China is using its attendance at a massive North Korean military parad terjemahan - China is using its attendance at a massive North Korean military parad Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

China is using its attendance at a

China is using its attendance at a massive North Korean military parade to nudge open the door to talks with the isolated regime, sending its highest-level delegation to Pyongyang since Kim Jong Un came to power.

Liu Yunshan, a member of the Communist Party’s top decision-making Politburo Standing Committee, arrived Friday in Pyongyang to attend the 70th anniversary Saturday of the founding of North Korea’s Workers’ Party. While China is an ally, it has voiced concern about Kim’s efforts to boost his nuclear arsenal and indicated frustration at some of his actions. Last month, his regime threatened to conduct another nuclear test and launch a long-range rocket.
Liu Yunshan
Liu Yunshan
Source: Xinhua/Yao Dawei via Getty Images

Following Chinese President Xi Jinping and South Korean President Park Geun Hye’s recent U.S. visits -- with Park also making a trip to Washington next week -- the three countries are showing a more united front on tackling Kim, adding to pressure to resume discussions. Park, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a senior figure in the Chinese leadership are expected to meet in Seoul later this month.

“By sending a top official to mark its ally’s big anniversary, Beijing is taking the initiative to improve relations and giving Pyongyang a ladder so that it can climb down from a dangerous height,” said Shi Yuanhua, director of the Center for Korean Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai. “The best scenario out of the trip will be the two sides reaching a consensus that can ensure Pyongyang won’t pursue the game of nuclear brinkmanship within the foreseeable future.”

Xi sent a congratulatory telegram to Kim on Friday afternoon, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. Xi acknowledged the “positive progress” North Korea made in developing its economy and improving livelihood under Kim’s leadership, and stressed Beijing is willing to make joint efforts with Pyongyang to “maintain, solidify and improve” the friendship between two allies.

Liu is ranked No. 5 in the party and if his visit is deemed a success it may pave the way for a higher-level exchange. There hasn’t been a summit since Kim became paramount leader in late 2011 after the death of his father. It could also indicate progress toward restarting international nuclear talks that North Korea walked out of in 2009 after the United Nations condemned it for a long-range rocket launch.

“China continues to have influence in North Korea,” John Kirby, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of State, said Thursday at a briefing in Washington. “We’d like to see them use that influence to a better end on the peninsula.”
‘Many Weapons’

A report on the website of Phoenix TV this week said Liu’s trip was a significant gesture by China and would provide an important opportunity for better communication.

Kim has touted a satellite launch in 2012 and North Korea’s third atomic test in 2013 as two of his most impressive achievements, flouting UN Security Council resolutions that ban it from developing ballistic and nuclear technology. He plans one of his country’s biggest military parades this weekend to showcase how its technology has advanced under his rule; and how he has strengthened his grip on power, partly through purges of other senior officials.

“It’s very likely many weapons will be unveiled” and the parade is expected to be “large in scale,” Unification Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon Hee said Wednesday at a briefing in Seoul. In a previous parade in 2012, North Korea unveiled intercontinental ballistic missiles that some arms analysts dismissed as fake.

North Korea has spent months assembling 800 tents, 700 trucks, 200 armored vehicles and drones at an airbase in Pyongyang ahead of the parade, according to 38 North, a Johns Hopkins University website, citing satellite images obtained on Oct. 6. Ballistic missile launchers and long-range self-propelled guns may be under a large temporary shelter on the outskirts of the training site, it said.
UN Sanctions

For China, Liu’s visit reflects the delicate balance between its support for an ally and its frustration with Kim. It also highlights the limitations the international community has in dealing with him, whether it is by inducements to talk or pressure to curb his behavior. Under Kim, the regime has continued to advance its arms development and its elite enjoys access to luxury goods.

And despite sanctions enforced by UN members including China, North Korea has been able to build a uranium enrichment facility that could provide a second track to building bombs, a submarine it claims can launch a ballistic missile, and a ski resort.

“The Chinese aren’t preventing border smuggling, they are not really cracking down on trade into North Korea, they are not preventing the luxury goods from coming in,” said Robert Kelly, an international relations professor at Pusan National University. “The Chinese leadership is trying to send these signals, ‘we’re really upset with you,’ but there’s not actually been any real punitive action.”
Choe Ryong Hae
Choe Ryong Hae
Photograrpher: Ivan Sekretarev/AP Photo

Xi sending the fifth-ranking party official contrasts with Kim dispatching one of his deputies, Choe Ryong Hae, to a military parade in Beijing last month. Still, Liu is senior enough to show Kim due respect, said Lee Ji Yong, who tracks Northeast Asian relations at the government-affiliated Korea National Diplomatic Academy in Seoul.

