As soon as you enter, check the memorial shelf nearby to find the BLIN terjemahan - As soon as you enter, check the memorial shelf nearby to find the BLIN Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As soon as you enter, check the mem

As soon as you enter, check the memorial shelf nearby to find the BLIND DEMON
RITUAL. There's more red numbers on this scroll that you'll use later on to
unlock some doors. Further in, you'll see that some candles have been arranged
on the little table in the corner. More loose ends! You'll have to come back
here later when you have a way to light them. (Why didn't Miku keep the
Lighter??) The S door, leading to the Walkway, is now locked, but at the
dead-end just past the door you can find more TYPE-37 FILM. Now go through the
N door to the Rubble Room.

Now is your chance to SAVE THE GAME. Once you've done that, head to the door
in the N. Your filament will glow blue, so take out the camera and take a
picture of the door. It has another one of those puzzle locks; the missing
tile is shown in the picture of the STONE ON THE WELL. If you recall, the well
was in the Backyard, so we'll head there next. Before you leave, you can grab
some more TYPE-37 FILM in the SW corner. Make your way through the Burial Room
and the Cherry Atrium and take the SE door to the Stairway.

There are many ghosts in this area. The first one will appear as soon as you
!!-Vanishing Ghost: Kid Running Away (~750)
This is a very tough shot to get! The kid will appear a short distance N of
the big mirror and run at top speed up the hallway. You must run too; dash
into the room as soon as the door opens and angle to the left. Head for the
hallway that leads north, and just as you get close to the post at the bottom
of the stairs quickly draw and shoot. You have to run, draw, aim and shoot
very quickly to get this ghost; if you are successful you'll have taken a shot
from a point that allows you see most of the way down the hall to capture the
child just before he reaches the corner.
When you follow the ghost you just saw up the hallway, you will have a battle
with Long Arms. If you need a STONE MIRROR, you can find one shining at the
edge of the broken floor to the left of the stairs. Ready? Now head N along
the hallway to see a cutscene ... and begin the battle!
!!-Attacking Ghost: Man with Long Arms
In this encounter, Long Arms has about twice as much stamina as he had the
first time you fought him. Your main difficulty, however, will be due to the
fact that you must conduct the battle in a much smaller area than before. At
first, use the same tactic you did in the Walkway: back down the hallway, then
turn and charge up a shot. You probably won't be able to defeat Long Arms
before he can make his way into the entrance; when this happens, use the brief
moment when Long Arms is stunned from a strong shot to run past him and
continue the battle as you make your way N. Three or four good shots will
finish the battle.
Now go and check out the door at the N end of the hall. There is TYPE-14 FILM
here. Your filament will glow; take a picture of the door and you will see
FOOT OF STAIRCASE? There's a Hidden Ghost there, so go back to the bottom of
the staircase at the S end of the hall to find it.
!!-Hidden Ghost: Vengeance in Wall (750)
Stand at the foot of the stairs and aim up into the ruined area underneath
the upper risers to find this ghost; look above the spot where you found the
Stone Mirror. It's a big floating face.
Now the N door should be unsealed. Before going to the Fish Tank Room, head
upstairs to find another Hidden Ghost.
!!-Hidden Ghost: Monk out of Dark (1250)
To find this ghost, go up the stairs and make your way north along the
balcony. As you approach the end of the railing, you will hear static. Move
right up to the rail, and aim your camera at the window that's high on the wall
above the landing.
