Early Morning... First Ray of the Sun wakes him up... he is alone sitt terjemahan - Early Morning... First Ray of the Sun wakes him up... he is alone sitt Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Early Morning... First Ray of the S

Early Morning... First Ray of the Sun wakes him up... he is alone sitting on swing... His heart stops beating... extremely panic and alarm... He shouts out loud... Jodha...
Loudly with fearful sound he yelled again...JODHA... entire palace echoed back with tremor... Four guards came running in the chamber. Jalal rant to looking for her the bathroom... changing room... art room... but she is nowhere, finally his eyes catches Krishna Temple in diwan khana... A Divine jyot of diya is still burning... but statue of Lord Krishan is missing... Seeing that his heart shattered into million pieces... His face filled with alarm... His doubt cleared but still he can't accept it... He felt like suddenly his life came to an end... He is constantly looking at the empty temple in a shock without a blink ... He stands there like a statue... his life stopped at that moment... His mind had million thoughts within a minute... Entire night he feared for this moment. He knew Jodha will leave him for her and his self-respect. He thought about that many time since yesterday but in reality is so different... A big storm was forming inside and outside... Dark cloud floating over the sky... Suddenly a very heavy gusty wind started to knock on the window and doors... All curtains started to flew in the wind... A steady flame started blow with the wind... Seeing dancing flame a thunder fell on his heart... In a flick he ran to the temple to save his last hope of that divine Jyot... He surrounded his hand to save the moving flame... He screamed thunderously and instructs guards to close door and window quickly... Seeing stable flame of divine jyot, a tear rolled out from his eyes with mix feeling of pain and smile... Loud roar of lighting with crackled sound cloud began to dazzle with heavy unshed tears... Within minute his life went upside down... he is sitting by the temple... still his hand surrounded by stable Jyot... He is mind still has no strength to think further... His inner soul has gone missing from his body... Completely broken soul and body sitting in different corner of the room searching for his existence ...
Moti and Abdul came running to Jodha's room... Seeing Jalal's terrified condition both of them eyes gleamed with tears... All other guards are standing there with shock and fear watching their shenshah in this horrified condition... Moti is weeping standing in a corner holding green roll of the paper... Abdul told everyone to leave them alone...then slowly he came near Jalal and bends down on his knees and sat next to Jalal ... In a very low tone he said Shenshah, Jalal didn't respond... his all sense has freezed... His ears didn't hear his sound... Abdul with little louder sound: Shenshah... Jalal didn't respond to his sound... His eyes still stuck at Jyot... Abdul put his hand on his shoulder... No response from him...Abdul with loud sound Jalal... and shake him by his shoulder... His unconscious body fall on Abdul's arms... Jalal's open eyes with unconscious body gave a big shock to Abdul... Abdul screamed loudest he could... Shenshah... sound of his roar reflected back in the palace few times... Moti ran out to call Hakim sahiba ... With the help of few guards Abdul put Jalal's unconscious body on bed... Within no time entire chamber filled with people... Hamida bano is crying loud seeing Jalal's condition... Rukaiya came running to see Jalal... before she goes near Jalal... Hamida yell with anger: Rukaiya wahi ruk jao... She gave her painful angry look... with loud angry roar... she said... Rukaiya begum...begum E khaas... AApko Jo karna tha vo kar chuki ho aap... Ab aapke magar mazch (crocodile tears) ke aasoo ko leke apne kamre me jai ye... Seeing her extreme anger and insult Rukaiya ran out of the room... Maham heart filled with peace seeing Jalal's condition she was feeling immense pleasure, she went back to her chamber to celebrate her vicotry...
Hakim Sahiba ran in the room to see Jalal's condition... His pulse very running little slow... After checking his condition immediately she made lep for him and spread on his forehead...
Hamida with fearful voice Hakim Sahiba Kese hai mera baccha,
Hakim: Shenshah doorst hai... Unko kisi sadme ki vajah se yeh halat hai... Bahothi jald hosh me aajayege...
