• Therapists of many different orientations agree that attempting sens terjemahan - • Therapists of many different orientations agree that attempting sens Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

• Therapists of many different orie

• Therapists of many different orientations agree that attempting sensitively
and accurately to understand others from their viewpoint is a critical factor
in being effective therapists.
• One of the main functions of empathy is to foster client self-exploration.
Clients come to a deeper self-understanding through a relationship in
which they feel they are being understood by others. Research has demonstrated
that clients who feel understood by their therapists are encouraged
to share more of themselves.
• Empathy dissolves alienation; the person who receives empathy feels connected
with others. Furthermore, those who receive empathy learn that
they are valued, cared for, and accepted as they are.
• The ability to exhibit empathy depends on the personal development of
the therapist. Rogers came to the conclusion that “the more psychologically
mature and integrated the therapist is as a person, the more helpful is the
relationship he provides” (p. 5).
• Being a skilled diagnostician and making interpretations is not related
to empathy, which, at its best, is accepting and nonjudgmental. In fact, for
Rogers “true empathy is always free of any evaluative or diagnostic
quality” (p. 7).
Accurate empathy is central to the practice of person-centered group work.
It is a way for facilitators to hear the meanings expressed by the members of
their group that often lie at the edge of their awareness. According to Watson
(2002), full empathy entails understanding the meaning and feeling of a
client’s experiencing and being able to communicate that clearly to the person.
Watson adds that almost 60 years of research has consistently demonstrated
that empathy is the most powerful determinant of client progress in therapy. She
puts the challenge to counselors as follows: “Therapists need to be able to be responsively
attuned to their clients and to understand them emotionally as well
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
• Therapists of many different orientations agree that attempting sensitively
and accurately to understand others from their viewpoint is a critical factor
in being effective therapists.
• One of the main functions of empathy is to foster client self-exploration.
Clients come to a deeper self-understanding through a relationship in
which they feel they are being understood by others. Research has demonstrated
that clients who feel understood by their therapists are encouraged
to share more of themselves.
• Empathy dissolves alienation; the person who receives empathy feels connected
with others. Furthermore, those who receive empathy learn that
they are valued, cared for, and accepted as they are.
• The ability to exhibit empathy depends on the personal development of
the therapist. Rogers came to the conclusion that “the more psychologically
mature and integrated the therapist is as a person, the more helpful is the
relationship he provides” (p. 5).
• Being a skilled diagnostician and making interpretations is not related
to empathy, which, at its best, is accepting and nonjudgmental. In fact, for
Rogers “true empathy is always free of any evaluative or diagnostic
quality” (p. 7).
Accurate empathy is central to the practice of person-centered group work.
It is a way for facilitators to hear the meanings expressed by the members of
their group that often lie at the edge of their awareness. According to Watson
(2002), full empathy entails understanding the meaning and feeling of a
client’s experiencing and being able to communicate that clearly to the person.
Watson adds that almost 60 years of research has consistently demonstrated
that empathy is the most powerful determinant of client progress in therapy. She
puts the challenge to counselors as follows: “Therapists need to be able to be responsively
attuned to their clients and to understand them emotionally as well
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
• Terapis banyak orientasi yang berbeda setuju bahwa mencoba sensitif
dan akurat untuk memahami orang lain dari sudut pandang mereka merupakan faktor penting
untuk menjadi terapis yang efektif.
• Salah satu fungsi utama dari empati adalah untuk mendorong klien eksplorasi diri.
Klien datang ke diri lebih dalam pemahaman melalui hubungan di
mana mereka merasa mereka sedang dipahami oleh orang lain. Penelitian telah menunjukkan
bahwa klien yang merasa dipahami oleh terapis mereka didorong
untuk berbagi lebih dari diri mereka sendiri.
• Empati larut keterasingan; orang yang menerima empati merasa terhubung
dengan orang lain. Selanjutnya, mereka yang menerima empati belajar bahwa
mereka dihargai, diperhatikan, dan diterima sebagai mereka.
• Kemampuan untuk menunjukkan empati tergantung pada perkembangan pribadi
terapis. Rogers sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa "semakin psikologis
matang dan terintegrasi terapis sebagai pribadi, yang lebih bermanfaat adalah
hubungan dia memberikan "(hal. 5).
• Menjadi diagnosa terampil dan membuat interpretasi tidak berhubungan
dengan empati, yang , yang terbaik, adalah menerima dan tidak menghakimi. Bahkan, untuk
Rogers "empati sejati selalu bebas dari evaluatif atau diagnostik
kualitas "(hal. 7).
Akurat empati merupakan pusat praktek-orang yang berpusat kerja kelompok.
Ini adalah cara untuk fasilitator untuk mendengar makna yang diungkapkan oleh anggota
kelompok mereka yang sering berbohong di tepi kesadaran mereka. Menurut Watson
(2002), empati penuh memerlukan pemahaman arti dan perasaan
klien mengalami dan mampu berkomunikasi yang jelas kepada orang tersebut.
Watson menambahkan bahwa hampir 60 tahun penelitian secara konsisten menunjukkan
bahwa empati adalah penentu yang paling kuat dari klien kemajuan dalam terapi. Dia
menempatkan tantangan untuk konselor sebagai berikut: "Terapis harus mampu menjadi responsif
selaras dengan klien mereka dan memahami mereka juga emosional
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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