Next morn­ing, the com­posed de­sign , to con­tinue to work.Ac­tu­ally terjemahan - Next morn­ing, the com­posed de­sign , to con­tinue to work.Ac­tu­ally Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Next morn­ing, the com­posed de­sig

Next morn­ing, the com­posed de­sign , to con­tinue to work.
Ac­tu­ally I do not have what thoughts play­ing the host west, has given sev­eral col­leagues the mat­ter com­pletely, one­self ran to look at the home­page, was good be­cause of sev­eral col­leagues also knows that who I was, knows that I was bored came the help, do not count on that I can cre­ate in­come for the com­pany, and I did not have the wages, was equal to a vol­un­tary worker.
At the forum, blew out major BOSS in­tro­duced sim­ply, string of Qin Ge 2 nd big BOSS var­i­ous god, is in Zhu Shen ex­celled at the tem­pera­ment the fairy maiden, falls from the sky later be­comes for­mi­da­ble dead souls in pur­ga­tory, by the dark blue bil­lows was dis­cov­ered, has cap­tured her god­ship, por­trays a fairy­hood god­ship to give her, made this qin song turn into the pri­mary as­sis­tant of dark blue bil­lows.
The greedy de­sire drinks the fire, this is also strong BOSS, the ul­ti­mate ma­nip­u­la­tor of flame.
Trial was an an­tiq­uity order pro­tec­tor.
Mas­ti­ca­tor Stella was a pre­his­toric big game, the biggest hobby also has nat­u­rally chewed, was about that kind that swal­lowed.
End gen­eral mood of so­ci­ety Bao Lei draws, this is BOSS that passes through, came from some Yu po­ten­tial sur­face end the world, ex­cels at the elec­tro­mag­netic of­fen­sive, will look at the in­tro­duc­tion very likely is a fe­male in the fu­ture the sol­dier.
In 11 BOSS, only the in­tro­duc­tion is the flaw, one page does not have.
I sit in front of the com­puter, can­not be calm for a very long time, as if more and more signs in­di­cated that this BOSS was wears, but after being cap­tured the con­science, wore can also re-en­ter Tian Ling Em­pire?
Even if wears re-en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire, the host of this Tian Ling Em­pire is she, is the shal­low for­est?
Thinks of here, I started to have a headache, if wore re-en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire to com­pete for the throne with the shal­low for­est, whom my this did hold the spear to help greatly?
Looked again has met the forum, dis­cov­ered many Chi­nese play­ers al­ready be­fore the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory map has not opened, did not turn over to sea and other re­gions to build up in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, gave the eu­phemistic name of „pan­ning for gold”, the real in­ten­tion was many peo­ple had planned that fished „epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment” on the new dif­fer­ent demon king, end gen­eral mood of so­ci­ety Bao Lei drew guards the death plain and greedy de­sire to drink the fire to guard Asura, these two big BOSS be­came the goals that the player cov­eted, and mir­ror image had a look at iron skull city and high­est heaven city and Ze deep pool city and other servers, as if many play­ers were also cov­et­ing the new dif­fer­ent demon king, Planned that fished the gold.