Hamida felt immense relief...
Jalal came in conscious in a few minute... As soon as he opened his eyes... he saw Hamida caressing on his head... her eye looked moist... Swiftly he got up from the bed, First word he said in a vulnerable tone... Jodha... and his eyes brimmed with tears...
Hamida gave him a warm hug... and Jalal cried out loud on her shoulder for long... her gentle soft touch with immense love and care gave him a support...
Suddenly his brain and heart poured with energy and strength ...It strike him that He needs to find out where Jodha is ... He immediately breaks his hug and looked at Abdul... And said... Look for Jodha begum... she has left the palace... Send people in every direction in search of her...
Abdul with respect said Ji shenshah... before he leaves... Jalal's eyes caught Moti in the corner, her face was sparkling with unstoppable tears and pain... Seeing her face Jalal could tell Moti knew when Jodha left... He stopped Abdul... ruko abdul shayad Moti ko pata hoga Jodha begum kis disha me gayi hai...
Before Jalal called Moti came forward with choking sound... Shenshah, Hume maaf kar dijye... hum ne Jodha begum ko vachan diya hai hum aapko kuch nahi bata sakte... aur hume unho ne yeh nahi bataya ki vo kaha ja rahi hai... hum ne sirf unke liye ek ghode ka hi prabandh karne ke liye kaha tha...Hum isse jyada kuch nahi bata sakte ki vo kis disha ki taraf gayi hai... hum majboor hai ... with trembling voice she added, Jodha begum ne hume yeh patra aapke liye diya hai... Aur unho ne yeh binanti ki hai ki yeh patra aap aekant me sirf aap ke mitra Abdul se hi padhvaye... She had no courage to meet eyes with Jalal... with lowered eyes she gave letter to Jalal...
Everyone left room without saying a word... Jalal gave letter to Abdul and walked by the big zarokha... heavy rain and rolling thunder was creating waves in his heart...
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pagi... Pertama sinar matahari bangun dia up... Dialah sendiri duduk di ayunan... Hatinya berhenti memukuli... sangat panik dan alarm... Dia berteriak keras... Jodha...Keras dengan suara takut dia lagi berteriak...JODHA... seluruh Istana bergema kembali dengan tremor... Empat pengawal datang berlari di ruang. Berteriak-teriak Jalal untuk mencarinya kamar mandi... mengubah kamar... Ruang seni... tapi dia adalah tempat, akhirnya matanya menangkap Kresna candi di diwan khana... Jyot ilahi dari diya masih menyala... tapi patung Krishan Tuhan hilang... Melihat bahwa hatinya hancur berkeping-keping juta... Wajahnya dipenuhi dengan alarm... Keraguan nya dibersihkan tetapi masih dia tidak dapat menerimanya... Dia merasa seperti tiba-tiba hidupnya datang berakhir... Dia terus-menerus melihat Candi kosong di kejutan tanpa sekejap... Ia berdiri di sana seperti patung... hidupnya berhenti pada saat itu... Pikirannya punya pikiran juta menit... Sepanjang malam ia takut untuk saat ini. Dia tahu Jodha akan meninggalkannya untuk Maria dan harga diri. Dia berpikir bahwa banyak waktu sejak kemarin tetapi dalam kenyataannya sangat berbeda... Sebuah badai besar sedang membentuk dalam dan luar... Awan gelap yang mengapung di atas langit... Tiba-tiba angin gusty yang sangat berat mulai mengetuk pintu dan jendela... Semua tirai mulai terbang dalam angin... Api mantap mulai pukulan dengan angin... Melihat tarian api thunder jatuh pada hatinya... Dalam film ia berlari ke Kaabah untuk menyimpan harapan terakhirnya dari Jyot ilahi yang... Ia dikelilingi tangannya untuk menyimpan api bergerak... Dia berteriak thunderously dan memerintahkan penjaga untuk menutup pintu dan