combined? But it is wrong to describe Singapore as boring. As one who  terjemahan - combined? But it is wrong to describe Singapore as boring. As one who  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

combined? But it is wrong to descri

But it is wrong to describe Singapore as boring. As one who have lived in Europe and travelled to over one hundred countries, I find Singapore a very unique and exciting place, not just what one can do and see here, but also the accessibility to surrounding places within three hours road/sea travelling time. Here are some reasons why I find Singapore exciting:

- Singapore is a melting pot of cultures that have retained our traditions in a modern environment. Traditional festivals and cultures are very much alive despite the IT savvy culture and modern appearance. On average, there is one festival or event every week or two. - Despite popular belief, there are a number of historical districts and architectural unique and well-conserved areas within Singapore.
- For a small island of close to 700 sq km, Singapore has quite a few well-preserved nature spots and reserves, including primary rain forest and mangrove swamps. One of the most important rest/feeding stations in the world for migratory birds is the Sungei Buloh reserve here. Ubin Island to the NE is a great nature gem too.
- Singapore is a tropical island paradise with great beaches at Sentosa and East Coast, plus the southern islands of St John, Kusu and Sisters Islands.
- Singapore is a city of arts, culture and museum. The Esplanade has turned Singapore into a premier city in Asia for arts and theatre performance. The Asian Civilization Museum does not have the treasures of either the Louvre or British Museum, but with its extensive collection and informative displays, provides a much better introduction into the history and exotic cultures of Asia.
- Singapore is the heaven of eating! There are more than 20,000 eating-places in a small country with 4 million people. One eating-place for every 200 people! Numerous international cuisines as well as a lively, fiery and varied local cuisine too.
- Singapore remains a major shopping hub, although that edge has eroded over the years.
- Singapore is the heart of Southeast Asia. Three hours by air get you anywhere to the capitals of the region. Three hours by road or sea get you to the historic Malaysian city of Melaka, the serene and beautiful countryside of Johor Malaysia, and the wonderful beaches of the Indonesian islands of Batam, Bintan and Sumatra.

