Product policiesOn set of marketing polices defines the nature of the  terjemahan - Product policiesOn set of marketing polices defines the nature of the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Product policiesOn set of marketing

Product policies
On set of marketing polices defines the nature of the products the business will concentrate on offering to its target market. These policies concern the breadth or diversity of product lines, their level of technical sophistication and the target level of product quality relative to competitors.
Because prospector business rely heavily on the continuing development of unique new product and the penetration of new markets as their primary competitive strategy,polices encouraging broader and more technically advanced product lines than those of growth. The diverse and technically advanced product offerings of 3M’s drug delivery systems SBU are a good example of this.
Whether a prospector’s product should be of higher quality than competitor’s product is open to question. Quality is hard to define : it can mean different things to different customers. Even so, it is an important determinant of business profitability. Thus, hambrick suggest that in product-markets where technical features or up-to-the-minute styling are key attributes in consumers’ definitions of quality, high-quality product may play a positive role in determining a success of a prospector strategy. In market where the critical determinants of quality are reliability or brand familiarity, the maintenance of relatively high product quality is likely to be more strongly related to the successful performance of defender business, particularly differentiated defenders.
Differentiated defenders compete by offering more or better choices to customers than do theirs competitors. For examples, 3M’s commercial graphics business, a major supplier of sign material for truck fleets, has strengthened its competitive position in that market by developing product appropriate for custom-designed signs. Until recently, the uses of film for individual signs was not economical. But the use of computer-controlled knives and a new scotch-brand marking film produce signs of higher quality and at lower cost than those that are hand-painted. The kind of success in developing relatively broad and technically sophisticated product lines should be positively related to the long-term ROI performance of most differentiated defender businesses.
However, broad and sophisticated product lines are less consistent with the efficiency requirements of the low-cost defender strategy. For one thing, maintaining technical sophistication in a business’s products requires continuing investments in product and process R&D. For another, broad, complex lines can lead to short production runs customized product lines may disappear, however, with continuing improvements in computer-assisted design and manufacturing, process reengineering,three-dimensional printing, and the like.
Instead of, or in addition to, competing on the basis of product characteristics, business can distinguish themselves relative to competitors on the quality of service they offer. Such service might take many forms,including engineering and design services,alterations, installations,training of customer personnel, or maintenance and repair services. A policy of high service quality is particularly appropriate for differentiated defenders because it offers a way to maintain a competitive advantage in well-established markets.
The appropriateness of an extensive service policy for low-cost defenders, though, is more questionable if higher operating and administrative cost offer customer satisfaction benefits. Those higher cost may detract from the business’s ability to maintain the low prices critical to its strategy, as well as lowering ROI- at least in the short terms. Further, one study of 71 SBU’s pursuing a range of competitive strategies suggests that investments aimed at improving service efficiency and thereby reducing cost generally do not have an impact on a unit’s financial performance as service improvements aimed at increasing revenues via improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Product policiesOn set of marketing polices defines the nature of the products the business will concentrate on offering to its target market. These policies concern the breadth or diversity of product lines, their level of technical sophistication and the target level of product quality relative to competitors.Because prospector business rely heavily on the continuing development of unique new product and the penetration of new markets as their primary competitive strategy,polices encouraging broader and more technically advanced product lines than those of growth. The diverse and technically advanced product offerings of 3M’s drug delivery systems SBU are a good example of this.Whether a prospector’s product should be of higher quality than competitor’s product is open to question. Quality is hard to define : it can mean different things to different customers. Even so, it is an important determinant of business profitability. Thus, hambrick suggest that in product-markets where technical features or up-to-the-minute styling are key attributes in consumers’ definitions of quality, high-quality product may play a positive role in determining a success of a prospector strategy. In market where the critical determinants of quality are reliability or brand familiarity, the maintenance of relatively high product quality is likely to be more strongly related to the successful performance of defender business, particularly differentiated defenders.Differentiated defenders compete by offering more or better choices to customers than do theirs competitors. For examples, 3M’s commercial graphics business, a major supplier of sign material for truck fleets, has strengthened its competitive position in that market by developing product appropriate for custom-designed signs. Until recently, the uses of film for individual signs was not economical. But the use of computer-controlled knives and a new scotch-brand marking film produce signs of higher quality and at lower cost than those that are hand-painted. The kind of success in developing relatively broad and technically sophisticated product lines should be positively related to the long-term ROI performance of most differentiated defender businesses.However, broad and sophisticated product lines are less consistent with the efficiency requirements of the low-cost defender strategy. For one thing, maintaining technical sophistication in a business’s products requires continuing investments in product and process R&D. For another, broad, complex lines can lead to short production runs customized product lines may disappear, however, with continuing improvements in computer-assisted design and manufacturing, process reengineering,three-dimensional printing, and the like.Instead of, or in addition to, competing on the basis of product characteristics, business can distinguish themselves relative to competitors on the quality of service they offer. Such service might take many forms,including engineering and design services,alterations, installations,training of customer personnel, or maintenance and repair services. A policy of high service quality is particularly appropriate for differentiated defenders because it offers a way to maintain a competitive advantage in well-established markets.The appropriateness of an extensive service policy for low-cost defenders, though, is more questionable if higher operating and administrative cost offer customer satisfaction benefits. Those higher cost may detract from the business’s ability to maintain the low prices critical to its strategy, as well as lowering ROI- at least in the short terms. Further, one study of 71 SBU’s pursuing a range of competitive strategies suggests that investments aimed at improving service efficiency and thereby reducing cost generally do not have an impact on a unit’s financial performance as service improvements aimed at increasing revenues via improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kebijakan Produk
Pada set kebijakan pemasaran mendefinisikan sifat dari produk bisnis akan berkonsentrasi pada menawarkan untuk target pasarnya. Kebijakan ini menyangkut luas atau keragaman lini produk, tingkat kecanggihan teknis dan tingkat target kualitas produk relatif terhadap pesaing.
