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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
making the ideology of counselling less apparent to both ourselvesand clients than perhaps is desirable.Power is a complex and pervasive concept in our lives generally,being a significant element in every relationship and a main motivatinginfluence. Indeed all relationships, whether between one individualand another, between one group and another, or between rulersand subjects, can be said to be the result of power. In counselling,power may be used legitimately to empower others in anti-oppressivepractice or illegitimately to oppress others in malpractice. Power isalso an element in the competitiveness of life, of the struggle forresources, employment and education. Counsellors, too, can experiencea lack of power, not least being the commonly expressed frustrationat having the number of sessions available for each clientdictated by agency requirements rather than client needs, and this canhelp them to understand the powerlessness experienced by clients. Inwork with marginalised people seeking to counteract negative imagesof life, negative life experiences, blocked opportunities and unrelentingphysical and emotional distress, it is essential to recognise howpower links to the personal:counselling does not take place in a social or ideological vacuum, it is a productof its time and place, as much as any other cultural product, and if this isthe case, it follows that counselling itself will reflect the political ideas of thehadir. (Kearney, 1996, halaman 88)Di bawah ini kita meneliti bagaimana kekuatan pasti didistribusikan tidak samaantara konselor dan klien, dan bagaimana ini memiliki potensi untukmelemahkan klien terlepas dari niat baik hatikonselor.Kekuatan dan hubungan terapeutikFaktor utama yang menutupi ideologi konseling muncul darimenempati liminal peran konselor. Meskipun konselor tidakmenempati posisi di lembaga-lembaga sosial yang terang-terangan diakui sebagai kuat,kenyataan bahwa mereka berurusan dengan orang-orang ' dalam bahaya jatuhatau jatuh keluar ' (McLeod, 1998, MS 7) berarti bahwa peran mereka adalah untuk membantuorang untuk cocok kembali ke lembaga-lembaga masyarakat karena mereka saat ini dibentuk.Konseling dapat menawarkan cara yang dikenal dan menjadi orang-orangmendengar, namun pada masyarakat syarat. Jadi peran sentral konseling adalahyang mempromosikan status quo, menjadi anak-anak ini mendorong untuk pergi20 penilaian dalam konseling
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