Chapter 168 – Beauty is fragileNie Li nodded his head. That is the hun terjemahan - Chapter 168 – Beauty is fragileNie Li nodded his head. That is the hun Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 168 – Beauty is fragileNie

Chapter 168 – Beauty is fragile

Nie Li nodded his head. That is the hundred million level demon beast horde that they’re talking about; therefore, they have to start making preparations.

Yang Xin’s face turned stern and said, “Understood, I’ll make arrangement to this matter.”

“Then I’ll take my leave first.” Nie Li said, after thinking awhile, it’s enough now that Yang Xin understood.

“Little brother Nie Li, you’re leaving so soon? Do you still have some urgent matters?” Yang Xin said, smiling charmingly while looking at Nie Li.

“I don’t have any urgent matters, at the moment.” said Nie Li, shaking his head.

“Then, why don’t you stay and accompany sister to have a drink?” Yang Xin pursed her lips and smiled. Seeing Nie Li’s hesitant look, “Could it be that little brother Nie Li is worried that sister will eat you up?”

Coming from Ye Ziyun’s place, Nie Li’s mood hasn’t been that good the whole trip here. He wasn’t worried that Yang Xin would eat him up at all. Although Yang Xin has showed such an appearance, but within her heart, she just wanted to tease Nie Li. The reason why Yang Xin was able to sit at the position of the Alchemist Association’s Director position wasn’t because of her looks, but because of her methods of handling stuff. She’s able to manage the entire Alchemist Association so well. In the future, there will be many things that he will need help from Yang Xin with.

“Okay then, I’ll accompany big sister Yang to have a drink.” Nie Li replied, after pondering awhile.

The sky darkened, Nie Li and Yang Xin were sitting on the stone table in the courtyard.

“What kind of world is beyond Glory City? Ever since birth, I, Yang Xin, have grown up within Glory City. The furthest I’ve gone, is to some ruins tens of miles away. Like a caged bird, this life is so boring!” Yang Xin lamented, slightly drunk.

Taking a look at Yang Xin, Nie Li’s gaze shifted to the distant sky and said, “Outside Glory City, there’s the St. Ancestral Mountains. The St. Ancestral Mountains stretches for thousands of miles, with two tribes still luckily surviving. Further out of the St. Ancestral Mountains, to the east, would be the Endless Desert, in the west there are barren lands, plains, Toxic Forest and a lot other places. All of those places still have people surviving. There are demon beasts everywhere in the Divine Continent. There are even dozens of continents beyond the Divine Continent. These continents are the main worlds, within the main world, there are many other subsidiary realms. Outside these worlds, there’s another domain……”

Hearing the latter part, Yang Xin couldn’t understand anything that Nie Li is talking about. What Main World? What subsidiary realm? What other domain? She can only guess that the world that Nie Li spoke of should be extremely huge, to the extent that she’ll never be able to gaze her eyes upon in her entire life.

Yang Xin sighed at the insignificance of humans. In this vast world, they’re trapped in this small Glory City and are struggling to survive.

“To the vast world, cheers……” Yang Xin rose her head and gulped the entire cup in one go. “I, Yang Xin, am an orphan. I suffered all kinds of ridicule when I was a child and slowly climbed my way up to my current position. What did I rely on? Appearance? Wrong, I relied on strength! Until now, those men who competed with me, which one of them are not convinced?”

Yang Xin is drunk. When Nie Li thought about Ye Ziyun, he couldn’t help feeling dejected and then gulped the wine in his hand as well.

“For big sister Yang’s strength, cheers!”

