~Akdha OS: She still loved me~ ( Must read will make u cry )Hi Akdha F terjemahan - ~Akdha OS: She still loved me~ ( Must read will make u cry )Hi Akdha F Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

~Akdha OS: She still loved me~ ( Mu

~Akdha OS: She still loved me~ ( Must read will make u cry )

Hi Akdha Fans !
Something new for you !
A Heart touching Os ie One Shot which will make u cry
So Must Read and leave your special comments to encourage the writer ie cuty1997 of If
Everyone says love hurts. But no, love never hurts. It isn't meant to be. Love is beautiful. Love is divine. Love is sacred.
It's just that losing that beloved-one hurts and wanting for them back KILLS!'

Chilly winds passed hard by and whispered in my ears, the end'. My throat gathered a lump and my heart felt sick. The trouble that life brought seemed too much to bear.

Jodha was there, just there, but I could not approach her. So near, but still so far.

After all these vacant years, I saw her today. I was still her Jalal but she was no longer my Jodha, I realized.

Six years ago,

"I have to go Jalal, I am sorry", she folded her hands and her beautiful eyes flooded tears.

"And my life? Without you?". I stood motionless. Her hurtful words had emptied my emotions.

"I am helpless"

"But Jodha ...",I said but she put her fingers on my lips. I kissed them.

"Jalal, this is what dad asked me in his last moments - to leave you". Her voice had so much of pain. She hung her head.

"Leave me? Alone? To be torn apart?". Life had no meaning left.

"Promise me, you will never find me", she took a step back.

"Ask me to stop breathing, but I cannot make this promise", I protested.

"You can ...", she stepped ahead to caress my cheeks.

I embraced my sweetheart but said nothing. She put her face on my chest and my heavy breaths blew her hair. I could hear her loud heartbeats. The thought of having a life without her stabbed my soul.

"Let me go", she pushed back.

I was taken aback. She walked to the door and my world thrashed. I looked down the earth and wished to be cremated.

"And the ring? Our promise of being together? What about ...", I asked but paused as I looked up.

Her footsteps were taking her away. I said nothing and so did she. She walked out without turning back.

Soon, the morning dew of my life had left. Endless tears approached my eyes but I did not shed any.

I had promised never to cry. I had promised to hold her hand till death. I had promised to be with her, forever. But promises, as they are, are never fulfilled. They are made to be broken - to break you; to tear you apart.


It was just another day when I rushed into the local bus to reach my office but I never knew what my just another day had for me.
The driver accelerated the bus the moment I stepped in. These drivers ill-treat passengers who step-in from the back gate, I thought. A misbalance in the bus always signalled a bad day ahead.

I moved to take an empty seat but an elderly man ran to occupy it. He looked tall, with a big belly, so I stood aside. I looked at him while standing in the packed bus. He gave a cunning smile and I abused him in my head.

As I turned my face looking for seats, I was stunned. The air smelt fragrant and the sunlight beamed the forehead of a lady. She was four seats ahead of me. She was my Jodha.

Jodha was the love of my life. We were the best of friends and lovers in college. But with the devil's curse, she left me when her father died.

Her father was a Hindu priest and I being Jalal Mohmmad, a Muslim, was what he hated the most. He was also an activist of Hindu Reformatory Society and his daughter having a muslim boyfriend was something he could never accept. So, when he breathed last, he asked his daughter to leave me. Saying this, his soul left his body and so did mine.

The priest made a combo deal. He died with one soul and took another soul with him.

But now, as I saw her after so many years, I broke my promise. I shed a tear. The bus was fully-packed but my eyes were on her only.

Fate had drawn us apart, but has brought a renewed hope again.
I reached my wallet and took out the ragged paper from the coin pocket. It had OUR LOVE IS ABOVE RELIGIONS written by Jodha. I had preserved it. She used to call it our littlelove certificate'. It was so beautiful that my lips curved a smile again.

I remembered our lovely walks in the beach-side. I remembered how she used to hold my hand in the library, aside the bookshelf.

I remembered how we used to mimic her father's preaches. I remembered how she used to tell that we own the world. I remembered her every nuisance and playful act, I recalled every breath we took together.

So today, I wanted to approach and surprise her. I knew as she would see me, she would hug me and cry in my lap.