And to guard the west­ern bound­ary treaty of al­liance play­ers in iron skull city to be warmest, or­ga­niz­ing at least over a mil­lion peo­ple to plan that de­pended upon the huge-crowd strat­egy to kill BOSS, the good and bad for­tune is dif­fi­cult to pre­dict
But har­mo­niously is the In­dian server, the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city was the sys­tem of dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, they are im­pos­si­ble to kill the dif­fer­ent demon king, the ac­tu­ally clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to con­sider that one kills the shal­low for­est and Lin Qiong, to wish sea these BOSS, per­haps can also gain to a mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and so on, but the epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment has been hope­less mostly, I did not think that on who Tian Ling Em­pire NPC can have the epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Next morn­ing, the com­posed de­sign , to con­tinue to work.Ac­tu­ally I do not have what thoughts play­ing the host west, has given sev­eral col­leagues the mat­ter com­pletely, one­self ran to look at the home­page, was good be­cause of sev­eral col­leagues also knows that who I was, knows that I was bored came the help, do not count on that I can cre­ate in­come for the com­pany, and I did not have the wages, was equal to a vol­un­tary worker.At the forum, blew out major BOSS in­tro­duced sim­ply, string of Qin Ge 2 nd big BOSS var­i­ous god, is in Zhu Shen ex­celled at the tem­pera­ment the fairy maiden, falls from the sky later be­comes for­mi­da­ble dead souls in pur­ga­tory, by the dark blue bil­lows was dis­cov­ered, has cap­tured her god­ship, por­trays a fairy­hood god­ship to give her, made this qin song turn into the pri­mary as­sis­tant of dark blue bil­lows.The greedy de­sire drinks the fire, this is also strong BOSS, the ul­ti­mate ma­nip­u­la­tor of flame.Trial was an an­tiq­uity order pro­tec­tor.Mas­ti­ca­tor Stella was a pre­his­toric big game, the biggest hobby also has nat­u­rally chewed, was about that kind that swal­lowed.End gen­eral mood of so­ci­ety Bao Lei draws, this is BOSS that passes through, came from some Yu po­ten­tial sur­face end the world, ex­cels at the elec­tro­mag­netic of­fen­sive, will look at the in­tro­duc­tion very likely is a fe­male in the fu­ture the sol­dier.In 11 BOSS, only the in­tro­duc­tion is the flaw, one page does not have.I sit in front of the com­puter, can­not be calm for a very long time, as if more and more signs in­di­cated that this BOSS was wears, but after being cap­tured the con­science, wore can also re-en­ter Tian Ling Em­pire?Even if wears re-en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire, the host of this Tian Ling Em­pire is she, is the shal­low for­est?Thinks of here, I started to have a headache, if wore re-en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire to com­pete for the throne with the shal­low for­est, whom my this did hold the spear to help greatly?Looked again has met the forum, dis­cov­ered many Chi­nese play­ers al­ready be­fore the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory map has not opened, did not turn over to sea and other re­gions to build up in cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den, gave the eu­phemistic name of „pan­ning for gold”, the real in­ten­tion was many peo­ple had planned that fished „epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment” on the new dif­fer­ent demon king, end gen­eral mood of so­ci­ety Bao Lei drew guards the death plain and greedy de­sire to drink the fire to guard Asura, these two big BOSS be­came the goals that the player cov­eted, and mir­ror image had a look at iron skull city and high­est heaven city and Ze deep pool city and other servers, as if many play­ers were also cov­et­ing the new dif­fer­ent demon king, Planned that fished the gold.And to guard the west­ern bound­ary treaty of al­liance play­ers in iron skull city to be warmest, or­ga­niz­ing at least over a mil­lion peo­ple to plan that de­pended upon the huge-crowd strat­egy to kill BOSS, the good and bad for­tune is dif­fi­cult to pre­dict
But har­mo­niously is the In­dian server, the seven lu­mi­nar­ies city was the sys­tem of dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, they are im­pos­si­ble to kill the dif­fer­ent demon king, the ac­tu­ally clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to con­sider that one kills the shal­low for­est and Lin Qiong, to wish sea these BOSS, per­haps can also gain to a mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and so on, but the epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment has been hope­less mostly, I did not think that on who Tian Ling Em­pire NPC can have the epic poem mag­i­cal in­stru­ment.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Keesokan paginya, desain tersusun, untuk terus bekerja.