jendela dengan cepat... Melihat nyala stabil jyot ilahi, air mata digulirkan dari matanya dengan campuran rasa sakit dan tersenyum... Gemuruh keras pencahayaan dengan awan suara berderak mulai mempesona dengan berat air mata matanya... Berjalan hidupnya pergi terbalik... Dia duduk oleh Bait Allah... masih tangannya dikelilingi oleh Jyot stabil... Ia adalah pikiran masih memiliki kekuatan tidak berpikir lebih lanjut... Jiwanya batin telah hilang dari tubuhnya... Benar-benar rusak jiwa dan tubuh yang duduk di berbagai sudut ruang mencari keberadaan-nya... Moti dan Abdul datang berlari kepada Jodha di kamar... Melihat mata Jalal's ketakutan kondisi kedua dari mereka yang berkilau dengan air mata... Semua penjaga lain berdiri di sana dengan shock dan ketakutan menonton mereka shenshah dalam kondisi ini ngeri... Moti adalah menangis berdiri di sebuah sudut memegang hijau gulungan kertas... Abdul memberitahu semua orang untuk meninggalkan mereka sendirian... kemudian perlahan-lahan ia datang dekat Jalal dan tikungan berlutut dan duduk di sebelah Jalal... Dalam nada yang sangat rendah katanya Shenshah, Jalal tidak menanggapi... semua rasa telah dibekukan... Telinganya tidak mendengar suara-Nya... Abdul dengan sedikit suara keras: Shenshah... Jalal tidak menanggapi suara-Nya... Matanya masih terjebak pada Jyot... Abdul meletakkan tangannya di atas pundaknya... Tidak ada tanggapan dari dia...Abdul keras terdengar Jalal... dan mengguncang-guncangkan oleh bahu... Tubuhnya tidak sadar jatuh di lengan Abdul di... Jalal di mata terbuka dengan tubuh bawah sadar memberikan kejutan besar untuk Abdul... Abdul berteriak paling nyaring ia bisa... Shenshah... suara gemuruh nya tercermin kembali di Istana beberapa kali... Moti berlari keluar untuk memanggil Hakim sahiba... Dengan bantuan beberapa penjaga Abdul menempatkan tubuh bawah sadar Jalal di tempat tidur... Dalam ruang seluruh waktu tidak diisi dengan orang-orang... Hamidah bano menangis keras melihat Jalal kondisi... Rukaiya datang berlari untuk melihat Jalal... sebelum dia pergi dekat Jalal... Hamidah berteriak dengan amarah: Rukaiya wahi ruk jao... Dia memberikan tampak marah menyakitkan... dengan keras deru marah... dia bilang... Rukaiya begum... khaas begum E... AApko Jo karna tha vo kar chuki ho aap... AB aapke magar mazch (air mata buaya) ke aasoo ko leke apne kamre saya jai kamu... Melihat kemarahan ekstrim dan menghina Rukaiya berlari keluar dari ruang... Maham hati penuh dengan damai melihat kondisi Jalal's dia merasa senang luar biasa, dia kembali ke ruang nya untuk merayakan nya vicotry... Hakim Sahiba berlari di pusat untuk melihat kondisi Jalal's... Pulsa nya sangat menjalankan sedikit lambat... Setelah memeriksa kondisinya segera ia dilakukan lep untuknya dan menyebar di dahinya... Hamidah dengan suara mengerikan Hakim Sahiba Kese hai mera baccha, Hakim: Shenshah hai doorst... Unko Stasiun sadme ki vajah se yeh halat hai... Bahothi jald hosh saya aajayege... Hamidah merasa lega luar biasa... Jalal datang sadar dalam beberapa menit... Segera setelah ia membuka matanya... ia melihat hamidah membelai di kepalanya... matanya tampak basah... Cepat dia bangun dari tempat tidur, kata pertama ia berkata dengan nada yang rentan... Jodha... dan matanya bertepi dengan air mata... Hamidah memberinya pelukan hangat... dan Jalal menangis keras pada bahunya untuk lama... nya sentuhan lembut lembut dengan kasih dan perawatan memberinya dukungan... Tiba-tiba nya otak dan jantung dituangkan dengan energi dan kekuatan...Menyerang dia bahwa ia perlu mencari tahu di mana Jodha adalah... Dia segera istirahat