The U.S. Water Trade Mission to India to secure the entry of U.S.-base terjemahan - The U.S. Water Trade Mission to India to secure the entry of U.S.-base Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The U.S. Water Trade Mission to Ind

The U.S. Water Trade Mission to India to secure the entry of U.S.-based corporations into the lucrative Indian water market has Indian water activists seething.
Despite the failure of private water providers to deliver expected results or improve equitable access to water, the U.S. continues to try and export the idea that private companies are best poised to deliver water in the 21st century. Its latest attempt to do so is the U.S. Water Trade Mission to India, a move that has Indian water activists seething.

In a petition organized by the Peoples’ Campaign for Right to Water-Karnataka, the activists appeal for the mission to leave, noting, “Instead of responding to the basic water needs of people…successive state governments [since] the late 90s have been happily signing up one project or another with international banks and foreign governments to privatize every aspect of their constitutional responsibility of providing clean potable drinking water to all.” In an email sent out by another group, Pani Haq Samiti Mumbai, the mission is a “clear plan to convert basic human need of domestic water into business product and privatize the water distribution and treatment processes presently handled by local public bodies.” The group is organizing a massive protest of the mission on March 3.

The stated objective of the trade mission is to secure the entry of U.S.-based corporations into the lucrative Indian water market, estimated at $50 billion. This mission follows on the heels of years of investment by USAID in water sector reforms that have laid the groundwork for private sector participation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The U.S. Water Trade Mission to India to secure the entry of U.S.-based corporations into the lucrative Indian water market has Indian water activists seething.
Despite the failure of private water providers to deliver expected results or improve equitable access to water, the U.S. continues to try and export the idea that private companies are best poised to deliver water in the 21st century. Its latest attempt to do so is the U.S. Water Trade Mission to India, a move that has Indian water activists seething.

In a petition organized by the Peoples’ Campaign for Right to Water-Karnataka, the activists appeal for the mission to leave, noting, “Instead of responding to the basic water needs of people…successive state governments [since] the late 90s have been happily signing up one project or another with international banks and foreign governments to privatize every aspect of their constitutional responsibility of providing clean potable drinking water to all.” In an email sent out by another group, Pani Haq Samiti Mumbai, the mission is a “clear plan to convert basic human need of domestic water into business product and privatize the water distribution and treatment processes presently handled by local public bodies.” The group is organizing a massive protest of the mission on March 3.

The stated objective of the trade mission is to secure the entry of U.S.-based corporations into the lucrative Indian water market, estimated at $50 billion. This mission follows on the heels of years of investment by USAID in water sector reforms that have laid the groundwork for private sector participation.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
AS Water Misi Dagang ke India untuk mengamankan masuknya perusahaan yang berbasis di AS ke pasar air India yang menguntungkan telah aktivis air mendidih India.
Meskipun kegagalan penyedia air swasta untuk memberikan hasil yang diharapkan atau meningkatkan pemerataan akses terhadap air, AS terus mencoba dan mengekspor gagasan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan swasta terbaik siap untuk memberikan air di abad ke-21. Upaya terbaru untuk melakukannya adalah US Air Misi Dagang ke India, sebuah langkah yang memiliki aktivis air mendidih India. Dalam petisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Kampanye Rakyat untuk Hak atas Air-Karnataka, para aktivis memohon misi untuk pergi, mencatat , "Daripada menanggapi kebutuhan air dasar orang ... pemerintah negara bagian berturut-turut [karena] akhir tahun 90an telah bahagia mendaftar satu proyek atau lain dengan bank-bank internasional dan pemerintah asing untuk memprivatisasi setiap aspek tanggung jawab konstitusionalnya menyediakan minum minum bersih air untuk semua. "Dalam sebuah email yang dikirim oleh kelompok lain, Pani Haq Samiti Mumbai, misi adalah" rencana yang jelas untuk mengubah kebutuhan dasar manusia dari air domestik menjadi produk bisnis dan memprivatisasi proses distribusi air dan pengobatan saat ini ditangani oleh masyarakat lokal tubuh. "Kelompok ini menyelenggarakan protes besar-besaran dari misi pada 3 Maret. Tujuan yang dinyatakan dari misi dagang adalah untuk mengamankan masuknya perusahaan yang berbasis di AS ke pasar air India menguntungkan, diperkirakan sebesar $ 50 miliar. Misi ini mengikuti pada tumit tahun investasi oleh USAID dalam reformasi sektor air yang telah meletakkan dasar bagi partisipasi sektor swasta.

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