Sebenarnya saya tidak memiliki pengalaman bermain host barat apa, telah memberikan beberapa rekan masalah ini benar-benar, diri berlari untuk melihat homepage, baik karena beberapa rekan juga tahu bahwa yang aku, tahu bahwa saya bosan datang bantuan, tidak mengandalkan bahwa saya dapat membuat pendapatan bagi perusahaan, dan saya tidak memiliki upah, itu sama dengan seorang pekerja sukarela.
pada forum tersebut, meniup BOSS utama diperkenalkan hanya , string Qin Ge 2 nd besar BOSS berbagai dewa, di Zhu Shen unggul di temperamen peri gadis, jatuh dari langit kemudian menjadi jiwa-jiwa orang mati yang tangguh di api penyucian, dengan ombak biru tua ditemukan, telah menangkap godship nya, menggambarkan a godship fairyhood untuk memberinya, membuat lagu qin ini berubah menjadi asisten utama pemecah biru gelap.
keinginan serakah minum api, ini juga BOSS kuat, manipulator akhir dari api.
Percobaan adalah pelindung agar kuno.
Masticator Stella adalah pertandingan besar prasejarah, hobi terbesar juga secara alami dikunyah, adalah tentang jenis yang yang tertelan.
End suasana umum masyarakat Bao Lei menarik, ini adalah BOSS yang melewati, berasal dari beberapa potensi permukaan Yu mengakhiri dunia, unggul di elektromagnetik ofensif, akan melihat pendahuluan sangat mungkin adalah perempuan di masa depan prajurit.
pada 11 BOSS, hanya pengenalan yang cacat, satu tidak memiliki.
aku duduk di depan komputer, tidak bisa tenang untuk waktu yang lama waktu, karena jika semakin banyak tanda-tanda menunjukkan bahwa BOSS ini memakai, tapi setelah ditangkap hati nurani, mengenakan dapat juga memasukkan kembali Tian Ling Empire?
Bahkan jika memakai-masuk kembali Tian Ling Empire, tuan rumah ini Tian Ling Empire dia, adalah hutan dangkal?
berpikir dari sini, saya mulai merasakan sakit kepala, jika mengenakan kembali memasuki Tian Ling Empire bersaing untuk tahta dengan hutan yang dangkal, yang ini saya lakukan memegang tombak untuk membantu sangat?
Tampak lagi memiliki bertemu forum, ditemukan banyak pemain Cina sudah sebelum berbeda peta wilayah setan belum dibuka, tidak berpaling ke laut dan daerah lain untuk membangun di dingin tanah Dragon den digarap, memberi nama eufimistis dari "mendulang emas", yang niat yang sebenarnya banyak orang telah merencanakan bahwa memancing "epik puisi instrumen ajaib" dari raja baru iblis yang berbeda, mengakhiri suasana umum masyarakat Bao Lei menarik penjaga kematian polos dan serakah keinginan untuk minum api untuk menjaga Asura, dua BOSS besar ini menjadi tujuan bahwa pemain didambakan, dan gambar cermin telah melihat kota besi tengkorak dan kota surga tertinggi dan Ze dalam kota kolam renang dan server lain, seolah-olah banyak pemain juga mengingini raja iblis yang berbeda baru, Planned yang memancing emas.
dan untuk menjaga perjanjian batas barat pemain aliansi di besi kota tengkorak menjadi hangat, mengatur setidaknya lebih dari satu juta orang untuk rencana yang bergantung pada strategi besar-orang untuk membunuh BOSS, nasib baik dan buruk sulit untuk memprediksi
Tapi harmonis adalah server India, kota tujuh tokoh-tokoh adalah sistem wilayah iblis yang berbeda, mereka tidak mungkin untuk membunuh raja iblis yang berbeda, murid benar-benar jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam untuk mempertimbangkan salah satu yang membunuh hutan dangkal dan Lin Qiong, berharap laut BOSS ini , mungkin juga bisa mendapatkan untuk instrumen magis dan sebagainya, tetapi puisi instrumen magis epik telah putus asa sebagian besar, saya tidak berpikir bahwa siapa Tian Ling Empire NPC dapat memiliki puisi instrumen magis epik.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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