I turned to the window-mirror for a reflection to check my

The sun shone brighter today. A clump of Gulmohar trees, aside the road, had beautiful red flowers. Spring had come - a wave of happiness in my life. I beheld a joy within. I always wanted to spend my life with her, to grow old with her.

We had been distanced for so long, but not anymore. I was thrilled for a new beginning. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to pray.

But my prayer was suddenly obstructed as the driver took a power-brake. It threw me ahead. I tried to skip from her sight but I saw her. Her hair was still so straight and silky but something pinched my eyes.

It had sindoor in it!

My world took a turn-around in the slightest of a moment.

She was not my Jodha, she was someone else's wife. She had married someone. Time froze!

She was at the brisk of distances yet I could not scream. The spring had not brought any happiness, but a harsh truth - she was not my anymore, she was someone's better-half now!
Suddenly, I felt the urge to run away with her but I could not. I should not, said my heart.

I bent again to see her. She was smiling. She was happy - happy without me. She had surely forgotten me. All these years, every night I slept with a dream to meet her someday. But today was not like something I had dreamt of. My head felt like being weighed tons. My feet became numb and my body went cold.

I sighed, gathered all my strength and approached.

I turned back and approached to the back-gate. The next stoppage was near-by.

As the bus stopped, I jumped out. A girl gazed me for jumping like a fool and being hurt, but it didn't matter. My legs were not hurt, I was hurt.

"Forget marriage, I have never looked at any girl all these years. But she?"

I was cheated by her. She broke her promise of being mine forever.

"She does not love me anymore. I am no more a part of her life." My breath ragged and strained.

Feeling lost again, I sat at the roadside like a beggar. I looked round the city; it was too busy to stop for me. I gazed at the blue sky above.

LIFE MAY NOT OFFER THE SAME CHANCE TWICE said the board of Life Insurance Company. I wanted to shout, why was this chance given to me? Should I run to ruin her married life?

I wanted somebody to hug me. But no! I was all alone in this world. I broke down as I looked at the going bus. She was in it, happy.

It was just like yesterday when everything was so fine,

I was her and she was mine.

It was very much of our time.

But the time had flown away now. The going bus was the metaphor of Jodha going away. I wanted to cry aloud but my lungs were jammed.

My eyes were staring the bus and suddenly everything changed in a moment. My ears rang with a noise and the hot wave of air shook me. I could not figure out the thing; the bus blasted

It was a bomb.

Tornadoes of ashes rose and I could not spot anything. The fumes of the burning bus filled the air and people ran all around. My eyes caught grime and scattered death all across the road. Probably, the bus was in two parts or three.One part had crashed into the cars on the road and the other part had gone into the shop nearby.

I ran towards it. The road was painted in black and red. Everyone was mourning with pain. It was chaos all around.

I ran for my Jodha. The wounds of the past were unhealed; I could not bear a new one. We had many things unheard and unsaid. I did not want to lose the chance life had given me.

I ran for her life, our life, but I slipped on the road.The fall displaced my vertebral discs. The road felt hot and bloody. I never knew blood was so slippery.

I stood up to run again but a hand flew from the force and embraced my fall. It was apart from the shoulder. It was from the blast. It touched my cheeks. Though it was painted with blood, I could feel the pulsing blood within and its warmth.

I knew that warmth. I touched the fingers. It had a ring. I knew that ring too.

I cried and banged my head on the road. I held the palm. The sensation of the touch said the unspoken words. I cried a lot. Sooner, it went numb.

It had the same ring - our promise of being together. The hand had come to keep her another promise - holding my hand till death. She had the ring; she still loved me. It was my Jodha's hand.
Plz Hit Like and leave your special comments to encourage the writer to write more !