“This Director of the Alchemist Association position that I have sat on, there have been many people eyeing it, but I still sat on it firmly. But so what? I have acquaintances all over the world, but no one understands my heart!” Yang Xin bitterly smiled and drank another cup, “I have fought for my entire life, but found out that everything is so meaningless.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 168 – Beauty is fragileNie Li nodded his head. That is the hundred million level demon beast horde that they’re talking about; therefore, they have to start making preparations.Yang Xin’s face turned stern and said, “Understood, I’ll make arrangement to this matter.”“Then I’ll take my leave first.” Nie Li said, after thinking awhile, it’s enough now that Yang Xin understood.“Little brother Nie Li, you’re leaving so soon? Do you still have some urgent matters?” Yang Xin said, smiling charmingly while looking at Nie Li.“I don’t have any urgent matters, at the moment.” said Nie Li, shaking his head.“Then, why don’t you stay and accompany sister to have a drink?” Yang Xin pursed her lips and smiled. Seeing Nie Li’s hesitant look, “Could it be that little brother Nie Li is worried that sister will eat you up?”Coming from Ye Ziyun’s place, Nie Li’s mood hasn’t been that good the whole trip here. He wasn’t worried that Yang Xin would eat him up at all. Although Yang Xin has showed such an appearance, but within her heart, she just wanted to tease Nie Li. The reason why Yang Xin was able to sit at the position of the Alchemist Association’s Director position wasn’t because of her looks, but because of her methods of handling stuff. She’s able to manage the entire Alchemist Association so well. In the future, there will be many things that he will need help from Yang Xin with.
“Okay then, I’ll accompany big sister Yang to have a drink.” Nie Li replied, after pondering awhile.

The sky darkened, Nie Li and Yang Xin were sitting on the stone table in the courtyard.

“What kind of world is beyond Glory City? Ever since birth, I, Yang Xin, have grown up within Glory City. The furthest I’ve gone, is to some ruins tens of miles away. Like a caged bird, this life is so boring!” Yang Xin lamented, slightly drunk.

Taking a look at Yang Xin, Nie Li’s gaze shifted to the distant sky and said, “Outside Glory City, there’s the St. Ancestral Mountains. The St. Ancestral Mountains stretches for thousands of miles, with two tribes still luckily surviving. Further out of the St. Ancestral Mountains, to the east, would be the Endless Desert, in the west there are barren lands, plains, Toxic Forest and a lot other places. All of those places still have people surviving. There are demon beasts everywhere in the Divine Continent. There are even dozens of continents beyond the Divine Continent. These continents are the main worlds, within the main world, there are many other subsidiary realms. Outside these worlds, there’s another domain……”

Hearing the latter part, Yang Xin couldn’t understand anything that Nie Li is talking about. What Main World? What subsidiary realm? What other domain? She can only guess that the world that Nie Li spoke of should be extremely huge, to the extent that she’ll never be able to gaze her eyes upon in her entire life.

Yang Xin sighed at the insignificance of humans. In this vast world, they’re trapped in this small Glory City and are struggling to survive.

“To the vast world, cheers……” Yang Xin rose her head and gulped the entire cup in one go. “I, Yang Xin, am an orphan. I suffered all kinds of ridicule when I was a child and slowly climbed my way up to my current position. What did I rely on? Appearance? Wrong, I relied on strength! Until now, those men who competed with me, which one of them are not convinced?”

Yang Xin is drunk. When Nie Li thought about Ye Ziyun, he couldn’t help feeling dejected and then gulped the wine in his hand as well.

“For big sister Yang’s strength, cheers!”

