Function Arabic
Before explaining the function of the Arabic language, we will explain the general overview of the functions of language. In the literature of the language, experts generally formulate language functions for each of the four, namely:
1. As a means of communicating
2. As a means to express themselves
3. As a means of adapting social berintregrasidan
4. As a means of social control. [Lamuddin finoza 2005, pp: 2] Indeed, the Arabic language is of religion, as the words of Ibn Taymiyyah Rokhimahullah: "Unknown actually learned Arabic and taught is fardlu kifayah". And he also said: "Arabic is a religion, and know it is fardlu (required), and a real understanding of the Book and the Sunnah is fardlu, and can not be understood except in Arabic, and something that must not be resolved except by compulsory then the law is mandatory. "If we look in fact there is one more function of language that has been neglected by most members of society, namely as a tool for thinking. As we ketaui, science neighbor is a logical way of thinking. In the process of thinking, language is always present with logic to formulate concepts, propositions and conclusions. All activities pertaining to the calculation or calculation, discussion or analysis, even dreamed or fantasized, is possible only lasted through the process of thinking with the tools that are not others is language. In line with the above description can be formulated that the higher the ability to speak a person, the higher the ability berfikirnya. The more regularly a person's language, the more orderly way of thinking. By holding on to the formula that the author dares to say seseoarng may not be an intellectual without mastering the language. The word history literally comes from the Arabic word (شجرة: šajaratun) which means tree. In the Arabic language itself, known history dates (تاريخ). The dates in the Indonesian word meaning approximately is the time or date. History says is closer to the Greek historia, which means science or intelligent. Then in English into history, which means that the human past. In other words approaching the reference is Geschichte which means it happened. In terms of European languages, the origin of the term history used in the literature Indonesian that there are several variations, however, many who recognize that the term history comes muasal, in Greek historia. In the known history of English, French historie storia Italian, German Geschichte, which means that to happen, and the Dutch are known gescheiedenis.