Credit for each and every word in this OS Goes to real writer of this story
Note- This Story is not related to serial but just a imagination of someone !
With Love
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
~ Akdha OS: dia masih mencintai saya ~ (harus dibaca akan membuat u menangis)Hi Akdha penggemar!Sesuatu yang baru untuk Anda!Hati yang menyentuh Os yaitu satu tembakan yang akan membuat u menangisJadi harus membaca dan meninggalkan komentar Anda khusus untuk mendorong penulis yaitu cuty1997 jika------------------------------------------------------------------Semua orang mengatakan Cinta menyakitkan. Tapi cinta tidak, tidak pernah sakit. Itu tidak dimaksudkan untuk menjadi. Cinta indah. Cinta ilahi. Cinta Suci.It's just bahwa kehilangan sakit satu kekasih itu dan menginginkan untuk mereka kembali membunuh!'Angin dingin melewati keras dan berbisik di telingaku, akhir '. Tenggorokan saya berkumpul benjolan dan hati saya merasa sakit. Kesulitan yang membawa hidup tampak terlalu berat untuk ditanggung.Jodha berada di sana, hanya ada di sana, tapi aku tidak bisa mendekati dirinya. Begitu dekat, tapi masih begitu jauh.Setelah semua ini tahun kosong, aku melihat dia hari ini. Aku masih Jalal nya tapi ia tidak lagi Jodha saya, saya menyadari.Enam tahun yang lalu,"Aku harus pergi Jalal, aku minta maaf", dia dilipat tangannya dan mata indah banjir air mata."Dan hidupku? Tanpa Anda? ". Saya berdiri terdiam. Kata-katanya menyakitkan telah dikosongkan emosi saya."Saya tak berdaya""Tetapi Jodha...", saya katakan tetapi dia meletakkan jari-jarinya di bibir saya. Aku mencium mereka."Jalal, ini adalah apa ayah bertanya padaku di saat-saat terakhir - Anda". Suaranya memiliki begitu banyak rasa sakit. Dia menggantung kepala."Tinggalkan? Sendirian? Untuk terkoyak apart? ". Hidup tidak mempunyai makna kiri."Berjanji saya, Anda tidak akan pernah menemukan saya", dia mengambil langkah kembali."Meminta saya untuk berhenti bernapas, tetapi saya tidak dapat membuat janji ini", aku protes."You can ...", she stepped ahead to caress my cheeks.I embraced my sweetheart but said nothing. She put her face on my chest and my heavy breaths blew her hair. I could hear her loud heartbeats. The thought of having a life without her stabbed my soul."Let me go", she pushed back.I was taken aback. She walked to the door and my world thrashed. I looked down the earth and wished to be cremated."And the ring? Our promise of being together? What about ...", I asked but paused as I looked up.Her footsteps were taking her away. I said nothing and so did she. She walked out without turning back.Soon, the morning dew of my life had left. Endless tears approached my eyes but I did not shed any.I had promised never to cry. I had promised to hold her hand till death. I had promised to be with her, forever. But promises, as they are, are never fulfilled. They are made to be broken - to break you; to tear you apart.Today,It was just another day when I rushed into the local bus to reach my office but I never knew what my just another day had for me.The driver accelerated the bus the moment I stepped in. These drivers ill-treat passengers who step-in from the back gate, I thought. A misbalance in the bus always signalled a bad day ahead.I moved to take an empty seat but an elderly man ran to occupy it. He looked tall, with a big belly, so I stood aside. I looked at him while standing in the packed bus. He gave a cunning smile and I abused him in my head.As I turned my face looking for seats, I was stunned. The air smelt fragrant and the sunlight beamed the forehead of a lady. She was four seats ahead of me. She was my Jodha.Jodha was the love of my life. We were the best of friends and lovers in college. But with the devil's curse, she left me when her father died.Her father was a Hindu priest and I being Jalal Mohmmad, a Muslim, was what he hated the most. He was also an activist of Hindu Reformatory Society and his daughter having a muslim boyfriend was something he could never accept. So, when he breathed last, he asked his daughter