pelukan Nya dan memandang Abdul... Dan berkata... Melihat untuk Jodha begum... dia telah meninggalkan istana... Kirim orang di setiap arah untuk mencari dia... Abdul dengan hormat mengatakan Ji shenshah... sebelum ia berangkat... Jalal di mata tertangkap Moti di sudut, wajahnya bersinar dengan air mata tak terbendung dan nyeri... Melihat wajahnya Jalal bisa memberitahu Moti tahu Kapan Jodha meninggalkan... Dia berhenti Abdul... ruko abdul shayad Moti ko pata hoga Jodha begum kis disha saya gayi hai... Sebelum Jalal disebut Moti datang maju dengan tersedak suara... Shenshah, Hume maaf kar dijye... hum ne Jodha begum ko vachan diya hai hum aapko Kaho nahi bata sakte... aur hume unho ne yeh nahi bataya ki vo kaha ja rahi hai... hum sirf ne unke liye ek ghode ka Hai prabandh karne ke liye kaha tha...Hum isse jyada Kaho nahi bata sakte ki vo kis disha ki taraf gayi hai... hum majboor hai... dengan gemetar suara tambahnya, Jodha begum ne hume yeh patra aapke liye diya hai... Aur unho ne yeh binanti ki hai ki yeh patra aap aekant saya sirf aap ke mitra Abdul se Hai padhvaye... Ia tidak keberanian untuk bertemu mata dengan Jalal... dengan menurunkan mata dia memberikan surat kepada Jalal... Semua orang yang meninggalkan ruang tanpa mengucapkan sepatah kata... Jalal memberikan surat kepada Abdul dan berjalan dengan zarokha besar... hujan deras dan bergulir thunder menciptakan gelombang dalam hatinya...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Early Morning... First Ray of the Sun wakes him up... he is alone sitting on swing... His heart stops beating... extremely panic and alarm... He shouts out loud... Jodha...
Loudly with fearful sound he yelled again...JODHA... entire palace echoed back with tremor... Four guards came running in the chamber. Jalal rant to looking for her the bathroom... changing room... art room... but she is nowhere, finally his eyes catches Krishna Temple in diwan khana... A Divine jyot of diya is still burning... but statue of Lord Krishan is missing... Seeing that his heart shattered into million pieces... His face filled with alarm... His doubt cleared but still he can't accept it... He felt like suddenly his life came to an end... He is constantly looking at the empty temple in a shock without a blink ... He stands there like a statue... his life stopped at that moment... His mind had million thoughts within a minute... Entire night he feared for this moment. He knew Jodha will leave him for her and his self-respect. He thought about that many time since yesterday but in reality is so different... A big storm was forming inside and outside... Dark cloud floating over the sky... Suddenly a very heavy gusty wind started to knock on the window and doors... All curtains started to flew in the wind... A steady flame started blow with the wind... Seeing dancing flame a thunder fell on his heart... In a flick he ran to the temple to save his last hope of that divine Jyot... He surrounded his hand to save the moving flame... He screamed thunderously and instructs guards to close door and window quickly... Seeing stable flame of divine jyot, a tear rolled out from his eyes with mix feeling of pain and smile... Loud roar of lighting with crackled sound cloud began to dazzle with heavy unshed tears... Within minute his life went upside down... he is sitting by the temple... still his hand surrounded by stable Jyot... He is mind still has no strength to think further... His inner soul has gone missing from his body... Completely broken soul and body sitting in different corner of the room searching for his existence ...
