Once upon a time there lived a young man,named wuwu. He lived a very p terjemahan - Once upon a time there lived a young man,named wuwu. He lived a very p Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Once upon a time there lived a youn

Once upon a time there lived a young man,named wuwu. He lived a very poor life hence he is a pious man who served god sincerely.
One day wuwu went to town to look for a job. Since his village was a remote area, he had to climb up the hill,and went through a thick jungle to be able to get to a nearest town.
Suddenly when he was in a deep jungle he heard murmuring sounds from a bush. When he approached, he found some people gathering around a big tree. Wuwu knew that they were doing some magic rituals. They were giving a service to an evil spirit that inhabited the old magic tree. Wuwu realized that the people were doing a syirik, a strictly forbidden ritual which deserved a strict warning.
Wuwu thought it was a precious moment to get god's willing by warning people who were going astray. Then he took out a big sharp axe and planned to cut down the tree.
When he was about to swing his axe to the tree trunk, a horrible big monster jumped off the tree and attacked wuwu severely. Wuwu could avoid every attack and fought back with a dreadful power attack. The monster was beaten easily. When wuwu was going to kill the monster, it waved its hand and said, " wait! wait! wait! man wait! before you kill me, listen to my last pledge, i'd be very gratefulif you let me alive. i promise to make you rich,if you don't kill me". Wuwu hesitated for a moment, but a temptation to be rich easily made him trust what the monster had promised.
Wuwu, the went home. The following morning, when Lie had finished a morning pray, he removed his praying mat. What happened then? He found a big surprise: gold coins scatered under his praying mat. No wonder, then he became the richest young man in the country.
To his surprise, one morning wuwu found nothing under his praying mat. It seemed that the monster had stopped its supply.
Wuwu got very angry; Lie took his sharp axe, then went to the jungle to cut down the magic tree and to kill the monster.
Arriving at the tree which was supposed to be the monster's castle. Wuwu began to cut the tree down. Suddenly the monster appeared and tried to stop him. Then they involved in a big fight, but this time wuwu was beaten easily.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Once upon a time there lived a young man,named wuwu. He lived a very poor life hence he is a pious man who served god sincerely.One day wuwu went to town to look for a job. Since his village was a remote area, he had to climb up the hill,and went through a thick jungle to be able to get to a nearest town.Suddenly when he was in a deep jungle he heard murmuring sounds from a bush. When he approached, he found some people gathering around a big tree. Wuwu knew that they were doing some magic rituals. They were giving a service to an evil spirit that inhabited the old magic tree. Wuwu realized that the people were doing a syirik, a strictly forbidden ritual which deserved a strict warning.Wuwu thought it was a precious moment to get god's willing by warning people who were going astray. Then he took out a big sharp axe and planned to cut down the tree.When he was about to swing his axe to the tree trunk, a horrible big monster jumped off the tree and attacked wuwu severely. Wuwu could avoid every attack and fought back with a dreadful power attack. The monster was beaten easily. When wuwu was going to kill the monster, it waved its hand and said, " wait! wait! wait! man wait! before you kill me, listen to my last pledge, i'd be very gratefulif you let me alive. i promise to make you rich,if you don't kill me". Wuwu hesitated for a moment, but a temptation to be rich easily made him trust what the monster had promised. Wuwu, the went home. The following morning, when Lie had finished a morning pray, he removed his praying mat. What happened then? He found a big surprise: gold coins scatered under his praying mat. No wonder, then he became the richest young man in the country.
To his surprise, one morning wuwu found nothing under his praying mat. It seemed that the monster had stopped its supply.
Wuwu got very angry; Lie took his sharp axe, then went to the jungle to cut down the magic tree and to kill the monster.
Arriving at the tree which was supposed to be the monster's castle. Wuwu began to cut the tree down. Suddenly the monster appeared and tried to stop him. Then they involved in a big fight, but this time wuwu was beaten easily.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sekali waktu hiduplah seorang pemuda, bernama Wuwu. Ia hidup sangat miskin maka dia adalah orang saleh yang disajikan Tuhan dengan tulus.
Suatu hari Wuwu pergi ke kota untuk mencari pekerjaan. Sejak desanya adalah daerah terpencil, ia harus memanjat bukit, dan pergi melalui hutan tebal untuk bisa sampai ke kota terdekat.
Tiba-tiba ketika ia berada di sebuah hutan yang mendalam ia mendengar bergumam suara dari semak-semak. Ketika ia mendekat, ia menemukan beberapa orang berkumpul di sekitar pohon besar. Wuwu tahu bahwa mereka melakukan beberapa ritual sihir. Mereka memberikan layanan untuk roh jahat yang menghuni pohon sihir tua. Wuwu menyadari bahwa orang yang melakukan syirik, satu ritual dilarang keras yang layak peringatan yang ketat.
Wuwu pikir itu momen berharga untuk mendapatkan dewa bersedia dengan memperingatkan orang-orang yang sesat. Kemudian ia mengambil sebuah kapak besar dan berencana untuk menebang pohon.
Ketika ia hendak mengayunkan kapaknya ke batang pohon, sebuah rakasa besar yang mengerikan melompat dari pohon dan menyerang Wuwu parah. Wuwu bisa menghindari setiap serangan dan berjuang kembali dengan kekuatan serangan mengerikan. Rakasa itu dipukuli dengan mudah. Ketika Wuwu akan membunuh rakasa, itu melambaikan tangannya dan berkata, "tunggu! Tunggu! Tunggu! Man menunggu! Sebelum Anda membunuh saya, mendengarkan janji terakhir saya, saya akan sangat gratefulif Anda membiarkan saya hidup. Aku berjanji untuk membuat Anda kaya, jika Anda tidak membunuh saya ". Wuwu ragu-ragu sejenak, namun godaan untuk menjadi kaya dengan mudah membuatnya percaya apa rakasa yang telah dijanjikan.
Wuwu, yang pulang ke rumah. Keesokan harinya, ketika Lie telah selesai berdoa pagi, ia dihapus tikarnya berdoa. Apa yang terjadi kemudian? Ia menemukan sebuah kejutan besar: koin emas scatered bawah tikarnya berdoa. Tidak heran, maka ia menjadi orang muda terkaya di negeri ini.
Yang mengejutkan, suatu pagi Wuwu menemukan apa-apa di bawah tikarnya berdoa. Tampaknya bahwa rakasa telah berhenti pasokan.
Wuwu menjadi sangat marah; Lie mengambil kapak yang tajam, kemudian pergi ke hutan untuk menebang pohon ajaib dan membunuh rakasa.
Sesampainya di pohon yang seharusnya menjadi benteng rakasa itu. Wuwu mulai memotong pohon ke bawah. Tiba-tiba rakasa tersebut muncul dan mencoba untuk menghentikannya. Kemudian mereka terlibat dalam pertarungan besar, tapi kali Wuwu ini dipukuli dengan mudah.
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