to leave me. Saying this, his soul left his body and so did mine.The priest made a combo deal. He died with one soul and took another soul with him.But now, as I saw her after so many years, I broke my promise. I shed a tear. The bus was fully-packed but my eyes were on her only.Fate had drawn us apart, but has brought a renewed hope again.I reached my wallet and took out the ragged paper from the coin pocket. It had OUR LOVE IS ABOVE RELIGIONS written by Jodha. I had preserved it. She used to call it our littlelove certificate'. It was so beautiful that my lips curved a smile again.I remembered our lovely walks in the beach-side. I remembered how she used to hold my hand in the library, aside the bookshelf.I remembered how we used to mimic her father's preaches. I remembered how she used to tell that we own the world. I remembered her every nuisance and playful act, I recalled every breath we took together.So today, I wanted to approach and surprise her. I knew as she would see me, she would hug me and cry in my lap.I turned to the window-mirror for a reflection to check myappearance.The sun shone brighter today. A clump of Gulmohar trees, aside the road, had beautiful red flowers. Spring had come - a wave of happiness in my life. I beheld a joy within. I always wanted to spend my life with her, to grow old with her.We had been distanced for so long, but not anymore. I was thrilled for a new beginning. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to pray.But my prayer was suddenly obstructed as the driver took a power-brake. It threw me ahead. I tried to skip from her sight but I saw her. Her hair was still so straight and silky but something pinched my eyes.It had sindoor in it!My world took a turn-around in the slightest of a moment.She was not my Jodha, she was someone else's wife. She had married someone. Time froze!She was at the brisk of distances yet I could not scream. The spring had not brought any happiness, but a harsh truth - she was not my anymore, she was someone's better-half now!Suddenly, I felt the urge to run away with her but I could not. I should not, said my heart.I bent again to see her. She was smiling. She was happy - happy without me. She had surely forgotten me. All these years, every night I slept with a dream to meet her someday. But today was not like something I had dreamt of. My head felt like being weighed tons. My feet became numb and my body went cold.I sighed, gathered all my strength and approached.I turned back and approached to the back-gate. The next stoppage was near-by.As the bus stopped, I jumped out. A girl gazed me for jumping like a fool and being hurt, but it didn't matter. My legs were not hurt, I was hurt."Forget marriage, I have never looked at any girl all these years. But she?"I was cheated by her. She broke her promise of being mine forever."She does not love me anymore. I am no more a part of her life." My breath ragged and strained.Feeling lost again, I sat at the roadside like a beggar. I looked round the city; it was too busy to stop for me. I gazed at the blue sky above.LIFE MAY NOT OFFER THE SAME CHANCE TWICE said the board of Life Insurance Company. I wanted to shout, why was this chance given to me? Should I run to ruin her married life?I wanted somebody to hug me. But no! I was all alone in this world. I broke down as I looked at the going bus. She was in it, happy.It was just like yesterday when everything was so fine,I was her and she was mine.It was very much of our time.But the time had flown away now. The going bus was the metaphor of Jodha going away. I wanted to cry aloud but my lungs were jammed.My eyes were staring the bus and suddenly everything changed in a moment. My ears rang with a noise and the hot wave of air shook me. I could not figure out the thing; the bus blastedIt was a bomb.Tornadoes of ashes rose and I could not spot anything. The fumes of the burning bus filled the air and people ran all around. My eyes caught grime and scattered death all across the road. Probably, the bus was in two parts or