Moti and Abdul came running to Jodha's room... Seeing Jalal's terrified condition both of them eyes gleamed with tears... All other guards are standing there with shock and fear watching their shenshah in this horrified condition... Moti is weeping standing in a corner holding green roll of the paper... Abdul told everyone to leave them alone...then slowly he came near Jalal and bends down on his knees and sat next to Jalal ... In a very low tone he said Shenshah, Jalal didn't respond... his all sense has freezed... His ears didn't hear his sound... Abdul with little louder sound: Shenshah... Jalal didn't respond to his sound... His eyes still stuck at Jyot... Abdul put his hand on his shoulder... No response from him...Abdul with loud sound Jalal... and shake him by his shoulder... His unconscious body fall on Abdul's arms... Jalal's open eyes with unconscious body gave a big shock to Abdul... Abdul screamed loudest he could... Shenshah... sound of his roar reflected back in the palace few times... Moti ran out to call Hakim sahiba ... With the help of few guards Abdul put Jalal's unconscious body on bed... Within no time entire chamber filled with people... Hamida bano is crying loud seeing Jalal's condition... Rukaiya came running to see Jalal... before she goes near Jalal... Hamida yell with anger: Rukaiya wahi ruk jao... She gave her painful angry look... with loud angry roar... she said... Rukaiya begum...begum E khaas... AApko Jo karna tha vo kar chuki ho aap... Ab aapke magar mazch (crocodile tears) ke aasoo ko leke apne kamre me jai ye... Seeing her extreme anger and insult Rukaiya ran out of the room... Maham heart filled with peace seeing Jalal's condition she was feeling immense pleasure, she went back to her chamber to celebrate her vicotry...
Hakim Sahiba ran in the room to see Jalal's condition... His pulse very running little slow... After checking his condition immediately she made lep for him and spread on his forehead...
Hamida with fearful voice Hakim Sahiba Kese hai mera baccha,
Hakim: Shenshah doorst hai... Unko kisi sadme ki vajah se yeh halat hai... Bahothi jald hosh me aajayege...
Hamida felt immense relief...
Jalal came in conscious in a few minute... As soon as he opened his eyes... he saw Hamida caressing on his head... her eye looked moist... Swiftly he got up from the bed, First word he said in a vulnerable tone... Jodha... and his eyes brimmed with tears...
Hamida gave him a warm hug... and Jalal cried out loud on her shoulder for long... her gentle soft touch with immense love and care gave him a support...
Suddenly his brain and heart poured with energy and strength ...It strike him that He needs to find out where Jodha is ... He immediately breaks his hug and looked at Abdul... And said... Look for Jodha begum... she has left the palace... Send people in every direction in search of her...
Abdul with respect said Ji shenshah... before he leaves... Jalal's eyes caught Moti in the corner, her face was sparkling with unstoppable tears and pain... Seeing her face Jalal could tell Moti knew when Jodha left... He stopped Abdul... ruko abdul shayad Moti ko pata hoga Jodha begum kis disha me gayi hai...
Before Jalal called Moti came forward with choking sound... Shenshah, Hume maaf kar dijye... hum ne Jodha begum ko vachan diya hai hum aapko kuch nahi bata sakte... aur hume unho ne yeh nahi bataya ki vo kaha ja rahi hai... hum ne sirf unke liye ek ghode ka hi prabandh karne ke liye kaha tha...Hum isse jyada kuch nahi bata sakte ki vo kis disha ki taraf gayi hai... hum majboor hai ... with trembling voice she added, Jodha begum ne hume yeh patra aapke liye diya hai... Aur unho ne yeh binanti ki hai ki yeh patra aap aekant me sirf aap ke mitra Abdul se hi padhvaye... She had no courage to meet eyes with Jalal... with lowered eyes she gave letter to Jalal...
Everyone left room without saying a word... Jalal gave letter to Abdul and walked by the big zarokha... heavy rain and rolling thunder was creating waves in his heart...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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