DMTA analysis of the PLA:FR blends showed that the poly-phosphonate im terjemahan - DMTA analysis of the PLA:FR blends showed that the poly-phosphonate im Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

DMTA analysis of the PLA:FR blends

DMTA analysis of the PLA:FR blends showed that the poly-phosphonate imparted no observable effect on PLA's storage modulus over the entire temperature range tested for all blends (Fig. 4a). This is peculiar, given the fact that the poly-phosphonate had a very noticeable effect on the mechanical properties of the blends. The implication of this data is that the polyphosphonate has a near-identical storage modulus to that of neat PLA (2.7 _ 0.3 GPa), which is uncommon for a low-molecular weight polymer, but solution-cast lms of the neat polyphosphonate with sufficient thickness for DMTA testing could not be formed to test this hypothesis. The presence of two peak tan d values (Fig. 4b), and therefore two glass transitions, indicated phase separation in the PLA:FR blends corresponding to a PLA rich phase (Tg of 63 _C to 65 _C) and a polyphosphonate rich phase (Tg of 79 _C to 85 _C). The lower Tg in all blends is nearly identical, within experimental error, to that of PLA, indicating that this low Tg phase consists of minimal poly-phosphonate. The high Tg phase is polyphosphonate-rich, and is consistent with the Tg value of pure polyphosphonate measured by DSC (82.3 _C).

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
DMTA analysis of the PLA:FR blends showed that the poly-phosphonate imparted no observable effect on PLA's storage modulus over the entire temperature range tested for all blends (Fig. 4a). This is peculiar, given the fact that the poly-phosphonate had a very noticeable effect on the mechanical properties of the blends. The implication of this data is that the polyphosphonate has a near-identical storage modulus to that of neat PLA (2.7 _ 0.3 GPa), which is uncommon for a low-molecular weight polymer, but solution-cast lms of the neat polyphosphonate with sufficient thickness for DMTA testing could not be formed to test this hypothesis. The presence of two peak tan d values (Fig. 4b), and therefore two glass transitions, indicated phase separation in the PLA:FR blends corresponding to a PLA rich phase (Tg of 63 _C to 65 _C) and a polyphosphonate rich phase (Tg of 79 _C to 85 _C). The lower Tg in all blends is nearly identical, within experimental error, to that of PLA, indicating that this low Tg phase consists of minimal poly-phosphonate. The high Tg phase is polyphosphonate-rich, and is consistent with the Tg value of pure polyphosphonate measured by DSC (82.3 _C).

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Analisis DMTA dari PLA: campuran FR menunjukkan bahwa poli-fosfonat disampaikan tidak e diamati ff ect pada modulus penyimpanan PLA atas seluruh rentang suhu diuji untuk semua campuran (Gambar 4a.). Ini aneh, mengingat fakta bahwa poli-fosfonat telah sangat terlihat e ff ect pada sifat mekanik dari campuran. Implikasi dari data ini adalah bahwa polyphosphonate memiliki modulus penyimpanan yang hampir identik dengan yang rapi PLA (2,7 _ 0,3 GPa), yang biasa bagi polimer dengan berat molekul rendah, namun LMS solusi-cast dari polyphosphonate rapi dengan su FFI efisien ketebalan untuk pengujian DMTA tidak dapat dibentuk untuk menguji hipotesis ini. (. Gambar 4b) kehadiran dua d tan nilai puncak, dan oleh karena itu dua transisi kaca, menunjukkan pemisahan fase dalam PLA: FR campuran sesuai dengan fase kaya PLA (Tg dari 63 _C sampai 65 _C) dan fase kaya polyphosphonate ( Tg dari 79 _C 85 _C). Semakin rendah Tg dalam semua campuran hampir identik, dalam percobaan, dengan PLA, menunjukkan bahwa fase ini Tg rendah terdiri dari minimal poli-fosfonat. Tahap Tg tinggi polyphosphonate kaya, dan konsisten dengan nilai Tg polyphosphonate murni diukur dengan DSC (82,3 _C).

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