three.One part had crashed into the cars on the road and the other part had gone into the shop nearby.I ran towards it. The road was painted in black and red. Everyone was mourning with pain. It was chaos all around.I ran for my Jodha. The wounds of the past were unhealed; I could not bear a new one. We had many things unheard and unsaid. I did not want to lose the chance life had given me.I ran for her life, our life, but I slipped on the road.The fall displaced my vertebral discs. The road felt hot and bloody. I never knew blood was so slippery.I stood up to run again but a hand flew from the force and embraced my fall. It was apart from the shoulder. It was from the blast. It touched my cheeks. Though it was painted with blood, I could feel the pulsing blood within and its warmth.I knew that warmth. I touched the fingers. It had a ring. I knew that ring too.I cried and banged my head on the road. I held the palm. The sensation of the touch said the unspoken words. I cried a lot. Sooner, it went numb.It had the same ring - our promise of being together. The hand had come to keep her another promise - holding my hand till death. She had the ring; she still loved me. It was my Jodha's hand.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Plz Hit Like and leave your special comments to encourage the writer to write more !Credit for each and every word in this OS Goes to real writer of this storyNote- This Story is not related to serial but just a imagination of someone !With Love
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
~ Akdha OS: Dia masih mencintaiku ~ (Harus membaca akan membuat u menangis) Hi Akdha Fans! Sesuatu yang baru untuk Anda! Hati menyentuh Os yaitu One Shot yang akan membuat u menangis Jadi Harus Baca dan meninggalkan komentar khusus untuk mendorong penulis yaitu cuty1997 dari Jika ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- Semua orang mengatakan cinta menyakitkan. Tapi tidak, cinta tidak ada salahnya. Hal ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menjadi. Cinta itu indah. Cinta ilahi. Cinta adalah suci. Hanya saja kehilangan yang dicintai-satu sakit dan ingin mereka kembali Tewaskan! ' angin Chilly berlalu keras oleh dan berbisik di telinga saya, akhir '. Tenggorokanku mengumpulkan benjolan dan hati saya merasa sakit. Masalah yang hidup dibawa tampak terlalu berat untuk ditanggung. Jodha ada, hanya di sana, tapi aku tidak bisa mendekatinya. Begitu dekat, tapi masih sejauh ini. Setelah bertahun-tahun kosong, aku melihatnya hari ini. Aku masih Jalal, tapi dia tidak lagi Jodha saya, saya menyadari. Enam tahun lalu, "Saya harus pergi Jalal, saya minta maaf", dia melipat tangannya dan mata yang indah banjir air mata. "Dan hidupku? Tanpa Anda ? ". Aku berdiri tak bergerak. Kata-kata menyakitkan dia telah mengosongkan emosi saya. "Saya tidak berdaya" "Tapi Jodha ...", kataku tapi dia meletakkan jarinya di bibirku. Aku mencium mereka. "Jalal, ini adalah apa yang ayah bertanya kepada saya di saat-saat terakhir - untuk meninggalkan Anda". Suaranya memiliki begitu banyak rasa sakit. Dia menundukkan kepala. "Tinggalkan aku? Sendiri? Untuk terkoyak?". Hidup tidak memiliki arti yang tersisa. "Berjanjilah, Anda tidak akan menemukan saya", dia mundur selangkah. "Tanya saya berhenti bernapas, tapi aku tidak bisa membuat janji ini", aku protes. "Anda bisa ...", dia melangkah ke depan untuk membelai pipiku. Aku memeluk kekasih saya tapi diam saja. Dia menaruh wajahnya di dadaku dan napas saya berat meniup rambutnya. Aku bisa mendengar detak jantungnya keras. Pikiran memiliki kehidupan tanpa dia menusuk jiwaku. "Biarkan aku pergi", dia mendorong kembali. Saya terkejut. Dia berjalan ke pintu dan dunia saya meronta-ronta. Aku melihat ke bawah bumi dan ingin dikremasi. "Dan cincin? janji kami sedang bersama-sama? Bagaimana ...", aku bertanya tapi berhenti saat aku melihat ke atas. Langkah kakinya yang membawanya pergi. Aku diam saja dan begitu pula dia. Dia berjalan keluar tanpa menoleh ke belakang. Segera, embun pagi hidup saya telah meninggalkan. Air mata tak berujung