There are no items up here, and both of the doors are locked, so go back down
and take the N door to the Fish Tank Room.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As soon as you enter, check the memorial shelf nearby to find the BLIND DEMONRITUAL. There's more red numbers on this scroll that you'll use later on tounlock some doors. Further in, you'll see that some candles have been arrangedon the little table in the corner. More loose ends! You'll have to come backhere later when you have a way to light them. (Why didn't Miku keep theLighter??) The S door, leading to the Walkway, is now locked, but at thedead-end just past the door you can find more TYPE-37 FILM. Now go through theN door to the Rubble Room.RUBBLE ROOM***********Now is your chance to SAVE THE GAME. Once you've done that, head to the doorin the N. Your filament will glow blue, so take out the camera and take apicture of the door. It has another one of those puzzle locks; the missingtile is shown in the picture of the STONE ON THE WELL. If you recall, the wellwas in the Backyard, so we'll head there next. Before you leave, you can grabsome more TYPE-37 FILM in the SW corner. Make your way through the Burial Roomand the Cherry Atrium and take the SE door to the Stairway.STAIRWAY********There are many ghosts in this area. The first one will appear as soon as youenter.------!!-Vanishing Ghost: Kid Running Away (~750) This is a very tough shot to get! The kid will appear a short distance N ofthe big mirror and run at top speed up the hallway. You must run too; dashinto the room as soon as the door opens and angle to the left. Head for thehallway that leads north, and just as you get close to the post at the bottom
of the stairs quickly draw and shoot. You have to run, draw, aim and shoot
very quickly to get this ghost; if you are successful you'll have taken a shot
from a point that allows you see most of the way down the hall to capture the
child just before he reaches the corner.
When you follow the ghost you just saw up the hallway, you will have a battle
with Long Arms. If you need a STONE MIRROR, you can find one shining at the
edge of the broken floor to the left of the stairs. Ready? Now head N along
the hallway to see a cutscene ... and begin the battle!
!!-Attacking Ghost: Man with Long Arms
In this encounter, Long Arms has about twice as much stamina as he had the
first time you fought him. Your main difficulty, however, will be due to the
fact that you must conduct the battle in a much smaller area than before. At
first, use the same tactic you did in the Walkway: back down the hallway, then
turn and charge up a shot. You probably won't be able to defeat Long Arms
before he can make his way into the entrance; when this happens, use the brief
moment when Long Arms is stunned from a strong shot to run past him and
continue the battle as you make your way N. Three or four good shots will
finish the battle.
Now go and check out the door at the N end of the hall. There is TYPE-14 FILM
here. Your filament will glow; take a picture of the door and you will see
FOOT OF STAIRCASE? There's a Hidden Ghost there, so go back to the bottom of
the staircase at the S end of the hall to find it.
!!-Hidden Ghost: Vengeance in Wall (750)
Stand at the foot of the stairs and aim up into the ruined area underneath
the upper risers to find this ghost; look above the spot where you found the
Stone Mirror. It's a big floating face.
Now the N door should be unsealed. Before going to the Fish Tank Room, head
upstairs to find another Hidden Ghost.
!!-Hidden Ghost: Monk out of Dark (1250)
To find this ghost, go up the stairs and make your way north along the
balcony. As you approach the end of the railing, you will hear static. Move
right up to the rail, and aim your camera at the window that's high on the wall
above the landing.
There are no items up here, and both of the doors are locked, so go back down
and take the N door to the Fish Tank Room.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Segera setelah Anda masuk, periksa rak peringatan terdekat untuk menemukan BLIND DEMON
RITUAL. Ada nomor yang lebih merah di kitab yang akan Anda gunakan nanti untuk