Karena bisnis pencari sangat bergantung pada pembangunan berkelanjutan produk baru yang unik dan penetrasi pasar baru sebagai kompetitif utama mereka strategi, kebijakan mendorong lini produk yang lebih luas dan lebih teknis canggih dibandingkan pertumbuhan. Penawaran produk yang beragam dan secara teknis canggih dari 3M sistem pengiriman obat SBU adalah contoh yang baik dari ini.
Apakah produk pencari yang harus berkualitas tinggi dari produk pesaing terbuka untuk pertanyaan. Kualitas sulit untuk menentukan: itu dapat berarti hal yang berbeda untuk pelanggan yang berbeda. Meski begitu, hal ini merupakan faktor penentu penting dari profitabilitas bisnis. Dengan demikian, Hambrick menunjukkan bahwa dalam produk-pasar di mana fitur teknis atau styling up-to-the-menit adalah atribut kunci dalam definisi konsumen terhadap kualitas, produk berkualitas tinggi dapat memainkan peran positif dalam menentukan keberhasilan strategi prospektor. Di pasar di mana faktor-faktor penentu penting dari kualitas yang keandalan atau merek keakraban, pemeliharaan kualitas produk yang relatif tinggi mungkin akan lebih kuat terkait dengan keberhasilan kinerja bisnis bek, bek sangat berbeda.
pembela Differentiated bersaing dengan menawarkan lebih baik pilihan untuk pelanggan daripada pesaing mereka. Untuk contoh, bisnis grafis komersial 3M, pemasok utama bahan tanda untuk armada truk, telah memperkuat posisi kompetitif di pasar bahwa dengan mengembangkan produk yang sesuai untuk tanda-tanda yang dirancang khusus. Sampai saat ini, penggunaan film untuk tanda-tanda individu adalah tidak ekonomis. Tetapi penggunaan pisau yang dikendalikan komputer dan film scotch-merek menandai baru menghasilkan tanda-tanda kualitas yang lebih tinggi dan biaya lebih rendah daripada mereka yang dilukis dengan tangan. Jenis kesuksesan dalam mengembangkan lini produk yang relatif luas dan secara teknis canggih harus berhubungan positif dengan kinerja secara ROI jangka panjang kebanyakan bisnis bek dibedakan.
Namun, lini produk yang luas dan canggih kurang konsisten dengan persyaratan efisiensi bek murah strategi. Untuk satu hal, mempertahankan kecanggihan teknis dalam produk bisnis yang membutuhkan terus investasi dalam produk dan proses R & D. Untuk yang lain, yang luas, garis yang kompleks dapat menyebabkan produksi berjalan singkat lini produk disesuaikan mungkin hilang, namun, dengan terus perbaikan dalam desain dibantu komputer dan manufaktur, proses rekayasa ulang, pencetakan tiga dimensi, dan sejenisnya.
Alih-alih, atau di samping untuk, bersaing atas dasar karakteristik produk, bisnis dapat membedakan diri relatif terhadap pesaing pada kualitas layanan yang mereka tawarkan. Layanan tersebut dapat mengambil banyak bentuk, termasuk layanan perbaikan teknik dan desain, perubahan, instalasi, pelatihan personil pelanggan, atau pemeliharaan dan. Kebijakan kualitas pelayanan tinggi sangat cocok untuk pembela dibedakan karena menawarkan cara untuk mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif di pasar mapan.
Kesesuaian kebijakan layanan yang luas bagi para pembela murah, meskipun, lebih dipertanyakan jika operasi yang lebih tinggi dan Biaya administrasi menawarkan manfaat kepuasan pelanggan. Mereka biaya yang lebih tinggi dapat mengurangi kemampuan bisnis untuk mempertahankan harga rendah penting untuk strategi, serta menurunkan ROI- setidaknya dalam jangka pendek. Selanjutnya, sebuah studi dari 71 SBU mengejar berbagai strategi kompetitif menunjukkan bahwa investasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pelayanan dan dengan demikian mengurangi biaya umumnya tidak berdampak pada kinerja keuangan unit sebagai perbaikan layanan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan melalui peningkatan kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan.

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