mendekati mata saya tapi saya tidak menumpahkan apapun. Aku telah berjanji untuk tidak menangis. Aku telah berjanji untuk memegang tangannya sampai mati. Aku telah berjanji untuk bersamanya, selamanya. Tapi janji, karena mereka, tidak pernah terpenuhi. Mereka dibuat untuk dilanggar - untuk menghancurkan Anda; untuk merobek Anda berbeda. Hari ini, Itu hanya hari lain ketika saya bergegas ke bus lokal untuk mencapai kantor saya tapi saya tidak tahu apa yang saya hanya hari lain telah bagi saya. Sopir bus dipercepat saat aku melangkah di. Driver ini sakit penumpang -Mengobati yang menginjak-in dari gerbang belakang, saya pikir. Sebuah misbalance di bus selalu mengisyaratkan hari yang buruk ke depan. Aku pindah untuk mengambil kursi kosong tapi seorang pria tua berlari untuk menempatinya. Dia tampak tinggi, dengan perut besar, jadi saya menepi. Aku menatapnya sambil berdiri di bus dikemas. Dia tersenyum licik dan aku menyiksanya di kepala saya. Saat aku berbalik wajahku mencari kursi, saya tertegun. Udara mencium harum dan sinar matahari berseri-seri dahi seorang wanita. Dia adalah empat kursi di depanku. Dia adalah saya Jodha. Jodha adalah cinta dalam hidupku. Kami adalah yang terbaik dari teman-teman dan kekasih di perguruan tinggi. Namun dengan kutukan iblis, dia meninggalkan saya ketika ayahnya meninggal. Ayahnya adalah seorang pendeta Hindu dan saya menjadi Jalal Mohmmad, seorang Muslim, adalah apa yang ia benci yang paling. Dia juga seorang aktivis Hindu Panti Masyarakat dan putrinya memiliki pacar muslim adalah sesuatu yang tidak pernah bisa menerima. Jadi, ketika ia menghembuskan nafas terakhir, ia meminta putrinya untuk meninggalkan saya. Mengatakan ini, jiwanya meninggalkan tubuhnya dan begitu juga saya. Imam membuat kesepakatan combo. Dia meninggal dengan satu jiwa dan mengambil jiwa lain dengan dia. Tapi sekarang, saat aku melihatnya setelah bertahun-tahun, aku melanggar janji saya. Aku meneteskan air mata. Bus itu penuh sesak tapi mataku pada dirinya saja. Nasib telah menarik kami berbeda, tetapi telah membawa harapan baru lagi. Aku mencapai dompet dan mengeluarkan kertas compang-camping dari saku koin. Itu CINTA KAMI ADALAH AGAMA DI ATAS ditulis oleh Jodha. Saya telah diawetkan itu. Dia biasa menyebutnya kami littlelove sertifikat '. Itu begitu indah bahwa bibirku melengkung tersenyum lagi. Aku ingat kita berjalan indah di pantai-side. Aku ingat bagaimana ia digunakan untuk memegang tangan saya di perpustakaan, selain rak buku. Aku ingat bagaimana kita digunakan untuk meniru berkhotbah ayahnya. Aku ingat bagaimana dia digunakan untuk memberitahu bahwa kita memiliki dunia. Aku ingat dia setiap tindakan gangguan dan lucu, aku teringat setiap napas kita mengambil bersama-sama. Jadi hari ini, saya ingin mendekati dan memberikan kejutan. Aku tahu saat dia akan melihat saya, dia akan memelukku dan menangis di pangkuanku. Aku berbalik ke jendela-cermin untuk refleksi untuk memeriksa saya penampilan. Matahari bersinar cerah hari ini. Sebuah rumpun pohon Gulmohar, selain jalan, memiliki bunga merah yang indah. Musim semi telah datang - gelombang kebahagiaan dalam hidup saya. Aku melihat sukacita di dalam. Saya selalu ingin menghabiskan hidup saya dengan dia, untuk menjadi tua dengan dia. Kami telah menjauhkan begitu lama, tapi sekarang tidak lagi. Saya sangat senang untuk sebuah awal baru. Aku menarik napas dalam-dalam dan menutup mata untuk berdoa. Tapi doa saya tiba-tiba terhalang sebagai sopir mengambil power-rem. Ini melemparkan saya ke depan. Saya mencoba untuk melewati dari pandangan, tapi aku melihatnya. Rambutnya masih begitu lurus dan halus tetapi sesuatu mencubit mata saya. Itu sindoor di dalamnya! Duniaku mengambil turn-sekitar sedikit pun sesaat. Dia tidak Jodha saya, dia adalah istri orang lain. Dia menikah dengan seseorang. Waktu membeku! Dia di cepat dari jarak namun saya tidak bisa berteriak. Musim semi tidak membawa apapun kebahagiaan, tetapi kebenaran yang keras - dia tidak saya lagi, dia adalah seseorang yang lebih baik-setengah sekarang! Tiba-tiba, aku merasakan dorongan