“This Director of the Alchemist Association position that I have sat on, there have been many people eyeing it, but I still sat on it firmly. But so what? I have acquaintances all over the world, but no one understands my heart!” Yang Xin bitterly smiled and drank another cup, “I have fought for my entire life, but found out that everything is so meaningless.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 168 - Kecantikan adalah rapuh Nie Li mengangguk kepalanya. Itu adalah seratus juta tingkat setan binatang gerombolan yang mereka bicarakan; Oleh karena itu, mereka harus mulai membuat persiapan. Wajah Yang Xin berubah tegas dan berkata, "Mengerti, aku akan membuat pengaturan untuk hal ini." "Lalu aku akan mengambil cuti pertama saya." Nie Li mengatakan, setelah berpikir beberapa saat, itu cukup sekarang yang Xin dipahami. "saudara kecil Nie Li, kau pergi begitu cepat? Apakah Anda masih memiliki beberapa hal yang mendesak? "Kata Yang Xin, tersenyum apik sambil melihat Nie Li. " Saya tidak punya masalah mendesak, pada saat ini. "Kata Nie Li, menggelengkan kepala. " Lalu, mengapa don ' t Anda tinggal dan menemani adik untuk minum? "yang Xin mengerutkan bibirnya dan tersenyum. Melihat tampilan ragu Nie Li, "Mungkinkah adik Nie Li khawatir bahwa adik akan makan Anda?" Datang dari tempat Ye Ziyun ini, suasana hati Nie Li belum yang baik seluruh perjalanan di sini. Dia tidak khawatir bahwa Yang Xin akan makan dia sama sekali. Meskipun Yang Xin telah menunjukkan penampilan seperti itu, tapi dalam hatinya, dia hanya ingin menggoda Nie Li. Alasan mengapa Yang Xin mampu duduk di posisi posisi Direktur Alchemist Asosiasi itu bukan karena penampilannya, tetapi karena metode nya penanganan barang. Dia mampu mengelola seluruh Alchemist Asosiasi begitu baik. Di masa depan, akan ada banyak hal yang ia akan membutuhkan bantuan dari Yang Xin dengan. "Baiklah, aku akan menemani kakak Yang untuk minum." Nie Li menjawab, setelah merenungkan beberapa saat. Langit gelap, Nie Li dan yang Xin sedang duduk di meja batu di halaman. "dunia macam apa di luar Glory City? Sejak lahir, aku, Yang Xin, telah tumbuh dalam Glory City. Terjauh aku pergi, adalah untuk beberapa reruntuhan puluhan mil jauhnya. Seperti burung dalam sangkar, hidup ini begitu membosankan! "Yang Xin keluh, sedikit mabuk. Mengambil melihat Yang Xin, tatapan Nie Li bergeser ke langit jauh dan berkata," Di luar Glory Kota, ada St. Ancestral Mountains. The St. Ancestral Pegunungan membentang ribuan mil, dengan dua suku masih untungnya masih hidup. Lebih jauh dari Ancestral Gunung St., ke timur, akan menjadi Gurun tak berujung, di barat ada lahan tandus, dataran, Forest Racun dan banyak tempat-tempat lain. Semua tempat-tempat masih memiliki orang-orang yang masih hidup. Ada binatang setan di mana-mana di Benua Ilahi. Bahkan ada puluhan benua di luar Benua Ilahi yang. Benua ini adalah dunia utama, dalam dunia utama, ada banyak alam anak perusahaan lainnya. Di luar dunia ini, ada domain lain ...... " Mendengar bagian akhir, Yang Xin tidak bisa memahami apa pun yang Nie Li bicarakan. Apa Main Dunia? Apa ranah anak? Apa domain lainnya? Dia hanya bisa menebak bahwa dunia yang Nie Li berbicara tentang harus sangat besar, sampai-sampai dia tidak akan pernah bisa menatap matanya saat di sepanjang hidupnya. Yang Xin mendesah di minimnya manusia. Dalam dunia yang luas ini, mereka terjebak di Glory Kota kecil ini dan berjuang untuk bertahan hidup. "Untuk dunia luas, cheers ......" Yang Xin naik kepalanya dan menelan seluruh cangkir dalam satu pergi. "Saya, Yang Xin, seorang yatim piatu. Saya menderita segala macam cemoohan ketika saya masih kecil dan perlahan-lahan naik jalan ke posisi saya saat ini. Apa yang saya mengandalkan? Penampilan? Salah, saya mengandalkan kekuatan! Sampai saat ini, orang-orang yang berlaga dengan saya, yang salah satu dari mereka tidak yakin? " Yang Xin mabuk. Ketika Nie Li berpikir tentang Ye Ziyun, ia tidak bisa menahan perasaan sedih dan kemudian meneguk anggur di tangannya juga. "Untuk kakak kekuatan Yang, cheers!" "Ini Direktur posisi Alchemist Association bahwa saya telah duduk di, ada banyak orang melirik itu, tapi aku masih duduk di atasnya tegas. Tapi jadi apa? Saya memiliki kenalan di seluruh dunia, tapi tidak ada yang mengerti hatiku! "Yang Xin pahit tersenyum dan minum secangkir," Saya telah berjuang untuk seluruh hidup saya, tetapi menemukan bahwa semuanya begitu berarti. "

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