I will not attempt to create a guide of Singapore here. What I have done and intend to do more in the future is to document selected sights, customs and festivals of Singapore through a mixture of articles and photos. I will also maintain a digest of articles on selected topics here. There are a few links here but I do not intend to create an extensive database of links because they tend to expire with time. Hope all these would be useful!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
combined? But it is wrong to describe Singapore as boring. As one who have lived in Europe and travelled to over one hundred countries, I find Singapore a very unique and exciting place, not just what one can do and see here, but also the accessibility to surrounding places within three hours road/sea travelling time. Here are some reasons why I find Singapore exciting:- Singapore is a melting pot of cultures that have retained our traditions in a modern environment. Traditional festivals and cultures are very much alive despite the IT savvy culture and modern appearance. On average, there is one festival or event every week or two. - Despite popular belief, there are a number of historical districts and architectural unique and well-conserved areas within Singapore. - For a small island of close to 700 sq km, Singapore has quite a few well-preserved nature spots and reserves, including primary rain forest and mangrove swamps. One of the most important rest/feeding stations in the world for migratory birds is the Sungei Buloh reserve here. Ubin Island to the NE is a great nature gem too.- Singapore is a tropical island paradise with great beaches at Sentosa and East Coast, plus the southern islands of St John, Kusu and Sisters Islands. - Singapore is a city of arts, culture and museum. The Esplanade has turned Singapore into a premier city in Asia for arts and theatre performance. The Asian Civilization Museum does not have the treasures of either the Louvre or British Museum, but with its extensive collection and informative displays, provides a much better introduction into the history and exotic cultures of Asia.- Singapore is the heaven of eating! There are more than 20,000 eating-places in a small country with 4 million people. One eating-place for every 200 people! Numerous international cuisines as well as a lively, fiery and varied local cuisine too.- Singapore remains a major shopping hub, although that edge has eroded over the years.- Singapore is the heart of Southeast Asia. Three hours by air get you anywhere to the capitals of the region. Three hours by road or sea get you to the historic Malaysian city of Melaka, the serene and beautiful countryside of Johor Malaysia, and the wonderful beaches of the Indonesian islands of Batam, Bintan and Sumatra.I will not attempt to create a guide of Singapore here. What I have done and intend to do more in the future is to document selected sights, customs and festivals of Singapore through a mixture of articles and photos. I will also maintain a digest of articles on selected topics here. There are a few links here but I do not intend to create an extensive database of links because they tend to expire with time. Hope all these would be useful!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tapi itu salah untuk menggambarkan Singapura sebagai membosankan. Sebagai salah satu yang telah tinggal di Eropa dan melakukan perjalanan ke lebih dari seratus negara, saya menemukan Singapura tempat yang sangat unik dan menarik, bukan hanya apa yang bisa dilakukan dan melihat di sini, tetapi juga aksesibilitas ke tempat-tempat sekitarnya dalam waktu tiga jam jalan / laut bepergian . Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa saya menemukan Singapura menarik: - Singapura adalah melting pot budaya yang telah mempertahankan tradisi kami dalam lingkungan modern. Festival tradisional dan budaya yang sangat hidup meskipun budaya IT savvy dan penampilan modern. Rata-rata, ada satu festival atau acara setiap minggu atau dua. - Meskipun kepercayaan populer, ada sejumlah kabupaten sejarah dan daerah yang unik dan baik-dilestarikan arsitektur di Singapura. - Untuk sebuah pulau kecil dekat dengan 700 km persegi, Singapura memiliki beberapa bintik-bintik dan cagar alam terawat baik, termasuk primer hutan hujan dan rawa-rawa bakau. Salah satu stasiun istirahat / makan yang paling penting di dunia untuk burung migran adalah cadangan Sungei Buloh di sini. Ubin Pulau ke NE adalah sifat permata besar juga. - Singapura adalah sebuah pulau surga tropis dengan pantai besar di Sentosa dan Pantai Timur, ditambah pulau-pulau selatan St John, Kusu dan Kepulauan Sisters. - Singapura adalah kota seni, budaya dan museum. Esplanade telah berubah Singapura menjadi kota utama di Asia untuk seni dan pertunjukan teater. Asian Civilization Museum tidak memiliki harta baik Louvre atau Museum Inggris, tetapi dengan koleksi dan menampilkan informatif, memberikan pengenalan yang lebih baik ke dalam sejarah dan budaya eksotis dari Asia. - Singapura adalah surga makan! Ada lebih dari 20.000 makan-tempat di sebuah negara kecil dengan 4 juta orang. Satu makan-tempat untuk setiap 200 orang! Sejumlah masakan internasional serta masakan lokal yang hidup, berapi-api dan beragam juga. - Singapura tetap menjadi hub perbelanjaan besar, meskipun tepi yang telah terkikis selama bertahun-tahun. - Singapura adalah jantung dari Asia Tenggara. Tiga jam dengan pesawat mendapatkan Anda di mana saja ke ibukota daerah. Tiga jam perjalanan darat atau laut membawa Anda ke kota Malaysia bersejarah Melaka, pedesaan yang tenang dan indah dari Johor Malaysia, dan pantai yang indah dari pulau-pulau Indonesia dari Batam, Bintan dan Sumatera. Saya tidak akan mencoba untuk membuat sebuah panduan Singapura sini. Apa yang saya lakukan dan berniat untuk melakukan lebih di masa depan adalah untuk mendokumentasikan pemandangan yang dipilih, adat dan festival dari Singapura melalui campuran artikel dan foto. Saya juga akan mempertahankan digest artikel tentang topik yang dipilih di sini. Ada beberapa link di sini tapi saya tidak berniat untuk membuat sebuah database yang luas dari link karena mereka cenderung berakhir dengan waktu. Berharap semua ini akan berguna!

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