membuka beberapa pintu. Selanjutnya, Anda akan melihat bahwa beberapa lilin telah diatur
di meja kecil di sudut. Ujung lebih longgar! Anda akan harus kembali
ke sini nanti ketika Anda memiliki cara untuk cahaya mereka. (Kenapa tidak Miku menjaga
Lighter ??) Pintu S, yang mengarah ke Walkway, sekarang terkunci, tapi pada
buntu hanya melewati pintu Anda dapat menemukan lebih TYPE-37 FILM. Sekarang pergi melalui
pintu N ke Puing Room. reruntuhan ROOM *********** Sekarang adalah kesempatan Anda untuk MENYELAMATKAN GAME. Setelah Anda melakukan itu, kepala ke pintu di N. filamen Anda akan bersinar biru, sehingga mengambil kamera dan mengambil gambar dari pintu. Ini memiliki salah satu dari mereka kunci teka-teki; hilang ubin ditampilkan dalam gambar BATU ON THE BAIK. Jika Anda ingat, baik itu di halaman belakang, jadi kami akan kepala ada di sebelah. Sebelum Anda pergi, Anda bisa ambil lagi TYPE-37 FILM di sudut SW. Membuat jalan Anda melalui ruang Penguburan dan Cherry Atrium dan mengambil pintu SE ke Stairway. STAIRWAY ******** Ada banyak hantu di daerah ini. Yang pertama akan muncul segera setelah Anda masuk. ------ !! - Vanishing Ghost: Kid Running Away (~ 750) Ini adalah tembakan yang sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan! Anak akan muncul jarak N singkat cermin besar dan dijalankan pada top speed up lorong. Anda harus berjalan terlalu; lari ke ruangan segera setelah pintu terbuka dan sudut ke kiri. Kepala untuk lorong yang mengarah utara, dan hanya sebagai Anda mendapatkan dekat dengan pos di bagian bawah tangga dengan cepat menarik dan menembak. Anda harus menjalankan, menggambar, mengarahkan dan menembak sangat cepat untuk mendapatkan hantu ini; jika Anda berhasil Anda akan telah mengambil tembakan dari sudut yang memungkinkan Anda melihat sebagian besar jalan menyusuri lorong untuk menangkap anak sebelum ia mencapai sudut. ------ Ketika Anda mengikuti hantu Anda hanya melihat up lorong, Anda akan memiliki pertempuran dengan panjang lengan. Jika Anda membutuhkan MIRROR BATU, Anda dapat menemukan satu yang bersinar di tepi lantai yang rusak di sebelah kiri tangga. Siap? Sekarang kepala N sepanjang lorong untuk melihat cutscene ... dan mulai pertempuran! ------ !! - Menyerang Ghost: Man dengan panjang lengan Dalam pertemuan ini, panjang lengan memiliki sekitar dua kali lebih banyak stamina karena ia memiliki Pertama kali Anda bertarung dengannya. Kesulitan utama Anda, bagaimanapun, akan karena fakta bahwa Anda harus melakukan pertempuran di daerah yang jauh lebih kecil dari sebelumnya. Pada awalnya, menggunakan taktik yang sama yang Anda lakukan di Walkway: kembali ke lorong, kemudian berbalik dan mengisi tembakan. Anda mungkin tidak akan dapat mengalahkan panjang lengan sebelum dia bisa membuat jalan ke pintu masuk; ketika hal ini terjadi, gunakan singkat saat ketika panjang Arms tertegun dari tembakan yang kuat untuk menjalankan melewatinya dan melanjutkan pertempuran saat Anda membuat jalan N. Anda Tiga atau empat tembakan yang baik akan menyelesaikan pertempuran. ------ Sekarang pergi dan memeriksa pintu di N ujung lorong. Ada JENIS-14 FILM sini. Filamen Anda akan bersinar; mengambil gambar dari pintu dan Anda akan melihat kaki tangga? Ada Hantu tersembunyi di sana, jadi kembali ke bagian bawah tangga di S ujung lorong untuk menemukan itu. ------ !! - Tersembunyi Ghost: Vengeance di Dinding (750) Berdiri di kaki tangga dan bertujuan menjadi daerah hancur di bawah anak tangga atas untuk menemukan hantu ini; terlihat di atas tempat di mana Anda menemukan Batu Cermin. Ini wajah mengambang besar. ------ Sekarang pintu N harus membukanya. Sebelum pergi ke Ruang Fish Tank, kepala ke atas untuk menemukan Ghost Hidden lain. ------ !! - Tersembunyi Ghost: Monk dari Gelap (1250) Untuk menemukan hantu ini, naik tangga dan membuat jalan utara bersama yang balkon. Saat Anda mendekati akhir pagar, Anda akan mendengar statis. Pindah sampai ke rel, dan bertujuan kamera Anda di jendela yang tinggi di dinding di atas pendaratan. ------ Tidak ada barang di sini, dan kedua pintu terkunci, jadi kembali turun dan mengambil pintu N ke Ruang Fish Tank.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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