untuk melarikan diri dengan dia, tapi aku tidak bisa. Aku tidak seharusnya, kata hatiku. Aku membungkuk lagi untuk melihatnya. Dia tersenyum. Dia senang - senang tanpa aku. Dia pasti melupakanku. Bertahun-tahun, setiap malam aku tidur dengan mimpi untuk bertemu suatu hari nanti dia. Tapi hari ini tidak seperti sesuatu yang saya telah bermimpi. Kepalaku terasa seperti berada ditimbang ton. Kaki saya menjadi kaku dan tubuh saya terasa dingin. Aku mendesah, mengumpulkan semua kekuatan saya dan mendekati. Aku berbalik dan mendekati ke belakang-gerbang. Penghentian berikutnya adalah dekat-oleh. Saat bus berhenti, aku melompat keluar. Seorang gadis menatap saya untuk melompat seperti orang bodoh dan disakiti, tapi itu tidak masalah. Kakiku tidak terluka, aku terluka. "Lupakan pernikahan, saya tidak pernah melihat gadis setiap bertahun-tahun. Tapi dia?" Saya ditipu olehnya. Dia melanggar janjinya menjadi milikku selamanya. "Dia tidak mencintaiku lagi. Saya bukan lagi bagian dari hidupnya." Saya napas compang-camping dan tegang. Merasa kalah lagi, aku duduk di pinggir jalan seperti pengemis. Aku melihat sekeliling kota; itu terlalu sibuk untuk berhenti untuk saya. Aku menatap langit biru di atas. KEHIDUPAN TIDAK MUNGKIN MENAWARKAN YANG SAMA KESEMPATAN dua kali mengatakan dewan Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa. Aku ingin berteriak, mengapa kesempatan ini diberikan kepada saya? Haruskah aku berlari untuk merusak kehidupan pernikahan? Aku ingin seseorang memelukku. Tapi tidak! Aku sendirian di dunia ini. Aku menangis ketika aku melihat bus pergi. Dia berada di dalamnya, bahagia. Itu hanya seperti kemarin saat semua itu begitu baik, aku dan dia adalah milikku. Itu sangat banyak waktu kita. Tapi waktu telah terbang pergi sekarang. Yang akan bus adalah metafora dari Jodha akan pergi. Aku ingin menangis dengan suara keras tapi paru-paru saya macet. Mataku menatap bus dan tiba-tiba segalanya berubah dalam sekejap. Telingaku berdering dengan suara dan gelombang panas udara mengguncang saya. Saya tidak tahu hal; bus meledak itu bom. Tornado abu naik dan aku tidak bisa melihat apa-apa. Asap dari bus yang terbakar memenuhi udara dan orang-orang berlari di sekitar. Mataku menangkap kotoran dan tersebar kematian di seluruh jalan. Mungkin, bus itu dalam dua bagian atau bagian three.One telah menabrak mobil di jalan dan bagian lainnya telah pergi ke toko terdekat. Aku berlari ke arah itu. Jalan dicat hitam dan merah. Semua orang berkabung dengan rasa sakit. Itu adalah kekacauan di sekitar. Aku berlari untuk Jodha saya. Luka-luka dari masa lalu yang tak tersembuhkan; Aku tidak tahan yang baru. Kami memiliki banyak hal yang keterlaluan dan tak terkatakan. Aku tidak ingin kehilangan kehidupan kesempatan telah memberi saya. Aku berlari untuk hidupnya, kehidupan kita, tapi aku terpeleset di musim gugur Road.The pengungsi cakram tulang belakang saya. Jalan terasa panas dan berdarah. Aku tidak pernah tahu darah begitu licin. Aku berdiri untuk menjalankan lagi tapi tangan terbang dari gaya dan memeluk jatuh saya. Itu terlepas dari bahu. Itu dari ledakan itu. Menyentuh pipiku. Meskipun itu dicat dengan darah, aku bisa merasakan darah berdenyut di dalam dan kehangatan. Saya tahu kehangatan itu. Aku menyentuh jari. Itu cincin. Saya tahu cincin itu juga. Aku menangis dan memukul kepalaku di jalan. Aku memegang telapak tangan. Sensasi sentuhan mengucapkan kata-kata yang tak terucapkan. Saya banyak menangis. Cepat, ia pergi mati rasa. Itu cincin yang sama - janji kami kebersamaan. Tangan datang untuk menjaga janji lain - memegang tanganku sampai mati. Dia memiliki cincin; dia masih mencintaiku. Itu tangan Jodha saya. -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Plz Hit Seperti dan meninggalkan komentar khusus untuk mendorong penulis untuk menulis lebih banyak! Kredit masing-masing dan setiap kata dalam OS ini Goes to penulis sesungguhnya dari cerita ini Catatan-Kisah ini tidak berhubungan dengan serial tapi hanya imajinasi seseorang! With Love

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