"This is an important opportunity for North Korea,” said Shi Yongming, an associate research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing. “China is playing the good cop while the U.S. is the bad cop, but both of them want to bring the North back to the negotiation table, although their means and ultimate goals might differ. Pyongyang cannot afford to turn its back to both
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Cina menggunakan kehadirannya di parade militer Korea Utara besar-besaran untuk berbesar buka pintu untuk pembicaraan dengan rezim yang terisolasi, mengirim delegasi yang hubungan ke Pyongyang sejak Kim Jong Un datang ke kekuasaan.Liu Yunshan, anggota Komite Partai Komunis atas pengambilan keputusan Politbiro berdiri, tiba Jumat di Pyongyang untuk menghadiri peringatan 70 tahun Sabtu berdirinya Partai pekerja Korea Utara. Sedangkan Cina merupakan sekutu, menyuarakan keprihatinan tentang Kim upaya untuk meningkatkan senjata nuklir dan menunjukkan frustrasi beberapa tindakannya. Bulan lalu, rezimnya mengancam untuk melakukan Uji nuklir lain dan meluncurkan roket jangka panjang.Liu YunshanLiu YunshanSumber: Xinhua Yao Dawei melalui Getty ImagesBerikut Presiden Cina Xi Jinping dan Presiden Korea Selatan Park Geun Hye hari US kunjungan--dengan taman juga membuat perjalanan ke Washington minggu depan--tiga negara yang menunjukkan sebuah front mengenai mengatasi Kim, menambah tekanan untuk melanjutkan diskusi. Park, Jepang Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe dan tokoh senior dalam kepemimpinan Cina diharapkan untuk bertemu di Seoul akhir bulan ini."Dengan mengirimkan atas resmi untuk menandai ulang tahun besar sekutu yang, Beijing mengambil inisiatif untuk meningkatkan hubungan dan memberikan Pyongyang tangga sehingga dapat turun dari ketinggian berbahaya," kata Shi Yuanhua, Direktur pusat studi bahasa Korea di Univesitas Fudan di Shanghai. "Skenario terbaik dari perjalanan akan kedua belah pihak mencapai konsensus yang dapat menjamin Pyongyang tidak akan mengejar permainan nuklir nekat dalam waktu dekat."Xi mengirim telegram ucapan selamat untuk Kim pada Jumat sore, menurut kantor berita Xinhua resmi. Xi diakui "kemajuan positif" North Korea yang dibuat dalam mengembangkan ekonomi dan meningkatkan mata pencaharian di bawah kepemimpinan Kim, dan stres Beijing mau membuat usaha bersama dengan Pyongyang untuk "mempertahankan, memperkuat dan meningkatkan" persahabatan antara dua sekutu.Liu berada di peringkat No. 5 dalam partai dan jika kunjungan dianggap sukses itu mungkin membuka jalan untuk pertukaran tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Belum ada pertemuan puncak sejak Kim menjadi moderat pada akhir 2011 setelah kematian ayahnya. Itu juga bisa menunjukkan kemajuan restart bahasan-bahasan nuklir internasional bahwa Korea Utara berjalan dari pada tahun 2009 setelah Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa mengutuknya untuk peluncuran roket jangka panjang."Cina terus memiliki pengaruh di Korea Utara," John Kirby, juru bicara US Department of State, mengatakan Kamis briefing di Washington. "Kami ingin melihat mereka menggunakan yang berpengaruh akhir yang lebih baik di semenanjung."‘Many Weapons’A report on the website of Phoenix TV this week said Liu’s trip was a significant gesture by China and would provide an important opportunity for better communication.Kim has touted a satellite launch in 2012 and North Korea’s third atomic test in 2013 as two of his most impressive achievements, flouting UN Security Council resolutions that ban it from developing ballistic and nuclear technology. He plans one of his country’s biggest military parades this weekend to showcase how its technology has advanced under his rule; and how he has strengthened his grip on power, partly through purges of other senior officials.“It’s very likely many weapons will be unveiled” and the parade is expected to be “large in scale,” Unification Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon Hee said Wednesday at a briefing in Seoul. In a previous parade in 2012, North Korea unveiled intercontinental ballistic missiles that some arms analysts dismissed as fake.North Korea has spent months assembling 800 tents, 700 trucks, 200 armored vehicles and drones at an airbase in Pyongyang ahead of the parade, according to 38 North, a Johns Hopkins University website, citing satellite images obtained on Oct. 6. Ballistic missile launchers and long-range self-propelled guns may be under a large temporary shelter on the outskirts of the training site, it said.UN SanctionsUntuk Cina, Liu kunjungan mencerminkan keseimbangan antara dukungan untuk sekutu dan yang frustrasi dengan Kim. Ini juga menyoroti keterbatasan masyarakat internasional telah dalam berurusan dengan dia, apakah itu adalah dengan rangsangan untuk berbicara atau tekanan untuk mengekang kebiasaannya. Di bawah Kim, rezim terus memajukan pengembangan senjata dan elit yang memiliki akses ke barang mewah.Dan meskipun sanksi diberlakukan oleh anggota PBB, termasuk China, Korea Utara telah mampu membangun fasilitas pengayaan uranium yang bisa memberikan jalur kedua untuk membangun bom, sebuah kapal selam yang mengklaim dapat meluncurkan rudal balistik, dan resor ski."Cina tidak mencegah penyelundupan perbatasan, mereka tidak benar-benar menindak perdagangan ke Korea Utara, mereka tidak mencegah barang-barang mewah dari datang," kata Robert Kelly, Profesor hubungan internasional di Pusan National University. "Para pemimpin China berusaha untuk mengirim sinyal-sinyal ini, 'kita sudah benar-benar marah dengan Anda', tetapi tidak benar-benar telah ada tindakan nyata menghukum."Choe Ryong HaeChoe Ryong HaePhotograrpher: Ivan Sekretarev/AP fotoXi mengirim kelima-peringkat resmi Partai kontras dengan Kim pengiriman salah satu deputinya, Choe Ryong Hae, untuk parade militer di Beijing bulan lalu. Namun, Liu senior cukup untuk menunjukkan Kim karena menghormati, kata Lee Ji Yong, yang melacak hubungan Asia Timur laut di berafiliasi dengan pemerintah Korea diplomatik Akademi nasional di Seoul."This is an important opportunity for North Korea,” said Shi Yongming, an associate research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing. “China is playing the good cop while the U.S. is the bad cop, but both of them want to bring the North back to the negotiation table, although their means and ultimate goals might differ. Pyongyang cannot afford to turn its back to both
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