­me­di­ately „bang” a Luo Lin was cov­ered by the cy­clonic storm, whole body armor inches (2.54 cm) were cut to pieces, painful not being able to bear ex­uded the mis­er­able howl­ing sound, but has not let loose as be­fore grabs the des­per­ate
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sikat! "
Sebuah sinar berpusat pada instrumen magis tunas hingga langit putus asa, gelombang kejut bergelombang sekitarnya, saya dan Frost juga menyapu, pembukaan mata yang kita semua tahu, ditemukan akhirnya tubuh Luo Lin mulai meluruskan , seakan putus asa perawakannya yang sembuh dia akan cepat rusak, cedera dada dengan mata telanjang mungkin dan kecepatan penyembuhan.
"Luo Lin raja diperoleh instrumen magis putus asa! ! Luo Lin raja diperoleh instrumen magis putus asa "Su Ke memegang tomahawk untuk bersorak kata.
Satu kelompok tentara bersenjata den Dragon juga menderu:" Luo Lin raja lama hidup! ! Luo Lin raja lama hidup "
Namun pada saat ini, Ling Han sebenarnya sudut kenaikan mulut, senyum yang mengirimkan meremehkan, mengatakan:" A anjing mati, bahkan jika diperoleh putus asa, bagaimana? Kekuatan besar instrumen magis, terletak pada orang yang menggenggam instrumen magis, mengapa orang dari tubuh Sword Saint kontrol putus asa ini menangani instrumen magis ultimate bisa? ? Kemalangan yang ha, memungkinkan sang ayah meminta saran sengit putus asa, bagaimana "
ray yang membersihkan, Luo Lin adalah meningkatkan putus asa, berdiri statis di reruntuhan, keuntungan tanah perlahan, mengatakan:" Jika Anda berharap "!
​​"! "
The hancur spatters batu ke segala arah, Luo Lin melompat ke api ke Ling Han tiba-tiba, kedua tangan telah mencengkeram gagang pedang, satu kali terbang pemisah tinggi yang menduduki posisi memerintah untuk memotong penghinaan!
Ling Han belum berbicara, kedua tangan mengangkat sabitnya, datang ke persegi untuk menjaga dari serangan putus asa dengan gagang sabit!
The yang melekat suara memekakkan telinga, sebuah tanah batu seluruh disintegrasi langsung jatuh, tempat dua pegangan prajurit dewa bertabrakan memiliki letusan badai energi, trim batu langsung ! penguapan
Apakah dibangun di atas saluran sendok berbentuk mangkuk hangingly, Ling Han retroceded puluhan meter, sudut-sudut kenaikan mulut: "Sepertinya juga penampilan yang baik, tapi hanya ini kata-kata kekuatan, harus mati!"
lengan menggigil sedikit , es akhirnya mulai dingin dengan sungguh-sungguh, neraka Fu Wen yang berputar di sekitar lengan, selain diadakan atas kemalangan, kulitnya menjadi lebih ganas, kedua tangan mengangkat sabit, dukun berkata sambil tersenyum: "Ayo, hidup dari orang tua seseorang, es malam elegi '! "
" Hong! "
The warna merah darah bergegas sabit, Ling Han tubuh seakan berubah sangat, sabit menjarah spasial," disikat "menyerang berturut-turut selama tiga serangan ke Luo Lin, tapi Luo Lin tidak memiliki berarti yang hanya datang untuk persegi untuk menjaga off putus asa!
"dentang dentang dentang"
api menjulang ke langit, seluruh gunung seakan harus hancur umumnya, tarian siklon di udara, setelah menetap, benar-benar menemukan bahwa Ling Han sudah Ao Li di udara, tapi Luo Lin tertekan memegang pedang jatuh ke antara detrituses, sudut-sudut crossflow darah mulut, setelah semua kekuatan dari kedua belah pihak disparately cukup sekali lagi besar, bahkan jika itu Luo Lin memperoleh putus asa seperti sebelumnya belum benar-benar mampu mengalahkan pihak lawan.
Ling Han sudut mulut mengalami ekspresi senang menghina: "Apakah Luo Lin, Anda lihat? Bahkan jika ada instrumen ajaib, saya dapat menggiling Anda seperti sebelumnya dengan mudah, dalam analisis akhir, tipe ini Anda sampah tidak cocok dengan penggunaan putus asa, datang, memberi saya putus asa, saya dapat mempertimbangkan untuk melimpahkan seluruh mayat Anda! "
Luo Lin grip erat pedang panjang: "Memiliki mimpi!"
"ini adalah Anda pengadilan kematian"!
es menimbulkan lengan dingin, kekuatan kematian berkumpul di telapak tangan, satu waktu melempar serangan tiba-tiba, segera "bang" a luo Lin ditutupi oleh badai siklon, seluruh inci pelindung tubuh (2,54 cm) dipotong-potong, menyakitkan tidak mampu menanggung memancarkan suara melolong menyedihkan, namun belum dilepaskan seperti sebelumnya meraih putus asa
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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